Example Sentences
England, however, must park a bitterly disappointing second-half display and switch focus quickly to facing France, who opened their tournament with a thumping win over Wales on Friday night.
And for Home Secretary Yvette Cooper – who joins us on Sunday's show – a number of tricky and emotive issues have landed with a thump on her desk.
"I am certain that Alexander Lukashenko will win a thumping victory. But even if he wins and I don't, the Communists will be the winners," responds Mr Syrankov.
While other nominated films like “The Brutalist” and “Conclave” had decently memorable arrangements, there’s no denying that Reznor and Ross’ thumping beats were some of the most thrilling original compositions at the movies last year.
His house was fine, he said, as helicopters thumped overhead and a long convoy of emergency vehicles raced by, sirens blaring.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.