adjective as in flying
Example Sentences
“I was so aware that zooming or panning out will make people feel a certain way about seeing this person. I felt the responsibility.”
But it’s densely populated too, and that combination of pedestrian traffic and the cars zooming along the main arteries of Wilshire and Olympic boulevards and Third Street, takes a little bloom off the rose.
There was so much going on behind the scenes, including Cynthia Erivo zooming around driving the cast and teams around on the golf cart.
You can feel his brains whirring in every shot of “The Brutalist,” zooming as fast as his motif of POV shots from a speeding bus, train and gondola.
Ultimately, reframing the issue and zooming out can help counter the emotionally charged nature of these types of decisions that often lead to sunk cost fallacies.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.