noun as in hand
noun as in trophy
verb as in feel
verb as in hold
Strong matches
verb as in palpate
Strong matches
verb as in pass off
verb as in pilfer
verb as in secrete
verb as in touch
Strong matches
Example Sentences
Feel free to send me your thoughts, because I’m happy to poll L.A. on the topic of palm tree prohibition.
Family celebrations in the shade of palm trees, with the wafting smell of roasting lamb.
“The palm trees were bending over like Miami in a hurricane.”
Toddy, for instance — a sweet, refreshing, vinegar-smelling drink made from the sap of palm trees in southern India — has been known since ancient times.
But longtime Mexico City denizens point out incongruities: the prevalence of palm trees, misnamed or nonexistent institutions, a court scene with a jury even though criminal jury trials do not exist here.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.