bib Proceedings of the 19th Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics Maosong Sun (孙茂松)
Sujian Li (李素建)
Yue Zhang (张岳)
Yang Liu (刘洋)
abs 基于规则的双重否定识别——以“不v1不v2”为例(Double Negative Recognition Based on Rules——Taking “不v1不v2” as an Example) Yu Wang (王昱)
abs 基于语料库的武侠与仙侠网络小说文体、词汇及主题对比分析(A Corpus-based Contrastive Analysis of Style, Vocabulary and Theme of Wuxia and Xianxia Internet Novels) Sanle Zhang (张三乐)
Pengyuan Liu (刘鹏远)
Hu Zhang (张虎)
abs 基于计量的百年中国人名用字性别特征研究(A Quantified Research on Gender Characteristics of Chinese Names in A Century) Bingjie Du (杜冰洁)
Pengyuan Liu (刘鹏远)
Yongsheng Tian (田永胜)
abs 伟大的男人和倔强的女人:基于语料库的形容词性别偏度历时研究(Great Males and Stubborn Females: A Diachronic Study of Corpus-Based Gendered Skewness in Chinese Adjectives) Shucheng Zhu (朱述承)
Pengyuan Liu (刘鹏远)
abs 用计量风格学方法考察《水浒传》的作者争议问题——以罗贯中《平妖传》为参照(Quantitive Stylistics Based Research on the Controversy of the Author of “Tales of the Marshes”: Comparing with “Pingyaozhuan” of Luo Guanzhong) Li Song (宋丽)
Ying Liu (刘颖)
abs 多轮对话的篇章级抽象语义表示标注体系研究(Research on Discourse-level Abstract Meaning Representation Annotation framework in Multi-round Dialogue) Tong Huang (黄彤)
Bin Li (李斌)
Peiyi Yan (闫培艺)
Tingting Ji (计婷婷)
Weiguang Qu (曲维光)
abs 基于抽象语义表示的汉语疑问句的标注与分析(Chinese Interrogative Sentences Annotation and Analysis Based on the Abstract Meaning Representation) Peiyi Yan (闫培艺)
Bin Li (李斌)
Tong Huang (黄彤)
Kairui Huo (霍凯蕊)
Jin Chen (陈瑾)
Weiguang Qu (曲维光)
abs 面向汉语作为第二语言学习的个性化语法纠错(Personalizing Grammatical Error Correction for Chinese as a Second Language) Shengsheng Zhang (张生盛)
Guina Pang (庞桂娜)
Liner Yang (杨麟儿)
Chencheng Wang (王辰成)
Yongping Du (杜永萍)
Erhong Yang (杨尔弘)
Yaping Huang (黄雅平)
abs 眼动记录与主旨结构标注的关联性分析研究(Research on the correlation between eye movement feature and thematic structure label) Haocong Shan (单昊聪)
Qiang Zhou (周强)
abs 汉语竞争类多人游戏语言中疑问句的形式与功能(The Form and Function of Interrogatives in Multi-party Chinese Competitive Game Conversation) Wenxian Zhang (张文贤)
Qi Su (苏琪)
abs 基于神经网络的连动句识别(Recognition of serial-verb sentences based on Neural Network) Chao Sun (孙超)
Weiguang Qu (曲维光)
Tingxin Wei (魏庭新)
Yanhui Gu (顾彦慧)
Bin Li (李斌)
Junsheng Zhou (周俊生)
abs 融合全局和局部信息的汉语宏观篇章结构识别(Combining Global and Local Information to Recognize Chinese Macro Discourse Structure) Yaxin Fan (范亚鑫)
Feng Jiang (蒋峰)
Xiaomin Chu (褚晓敏)
Peifeng Li (李培峰)
Qiaoming Zhu (朱巧明)
abs 基于图神经网络的汉语依存分析和语义组合计算联合模型(Joint Learning Chinese Dependency Parsing and Semantic Composition based on Graph Neural Network) Kai Wang (汪凯)
Mingtong Liu (刘明童)
Yuanmeng Chen (陈圆梦)
Yujie Zhang (张玉洁)
Jinan Xu (徐金安)
Yufeng Chen (陈钰枫)
abs 基于对话约束的回复生成研究(Research on Response Generation via Dialogue Constraints) Mengyu Guan (管梦雨)
Zhongqing Wang (王中卿)
Shoushan Li (李寿山)
Guodong Zhou (周国栋)
abs 多模块联合的阅读理解候选句抽取(Evidence sentence extraction for reading comprehension based on multi-module) Yu Ji (吉宇)
Xiaoyue Wang (王笑月)
Ru Li (李茹)
Shaoru Guo (郭少茹)
Yong Guan (关勇)
abs 面向垂直领域的阅读理解数据增强方法(Method for reading comprehension data enhancement in vertical field) Zhengwei Lv (吕政伟)
Lei Yang (杨雷)
Zhizhong Shi (石智中)
Xiao Liang (梁霄)
Tao Lei (雷涛)
Duoxing Liu (刘多星)
abs 融入对话上文整体信息的层次匹配回应选择(Learning Overall Dialogue Information for Dialogue Response Selection) Bowen Si (司博文)
Fang Kong (孔芳)
对话是一个顺序交互的过程,回应选择旨在根据已有对话上文选择合适的回应,是自然语言处理领域的研究热点。已有研究取得了一定的成功,但仍然存在两个突出的问题。一是现有的编码器在挖掘对话文本语义信息上尚存在不足;二是只考虑每一回合对话与备选回应之间的关系,忽视了对话上文的整体语义信息。针对问题一,本文借助多头自注意力机制有效捕捉对话文本的语义信息;针对问题二,整合对话上文的整体语义信息,分别从单词、句子以及整体对话上文三个层次与备选回应进行匹配,充分保证匹配信息的完整。在Ubuntu Corpus V1和Douban Conversation Corpus数据集上的对比实验表明了本文给出方法的有效性。
在人机对话中,系统需要通过意图分类判断用户意图,再触发相应的业务类型。由于多轮人机对话具有口语化、长文本和特征稀疏等特点,现有的文本分类方法在人机对话意图分类上还存在较大困难。本文在层次注意力网络(hierarchical attention networks, HAN)基础上,提出了一种结合话语伪标签注意力的层次注意力网络模型PLA-HAN (HAN with utterance pseudo label attention)。PLA-HAN通过优选伪标签集、构建单句话语意图识别模型以及设计话语伪标签注意力机制,识别单句话语意图伪标签,并计算话语伪标签注意力。进而将单句话语伪标签注意力嵌入到HAN的层级结构中,与HAN中的句子级别注意力相融合。融合了单句话语意图信息的句子级注意力使模型整体性能得到进一步的提升。我们在中国中文信息学会主办的“客服领域用户意图分类评测比赛”的评测语料上进行实验,实验结果证明PLA-HAN模型取得了优于HAN等对比方法的意图分类性能。
abs 基于BERTCA的新闻实体与正文语义相关度计算模型(Semantic Relevance Computing Model of News Entity and Text based on BERTCA) Junyi Xiang (向军毅)
Huijun Hu (胡慧君)
Ruibin Mao (毛瑞彬)
Maofu Liu (刘茂福)
