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Benjamin Van Durme

Also published as: Benjamin Van Durme


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MultiMUC: Multilingual Template Filling on MUC-4
William Gantt | Shabnam Behzad | Hannah An | Yunmo Chen | Aaron White | Benjamin Van Durme | Mahsa Yarmohammadi
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

We introduce MultiMUC, the first multilingual parallel corpus for template filling, comprising translations of the classic MUC-4 template filling benchmark into five languages: Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Korean, and Russian. We obtain automatic translations from a strong multilingual machine translation system and manually project the original English annotations into each target language. For all languages, we also provide human translations for key portions of the dev and test splits. Finally, we present baselines on MultiMUC both with state-of-the-art template filling models for MUC-4 and with ChatGPT. We release MUC-4 and the supervised baselines to facilitate further work on document-level information extraction in multilingual settings.

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NevIR: Negation in Neural Information Retrieval
Orion Weller | Dawn Lawrie | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Negation is a common everyday phenomena and has been a consistent area of weakness for language models (LMs). Although the Information Retrieval (IR) community has adopted LMs as the backbone of modern IR architectures, there has been little to no research in understanding how negation impacts neural IR. We therefore construct a straightforward benchmark on this theme: asking IR models to rank two documents that differ only by negation. We show that the results vary widely according to the type of IR architecture: cross-encoders perform best, followed by late-interaction models, and in last place are bi-encoder and sparse neural architectures. We find that most current information retrieval models do not consider negation, performing similarly or worse than randomly ranking. We show that although the obvious approach of continued fine-tuning on a dataset of contrastive documents containing negations increases performance (as does model size), there is still a large gap between machine and human performance.

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“According to . . . ”: Prompting Language Models Improves Quoting from Pre-Training Data
Orion Weller | Marc Marone | Nathaniel Weir | Dawn Lawrie | Daniel Khashabi | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Large Language Models (LLMs) may hallucinate and generate fake information, despite pre-training on factual data. Inspired by the journalistic device of “according to sources”, we propose according-to prompting: directing LLMs to ground responses against previously observed text. To quantify this grounding, we propose a novel evaluation metric (QUIP-Score) that measures the extent to which model-produced answers are directly found in underlying text corpora. We illustrate with experiments on three corpora (Wikipedia, PubMed, and the U.S. legal tax code) that these prompts improve grounding under our metrics, with the additional benefit of often improving end-task performance. Furthermore, prompts that ask the model to decrease grounding (or to ground to other corpora) indeed decrease QUIP-Score, indicating the ability of LLMs to increase or decrease grounded generations on request.

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Localization vs. Semantics: Visual Representations in Unimodal and Multimodal Models
Zhuowan Li | Cihang Xie | Benjamin Van Durme | Alan Yuille
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Despite the impressive advancements achieved through vision-and-language pretraining, it remains unclear whether multi-modal learning can help understand each individual modality. In this work, we conduct a comparative analysis of the visual representations in existing vision-and-language models and vision-only models by probing on a broad range of tasks. Five probing tasks are evaluated in order to assess the quality of the learned representations in a nuanced manner. Our results on five probing tasks suggest vision-and-language models are better at label prediction tasks like object and attribute prediction, while vision-only models are stronger at dense prediction tasks that require more localized information. We hope our study sheds light on the role of language in visual learning, and serves as an empirical guide for various pretrained models.

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Defending Against Disinformation Attacks in Open-Domain Question Answering
Orion Weller | Aleem Khan | Nathaniel Weir | Dawn Lawrie | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Recent work in open-domain question answering (ODQA) has shown that adversarial poisoning of the search collection can cause large drops in accuracy for production systems. However, little to no work has proposed methods to defend against these attacks. To do so, we rely on the intuition that redundant information often exists in large corpora. To find it, we introduce a method that uses query augmentation to search for a diverse set of passages that could answer the original question but are less likely to have been poisoned. We integrate these new passages into the model through the design of a novel confidence method, comparing the predicted answer to its appearance in the retrieved contexts (what we call Confidence from Answer Redundancy, i.e. CAR). Together these methods allow for a simple but effective way to defend against poisoning attacks that provides gains of nearly 20% exact match across varying levels of data poisoning/knowledge conflicts.

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SemStamp: A Semantic Watermark with Paraphrastic Robustness for Text Generation
Abe Hou | Jingyu Zhang | Tianxing He | Yichen Wang | Yung-Sung Chuang | Hongwei Wang | Lingfeng Shen | Benjamin Van Durme | Daniel Khashabi | Yulia Tsvetkov
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Existing watermarked generation algorithms employ token-level designs and therefore, are vulnerable to paraphrase attacks. To address this issue, we introduce watermarking on the semantic representation of sentences. We propose SemStamp, a robust sentence-level semantic watermarking algorithm that uses locality-sensitive hashing (LSH) to partition the semantic space of sentences. The algorithm encodes and LSH-hashes a candidate sentence generated by a language model, and conducts rejection sampling until the sampled sentence falls in watermarked partitions in the semantic embedding space. To test the paraphrastic robustness of watermarking algorithms, we propose a “bigram paraphrase” attack that produces paraphrases with small bigram overlap with the original sentence. This attack is shown to be effective against existing token-level watermark algorithms, while posing only minor degradations to SemStamp. Experimental results show that our novel semantic watermark algorithm is not only more robust than the previous state-of-the-art method on various paraphrasers and domains, but also better at preserving the quality of generation.

