adjective as in unique; private
Strongest matches
confined, deserted, detached, hidden, lonely, outlying, remote, secluded, segregated, unusual
Weak matches
abnormal, alone, anomalous, apart, backwoods, exceptional, incommunicado, lonesome, off the beaten track, out-of-the-way, random, solitary, special, unaccompanied, unfrequented, unrelated, untypical
Example Sentences
"At times, it can feel like the world is filled with mistrust and misunderstanding, leaving many people feeling isolated and vulnerable during difficult times," writes Catherine in a foreword to her charity's report.
Mr Slack's experience of a near-miss is not an isolated incident.
I don’t think anybody’s doing that math because I don’t think it’s of great concern to them, partly because they too are isolated from being able to see what’s happening in their own system.
But the possibility for isolated showers will remain across the L.A.
The orientation programs operate in detention centers often located in isolated parts of the country, far from the cities where immigration attorneys and legal services programs are concentrated.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.