目前的搜索引擎仍然存在“重形式,轻语义”的问题,无法做到对搜索关键词和文本的深层次语义理解,因此语义检索成为当代搜索引擎中亟需解决的问题。为了提高搜索引擎的语义理解能力,提出一种语义相关度的计算方法。首先标注金融类新闻标题实体与新闻正文语义相关度语料1万条,然后建立新闻实体与正文语义相关度计算的BERTCA(Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformers Co-Attention)模型,通过使用BERT预训练模型,综合考虑细粒度的实体和粗粒度的正文的语义信息,然后经过协同注意力,实现实体与正文的语义匹配,不仅能计算出金融新闻实体与新闻正文之间的相关度,还能根据相关度阈值来判定相关度类别,实验表明该模型在1万条标注语料上准确率超过95%,优于目前主流模型,最后通过具体搜索示例展现该模型的优秀性能。
abs 基于多任务学习的生成式阅读理解(Generative Reading Comprehension via Multi-task Learning) Jin Qian (钱锦)
Rongtao Huang (黄荣涛)
Bowei Zou (邹博伟)
Yu Hong (洪宇)
abs 基于BERT与柱搜索的中文释义生成(Chinese Definition Modeling Based on BERT and Beam Seach) Qinan Fan (范齐楠)
Cunliang Kong (孔存良)
Liner Yang (杨麟儿)
Erhong Yang (杨尔弘)
abs 基于深度学习的实体关系抽取研究综述(Review of Entity Relation Extraction based on deep learning) Zhentao Xia (夏振涛)
Weiguang Qu (曲维光)
Yanhui Gu (顾彦慧)
Junsheng Zhou (周俊生)
Bin Li (李斌)
abs 基于阅读理解框架的中文事件论元抽取(Chinese Event Argument Extraction using Reading Comprehension Framework) Min Chen (陈敏)
Fan Wu (吴凡)
Zhongqing Wang (王中卿)
Peifeng Li (李培峰)
Qiaoming Zhu (朱巧明)
abs 基于BERT的端到端中文篇章事件抽取(A BERT-based End-to-End Model for Chinese Document-level Event Extraction) Hongkuan Zhang (张洪宽)
Hui Song (宋晖)
Shuyi Wang (王舒怡)
Bo Xu (徐波)
abs 面向微博文本的融合字词信息的轻量级命名实体识别(Lightweight Named Entity Recognition for Weibo Based on Word and Character) Chun Chen (陈淳)
Mingyang Li (李明扬)
Fang Kong (孔芳)
abs 引入源端信息的机器译文自动评价方法研究(Research on Incorporating the Source Information to Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation) Qi Luo (罗琪)
Maoxi Li (李茂西)
abs “细粒度英汉机器翻译错误分析语料库”的构建与思考(Construction of Fine-Grained Error Analysis Corpus of English-Chinese Machine Translation and Its Implications) Bailian Qiu (裘白莲)
Mingwen Wang (王明文)
Maoxi Li (李茂西)
Cong Chen (陈聪)
Fan Xu (徐凡)
abs 基于跨语言双语预训练及Bi-LSTM的汉-越平行句对抽取方法(Chinese-Vietnamese Parallel Sentence Pair Extraction Method Based on Cross-lingual Bilingual Pre-training and Bi-LSTM) Chang Liu (刘畅)
Shengxiang Gao (高盛祥)
Zhengtao Yu (余正涛)
Yuxin Huang (黄于欣)
Congcong You (尤丛丛)
汉越平行句对抽取是缓解汉越平行语料库数据稀缺的重要方法。平行句对抽取可转换为同一语义空间下的句子相似性分类任务,其核心在于双语语义空间对齐。传统语义空间对齐方法依赖于大规模的双语平行语料,越南语作为低资源语言获取大规模平行语料相对困难。针对这个问题本文提出一种利用种子词典进行跨语言双语预训练及Bi-LSTM(Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory)的汉-越平行句对抽取方法。预训练中仅需要大量的汉越单语和一个汉越种子词典,通过利用汉越种子词典将汉越双语映射到公共语义空间进行词对齐。再利用Bi-LSTM和CNN(Convolutional Neural Networks)分别提取句子的全局特征和局部特征从而最大化表示汉-越句对之间的语义相关性。实验结果表明,本文模型在F1得分上提升7.1%,优于基线模型。
abs 基于子词级别词向量和指针网络的朝鲜语句子排序(Korean Sentence Ordering Based on Sub Word Level Word Vector and Pointer Network) Xiaodong Yan (闫晓东)
Xiaoqing Xie (解晓庆)
abs 基于统一模型的藏文新闻摘要(Abstractive Summarization of Tibetan News Based on Hybrid Model) Xiaodong Yan (闫晓东)
Xiaoqing Xie (解晓庆)
Yu Zou (邹煜)
Wei Li (李维)
abs 一种基于相似度的藏文词同现网络构建及特征分析(A Research on Construction and Feature Analysis of Similarity-based Tibetan Word Co-occurrence Networks) Dongzhou Jiayang (加羊东周)
Zhijie Cai (才智杰)
Zhuoma Cairang (才让卓玛)
Maocuo San (三毛措)
abs 面向中文AMR标注体系的兼语语料库构建及识别研究(Research on the Construction and Recognition of Concurrent corpus for Chinese AMR Annotation System) Wenhui Hou (侯文惠)
Weiguang Qu (曲维光)
Tingxin Wei (魏庭新)
Bin Li (李斌)
Yanhui Gu (顾彦慧)
Junsheng Zhou (周俊生)
abs 面向人工智能伦理计算的中文道德词典构建方法研究(Construction of a Chinese Moral Dictionary for Artificial Intelligence Ethical Computing) Hongrui Wang (王弘睿)
Chang Liu (刘畅)
Dong Yu (于东)
abs 汉语否定焦点识别研究:数据集与基线系统(Research on Chinese Negative Focus Identification: Dataset and Baseline) Jiaxuan Sheng (盛佳璇)
Bowei Zou (邹博伟)
Longxiang Shen (沈龙骧)
Jing Ye (叶静)
Yu Hong (洪宇)
abs 汉语学习者依存句法树库构建(Construction of a Treebank of Learner Chinese) Jialu Shi (师佳璐)
Xinyu Luo (罗昕宇)
Liner Yang (杨麟儿)
Dan Xiao (肖丹)
Zhengsheng Hu (胡正声)
Yijun Wang (王一君)
Jiaxin Yuan (袁佳欣)
Yu Jingsi (余婧思)
Erhong Yang (杨尔弘)
abs CDCPP:跨领域中文标点符号预测(CDCPP: Cross-Domain Chinese Punctuation Prediction) Pengyuan Liu (刘鹏远)
Weikang Wang (王伟康)
Likun Qiu (邱立坤)
Bingjie Du (杜冰洁)
abs 多目标情感分类中文数据集构建及分析研究(Construction and Analysis of Chinese Multi-Target Sentiment Classification Dataset) Pengyuan Liu (刘鹏远)
Yongsheng Tian (田永胜)
Chengyu Du (杜成玉)
Likun Qiu (邱立坤)
abs 基于Self-Attention的句法感知汉语框架语义角色标注(Syntax-Aware Chinese Frame Semantic Role Labeling Based on Self-Attention) Xiaohui Wang (王晓晖)
Ru Li (李茹)
Zhiqiang Wang (王智强)
Qinghua Chai (柴清华)
Xiaoqi Han (韩孝奇)
