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View definitions for ostracized


adjective as in banished

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A decorated prosecutor, Lewin normally handles cold cases for the Major Crimes Division but had been ostracized for years as he engaged in a bitter and public feud with former Dist.

Kim Sang-wook, a PPP lawmaker who has been one such dissenting voice, recently revealed that he had been ostracized by senior party members, one of whom pressured him to quit the party.

Statements about dangerous immigrants are all part of a “very crass political calculation” designed to turn them into “hate objects so they can then be attacked and ostracized,” Mercieca said.

Immediately ostracized by the students for her green pigmentation, Elphaba explodes with fury when her sister is abruptly removed from her care.

After that meeting, he said, he was ostracized.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