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FAMuS: Frames Across Multiple Sources
Siddharth Vashishtha | Alexander Martin | William Gantt | Benjamin Van Durme | Aaron White
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Understanding event descriptions is a central aspect of language processing, but current approaches focus overwhelmingly on single sentences or documents. Aggregating information about an event across documents can offer a much richer understanding. To this end, we present FAMuS, a new corpus of Wikipedia passages that report on some event, paired with underlying, genre-diverse (non-Wikipedia) source articles for the same event. Events and (cross-sentence) arguments in both report and source are annotated against FrameNet, providing broad coverage of different event types. We present results on two key event understanding tasks enabled by FAMuS: source validation—determining whether a document is a valid source for a target report event—and cross-document argument extraction—full-document argument extraction for a target event from both its report and the correct source article.

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When do Generative Query and Document Expansions Fail? A Comprehensive Study Across Methods, Retrievers, and Datasets
Orion Weller | Kyle Lo | David Wadden | Dawn Lawrie | Benjamin Van Durme | Arman Cohan | Luca Soldaini
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2024

Using large language models (LMs) for query or document expansion can improve generalization in information retrieval. However, it is unknown whether these techniques are universally beneficial or only effective in specific settings, such as for particular retrieval models, dataset domains, or query types. To answer this, we conduct the first comprehensive analysis of LM-based expansion. We find that there exists a strong negative correlation between retriever performance and gains from expansion: expansion improves scores for weaker models, but generally harms stronger models. We show this trend holds across a set of eleven expansion techniques, twelve datasets with diverse distribution shifts, and twenty-four retrieval models. Through qualitative error analysis, we hypothesize that although expansions provide extra information (potentially improving recall), they add additional noise that makes it difficult to discern between the top relevant documents (thus introducing false positives). Our results suggest the following recipe: use expansions for weaker models or when the target dataset significantly differs from training corpus in format; otherwise, avoid expansions to keep the relevance signal clear.

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Narrowing the Gap between Zero- and Few-shot Machine Translation by Matching Styles
Weiting Tan | Haoran Xu | Lingfeng Shen | Shuyue Stella Li | Kenton Murray | Philipp Koehn | Benjamin Van Durme | Yunmo Chen
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024

Large language models trained primarily in a monolingual setting have demonstrated their ability to generalize to machine translation using zero- and few-shot examples with in-context learning. However, even though zero-shot translations are relatively good, there remains a discernible gap comparing their performance with the few-shot setting. In this paper, we investigate the factors contributing to this gap and find that this gap can largely be closed (for about 70%) by matching the writing styles of the target corpus. Additionally, we explore potential approaches to enhance zero-shot baselines without the need for parallel demonstration examples, providing valuable insights into how these methods contribute to improving translation metrics.

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Interpreting User Requests in the Context of Natural Language Standing Instructions
Nikita Moghe | Patrick Xia | Jacob Andreas | Jason Eisner | Benjamin Van Durme | Harsh Jhamtani
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024

Users of natural language interfaces, frequently powered by Large Language Models (LLMs), must often repeat their full set of preferences each time they make a similar request. We describe an approach to LLM-based dialogue modeling in which persistent user constraints and preferences – collectively termed standing instructions – are provided as additional context for such interfaces. For example, when a user states “I’m hungry”, a previously expressed preference for Persian food can be automatically added to the LLM prompt, influencing the search for relevant restaurants.We develop NLSI, a language-to-program dataset consisting of over 2.4K English dialogues spanning 17 domains, in which each dialogue is paired with a user profile (a set of user-specific standing instructions) and corresponding structured representations (a sequence of API calls). A key challenge in NLSI is to identify which subset of the standing instructions is applicable to a given dialogue. NLSI contains diverse phenomena, from simple preferences to interdependent instructions such as triggering a hotel search whenever the user is booking tickets to an event. We conduct experiments on NLSI using prompting with large language models and various retrieval approaches, achieving a maximum of 46% exact match on API prediction. Our results demonstrate the challenges in identifying the relevant standing instructions and their interpretation into API calls

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Do Androids Know They’re Only Dreaming of Electric Sheep?
Sky CH-Wang | Benjamin Van Durme | Jason Eisner | Chris Kedzie
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

We design probes trained on the internal representations of a transformer language model to predict its hallucinatory behavior on three grounded generation tasks. To train the probes, we annotate for span-level hallucination on both sampled (organic) and manually edited (synthetic) reference outputs. Our probes are narrowly trained and we find that they are sensitive to their training domain: they generalize poorly from one task to another or from synthetic to organic hallucinations. However, on in-domain data, they can reliably detect hallucinations at many transformer layers, achieving 95% of their peak performance as early as layer 4. Here, probing proves accurate for evaluating hallucination, outperforming several contemporary baselines and even surpassing an expert human annotator in response-level detection F1. Similarly, on span-level labeling, probes are on par or better than the expert annotator on two out of three generation tasks. Overall, we find that probing is a feasible and efficient alternative to language model hallucination evaluation when model states are available.

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Addressing the Binning Problem in Calibration Assessment through Scalar Annotations
Zhengping Jiang | Anqi Liu | Benjamin Van Durme
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 12

Computational linguistics models commonly target the prediction of discrete—categorical—labels. When assessing how well-calibrated these model predictions are, popular evaluation schemes require practitioners to manually determine a binning scheme: grouping labels into bins to approximate true label posterior. The problem is that these metrics are sensitive to binning decisions. We consider two solutions to the binning problem that apply at the stage of data annotation: collecting either distributed (redundant) labels or direct scalar value assignment. In this paper, we show that although both approaches address the binning problem by evaluating instance-level calibration, direct scalar assignment is significantly more cost-effective. We provide theoretical analysis and empirical evidence to support our proposal for dataset creators to adopt scalar annotation protocols to enable a higher-quality assessment of model calibration.