框架语义角色标注(Frame Semantic Role Labeling, FSRL)是基于FrameNet标注体系的语义分析任务。语义角色标注通常对句法有很强的依赖性,目前的语义角色标注模型大多基于双向长短时记忆网络Bi-LSTM,虽然可以获取句子中的长距离依赖信息,但无法很好获取句子中的句法信息。因此,引入self-attention机制来捕获句子中每个词的句法信息。实验结果表明,该模型在CFN(Chinese FrameNet,汉语框架网)数据集上的F1达到83.77%,提升了近11%。
abs 基于词语聚类的汉语口语教材自动推送素材研究(Study on Automatic Push Material of Oral Chinese Textbook Based on Word Clustering) Bingbing Yang (杨冰冰)
Huizhou Zhao (赵慧周)
Zhimin Wang (王治敏)
abs 基于半监督学习的中文社交文本事件聚类方法(Semi-supervised Method to Cluster Chinese Events on Social Streams) Hengrui Guo (郭恒睿)
Zhongqing Wang (王中卿)
Peifeng Li (李培峰)
Qiaoming Zhu (朱巧明)
abs 基于BiLSTM-CRF的社会突发事件研判方法(Social Emergency Event Judgement based on BiLSTM-CRF) Huijun Hu (胡慧君)
Cong Wang (王聪)
Jianhua Dai (代建华)
Maofu Liu (刘茂福)
abs 融入多尺度特征注意力的胶囊神经网络及其在文本分类中的应用(Incorporating Multi-scale Feature Attention into Capsule Network and its Application in Text Classification) Chaofan Wang (王超凡)
Shenggen Ju (琚生根)
Jieping Sun (孙界平)
Run Chen (陈润)
abs 结合深度学习和语言难度特征的句子可读性计算方法(The method of calculating sentence readability combined with deep learning and language difficulty characteristics) Yuling Tang (唐玉玲)
Dong Yu (于东)
abs 基于预训练语言模型的案件要素识别方法(A Method for Case Factor Recognition Based on Pre-trained Language Models) Haishun Liu (刘海顺)
Lei Wang (王雷)
Yanguang Chen (陈彦光)
Shuchen Zhang (张书晨)
Yuanyuan Sun (孙媛媛)
Hongfei Lin (林鸿飞)
abs 汉英篇章衔接对齐语料构建研究(Research on the Construction of Chinese-English Discourse Cohesion Alignment Corpus) Yancui Li (李艳翠)
Jike Feng (冯继克)
Chunxiao Lai (来纯晓)
Hongyu Feng (冯洪玉)
abs Cross-Lingual Dependency Parsing via Self-Training Meishan Zhang
Yue Zhang
Recent advances of multilingual word representations weaken the input divergences across languages, making cross-lingual transfer similar to the monolingual cross-domain and semi-supervised settings. Thus self-training, which is effective for these settings, could be possibly beneficial to cross-lingual as well. This paper presents the first comprehensive study for self-training in cross-lingual dependency parsing. Three instance selection strategies are investigated, where two of which are based on the baseline dependency parsing model, and the third one adopts an auxiliary cross-lingual POS tagging model as evidence. We conduct experiments on the universal dependencies for eleven languages. Results show that self-training can boost the dependency parsing performances on the target languages. In addition, the POS tagger assistant instance selection can achieve further improvements consistently. Detailed analysis is conducted to examine the potentiality of self-training in-depth.
abs A Joint Model for Graph-based Chinese Dependency Parsing Xingchen Li
Mingtong Liu
Yujie Zhang
Jinan Xu
Yufeng Chen
In Chinese dependency parsing, the joint model of word segmentation, POS tagging and dependency parsing has become the mainstream framework because it can eliminate error propagation and share knowledge, where the transition-based model with feature templates maintains the best performance. Recently, the graph-based joint model (Yan et al., 2019) on word segmentation and dependency parsing has achieved better performance, demonstrating the advantages of the graph-based models. However, this work can not provide POS information for downstream tasks, and the POS tagging task was proved to be helpful to the dependency parsing according to the research of the transition-based model. Therefore, we propose a graph-based joint model for Chinese word segmentation, POS tagging and dependency parsing. We designed a charater-level POS tagging task, and then train it jointly with the model of Yan et al. (2019). We adopt two methods of joint POS tagging task, one is by sharing parameters, the other is by using tag attention mechanism, which enables the three tasks to better share intermediate information and improve each other’s performance. The experimental results on the Penn Chinese treebank (CTB5) show that our proposed joint model improved by 0.38% on dependency parsing than the model of Yan et al. (2019). Compared with the best transition-based joint model, our model improved by 0.18%, 0.35% and 5.99% respectively in terms of word segmentation, POS tagging and dependency parsing.
