move onward
verb as in advance
verb as in go by
Weak matches
Example Sentences
Rzeszow’s population of about 180,000 swelled to more than 350,000 during that period, although more recent months have seen many thousands return to Ukraine or move onward to other cities in Poland.
But I never doubted for a moment that Santos would move onward toward being seated and that the incoming Republican House majority would allow it.
At best, we only hope to laugh and move onward.
“I strongly feel they need a new voice to continue to evolve. That’s it. No philosophical differences, no other reason. After eight years, I just feel it is time to move onward. I needed to take time to detach after the season and make sure this was the right decision.”
And everyone tried their best to move onward.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.