noun as in boiled meal
Weak matches
noun as in sentimentality
Weak matches
noun as in drivel
Strong matches
Example Sentences
She comes off one way, but inside, I think she's a ball of mush somewhere – you have to peel back the layers and the layers and the layers.
The mere sight of a yellow and black jersey turned their composure to mush.
But it would have been comforting to squeeze something tightly, like a sword hilt, instead of squishing a handful of figs into a sloppy mush.
Right before lunch I go to the boys’ room at school and mush the putty through my hair until it stands on end all over my head.
Sled dog teams also played an important role in connecting Alaska to the outside world as postal carriers mushed on their routes before airplanes took over.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.