abs Semantic-aware Chinese Zero Pronoun Resolution with Pre-trained Semantic Dependency Parser Lanqiu Zhang
Zizhuo Shen
Yanqiu Shao
Deep learning-based Chinese zero pronoun resolution model has achieved better performance than traditional machine learning-based model. However, the existing work related to Chinese zero pronoun resolution has not yet well integrated linguistic information into the deep learningbased Chinese zero pronoun resolution model. This paper adopts the idea based on the pre-trained model, and integrates the semantic representations in the pre-trained Chinese semantic dependency graph parser into the Chinese zero pronoun resolution model. The experimental results on OntoNotes-5.0 dataset show that our proposed Chinese zero pronoun resolution model with pretrained Chinese semantic dependency parser improves the F-score by 0.4% compared with our baseline model, and obtains better results than other deep learning-based Chinese zero pronoun resolution models. In addition, we integrate the BERT representations into our model so that the performance of our model was improved by 0.7% compared with our baseline model.
abs Improving Sentence Classification by Multilingual Data Augmentation and Consensus Learning Yanfei Wang
Yangdong Chen
Yuejie Zhang
Neural network based models have achieved impressive results on the sentence classification task. However, most of previous work focuses on designing more sophisticated network or effective learning paradigms on monolingual data, which often suffers from insufficient discriminative knowledge for classification. In this paper, we investigate to improve sentence classification by multilingual data augmentation and consensus learning. Comparing to previous methods, our model can make use of multilingual data generated by machine translation and mine their language-share and language-specific knowledge for better representation and classification. We evaluate our model using English (i.e., source language) and Chinese (i.e., target language) data on several sentence classification tasks. Very positive classification performance can be achieved by our proposed model.
abs Attention-Based Graph Neural Network with Global Context Awareness for Document Understanding Yuan Hua
Zheng Huang
Jie Guo
Weidong Qiu
Information extraction from documents such as receipts or invoices is a fundamental and crucial step for office automation. Many approaches focus on extracting entities and relationships from plain texts, however, when it comes to document images, such demand becomes quite challenging since visual and layout information are also of great significance to help tackle this problem. In this work, we propose the attention-based graph neural network to combine textual and visual information from document images. Moreover, the global node is introduced in our graph construction algorithm which is used as a virtual hub to collect the information from all the nodes and edges to help improve the performance. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets show that our method outperforms baseline methods by significant margins.
abs Combining Impression Feature Representation for Multi-turn Conversational Question Answering Shaoling Jing
Shibo Hong
Dongyan Zhao
Haihua Xie
Zhi Tang
Multi-turn conversational Question Answering (ConvQA) is a practical task that requires the understanding of conversation history, such as previous QA pairs, the passage context, and current question. It can be applied to a variety of scenarios with human-machine dialogue. The major challenge of this task is to require the model to consider the relevant conversation history while understanding the passage. Existing methods usually simply prepend the history to the current question, or use the complicated mechanism to model the history. This article proposes an impression feature, which use the word-level inter attention mechanism to learn multi-oriented information from conversation history to the input sequence, including attention from history tokens to each token of the input sequence, and history turn inter attention from different history turns to each token of the input sequence, and self-attention within input sequence, where the input sequence contains a current question and a passage. Then a feature selection method is designed to enhance the useful history turns of conversation and weaken the unnecessary information. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on the QuAC dataset, analyze the impact of different feature selection methods, and verify the validity and reliability of the proposed features through visualization and human evaluation.
abs Chinese Long and Short Form Choice Exploiting Neural Network Language Modeling Approaches Lin Li
Kees van Deemter
Denis Paperno
This paper presents our work in long and short form choice, a significant question of lexical choice, which plays an important role in many Natural Language Understanding tasks. Long and short form sharing at least one identical word meaning but with different number of syllables is a highly frequent linguistic phenomenon in Chinese like 老虎-虎(laohu-hu, tiger)
abs Refining Data for Text Generation Qianying Liu
Tianyi Li
Wenyu Guan
Sujian Li
Recent work on data-to-text generation has made progress under the neural encoder-decoder architectures. However, the data input size is often enormous, while not all data records are important for text generation and inappropriate input may bring noise into the final output. To solve this problem, we propose a two-step approach which first selects and orders the important data records and then generates text from the noise-reduced data. Here we propose a learning to rank model to rank the importance of each record which is supervised by a relation extractor. With the noise-reduced data as input, we implement a text generator which sequentially models the input data records and emits a summary. Experiments on the ROTOWIRE dataset verifies the effectiveness of our proposed method in both performance and efficiency.
abs Plan-CVAE: A Planning-based Conditional Variational Autoencoder for Story Generation Lin Wang
Juntao Li
Rui Yan
Dongyan Zhao
Story generation is a challenging task of automatically creating natural languages to describe a sequence of events, which requires outputting text with not only a consistent topic but also novel wordings. Although many approaches have been proposed and obvious progress has been made on this task, there is still a large room for improvement, especially for improving thematic consistency and wording diversity. To mitigate the gap between generated stories and those written by human writers, in this paper, we propose a planning-based conditional variational autoencoder, namely Plan-CVAE, which first plans a keyword sequence and then generates a story based on the keyword sequence. In our method, the keywords planning strategy is used to improve thematic consistency while the CVAE module allows enhancing wording diversity. Experimental results on a benchmark dataset confirm that our proposed method can generate stories with both thematic consistency and wording novelty, and outperforms state-of-the-art methods on both automatic metrics and human evaluations.
abs Towards Causal Explanation Detection with Pyramid Salient-Aware Network Xinyu Zuo
Yubo Chen
Kang Liu
Jun Zhao
Causal explanation analysis (CEA) can assist us to understand the reasons behind daily events, which has been found very helpful for understanding the coherence of messages. In this paper, we focus on Causal Explanation Detection, an important subtask of causal explanation analysis, which determines whether a causal explanation exists in one message. We design a Pyramid Salient-Aware Network (PSAN) to detect causal explanations on messages. PSAN can assist in causal explanation detection via capturing the salient semantics of discourses contained in their keywords with a bottom graph-based word-level salient network. Furthermore, PSAN can modify the dominance of discourses via a top attention-based discourse-level salient network to enhance explanatory semantics of messages. The experiments on the commonly used dataset of CEA shows that the PSAN outperforms the state-of-the-art method by 1.8% F1 value on the Causal Explanation Detection task.
