noun as in knot, confusion
verb as in knot, complicate
Strong matches
Example Sentences
It’s hypothesized that accumulation of cholesterol in the brain cells of Alzheimer's patients directly leads to the formation of tangles of tau and amyloid plaques.
The answer in part shows the tangled web of personalities and businesses drawn into the dispute, and the confluence of legal and public relations strategies at play.
Williams started opening residential facilities in the San Fernando Valley to care for patients in the 1980s, at times tangling with Medi-Cal officials who raised concerns about regulatory requirements.
So it's just as well they also get tangled up in their fair share of mishaps, blunders and own goals every year.
Tiddy Mun was a bog spirit who dwelt in the waterholes and came out in the evenings when the mists rose, dressed in grey, with white hair and a long tangled beard.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.