adjective as in aerial
Example Sentences
The FAA, after investigating the complaint, made a preliminary determination that the council had violated federal rules that require the city to make its airports publicly available “without unjust discrimination” against aeronautical activities.
“Those diatoms in that diatomite is what gives rise to the oil in Los Angeles” and the automobile and aeronautical industries, Hendy said.
Raised in an upper-middle-class home in Redondo Beach, the daughter of an aeronautical engineer, Fromme was kicked out of her house as a teenager and met Manson on Venice Beach in 1967.
David Gold, Royal Mail's director of external affairs and policy, said the Red Arrows represented the UK globally and had "entertained us with spectacular displays of aeronautical excellence".
The phenomenon is believed to have been named by an aeronautical engineer who compared it to a traditional ice skating technique made popular in the Netherlands.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.