verb as in act in answer to something
Strong matches
Weak matches
act in response, answer back, be in touch with, come back at, come in, feedback, feel for, field the question, get back to, get in touch, talk back
Example Sentences
That was clearly a huge personal and professional setback, but Burkle responded by finding more and different ways to advance his field and share his wisdom.
Anybody who watched James respond to every provocative question put to him in the aftermath of the trade could easily marvel at his willingness to give more than single-word cliche answers.
In a short post on Instagram, Palmer, who lives in the US, said she would not respond to specific allegations against her, but broadly denied them.
Jessie was referred to an advocacy firm by the council, but in June 2024 her case was closed after she asked for a new advocate but then didn't respond to further contact.
However, to Tshisikedi's frustration, none have matched their rhetoric with action and responded to Kinshasa's calls for sanctions and other tough measures.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.