noun as in hard try; fight to win
verb as in labor, work
verb as in fight, wrestle
Example Sentences
Last Spring, research from the Coram Family and Childcare charity showed parents struggling to find and afford childcare places.
Ideally, systemic shifts can help support people in their struggle of not having enough.
There will be no extra cash to help struggling Welsh universities, the Welsh government's higher education minister has warned.
One senior Whitehall figure describes her department as having "low morale and struggling to deliver".
When Lisicky was a gay adolescent, that work also provided solace to him through its attention to loneliness and struggle, nearly always threaded with hope.
When To Use
What are other ways to say struggle?
The noun struggle, when referring to a fight or contest of any kind, implies vigorous bodily effort or violent exertion: a hand-to-hand struggle. A brush is a brief encounter or skirmish: a brush with the law. Clash implies a direct and sharp collision between opposing parties, efforts, interests, etc.: a clash of opinions.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.