gain ground
verb as in make progress
Example Sentences
Some of its 40 members represent seats in the north of England and Midlands which were once Labour heartlands but where first the Conservatives, and now Reform, have been gaining ground.
Still, the once controversial theory has been gaining ground among some intelligence agencies.
While his party has largely been viewed as a threat to the Conservatives, in recent weeks it has been gaining ground on both Labour and the Tories in opinion polls.
Ted Hill's rampaging run helped gain ground for Barbeary to power over, before De Glanville try further quietened the Dublin crowd after Finn Russell's kick through had caused havoc in the Leinster defence.
For the pilots, even as they gain ground against the fires, there is no quick end in sight.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.