noun as in profit
verb as in get; help oneself to
Strongest matches
accept, arrest, capture, collect, earn, grab, have, hold, pick up, reach, receive, seize, win
Strong matches
abduct, acquire, attain, catch, clasp, clutch, collar, ensnare, entrap, grasp, grip, handle, obtain, overtake, prehend, reap, secure, snag, snatch, strike
Weak matches
carry off, carve out, gain possession, gather up, get hold of, haul in, lay hold of, pull in, take hold of, take in
verb as in steal
verb as in buy; reserve
verb as in endure
verb as in consume
verb as in accept, adopt; use
Strongest matches
bring, do, enjoy, have, include, like, make, perform, play, receive, serve, welcome, work
Strong matches
accommodate, admit, appropriate, assume, behave, effect, execute, exercise, exert, function, observe, operate, practice, react, relish, sense, treat, undertake, utilize
Weak matches
be aware of, deal with, delight in, enter upon, give access, let in, luxuriate in, put in practice, take in
verb as in understand
Strong matches
apprehend, assume, believe, catch, compass, comprehend, deem, experience, gather, grasp, imagine, observe, perceive, presume, reckon, regard, sense, suppose, suspect
Weak matches
be aware of, interpret as, look upon, see as, take in, think of as
verb as in win; be successful
Weak matches
verb as in carry, transport; accompany
verb as in captivate, enchant
verb as in require
verb as in subtract
verb as in cheat, deceive
verb as in contract, catch
Strong match
Weak matches
Example Sentences
“In this moment, all sides should give one another a bit of grace, perhaps even the benefit of the doubt, and take a breath.”
“Aligning the mission of the U.S. military to border security, combined with a national emergency declaration and all of this invasion rhetoric, taken to the extreme, could be completely unprecedented and transformative,” Jawetz said.
Ultimately, if you were to spend 30 years on that - particularly for the boys who weigh 700 to 800 kilos - it takes a toll on even the best designed joints.
Without specialist help, her desperate family regularly took Mollie to accident and emergency, with stabbing chest pains, which doctors said could be caused by her eating habits.
The draft law would also give more powers to the Public Sector Fraud Authority, giving it more time to investigate complex cases of fraud that took place during the pandemic.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.