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RORA: Robust Free-Text Rationale Evaluation
Zhengping Jiang | Yining Lu | Hanjie Chen | Daniel Khashabi | Benjamin Van Durme | Anqi Liu
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Free-text rationales play a pivotal role in explainable NLP, bridging the knowledge and reasoning gaps behind a model’s decision-making. However, due to the diversity of potential reasoning paths and a corresponding lack of definitive ground truth, their evaluation remains a challenge. Existing metrics rely on the degree to which a rationale supports a target label, but we find these fall short in evaluating rationales that inadvertently leak the label. To address this problem, we propose RORA, a RObust free-text RAtionale evaluation against label leakage. RORA quantifies the new information supplied by a rationale to justify the label. This is achieved by assessing the conditional 𝒱-information (Hewitt et al., 2021) with a predictive family robust against leaky features that can be exploited by a small model. RORA consistently outperforms existing approaches in evaluating human-written, synthetic, or model-generated rationales, particularly demonstrating robustness against label leakage. We also show that RORA aligns well with human judgment, providing a more reliable and accurate measurement across diverse free-text rationales.

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Dodo: Dynamic Contextual Compression for Decoder-only LMs
Guanghui Qin | Corby Rosset | Ethan Chau | Nikhil Rao | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Transformer-based language models (LMs) are inefficient in long contexts. We propose Dodo, a solution for context compression. Instead of one vector per token in a standard transformer model, Dodo represents text with a dynamic number of hidden states at each layer, reducing the cost of self-attention to a fraction of typical time and space. Moreover, off-the-shelf models such as LLaMA can be adapted to Dodo by efficient parameter tuning methods such as LoRA. In use, Dodo can act as either an autoregressive LM or a context compressor for downstream tasks. We demonstrate through experiments in language modeling, question answering, and summarization that Dodo retains capabilities in these tasks, while drastically reducing the overhead during decoding. For example, in the autoencoding task, Dodo shrinks context at a 20x compression ratio with a BLEU score of 98% for reconstruction, achieving nearly lossless encoding.

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LLMs in the Imaginarium: Tool Learning through Simulated Trial and Error
Boshi Wang | Hao Fang | Jason Eisner | Benjamin Van Durme | Yu Su
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Tools are essential for large language models (LLMs) to acquire up-to-date information and take consequential actions in external environments. Existing work on tool-augmented LLMs primarily focuses on the broad coverage of tools and the flexibility of adding new tools. However, a critical aspect that has surprisingly been understudied is simply how accurately an LLM uses tools for which it has been trained. We find that existing LLMs, including GPT-4 and open-source LLMs specifically fine-tuned for tool use, only reach a correctness rate in the range of 30% to 60%, far from reliable use in practice. We propose a biologically inspired method for tool-augmented LLMs, simulated trial and error (STE), that orchestrates three key mechanisms for successful tool use behaviors in the biological system: trial and error, imagination, and memory. Specifically, STE leverages an LLM’s ‘imagination’ to simulate plausible scenarios for using a tool, after which the LLM interacts with the tool to learn from its execution feedback. Both short-term and long-term memory are employed to improve the depth and breadth of the exploration, respectively. Comprehensive experiments on ToolBench show that STE substantially improves tool learning for LLMs under both in-context learning and fine-tuning settings, bringing a boost of 46.7% to Mistral-Instruct-7B and enabling it to outperform GPT-4. We also show effective continual learning of tools via a simple experience replay strategy.

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LLM-Rubric: A Multidimensional, Calibrated Approach to Automated Evaluation of Natural Language Texts
Helia Hashemi | Jason Eisner | Corby Rosset | Benjamin Van Durme | Chris Kedzie
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

This paper introduces a framework for the automated evaluation of natural language texts. A manually constructed rubric describes how to assess multiple dimensions of interest. To evaluate a text, a large language model (LLM) is prompted with each rubric question and produces a distribution over potential responses. The LLM predictions often fail to agree well with human judges—indeed, the humans do not fully agree with one another. However, the multiple LLM distributions can be _combined_ to _predict_ each human judge’s annotations on all questions, including a summary question that assesses overall quality or relevance. LLM-Rubric accomplishes this by training a small feed-forward neural network that includes both judge-specific and judge-independent parameters. When evaluating dialogue systems in a human-AI information-seeking task, we find that LLM-Rubric with 9 questions (assessing dimensions such as naturalness, conciseness, and citation quality) predicts human judges’ assessment of overall user satisfaction, on a scale of 1–4, with RMS error < 0.5, a 2× improvement over the uncalibrated baseline.

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A Closer Look at Claim Decomposition
Miriam Wanner | Seth Ebner | Zhengping Jiang | Mark Dredze | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 13th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM 2024)

As generated text becomes more commonplace, it is increasingly important to evaluate how well-supported such text is by external knowledge sources. Many approaches for evaluating textual support rely on some method for decomposing text into its individual subclaims which are scored against a trusted reference. We investigate how various methods of claim decomposition—especially LLM-based methods—affect the result of an evaluation approach such as the recently proposed FActScore, finding that it is sensitive to the decomposition method used. This sensitivity arises because such metrics attribute overall textual support to the model that generated the text even though error can also come from the metric’s decomposition step. To measure decomposition quality, we introduce an adaptation of FActScore, which we call DecompScore. We then propose an LLM-based approach to generating decompositions inspired by Bertrand Russell’s theory of logical atomism and neo-Davidsonian semantics and demonstrate its improved decomposition quality over previous methods.


