search high and low
verb as in dig
Example Sentences
We could search high and low and we’d probably find precisely zero people in America who voted for Trump because they wanted the U.S. to take control of Greenland.
“My family and friends have been helping me search high and low throughout my entire neighborhood and have gone door to door but we still haven’t found her,” she captioned her Instagram collection of Diamond Baby videos and pics.
Here’s a mentor explaining the importance of persistence: “Climb every mountain / Search high and low / Follow every byway / Every path you know.”
In fact, the more cramped your kitchen, the more important it is that you're able to access all of your key dining essentials and ingredients without having to search high and low every time you're about to prep a meal.
The net result is that new students aren’t rushing into the field, while families must search high and low for qualified help.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.