noun as in indirection
Weak matches
- artifice
- bunk
- cheating
- chicane
- chicanery
- corruption
- craft
- craftiness
- criminality
- crookedness
- cunning
- deceit
- deviousness
- dishonesty
- double-dealing
- duplicity
- faithlessness
- falsehood
- falsity
- flimflam
- fourberie
- fraud
- fraudulence
- graft
- guile
- hanky-panky
- hocus-pocus
- improbity
- infamy
- infidelity
- insidiousness
- mendacity
- perfidiousness
- perfidy
- racket
- rascality
- shadiness
- sharp practice
- shiftiness
- slyness
- sneakiness
- stealing
- swindle
- treachery
- trickery
- trickiness
- unscrupulousness
- wiliness
Example Sentences
Ah yes, the Episode 3 scene when Hal admits to some emotional underhandedness, and Kate decides to fight him, very awkwardly.
For my grandmother, his greatest offense would have been his underhandedness: she was about nothing if not being aboveboard.
But of course, then the second meaning has to do with when you go into public service, whether you’re a career employee or whether you’re a political appointee going in to serve your government, that this should not be the experience that people are exposed to, the environment of personal attacks, the underhandedness and the sabotage of people trying to do their jobs.
The terrible story of how Enquirer die-hards Tony Brenna and Larry Haley secured a “confession” of culpability from Cathy Smith in the overdose death of John Belushi, for example, is a nightmarish example of underhandedness that should make every honest reporter want to take a shower after hearing.
These days, even Nixon’s underhandedness begins to look upstanding.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.