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InstructExcel: A Benchmark for Natural Language Instruction in Excel
Justin Payan | Swaroop Mishra | Mukul Singh | Carina Negreanu | Christian Poelitz | Chitta Baral | Subhro Roy | Rasika Chakravarthy | Benjamin Van Durme | Elnaz Nouri
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

With the evolution of Large Language Models (LLMs) we can solve increasingly more complex NLP tasks across various domains, including spreadsheets. This work investigates whether LLMs can generate code (Excel OfficeScripts, a TypeScript API for executing many tasks in Excel) that solves Excel specific tasks provided via natural language user instructions. To do so we introduce a new large-scale benchmark, InstructExcel, created by leveraging the ‘Automate’ feature in Excel to automatically generate OfficeScripts from users’ actions. Our benchmark includes over 10k samples covering 170+ Excel operations across 2,000 publicly available Excel spreadsheets. Experiments across various zero-shot and few-shot settings show that InstructExcel is a hard benchmark for state of the art models like GPT-4. We observe that (1) using GPT-4 over GPT-3.5, (2) providing more in-context examples, and (3) dynamic prompting can help improve performance on this benchmark.

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Iterative Document-level Information Extraction via Imitation Learning
Yunmo Chen | William Gantt | Weiwei Gu | Tongfei Chen | Aaron White | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

We present a novel iterative extraction model, IterX, for extracting complex relations, or templates, i.e., N-tuples representing a mapping from named slots to spans of text within a document. Documents may feature zero or more instances of a template of any given type, and the task of template extraction entails identifying the templates in a document and extracting each template’s slot values. Our imitation learning approach casts the problem as a Markov decision process (MDP), and relieves the need to use predefined template orders to train an extractor. It leads to state-of-the-art results on two established benchmarks – 4-ary relation extraction on SciREX and template extraction on MUC-4 – as well as a strong baseline on the new BETTER Granular task.

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The NLP Task Effectiveness of Long-Range Transformers
Guanghui Qin | Yukun Feng | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Transformer models cannot easily scale to long sequences due to their O(Nˆ2) time and space complexity. This has led to Transformer variants seeking to lower computational complexity, such as Longformer and Performer. While such models have theoretically greater efficiency, their effectiveness on real NLP tasks has not been well studied. We benchmark 7 variants of Transformer models on 5 difficult NLP tasks and 7 datasets. We design experiments to isolate the effect of pretraining and hyperparameter settings, to focus on their capacity for long-range attention. Moreover, we present various methods to investigate attention behaviors to illuminate model details beyond metric scores. We find that the modified attention in long-range transformers has advantages on content selection and query-guided decoding, but they come with previously unrecognized drawbacks such as insufficient attention to distant tokens and accumulated approximation error.

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The Effect of Alignment Correction on Cross-Lingual Annotation Projection
Shabnam Behzad | Seth Ebner | Marc Marone | Benjamin Van Durme | Mahsa Yarmohammadi
Proceedings of the 17th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW-XVII)

Cross-lingual annotation projection is a practical method for improving performance on low resource structured prediction tasks. An important step in annotation projection is obtaining alignments between the source and target texts, which enables the mapping of annotations across the texts. By manually correcting automatically generated alignments, we examine the impact of alignment quality—automatic, manual, and mixed—on downstream performance for two information extraction tasks and quantify the trade-off between annotation effort and model performance.

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Connecting Symbolic Statutory Reasoning with Legal Information Extraction
Nils Holzenberger | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2023

Statutory reasoning is the task of determining whether a given law – a part of a statute – applies to a given legal case. Previous work has shown that structured, logical representations of laws and cases can be leveraged to solve statutory reasoning, including on the StAtutory Reasoning Assessment dataset (SARA), but rely on costly human translation into structured representations. Here, we investigate a form of legal information extraction atop the SARA cases, illustrating how the task can be done with high performance. Further, we show how the performance of downstream symbolic reasoning directly correlates with the quality of the information extraction.

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Multilingual Coreference Resolution in Multiparty Dialogue
Boyuan Zheng | Patrick Xia | Mahsa Yarmohammadi | Benjamin Van Durme
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 11

Existing multiparty dialogue datasets for entity coreference resolution are nascent, and many challenges are still unaddressed. We create a large-scale dataset, Multilingual Multiparty Coref (MMC), for this task based on TV transcripts. Due to the availability of gold-quality subtitles in multiple languages, we propose reusing the annotations to create silver coreference resolution data in other languages (Chinese and Farsi) via annotation projection. On the gold (English) data, off-the-shelf models perform relatively poorly on MMC, suggesting that MMC has broader coverage of multiparty coreference than prior datasets. On the silver data, we find success both using it for data augmentation and training from scratch, which effectively simulates the zero-shot cross-lingual setting.

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Calibrated Interpretation: Confidence Estimation in Semantic Parsing
Elias Stengel-Eskin | Benjamin Van Durme
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 11

Sequence generation models are increasingly being used to translate natural language into programs, i.e., to perform executable semantic parsing. The fact that semantic parsing aims to predict programs that can lead to executed actions in the real world motivates developing safe systems. This in turn makes measuring calibration—a central component to safety—particularly important. We investigate the calibration of popular generation models across four popular semantic parsing datasets, finding that it varies across models and datasets. We then analyze factors associated with calibration error and release new confidence-based challenge splits of two parsing datasets. To facilitate the inclusion of calibration in semantic parsing evaluations, we release a library for computing calibration metrics.1

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Condensing Multilingual Knowledge with Lightweight Language-Specific Modules
Haoran Xu | Weiting Tan | Shuyue Li | Yunmo Chen | Benjamin Van Durme | Philipp Koehn | Kenton Murray
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Incorporating language-specific (LS) modules or Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) are proven methods to boost performance in multilingual model performance, but the scalability of these approaches to hundreds of languages or experts tends to be hard to manage. We present Language-specific Matrix Synthesis (LMS), a novel method that addresses the issue. LMS utilizes parameter-efficient and lightweight modules, reducing the number of parameters while outperforming existing methods, e.g., +1.73 BLEU over Switch Transformer on OPUS-100 multilingual translation. Additionally, we introduce Fuse Distillation (FD) to condense multilingual knowledge from multiple LS modules into a single shared module, improving model inference and storage efficiency. Our approach demonstrates superior scalability and performance compared to state-of-the-art methods.

