Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar

Date & Location

  • October 4, 2024
  • Valrose, Nice


10:30 - 10:40
Rafael Silva (PhD, Inria)

Flash presentation: Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence for Cardiac Monitoring

Cardiovascular diseases are a significant healthcare concern worldwide, but diagnosing and predicting outcomes remains challenging. Recent advancements in hardware combined with innovative AI methods offer new possibilities in this field. For example, the heart’s electrical activity can be measured non-invasively and analyzed by AI tools in real-time. This presentation will showcase some signal processing tools and AI algorithms developed for cardiac monitoring applications, along with an overview of the current challenges and other key considerations.

10:40 - 11:00
Eloise Da Cunha (PhD, UCA)

Speech-Based Detection of Motor and Physical Deficits in the geriatric population

Promoting physical activity among seniors is a global priority to extend healthy life expectancy. However, neurodegenerative diseases that involve motor disorders are among the leading causes of loss of autonomy. Early and targeted diagnosis is crucial for providing appropriate care, yet the current symptom-based classifications are too heterogeneous to predict individual symptom progression in the early stages. In this context, this study aims to explore the potential of data-driven acoustic and linguistic markers for the early detection of specific physical and motor deficits. A geriatric population with motor vulnerabilities underwent a complete physical and motor evaluation, alongside the collection of initial acoustic and linguistic markers, consisting of the recording of a one-minute spontaneous speech. The acoustic and linguistic data from this discourse, automatically collected, were analyzed using machine learning approaches to develop a predictive tool for motor and physical deficit detection based on speech parameters only. This approach would make motor frailty symptom detection earlier, more accessible, and more accurate, supporting personalized diagnoses and offering deeper insights into the connections between neurodegenerative pathophysiology and motor symptom progression. By linking motor function and speech, this study seeks to improve early diagnosis and personalized care, ultimately enhancing autonomy and quality of life in the geriatric population.

11:00 - 11:30
Valeriia Rezapova (PhD, UCA)

Computational analysis on mature osteoclast transcriptome revealed the existence of 3 osteoclast lineages with different functional, metabolic and regulatory properties

The bone-resorbing osteoclasts (OCLs) are diverse in their origin and function. Using scRNAseq of mature OCLs (5-6 nuclei) generated from the bone marrow (BM) of sham and ovariectomized (OVX) mice, we previously characterized the 2 most divergent OCL subsets by CD200 and CD16/32 expression and specific metabolic and functional properties that differ between sham and OVX conditions. However, the link between these subsets remains unclear. Thus, our aim was to further characterize these subsets by computational analysis to understand how they are connected.
Clusterization of integrated data revealed of 6 OCL clusters and velocity analysis confirmed presence of all clusters and absence of progenitors. Differential expression analysis highlighted unique markers for all clusters, Over-Representation analysis confirmed 6 OCL clusters having specific gene signature and differential association with various biological processes. Trajectory analysis (Slingshot) split them into 3 lineages with and lineages were associated with metabolisms and expression analysis results. Lineage1 was associated with high Fcgr2b/3 expression. Along lineage 1, pathway analysis showed decreased OxPhos and increased glycolytic capacity, high immune processes but low resorption association, confirming the functional properties we previously reported for CD16/32+ OCLs. Lineage 1 also associated with fusion and fission pathways. Lineage2 had high expression of CD200 and bone resorption markers, association with OxPhos processes but not with immune processes, and low fusion and fission prediction. Lineage3 consisted of CD200+ OCLs having less OxPhos potential compared to Lineage2, but higher resorption and immune capacities, and high association with fusion and fission markers.
The next step of analysis was performing the experiment of OCLs with 3-4, 5-6 nuclei and mononucleated progenitors from the same culture. Bone marrow of healthy mice was taken and proceed the same way as in case of sham OVX experiment, but cells with 1, 3-4 and 5-6 nuclei were sorted. This experiment will undercover the fusion and fission process in OCLs.
In conclusion, using computation methods, we have revealed the existence of 3 mature OCL lineages that differ in their metabolic and functional properties as well as fusion capacity, and regulatory mechanisms, thereby expanding our knowledge of OCL diversity. Further validation is needed, but this identification of the coexistence of 3 OCL lineages opens new perspectives for understanding the mechanisms involved in normal and pathological bone resorption and related to OCL differentiation and activity.

11:30 - 12:00

Open discussion about the two contributions


Event reserved for students and post-docs of the 3IA consortium members. ID check at the entrance of the site with visual bag inspection.

