noun as in disagreement or fight, often brief
Strongest matches
Strong matches
verb as in hit with a loud noise
verb as in fight about, often verbally
verb as in do not match
Strongest match
Weak matches
Example Sentences
Last weekend saw violence as dozens of Yoon's supporters clashed with law enforcers and broke into another court house.
They represent the clash between lawful good and chaotic evil, and how there cannot be one without the other.
He repeatedly clashed with co-star Kameelah Phillips, calling her a “b—” and at one point likening her to Hitler because she expressed pride in her Black identity.
They would go on to create popular miniature figures that players around the world collect, paint and battle in complex tabletop clashes.
Thousands of protesters have been arrested and many injured in clashes with the police.
When To Use
What are other ways to say clash?
The noun clash implies a direct and sharp collision between opposing parties, efforts, interests, etc.: a clash of opinions. Struggle implies vigorous bodily effort or violent exertion: a hand-to-hand struggle. A brush is a brief encounter or skirmish: a brush with the law.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.