verb as in centralize
Strongest matches
Strong matches
accumulate, amalgamate, assemble, compact, concenter, condense, converge, focus, gather, incorporate, organize, systematize
verb as in order
Strong matches
adapt, adjust, align, alphabetize, array, catalogue, class, classify, codify, control, dispose, fix, formalize, furnish, group, index, line, locate, manage, marshal, neaten, normalize, pattern, range, regiment, regularize, regulate, right, routine, settle, space, standardize, systematize, tabulate, tidy
Weak matches
lay out, line up, methodize, put away, put to rights, set guidelines, set in order, sort out
verb as in shape
verb as in simplify
Strongest matches
Strong matches
abridge, analyze, chasten, decipher, disentangle, disinvolve, elucidate, explain, interpret, order, unscramble
Weak matches
boil down, break down, break it down, clean it up, clean up, clear up, cut the frills, draw a picture, get down to basics, get to the meat, hit the high spots, lay out, let daylight in, let sunlight in, make clear, make perfectly clear, make plain, put in a nutshell, put one straight, spell out
Example Sentences
On Tuesday, the government said it was also introducing a system that would enhance "pre-screening, strengthen security, and streamline passenger processing at entry points".
Yes, you want robust debate with trusted allies, but there has to be cohesion and a streamlined approach.
"Cierto is concerned that the push to streamline and reduce bureaucratic processes could lead to a program with less worker protections and less oversight."
The new rules include streamlining the building of ADUs on properties destroyed by fires and expediting the permitting process for temporary housing.
State and local leaders have ordered a streamlining of environmental reviews, permitting processes and other efforts to speed up the cleanup and other tasks to begin rebuilding.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.