Example Sentences
"The authorities failed to rescue her and the police only managed to retrieve her body after an hour and a half. There were no police officers around during the accident," he told AFP news agency.
As Catherine handed Lily-Rose back her banana the young girl threw it on the floor and the princess had to bend down to retrieve it.
In particular, he is looking forward to retrieving his family photos and his children’s sports trophies, items that are “irreplacable.”
Another audience member, who lost a car key that was in a house, asked officials how to get a tow truck into the closed-off burn site so she could retrieve her car.
The court heard her daughter got out from the passenger side before making her way to the rear door to retrieve a handbag which was on the back seat.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.