abs Named Entity Recognition with Context-Aware Dictionary Knowledge Chuhan Wu
Fangzhao Wu
Tao Qi
Yongfeng Huang
Named entity recognition (NER) is an important task in the natural language processing field. Existing NER methods heavily rely on labeled data for model training, and their performance on rare entities is usually unsatisfactory. Entity dictionaries can cover many entities including both popular ones and rare ones, and are useful for NER. However, many entity names are context-dependent and it is not optimal to directly apply dictionaries without considering the context. In this paper, we propose a neural NER approach which can exploit dictionary knowledge with contextual information. We propose to learn context-aware dictionary knowledge by modeling the interactions between the entities in dictionaries and their contexts via context-dictionary attention. In addition, we propose an auxiliary term classification task to predict the types of the matched entity names, and jointly train it with the NER model to fuse both contexts and dictionary knowledge into NER. Extensive experiments on the CoNLL-2003 benchmark dataset validate the effectiveness of our approach in exploiting entity dictionaries to improve the performance of various NER models.
abs Chinese Named Entity Recognition via Adaptive Multi-pass Memory Network with Hierarchical Tagging Mechanism Pengfei Cao
Yubo Chen
Kang Liu
Jun Zhao
Named entity recognition (NER) aims to identify text spans that mention named entities and classify them into pre-defined categories. For Chinese NER task, most of the existing methods are character-based sequence labeling models and achieve great success. However, these methods usually ignore lexical knowledge, which leads to false prediction of entity boundaries. Moreover, these methods have difficulties in capturing tag dependencies. In this paper, we propose an Adaptive Multi-pass Memory Network with Hierarchical Tagging Mechanism (AMMNHT) to address all above problems. Specifically, to reduce the errors of predicting entity boundaries, we propose an adaptive multi-pass memory network to exploit lexical knowledge. In addition, we propose a hierarchical tagging layer to learn tag dependencies. Experimental results on three widely used Chinese NER datasets demonstrate that our proposed model significantly outperforms other state-of-the-art methods.
abs A Practice of Tourism Knowledge Graph Construction based on Heterogeneous Information Dinghe Xiao
Nannan Wang
Jiangang Yu
Chunhong Zhang
Jiaqi Wu
The increasing amount of semi-structured and unstructured data on tourism websites brings a need for information extraction (IE) so as to construct a Tourism-domain Knowledge Graph (TKG), which is helpful to manage tourism information and develop downstream applications such as tourism search engine, recommendation and Q & A. However, the existing TKG is deficient, and there are few open methods to promote the construction and widespread application of TKG. In this paper, we present a systematic framework to build a TKG for Hainan, collecting data from popular tourism websites and structuring it into triples. The data is multi-source and heterogeneous, which raises a great challenge for processing it. So we develop two pipelines of processing methods for semi-structured data and unstructured data respectively. We refer to tourism InfoBox for semi-structured knowledge extraction and leverage deep learning algorithms to extract entities and relations from unstructured travel notes, which are colloquial and high-noise, and then we fuse the extracted knowledge from two sources. Finally, a TKG with 13 entity types and 46 relation types is established, which totally contains 34,079 entities and 441,371 triples. The systematic procedure proposed by this paper can construct a TKG from tourism websites, which can further applied to many scenarios and provide detailed reference for the construction of other domain-specific knowledge graphs.
abs A Novel Joint Framework for Multiple Chinese Events Extraction Nuo Xu
Haihua Xie
Dongyan Zhao
Event extraction is an essential yet challenging task in information extraction. Previous approaches have paid little attention to the problem of roles overlap which is a common phenomenon in practice. To solve this problem, this paper defines event relation triple to explicitly represent relations among triggers, arguments and roles which are incorporated into the model to learn their inter-dependencies. The task of argument extraction is converted to event relation triple extraction. A novel joint framework for multiple Chinese event extraction is proposed which jointly performs predictions for event triggers and arguments based on shared feature representations from pre-trained language model. Experimental comparison with state-of-the-art baselines on ACE 2005 dataset shows the superiority of the proposed method in both trigger classification and argument classification.
abs Entity Relative Position Representation based Multi-head Selection for Joint Entity and Relation Extraction Tianyang Zhao
Zhao Yan
Yunbo Cao
Zhoujun Li
Joint entity and relation extraction has received increasing interests recently, due to the capability of utilizing the interactions between both steps. Among existing studies, the Multi-Head Selection (MHS) framework is efficient in extracting entities and relations simultaneously. However, the method is weak for its limited performance. In this paper, we propose several effective insights to address this problem. First, we propose an entity-specific Relative Position Representation (eRPR) to allow the model to fully leverage the distance information between entities and context tokens. Second, we introduce an auxiliary Global Relation Classification (GRC) to enhance the learning of local contextual features. Moreover, we improve the semantic representation by adopting a pre-trained language model BERT as the feature encoder. Finally, these new keypoints are closely integrated with the multi-head selection framework and optimized jointly. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets demonstrate that our approach overwhelmingly outperforms previous works in terms of all evaluation metrics, achieving significant improvements for relation F1 by +2.40% on CoNLL04 and +1.90% on ACE05, respectively.
abs A Mixed Learning Objective for Neural Machine Translation Wenjie Lu
Leiying Zhou
Gongshen Liu
Quanhai Zhang
Evaluation discrepancy and overcorrection phenomenon are two common problems in neural machine translation (NMT). NMT models are generally trained with word-level learning objective, but evaluated by sentence-level metrics. Moreover, the cross-entropy loss function discourages model to generate synonymous predictions and overcorrect them to ground truth words. To address these two drawbacks, we adopt multi-task learning and propose a mixed learning objective (MLO) which combines the strength of word-level and sentence-level evaluation without modifying model structure. At word-level, it calculates semantic similarity between predicted and ground truth words. At sentence-level, it computes probabilistic n-gram matching scores of generated translations. We also combine a loss-sensitive scheduled sampling decoding strategy with MLO to explore its extensibility. Experimental results on IWSLT 2016 German-English and WMT 2019 English-Chinese datasets demonstrate that our methodology can significantly promote translation quality. The ablation study shows that both word-level and sentence-level learning objectives can improve BLEU scores. Furthermore, MLO is consistent with state-of-the-art scheduled sampling methods and can achieve further promotion.