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Did You Mean...? Confidence-based Trade-offs in Semantic Parsing
Elias Stengel-Eskin | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

We illustrate how a calibrated model can help balance common trade-offs in task-oriented parsing. In a simulated annotator-in-the-loop experiment, we show that well-calibrated confidence scores allow us to balance cost with annotator load, improving accuracy with a small number of interactions. We then examine how confidence scores can help optimize the trade-off between usability and safety. We show that confidence-based thresholding can substantially reduce the number of incorrect low-confidence programs executed; however, this comes at a cost to usability. We propose the DidYouMean system which better balances usability and safety by rephrasing low-confidence inputs.

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When Do Decompositions Help for Machine Reading?
Kangda Wei | Dawn Lawrie | Benjamin Van Durme | Yunmo Chen | Orion Weller
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Answering complex questions often requires multi-step reasoning in order to obtain the final answer. Most research into decompositions of complex questions involves open-domain systems, which have shown success in using these decompositions for improved retrieval. In the machine reading setting, however, work to understand when decompositions are helpful is understudied. We conduct experiments on decompositions in machine reading to unify recent work in this space, using a range of models and datasets. We find that decompositions can be helpful in zero or limited-data settings, giving several points of improvement in exact match. However, we also show that when models are given access to around a few hundred or more examples, decompositions are not helpful (and can actually be detrimental). Thus, our analysis implies that models can learn decompositions implicitly even with limited data.

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A Unified View of Evaluation Metrics for Structured Prediction
Yunmo Chen | William Gantt | Tongfei Chen | Aaron White | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

We present a conceptual framework that unifies a variety of evaluation metrics for different structured prediction tasks (e.g. event and relation extraction, syntactic and semantic parsing). Our framework requires representing the outputs of these tasks as objects of certain data types, and derives metrics through matching of common substructures, possibly followed by normalization. We demonstrate how commonly used metrics for a number of tasks can be succinctly expressed by this framework, and show that new metrics can be naturally derived in a bottom-up way based on an output structure. We release a library that enables this derivation to create new metrics. Finally, we consider how specific characteristics of tasks motivate metric design decisions, and suggest possible modifications to existing metrics in line with those motivations.

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Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road? Rephrasing and Analyzing Ambiguous Questions in VQA
Elias Stengel-Eskin | Jimena Guallar-Blasco | Yi Zhou | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Natural language is ambiguous. Resolving ambiguous questions is key to successfully answering them. Focusing on questions about images, we create a dataset of ambiguous examples. We annotate these, grouping answers by the underlying question they address and rephrasing the question for each group to reduce ambiguity. Our analysis reveals a linguistically-aligned ontology of reasons for ambiguity in visual questions. We then develop an English question-generation model which we demonstrate via automatic and human evaluation produces less ambiguous questions. We further show that the question generation objective we use allows the model to integrate answer group information without any direct supervision.

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Evaluating Paraphrastic Robustness in Textual Entailment Models
Dhruv Verma | Yash Kumar Lal | Shreyashee Sinha | Benjamin Van Durme | Adam Poliak
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

We present PaRTE, a collection of 1,126 pairs of Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE) examples to evaluate whether models are robust to paraphrasing. We posit that if RTE models understand language, their predictions should be consistent across inputs that share the same meaning. We use the evaluation set to determine if RTE models’ predictions change when examples are paraphrased. In our experiments, contemporary models change their predictions on 8-16% of paraphrased examples, indicating that there is still room for improvement.


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Calibrating Zero-shot Cross-lingual (Un-)structured Predictions
Zhengping Jiang | Anqi Liu | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

We investigate model calibration in the setting of zero-shot cross-lingual transfer with large-scale pre-trained language models. The level of model calibration is an important metric for evaluating the trustworthiness of predictive models. There exists an essential need for model calibration when natural language models are deployed in critical tasks. We study different post-training calibration methods in structured and unstructured prediction tasks. We find that models trained with data from the source language become less calibrated when applied to the target language and that calibration errors increase with intrinsic task difficulty and relative sparsity of training data. Moreover, we observe a potential connection between the level of calibration error and an earlier proposed measure of the distance from English to other languages. Finally, our comparison demonstrates that among other methods Temperature Scaling (TS) generalizes well to distant languages, but TS fails to calibrate more complex confidence estimation in structured predictions compared to more expressive alternatives like Gaussian Process Calibration.

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An Empirical Study on Finding Spans
Weiwei Gu | Boyuan Zheng | Yunmo Chen | Tongfei Chen | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

We present an empirical study on methods for span finding, the selection of consecutive tokens in text for some downstream tasks. We focus on approaches that can be employed in training end-to-end information extraction systems, and find there is no definitive solution without considering task properties, and provide our observations to help with future design choices: 1) a tagging approach often yields higher precision while span enumeration and boundary prediction provide higher recall; 2) span type information can benefit a boundary prediction approach; 3) additional contextualization does not help span finding in most cases.

