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Definition for resolve

noun as in decision, determination

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Example Sentences

“Ideally, we would like to resolve this with the brothers,” Butswinksas said.

The actual number of people complaining about back billing is likely to be much higher because only cases that cannot be resolved by suppliers in the first instance get as far as the ombudsman.

From BBC

Many have expressed anger at the bank for failing to resolve the situation.

From BBC

While we tossed back margaritas at Mexico City, I resolved not to embarrass myself again by staring at the lead in my favorite television show sitting two booths over.

The standoff was eventually resolved, with buses carrying freed Palestinians finally leaving a West Bank prison as night fell.


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When To Use

What are other ways to say resolve?

To resolve is to show firmness of purpose: He resolved to ask for a promotion. To determine is to arrive at a conclusion after reasoning or observation: He determined that there was no available path to victory. To decide is to make up one’s mind as to what shall be done and the way to do it: He decided to go today.

From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