abs Multi-Reward based Reinforcement Learning for Neural Machine Translation Shuo Sun
Hongxu Hou
Nier Wu
Ziyue Guo
Chaowei Zhang
Reinforcement learning (RL) has made remarkable progress in neural machine translation (NMT). However, it exists the problems with uneven sampling distribution, sparse rewards and high variance in training phase. Therefore, we propose a multi-reward reinforcement learning training strategy to decouple action selection and value estimation. Meanwhile, our method combines with language model rewards to jointly optimize model parameters. In addition, we add Gumbel noise in sampling to obtain more effective semantic information. To verify the robustness of our method, we not only conducted experiments on large corpora, but also performed on low-resource languages. Experimental results show that our work is superior to the baselines in WMT14 English-German, LDC2014 Chinese-English and CWMT2018 Mongolian-Chinese tasks, which fully certificates the effectiveness of our method.
abs Low-Resource Text Classification via Cross-lingual Language Model Fine-tuning Xiuhong Li
Zhe Li
Jiabao Sheng
Wushour Slamu
Text classification tends to be difficult when data are inadequate considering the amount of manually labeled text corpora. For low-resource agglutinative languages including Uyghur, Kazakh, and Kyrgyz (UKK languages), in which words are manufactured via stems concatenated with several suffixes and stems are used as the representation of text content, this feature allows infinite derivatives vocabulary that leads to high uncertainty of writing forms and huge redundant features. There are major challenges of low-resource agglutinative text classification the lack of labeled data in a target domain and morphologic diversity of derivations in language structures. It is an effective solution which fine-tuning a pre-trained language model to provide meaningful and favorable-to-use feature extractors for downstream text classification tasks. To this end, we propose a low-resource agglutinative language model fine-tuning AgglutiFiT, specifically, we build a low-noise fine-tuning dataset by morphological analysis and stem extraction, then fine-tune the cross-lingual pre-training model on this dataset. Moreover, we propose an attention-based fine-tuning strategy that better selects relevant semantic and syntactic information from the pre-trained language model and uses those features on downstream text classification tasks. We evaluate our methods on nine Uyghur, Kazakh, and Kyrgyz classification datasets, where they have significantly better performance compared with several strong baselines.
abs Constructing Uyghur Name Entity Recognition System using Neural Machine Translation Tag Projection Anwar Azmat
Li Xiao
Yang Yating
Dong Rui
Osman Turghun
Although named entity recognition achieved great success by introducing the neural networks, it is challenging to apply these models to low resource languages including Uyghur while it depends on a large amount of annotated training data. Constructing a well-annotated named entity corpus manually is very time-consuming and labor-intensive. Most existing methods based on the parallel corpus combined with the word alignment tools. However, word alignment methods introduce alignment errors inevitably. In this paper, we address this problem by a named entity tag transfer method based on the common neural machine translation. The proposed method marks the entity boundaries in Chinese sentence and translates the sentences to Uyghur by neural machine translation system, hope that neural machine translation will align the source and target entity by the self-attention mechanism. The experimental results show that the Uyghur named entity recognition system trained by the constructed corpus achieve good performance on the test set, with 73.80% F1 score(3.79% improvement by baseline)
abs Recognition Method of Important Words in Korean Text based on Reinforcement Learning Yang Feiyang
Zhao Yahui
Cui Rongyi
The manual labeling work for constructing the Korean corpus is too time-consuming and laborious. It is difficult for low-minority languages to integrate resources. As a result, the research progress of Korean language information processing is slow. From the perspective of representation learning, reinforcement learning was combined with traditional deep learning methods. Based on the Korean text classification effect as a benchmark, and studied how to extract important Korean words in sentences. A structured model Information Distilled of Korean (IDK) was proposed. The model recognizes the words in Korean sentences and retains important words and deletes non-important words. Thereby transforming the reconstruction of the sentence into a sequential decision problem. So you can introduce the Policy Gradient method in reinforcement learning to solve the conversion problem. The results show that the model can identify the important words in Korean instead of manual annotation for representation learning. Furthermore, compared with traditional text classification methods, the model also improves the effect of Korean text classification.
abs Mongolian Questions Classification Based on Mulit-Head Attention Guangyi Wang
Feilong Bao
Weihua Wang
Question classification is a crucial subtask in question answering system. Mongolian is a kind of few resource language. It lacks public labeled corpus. And the complex morphological structure of Mongolian vocabulary makes the data-sparse problem. This paper proposes a classification model, which combines the Bi-LSTM model with the Multi-Head Attention mechanism. The Multi-Head Attention mechanism extracts relevant information from different dimensions and representation subspace. According to the characteristics of Mongolian word-formation, this paper introduces Mongolian morphemes representation in the embedding layer. Morpheme vector focuses on the semantics of the Mongolian word. In this paper, character vector and morpheme vector are concatenated to get word vector, which sends to the Bi-LSTM getting context representation. Finally, the Multi-Head Attention obtains global information for classification. The model experimented on the Mongolian corpus. Experimental results show that our proposed model significantly outperforms baseline systems.
abs The Annotation Scheme of English-Chinese Clause Alignment Corpus Shili Ge
Xiaopin Lin
Rou Song
A clause complex consists of clauses, which are connected by component sharing relations and logic-semantic relations. Hence, clause-complex level structural transformations in translation are concerned with the expression adjustment of these two types of relations. In this paper, a formal scheme for tagging structural transformations in English-Chinese translation is designed. The annotation scheme include 3 steps operated on two grammatical levels: parsing an English clause complex into constructs and assembling construct translations on the clause complex level; translating constructs independently on the clause level. The assembling step involves 2 operations: performing operation functions and inserting Chinese words. The corpus annotation shows that it is feasible to divide structural transformations in English-Chinese translation into 2 levels. The corpus, which unfolds formally the operations of clause-complex level structural transformations, would help to improve the end-to-end translation of complicated sentences.
