sign up
verb as in contract
Strong matches
verb as in draft
verb as in employ
verb as in engage
Strong matches
verb as in enter
verb as in hire
Strong matches
verb as in induct
verb as in join
verb as in muster
verb as in recruit
Strong matches
verb as in register
verb as in subscribe
verb as in volunteer
Strongest matches
Example Sentences
Baskerville also organized a sign-up sheet asking for volunteers to adopt families.
How to get involved: No sign-up required; just show up.
Watching footage of Smalls and his fellow volunteer organizers strategize against the virulently anti-union Amazon — manning sign-up tents in freezing weather, crashing coercive union-busting meetings, even giving away free weed — carries an extra resonance.
Fans must be Chuckmark certified to sit in this section, earning access only after completing a sign-up questionnaire.
Discord, a messaging app largely used by young gamers, has a freemium model – it is free to sign-up, but additional features, including access to games, come with a pricetag.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.