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Next Seminars:
November 9, 2024 (Inria, Sophia Antipolis)
December 6, 2024 (Inria, Sophia Antipolis)
Past Seminars

Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #37


  • Vincenzo Marciano (PhD, EURECOM) | Flash presentation
  • Mariam Grigoryan (PhD, Inria) | Identification of Molecular Patterns for Chemical Safety Assessment
  • Mathieu Carrière (Research Scientist, Inria) | Diffeomorphic interpolation for efficient topological optimization
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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #36


  • Pierpaolo Goffredo (PhD, CNRS - I3S) | Argument-based Detection and Classification of Fallacies in Political Debates
  • Célian Ringwald (PhD, Inria - I3S) | Impact of Syntaxes on Data Extraction with Language Models
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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #35


  • Edoardo Sarti (permanent researcher, INRIA) | Spectral partitioning into protein structural domains
  • Lucile Sassatelli (full professor, Université Côte d'Azur) | Visual objectification in films as a new AI task
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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #34


  • Gonzague Radureau (PhD, OCA) | A new high-performance computation method of the Eddington tensor in radiation hydrodynamics simulation
  • Stefan Sarkadi (KCL, INRIA) | Deceptive AI and Society
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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #31


  • Ryan Cotsakis (UniCA) | The extremal range: a local statistic for studying spatial extremes
  • Sara Frusone (UniCA) | Identifying spatiotemporal dispersion in catheter ablation of persistent atrial fibrillation: a comparative study of machine learning techniques using both real and realistic synthetic multipolar electrograms
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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #30


  • Francesco Galati (EURECOM) | A Single Model Strategy for Multi-Domain Cerebrovascular Segmentation
  • Luca Calatroni (CNRS, I3S) | Physics-inspired learning for fluctuation-based super-resolution microscopy
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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #29


  • Hava Chaptoukaev (EURECOM) | AI for e-health: Stress Identification from Multimodal Data
  • Louis Ohl (Inria) | Generalised mutual information (GEMINI) - A constellation of discriminative clustering models
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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #28


  • Matej Hladis (UniCA) Matching receptor to odorant with protein language and graph neural networks
  • Elena Di Bernardino (3IA chair, UniCA) | Geometry of excursion sets: a statistical and computational point of view
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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #27


  • Faisal Jayousi (CNRS)Geometric and statistical analysis of the extracellular matrix 
  • Oualid Zari (EURECOM) Privacy Attacks in Machine Learning and Defenses
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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #26


  • Nissim Maruani (Inria)VoroMesh: Learning Watertight Surface Meshes with Voronoi Diagrams
  • Julien Aubert (CNRS) On the convergence of the MLE as an estimator of the learning rate in the Exp3 algorithm
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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #25


  • Stefano Spaziani (CNRS) | Estimating the functional connectivity in the brain via a multiscale spike-LFP autoregressive model
  • Virginia d'Auria (invited researcher) | Quantum information science
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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #24


  • Zhijie Fang (Inria) Landmark detection via convolutional neural network
  • Josué Tchouanti (CNRS LJAD) Detection of neural synchronization and implication for neuroscience experimental design
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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #23


  • Thi Khuyen Le (Inria)Comparison of handcrafted radiomics and 3D-CNN models to diagnose striatal dopamine deficiency in Parkinsonian syndromes based on 18F-FDOPA PET images
  • Irene Balelli (external researcher - Inria) The search for causality in the analysis and modeling of biomedical data
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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #22


  • Valerya Strizhkova (Inria)Multi-View Video Masked Autoencoder for Emotion Recognition
  • Lucie Cadorel (invited outside 3IA - I3S & Inria)Geospatial Knowledge in Real Estate Listings : Extracting and Localizing Uncertain Spatial Information from Text
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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #21


  • David Loiseaux (Inria)Towards multiparameter persistent homology descriptors for machine learning
  • Alessandro Betti (Inria)Deep Learning to See
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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #20


  • Yacine Khacef (Université Côte d'Azur)High-Resolution Traffic Monitoring with Distributed Acoustic Sensing and AI
  • Daniel Inzunza (Inria)A PINN approach for traffic state estimation and model calibration based on loop detector flow data
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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #19


  • Lucia Innocenti (Inria) Analysis of Multi-centric AI-based frame-works in prostate segmentation
  • Riccardo Taiello (Inria) Privacy Preserving Image Registration

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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #18