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Automatic Document Selection for Efficient Encoder Pretraining
Yukun Feng | Patrick Xia | Benjamin Van Durme | João Sedoc
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Building pretrained language models is considered expensive and data-intensive, but must we increase dataset size to achieve better performance? We propose an alternative to larger training sets by automatically identifying smaller yet domain-representative subsets. We extend Cynical Data Selection, a statistical sentence scoring method that conditions on a representative target domain corpus. As an example, we treat the OntoNotes corpus as a target domain and pretrain a RoBERTa-like encoder from a cynically selected subset of the Pile. On both perplexity and across several downstream tasks in the target domain, it consistently outperforms random selection with 20x less data, 3x fewer training iterations, and 2x less estimated cloud compute cost, validating the recipe of automatic document selection for LM pretraining.

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The Curious Case of Control
Elias Stengel-Eskin | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Children acquiring English make systematic errors on subject control sentences even after they have reached near-adult competence (Chomsky, 1969), possibly due to heuristics based on semantic roles (Maratsos, 1974).Given the advanced fluency of large generative language models, we ask whether model outputs are consistent with these heuristics, and to what degree different models are consistent with each other. We find that models can be categorized by behavior into three separate groups, with broad differences between the groups. The outputs of models in the largest group are consistent with positional heuristics that succeed on subject control but fail on object control. This result is surprising, given that object control is orders of magnitude more frequent in the text data used to train such models. We examine to what degree the models are sensitive to prompting with agent-patient information, finding that raising the salience of agent and patient relations results in significant changes in the outputs of most models. Based on this observation, we leverage an existing dataset of semantic proto-role annotations (White et al. 2020) to explore the connections between control and labeling event participants with properties typically associated with agents and patients.

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When More Data Hurts: A Troubling Quirk in Developing Broad-Coverage Natural Language Understanding Systems
Elias Stengel-Eskin | Emmanouil Antonios Platanios | Adam Pauls | Sam Thomson | Hao Fang | Benjamin Van Durme | Jason Eisner | Yu Su
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

In natural language understanding (NLU) production systems, users’ evolving needs necessitate the addition of new features over time, indexed by new symbols added to the meaning representation space. This requires additional training data and results in ever-growing datasets. We present the first systematic investigation into this incremental symbol learning scenario. Our analysis reveals a troubling quirk in building broad-coverage NLU systems: as the training dataset grows, performance on a small set of new symbols often decreases. We show that this trend holds for multiple mainstream models on two common NLU tasks: intent recognition and semantic parsing. Rejecting class imbalance as the sole culprit, we reveal that the trend is closely associated with an effect we call source signal dilution, where strong lexical cues for the new symbol become diluted as the training dataset grows. Selectively dropping training examples to prevent dilution often reverses the trend, showing the over-reliance of mainstream neural NLU models on simple lexical cues.

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Addressing Resource and Privacy Constraints in Semantic Parsing Through Data Augmentation
Kevin Yang | Olivia Deng | Charles Chen | Richard Shin | Subhro Roy | Benjamin Van Durme
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022

We introduce a novel setup for low-resource task-oriented semantic parsing which incorporates several constraints that may arise in real-world scenarios: (1) lack of similar datasets/models from a related domain, (2) inability to sample useful logical forms directly from a grammar, and (3) privacy requirements for unlabeled natural utterances. Our goal is to improve a low-resource semantic parser using utterances collected through user interactions. In this highly challenging but realistic setting, we investigate data augmentation approaches involving generating a set of structured canonical utterances corresponding to logical forms, before simulating corresponding natural language and filtering the resulting pairs. We find that such approaches are effective despite our restrictive setup: in a low-resource setting on the complex SMCalFlow calendaring dataset (Andreas et al. 2020), we observe 33% relative improvement over a non-data-augmented baseline in top-1 match.

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Human Schema Curation via Causal Association Rule Mining
Noah Weber | Anton Belyy | Nils Holzenberger | Rachel Rudinger | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 16th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW-XVI) within LREC2022

Event schemas are structured knowledge sources defining typical real-world scenarios (e.g., going to an airport). We present a framework for efficient human-in-the-loop construction of a schema library, based on a novel script induction system and a well-crafted interface that allows non-experts to “program” complex event structures. Associated with this work we release a schema library: a machine readable resource of 232 detailed event schemas, each of which describe a distinct typical scenario in terms of its relevant sub-event structure (what happens in the scenario), participants (who plays a role in the scenario), fine-grained typing of each participant, and the implied relational constraints between them. We make our schema library and the SchemaBlocks interface available online.

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Online Neural Coreference Resolution with Rollback
Patrick Xia | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Computational Models of Reference, Anaphora and Coreference

Humans process natural language online, whether reading a document or participating in multiparty dialogue. Recent advances in neural coreference resolution have focused on offline approaches that assume the full communication history as input. This is neither realistic nor sufficient if we wish to support dialogue understanding in real-time. We benchmark two existing, offline, models and highlight their shortcomings in the online setting. We then modify these models to perform online inference and introduce rollback: a short-term mechanism to correct mistakes. We demonstrate across five English datasets the effectiveness of this approach against an offline and a naive online model in terms of latency, final document-level coreference F1, and average running F1.

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Adapting Coreference Resolution Models through Active Learning
Michelle Yuan | Patrick Xia | Chandler May | Benjamin Van Durme | Jordan Boyd-Graber
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Neural coreference resolution models trained on one dataset may not transfer to new, low-resource domains. Active learning mitigates this problem by sampling a small subset of data for annotators to label. While active learning is well-defined for classification tasks, its application to coreference resolution is neither well-defined nor fully understood. This paper explores how to actively label coreference, examining sources of model uncertainty and document reading costs. We compare uncertainty sampling strategies and their advantages through thorough error analysis. In both synthetic and human experiments, labeling spans within the same document is more effective than annotating spans across documents. The findings contribute to a more realistic development of coreference resolution models.