abs Categorizing Offensive Language in Social Networks: A Chinese Corpus, Systems and an Explainable Tool Xiangru Tang
Xianjun Shen
Recently, more and more data have been generated in the online world, filled with offensive language such as threats, swear words or straightforward insults. It is disgraceful for a progressive society, and then the question arises on how language resources and technologies can cope with this challenge. However, previous work only analyzes the problem as a whole but fails to detect particular types of offensive content in a more fine-grained way, mainly because of the lack of annotated data. In this work, we present a densely annotated data-set COLA
abs LiveQA: A Question Answering Dataset over Sports Live Qianying Liu
Sicong Jiang
Yizhong Wang
Sujian Li
In this paper, we introduce LiveQA, a new question answering dataset constructed from play-by-play live broadcast. It contains 117k multiple-choice questions written by human commentators for over 1,670 NBA games, which are collected from the Chinese Hupu1 website. Derived from the characteristics of sports games, LiveQA can potentially test the reasoning ability across timeline-based live broadcasts, which is challenging compared to the existing datasets. In LiveQA, the questions require understanding the timeline, tracking events or doing mathematical computations. Our preliminary experiments show that the dataset introduces a challenging problem for question answering models, and a strong baseline model only achieves the accuracy of 53.1% and cannot beat the dominant option rule. We release the code and data of this paper for future research.
abs Chinese and English Elementary Discourse Units Segmentation based on Bi-LSTM-CRF Model Li Yancui
Lai Chunxiao
Feng Jike
Feng Hongyu
Elementary Discourse Unit (EDU) recognition is the basic task of discourse analysis, and the Chinese and English discourse alignment corpus is helpful to the studies of EDU recognition. This paper first builds Chinese-English parallel discourse corpus, in which EDUs are annotated and aligned. Then, we present the framework of Bi-LSTM-CRF EDUs recognition model using word embedding, POS and syntactic features, which can combine the advantage of CRF and Bi-LSTM. The results show that F1 is about 2% higher than the traditional method. Compared with CRF and Bi-LSTM, the Bi-LSTM-CRF model can combine the advantages of them and obtains satisfactory results for Chinese and English EDUs recognition. The experiment of feature contribution shows that using all features together can get best result, the syntactic feature outperforms than other features.
abs Better Queries for Aspect-Category Sentiment Classification Li Yuncong
Yin Cunxiang
Zhong Sheng-hua
Zhong Huiqiang
Luo Jinchang
Xu Siqi
Wu Xiaohui
Aspect-category sentiment classification (ACSC) aims to identify the sentiment polarities towards the aspect categories mentioned in a sentence. Because a sentence often mentions more than one aspect category and expresses different sentiment polarities to them, finding aspect category-related information from the sentence is the key challenge to accurately recognize the sentiment polarity. Most previous models take both sentence and aspect category as input and query aspect category-related information based on the aspect category. However, these models represent the aspect category as a context-independent vector called aspect embedding, which may not be effective enough as a query. In this paper, we propose two contextualized aspect category representations, Contextualized Aspect Vector (CAV) and Contextualized Aspect Matrix (CAM). Specifically, we use the coarse aspect category-related information found by the aspect category detection task to generate CAV or CAM. Then the CAV or CAM as queries are used to search for fine-grained aspect category-related information like aspect embedding by aspect-category sentiment classification models. In experiments, we integrate the proposed CAV and CAM into several representative aspect embedding-based aspect-category sentiment classification models. Experimental results on the SemEval-2014 Restaurant Review dataset and the Multi-Aspect Multi-Sentiment dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of CAV and CAM.
abs Multimodal Sentiment Analysis with Multi-perspective Fusion Network Focusing on Sense Attentive Language Xia Li
Minping Chen
Multimodal sentiment analysis aims to learn a joint representation of multiple features. As demonstrated by previous studies, it is shown that the language modality may contain more semantic information than that of other modalities. Based on this observation, we propose a Multi-perspective Fusion Network(MPFN) focusing on Sense Attentive Language for multimodal sentiment analysis. Different from previous studies, we use the language modality as the main part of the final joint representation, and propose a multi-stage and uni-stage fusion strategy to get the fusion representation of the multiple modalities to assist the final language-dominated multimodal representation. In our model, a Sense-Level Attention Network is proposed to dynamically learn the word representation which is guided by the fusion of the multiple modalities. As in turn, the learned language representation can also help the multi-stage and uni-stage fusion of the different modalities. In this way, the model can jointly learn a well integrated final representation focusing on the language and the interactions between the multiple modalities both on multi-stage and uni-stage. Several experiments are carried on the CMU-MOSI, the CMU-MOSEI and the YouTube public datasets. The experiments show that our model performs better or competitive results compared with the baseline models.
abs CAN-GRU: a Hierarchical Model for Emotion Recognition in Dialogue Ting Jiang
Bing Xu
Tiejun Zhao
Sheng Li
Emotion recognition in dialogue systems has gained attention in the field of natural language processing recent years, because it can be applied in opinion mining from public conversational data on social media. In this paper, we propose a hierarchical model to recognize emotions in the dialogue. In the first layer, in order to extract textual features of utterances, we propose a convolutional self-attention network(CAN). Convolution is used to capture n-gram information and attention mechanism is used to obtain the relevant semantic information among words in the utterance. In the second layer, a GRU-based network helps to capture contextual information in the conversation. Furthermore, we discuss the effects of unidirectional and bidirectional networks. We conduct experiments on Friends dataset and EmotionPush dataset. The results show that our proposed model(CAN-GRU) and its variants achieve better performance than baselines.
abs A Joint Model for Aspect-Category Sentiment Analysis with Shared Sentiment Prediction Layer Yuncong Li
Zhe Yang
Cunxiang Yin
Xu Pan
Lunan Cui
Qiang Huang
Ting Wei
Aspect-category sentiment analysis (ACSA) aims to predict the aspect categories mentioned in texts and their corresponding sentiment polarities. Some joint models have been proposed to address this task. Given a text, these joint models detect all the aspect categories mentioned in the text and predict the sentiment polarities toward them at once. Although these joint models obtain promising performances, they train separate parameters for each aspect category and therefore suffer from data deficiency of some aspect categories. To solve this problem, we propose a novel joint model which contains a shared sentiment prediction layer. The shared sentiment prediction layer transfers sentiment knowledge between aspect categories and alleviates the problem caused by data deficiency. Experiments conducted on SemEval-2016 Datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our model.