  • Rémi Felin (UCA, I3S) | Optimizing the Computation of a Possibilistic Heuristic to Test OWL 2 SubClassOf Axioms Against RDF Data
  • Huiyu Li (Inria, Epione) | Data Stealing Attack on Medical Images: Is it Safe to Export Networks from Data Lakes?
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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #17


  • Benjamin Ocampo (UCA, I3S) | "We Need Two Poke Flutes to Wake You Up'' an In-depth Analysis of Implicit and Subtle Hate Speech Messages
  • Tong Zhao (Inria) | Progressive Discrete Domains for Implicit Surface Reconstruction

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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #16


  • Prof. Ludovic Dibiaggio | Introduction to the OTESIA institute
  • Daniel Inzunza (Inria) | PINNs approach for traffic model calibration
  • Angelo Rodio (Inria) | Resource-aware Federated Learning

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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #15


  • Andrea Castagnetti (UCA, LEAT) | Neural information coding for efficient spike-based image denoising
  • Christos Bountzouklis (UCA, LJAD) | Environmental factors affecting wildfire-burned areas in southeastern France

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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #14


  • Antonia Ettorre (UCA, I3S) | A systematic approach to identify the information captured by Knowledge Graph Embeddings
  • Victoriya Kashtanova (Inria) | Deep Learning Approach for Cardiac Electrophysiology Modeling

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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #13


  • Aude Sportisse (Inria) | Informative labels in Semi-Supervised Learning
  • Alexandra Würth (Inria) | Data driven traffic management by Macroscopic models

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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #12


  • Hind Dadoun (Inria) | AI-based Real Time Diagnosis of Abdominal Ultrasound Images
  • Victor Jung (UCA) | Checking Constraint Satisfaction

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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #11


  • Bogdan Kozyrskiy (EURECOM) | Binarization for Optical Processing Units via REINFORCE
  • Paul Tourniaire (Inria) | Attention-based Multiple Instance Learning for Histopathology

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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #10


  • Etrit Haxholli (Inria) | On the Estimation of Shape Parameters of Tails of Marginal Distributions
  • Cedric Vincent-Cuaz (UCA) | Semi-relaxed Gromov-Wasserstein divergence with applications on graphs

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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #9


  • Santiago Marro (CNRS) | Natural Language Argumentation Quality Assessment maps
  • Artem Muliukov (UCA) | Cortex-inspired multimodal AI approach based on self-organizing 

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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #8


  • Kristof Huszar (Inria) | Towards Efficient Algorithms in Computational Topology
  • Mauro Zucchelli (Inria) | Diffusion MRI based Brain Tissue Microstructure Characterization Using Autoencoder Neural-Networks

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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #7


  • Vasiliki Stergiopoulou (CNRS) | COL0RME: Super-Resolution Microscopy Based on the Localization of Sparse Blinking Fluorophores
  • Ali Ballout (UCA) | Predicting the Possibilistic Score of Atomic Candidate OWL Axioms

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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #6


  • Hugo Schmutz (Inria) | Towards safe deep semi-supervised learning
  • Amirhossein Tavakoli (MINES ParisTech) | Hybrid combinatorial optimization and machine learning algorithms for energy-efficient water network

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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #5


  • Ayse Unsal (Eurecom) | A Statistical Threshold for Adversarial Classification in Laplace Mechanisms
  • Ashwin James (CNRS) | Inference of choice granularity via learning model selection in a cognitive task 

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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #4


  • Mohsen Tabejamaat (Inria) | Conditional image generation using structural priors
  • William Hammersley (UCA) | Randomizing gradient descents on the space of probability measures
  • Athanasios Vasileiadis (UCA) | Exploration noise for Mean Field Games

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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #3


  • Amar Bouali (3IA Côte d'Azur) | Introduction to the Partnership and Innovation initiatives of 3IA Côte d'Azur
  • Antoine Collin (CNRS) | Automatic cell type annotation for cell atlas construction
  • Ziming Liu (Inria) | High-resolution Detection Network for Small Objects

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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #2


  • Aurélie Delort (3IA Côte d'Azur) | Presentation of the Education & Training program
  • Boris Shminke (CNRS) | Using Denoising Autoencoder for Cayley table completion task
  • Dingge Liang (Inria) | A Deep Latent Recommender System based on User Ratings and Reviews
  • Martijn Van Den Ende (UCA) | Fibre-optics, earthquakes, and a zebra: intelligent signal denoising with Deep Learning

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Doctoral & Postdoctoral Seminar #1