adverb as in frequently
Strongest matches
adverb as in often
Strongest matches
Strong match
adverb as in repeatedly
Strongest matches
Weak matches
Example Sentences
And in recent years, the oftentimes absurd incursion of loanwoards has become satirized in popular culture, with speech that needlessly shoehorns English in at every turn pejoratively referred to as “voguespeak” or “Pangyo dialect.”
“You have a regulatory system that is oftentimes very voluntary and suspect to begin with becoming more so during the event,” Elliott told Salon in a phone interview.
“Kids have all kinds of emotions. They can be happy-go-lucky, but oftentimes they get angry or frustrated. This season, we feature some of those things. We don’t shy away from it.”
“I appreciate what they do. … But on the other hand, I think sometimes, oftentimes, you know, they’re representing people who are factually guilty.”
And oftentimes, if something wasn't quite right, we would send them videos.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.