up above
adjective as in aerial
Strong match
Example Sentences
Last year at this time, the snowpack in California was at 28% of its year-to-date average, but ended up above average for the year.
John Robinson is now on the coaching staff for the team up above along with his childhood friend, John Madden.
“And the fact that the fish are going up above the dams now, to the most prolific spawning and rearing habitat in North America, it definitely shines a very bright light on the future. Because with those dams in place, we were looking at extinction. We were looking at dead fish.”
"We have a radar transmitter sitting on the ground, a small tag attached to the back of the bee in between where the wings attach like a little rucksack and a receiver that's carried on a drone flying up above," Dr Lander explained.
Despite being champion and going against tradition, he walked first to the ring to jeers as fireworks shot up above the iconic Wembley arches.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.