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Guided K-best Selection for Semantic Parsing Annotation
Anton Belyy | Chieh-yang Huang | Jacob Andreas | Emmanouil Antonios Platanios | Sam Thomson | Richard Shin | Subhro Roy | Aleksandr Nisnevich | Charles Chen | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations

Collecting data for conversational semantic parsing is a time-consuming and demanding process. In this paper we consider, given an incomplete dataset with only a small amount of data, how to build an AI-powered human-in-the-loop process to enable efficient data collection. A guided K-best selection process is proposed, which (i) generates a set of possible valid candidates; (ii) allows users to quickly traverse the set and filter incorrect parses; and (iii) asks users to select the correct parse, with minimal modification when necessary. We investigate how to best support users in efficiently traversing the candidate set and locating the correct parse, in terms of speed and accuracy. In our user study, consisting of five annotators labeling 300 instances each, we find that combining keyword searching, where keywords can be used to query relevant candidates, and keyword suggestion, where representative keywords are automatically generated, enables fast and accurate annotation.

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Craft an Iron Sword: Dynamically Generating Interactive Game Characters by Prompting Large Language Models Tuned on Code
Ryan Volum | Sudha Rao | Michael Xu | Gabriel DesGarennes | Chris Brockett | Benjamin Van Durme | Olivia Deng | Akanksha Malhotra | Bill Dolan
Proceedings of the 3rd Wordplay: When Language Meets Games Workshop (Wordplay 2022)

Non-Player Characters (NPCs) significantly enhance the player experience in many games. Historically, players’ interactions with NPCs have tended to be highly scripted, to be limited to natural language responses to be selected by the player, and to not involve dynamic change in game state. In this work, we demonstrate that use of a few example conversational prompts can power a conversational agent to generate both natural language and novel code. This approach can permit development of NPCs with which players can have grounded conversations that are free-form and less repetitive. We demonstrate our approach using OpenAI Codex (GPT-3 finetuned on GitHub), with Minecraft game development as our test bed. We show that with a few example prompts, a Codex-based agent can generate novel code, hold multi-turn conversations and answer questions about structured data. We evaluate this application using experienced gamers in a Minecraft realm and provide analysis of failure cases and suggest possible directions for solutions.

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Pretrained Models for Multilingual Federated Learning
Orion Weller | Marc Marone | Vladimir Braverman | Dawn Lawrie | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Since the advent of Federated Learning (FL), research has applied these methods to natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Despite a plethora of papers in FL for NLP, no previous works have studied how multilingual text impacts FL algorithms. Furthermore, multilingual text provides an interesting avenue to examine the impact of non-IID text (e.g. different languages) on FL in naturally occurring data. We explore three multilingual language tasks, language modeling, machine translation, and text classification using differing federated and non-federated learning algorithms. Our results show that using pretrained models reduces the negative effects of FL, helping them to perform near or better than centralized (no privacy) learning, even when using non-IID partitioning.

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Visual Commonsense in Pretrained Unimodal and Multimodal Models
Chenyu Zhang | Benjamin Van Durme | Zhuowan Li | Elias Stengel-Eskin
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Our commonsense knowledge about objects includes their typical visual attributes; we know that bananas are typically yellow or green, and not purple. Text and image corpora, being subject to reporting bias, represent this world-knowledge to varying degrees of faithfulness. In this paper, we investigate to what degree unimodal (language-only) and multimodal (image and language) models capture a broad range of visually salient attributes. To that end, we create the Visual Commonsense Tests (ViComTe) dataset covering 5 property types (color, shape, material, size, and visual co-occurrence) for over 5000 subjects. We validate this dataset by showing that our grounded color data correlates much better than ungrounded text-only data with crowdsourced color judgments provided by Paik et al. (2021). We then use our dataset to evaluate pretrained unimodal models and multimodal models. Our results indicate that multimodal models better reconstruct attribute distributions, but are still subject to reporting bias. Moreover, increasing model size does not enhance performance, suggesting that the key to visual commonsense lies in the data.

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Few-Shot Semantic Parsing with Language Models Trained on Code
Richard Shin | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Large language models can perform semantic parsing with little training data, when prompted with in-context examples. It has been shown that this can be improved by formulating the problem as paraphrasing into canonical utterances, which casts the underlying meaning representation into a controlled natural language-like representation. Intuitively, such models can more easily output canonical utterances as they are closer to the natural language used for pre-training. Recently, models also pre-trained on code, like OpenAI Codex, have risen in prominence. For semantic parsing tasks where we map natural language into code, such models may prove more adept at it. In this paper, we test this hypothesis and find that Codex performs better on such tasks than equivalent GPT-3 models. We evaluate on Overnight and SMCalFlow and find that unlike GPT-3, Codex performs similarly when targeting meaning representations directly, perhaps because meaning representations are structured similar to code in these datasets.

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Zero-shot Cross-lingual Transfer is Under-specified Optimization
Shijie Wu | Benjamin Van Durme | Mark Dredze
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP

Pretrained multilingual encoders enable zero-shot cross-lingual transfer, but often produce unreliable models that exhibit high performance variance on the target language. We postulate that this high variance results from zero-shot cross-lingual transfer solving an under-specified optimization problem. We show that any linear-interpolated model between the source language monolingual model and source + target bilingual model has equally low source language generalization error, yet the target language generalization error reduces smoothly and linearly as we move from the monolingual to bilingual model, suggesting that the model struggles to identify good solutions for both source and target languages using the source language alone. Additionally, we show that zero-shot solution lies in non-flat region of target language error generalization surface, causing the high variance.

