IBM Redbooks for the z/VM audience

Last Updated: 9 January 2025

z/VM introductory RedBooks

z/VM Linux related RedBooks

z/VM platform features

Security related RedBooks

IBM Z hardware and architecture RedBooks relative for z/VM

Miscellaneous z/VM RedBooks

What are TCS Redbooks?

Those who have read TCS Redbooks can tell you the books are concise, tell-it-like-it-is documents published by an organization called the TCS, or Technical Content Services (formerly known as the International Technical Support Organization). You may also know that for each VM Redbook the most internationally skilled IBM experts available are flown to our strategic centers to collaborate, work with development, and experience the latest hardware and software. Then, while documenting their findings, they meld the insight only field experience can provide into each easy to understand page. No other IBM publication is created this way.

The TCS has several Redbooks covering the VM software platform. They contain information useful for the system programmer, technical expert, or end-user on a variety of topics. You'll find they complement traditional IBM publications, and often provide a solution oriented single-source reference.

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