noun as in belief in something as true, trustworthy
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in responsibility, custody
Strongest matches
noun as in large company
Strongest matches
Weak matches
verb as in believe, place confidence in
Example Sentences
She adds, “I think I’m still the same person I would have been if I had a loving relationship with my mother. I just would have been a lot more trusting probably.”
They are intended to build trust between immigrant communities, police and other government institutions by enabling undocumented people to report crimes and access essential services without fear of deportation.
And along the way, Sherwood said, something remarkable happened: The neighbors, mostly friendly, but often distant, got to know one another better and began to trust and rely on each other.
Instead of feeling brow-beaten, they are invited to trust what their own eyes and ears are telling them.
The trust has declined to answer any further questions, which it said would be dealt with as part of the internal review.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is another word for trust?
There may not be a substitute for trust in life, but there are a few different terms that can sometimes be used to replace the word.
Trust is a form of confidence. Saying that you have trust in someone is often the same as saying you have confidence in them or that you place your hope or faith in them. Trust is often a firm belief that someone or something won’t let you down.
Trust is also a verb meaning to have such confidence. To trust someone in this way is often to rely on, count on, depend on, or even believe in them. Having someone you can trust is having someone you can turn to.
When two people trust each other, they can be said to have a mutual trust.
The word trustworthiness is the noun form of the adjective trustworthy, which describes someone who has earned your trust. Someone who has trust in someone else can be described as trusting. Sometimes, this can imply that the person trusts others too easily. A similar (but less common) word is trustful.
As a verb, trust can also mean something like presume, as in I trust we won’t have any problems here.
What is another word for a lack of trust?
A lack of trust is the absence of trust. Saying that there is a lack of trust may mean that there is no trust at all or that someone or something falls short of full trust.
The opposite of trust is distrust. (The word mistrust often means the same thing but is less commonly used.)
You may have doubts, misgivings, suspicions, or skepticism about someone or something that you distrust.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.