abs Compress Polyphone Pronunciation Prediction Model with Shared Labels Pengfei Chen
Lina Wang
Hui Di
Kazushige Ouchi
Lvhong Wang
It is well known that deep learning model has huge parameters and is computationally expensive, especially for embedded and mobile devices. Polyphone pronunciations selection is a basic function for Chinese Text-to-Speech (TTS) application. Recurrent neural network (RNN) is a good sequence labeling solution for polyphone pronunciation selection. However, huge parameters and computation make compression needed to alleviate its disadvantage. In contrast to existing quantization with low precision data format and projection layer, we propose a novel method based on shared labels, which focuses on compressing the fully-connected layer before Softmax for models with a huge number of labels in TTS polyphone selection. The basic idea is to compress large number of target labels into a few label clusters, which will share the parameters of fully-connected layer. Furthermore, we combine it with other methods to further compress the polyphone pronunciation selection model. The experimental result shows that for Bi-LSTM (Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory) based polyphone selection, shared labels model decreases about 52% of original model size and accelerates prediction by 44% almost without performance loss. It is worth mentioning that the proposed method can be applied for other tasks to compress the model and accelerate the calculation.
abs Multi-task Legal Judgement Prediction Combining a Subtask of Seriousness of Charge Xu Zhuopeng
Li Xia
Li Yinlin
Wang Zihan
Fanxu Yujie
Lai Xiaoyan
Legal Judgement Prediction has attracted more and more attention in recent years. One of the challenges is how to design a model with better interpretable prediction results. Previous studies have proposed different interpretable models based on the generation of court views and the extraction of charge keywords. Different from previous work, we propose a multi-task legal judgement prediction model which combines a subtask of the seriousness of charges. By introducing this subtask, our model can capture the attention weights of different terms of penalty corresponding to the charges and give more attention to the correct terms of penalty in the fact descriptions. Meanwhile, our model also incorporates the position of defendant making it capable of giving attention to the contextual information of the defendant. We carry several experiments on the public CAIL2018 dataset. Experimental results show that our model achieves better or comparable performance on three subtasks compared with the baseline models. Moreover, we also analyze the interpretable contribution of our model.
abs Clickbait Detection with Style-aware Title Modeling and Co-attention Chuhan Wu
Fangzhao Wu
Tao Qi
Yongfeng Huang
Clickbait is a form of web content designed to attract attention and entice users to click on specific hyperlinks. The detection of clickbaits is an important task for online platforms to improve the quality of web content and the satisfaction of users. Clickbait detection is typically formed as a binary classification task based on the title and body of a webpage, and existing methods are mainly based on the content of title and the relevance between title and body. However, these methods ignore the stylistic patterns of titles, which can provide important clues on identifying clickbaits. In addition, they do not consider the interactions between the contexts within title and body, which are very important for measuring their relevance for clickbait detection. In this paper, we propose a clickbait detection approach with style-aware title modeling and co-attention. Specifically, we use Transformers to learn content representations of title and body, and respectively compute two content-based clickbait scores for title and body based on their representations. In addition, we propose to use a character-level Transformer to learn a style-aware title representation by capturing the stylistic patterns of title, and we compute a title stylistic score based on this representation. Besides, we propose to use a co-attention network to model the relatedness between the contexts within title and body, and further enhance their representations by encoding the interaction information. We compute a title-body matching score based on the representations of title and body enhanced by their interactions. The final clickbait score is predicted by a weighted summation of the aforementioned four kinds of scores. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets show that our approach can effectively improve the performance of clickbait detection and consistently outperform many baseline methods.
abs Konwledge-Enabled Diagnosis Assistant Based on Obstetric EMRs and Knowledge Graph Kunli Zhang
Xu Zhao
Lei Zhuang
Qi Xie
Hongying Zan
The obstetric Electronic Medical Record (EMR) contains a large amount of medical data and health information. It plays a vital role in improving the quality of the diagnosis assistant service. In this paper, we treat the diagnosis assistant as a multi-label classification task and propose a Knowledge-Enabled Diagnosis Assistant (KEDA) model for the obstetric diagnosis assistant. We utilize the numerical information in EMRs and the external knowledge from Chinese Obstetric Knowledge Graph (COKG) to enhance the text representation of EMRs. Specifically, the bidirectional maximum matching method and similarity-based approach are used to obtain the entities set contained in EMRs and linked to the COKG. The final knowledge representation is obtained by a weight-based disease prediction algorithm, and it is fused with the text representation through a linear weighting method. Experiment results show that our approach can bring about +3.53 F1 score improvements upon the strong BERT baseline in the diagnosis assistant task.
abs Reusable Phrase Extraction Based on Syntactic Parsing Xuemin Duan
Zan Hongying
Xiaojing Bai
Christoph Zähner
Academic Phrasebank is an important resource for academic writers. Student writers use the phrases of Academic Phrasebank organizing their research article to improve their writing ability. Due to the limited size of Academic Phrasebank, it can not meet all the academic writing needs. There are still a large number of academic phraseology in the authentic research article. In this paper, we proposed an academic phraseology extraction model based on constituency parsing and dependency parsing, which can automatically extract the academic phraseology similar to phrases of Academic Phrasebank from an unlabelled research article. We divided the proposed model into three main components including an academic phraseology corpus module, a sentence simplification module, and a syntactic parsing module. We created a corpus of academic phraseology of 2,129 words to help judge whether a word is neutral and general, and created two datasets under two scenarios to verify the feasibility of the proposed model.
abs WAE_RN: Integrating Wasserstein Autoencoder and Relational Network for Text Sequence Xinxin Zhang
Xiaoming Liu
Guan Yang
Fangfang Li
One challenge in Natural Language Processing (NLP) area is to learn semantic representation in different contexts. Recent works on pre-trained language model have received great attentions and have been proven as an effective technique. In spite of the success of pre-trained language model in many NLP tasks, the learned text representation only contains the correlation among the words in the sentence itself and ignores the implicit relationship between arbitrary tokens in the sequence. To address this problem, we focus on how to make our model effectively learn word representations that contain the relational information between any tokens of text sequences. In this paper, we propose to integrate the relational network(RN) into a Wasserstein autoencoder(WAE). Specifically, WAE and RN are used to better keep the semantic structurse and capture the relational information, respectively. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed model achieves significant improvements over the traditional Seq2Seq baselines.