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Improved Induction of Narrative Chains via Cross-Document Relations
Andrew Blair-stanek | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics

The standard approach for inducing narrative chains considers statistics gathered per individual document. We consider whether statistics gathered using cross-document relations can lead to improved chain induction. Our study is motivated by legal narratives, where cases typically cite thematically similar cases. We consider four novel variations on pointwise mutual information (PMI), each accounting for cross-document relations in a different way. One proposed PMI variation performs 58% better relative to standard PMI on recall@50 and induces qualitatively better narrative chains.


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LOME: Large Ontology Multilingual Extraction
Patrick Xia | Guanghui Qin | Siddharth Vashishtha | Yunmo Chen | Tongfei Chen | Chandler May | Craig Harman | Kyle Rawlins | Aaron Steven White | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations

We present LOME, a system for performing multilingual information extraction. Given a text document as input, our core system identifies spans of textual entity and event mentions with a FrameNet (Baker et al., 1998) parser. It subsequently performs coreference resolution, fine-grained entity typing, and temporal relation prediction between events. By doing so, the system constructs an event and entity focused knowledge graph. We can further apply third-party modules for other types of annotation, like relation extraction. Our (multilingual) first-party modules either outperform or are competitive with the (monolingual) state-of-the-art. We achieve this through the use of multilingual encoders like XLM-R (Conneau et al., 2020) and leveraging multilingual training data. LOME is available as a Docker container on Docker Hub. In addition, a lightweight version of the system is accessible as a web demo.

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Human-Model Divergence in the Handling of Vagueness
Elias Stengel-Eskin | Jimena Guallar-Blasco | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics 2021

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Gradual Fine-Tuning for Low-Resource Domain Adaptation
Haoran Xu | Seth Ebner | Mahsa Yarmohammadi | Aaron Steven White | Benjamin Van Durme | Kenton Murray
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Domain Adaptation for NLP

Fine-tuning is known to improve NLP models by adapting an initial model trained on more plentiful but less domain-salient examples to data in a target domain. Such domain adaptation is typically done using one stage of fine-tuning. We demonstrate that gradually fine-tuning in a multi-step process can yield substantial further gains and can be applied without modifying the model or learning objective.

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Iterative Paraphrastic Augmentation with Discriminative Span Alignment
Ryan Culkin | J. Edward Hu | Elias Stengel-Eskin | Guanghui Qin | Benjamin Van Durme
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 9

We introduce a novel paraphrastic augmentation strategy based on sentence-level lexically constrained paraphrasing and discriminative span alignment. Our approach allows for the large-scale expansion of existing datasets or the rapid creation of new datasets using a small, manually produced seed corpus. We demonstrate our approach with experiments on the Berkeley FrameNet Project, a large-scale language understanding effort spanning more than two decades of human labor. With four days of training data collection for a span alignment model and one day of parallel compute, we automatically generate and release to the community 495,300 unique (Frame,Trigger) pairs in diverse sentential contexts, a roughly 50-fold expansion atop FrameNet v1.7. The resulting dataset is intrinsically and extrinsically evaluated in detail, showing positive results on a downstream task.

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Joint Universal Syntactic and Semantic Parsing
Elias Stengel-Eskin | Kenton Murray | Sheng Zhang | Aaron Steven White | Benjamin Van Durme
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 9

While numerous attempts have been made to jointly parse syntax and semantics, high performance in one domain typically comes at the price of performance in the other. This trade-off contradicts the large body of research focusing on the rich interactions at the syntax–semantics interface. We explore multiple model architectures that allow us to exploit the rich syntactic and semantic annotations contained in the Universal Decompositional Semantics (UDS) dataset, jointly parsing Universal Dependencies and UDS to obtain state-of-the-art results in both formalisms. We analyze the behavior of a joint model of syntax and semantics, finding patterns supported by linguistic theory at the syntax–semantics interface. We then investigate to what degree joint modeling generalizes to a multilingual setting, where we find similar trends across 8 languages.

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Everything Is All It Takes: A Multipronged Strategy for Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Information Extraction
Mahsa Yarmohammadi | Shijie Wu | Marc Marone | Haoran Xu | Seth Ebner | Guanghui Qin | Yunmo Chen | Jialiang Guo | Craig Harman | Kenton Murray | Aaron Steven White | Mark Dredze | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Zero-shot cross-lingual information extraction (IE) describes the construction of an IE model for some target language, given existing annotations exclusively in some other language, typically English. While the advance of pretrained multilingual encoders suggests an easy optimism of “train on English, run on any language”, we find through a thorough exploration and extension of techniques that a combination of approaches, both new and old, leads to better performance than any one cross-lingual strategy in particular. We explore techniques including data projection and self-training, and how different pretrained encoders impact them. We use English-to-Arabic IE as our initial example, demonstrating strong performance in this setting for event extraction, named entity recognition, part-of-speech tagging, and dependency parsing. We then apply data projection and self-training to three tasks across eight target languages. Because no single set of techniques performs the best across all tasks, we encourage practitioners to explore various configurations of the techniques described in this work when seeking to improve on zero-shot training.

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Moving on from OntoNotes: Coreference Resolution Model Transfer
Patrick Xia | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Academic neural models for coreference resolution (coref) are typically trained on a single dataset, OntoNotes, and model improvements are benchmarked on that same dataset. However, real-world applications of coref depend on the annotation guidelines and the domain of the target dataset, which often differ from those of OntoNotes. We aim to quantify transferability of coref models based on the number of annotated documents available in the target dataset. We examine eleven target datasets and find that continued training is consistently effective and especially beneficial when there are few target documents. We establish new benchmarks across several datasets, including state-of-the-art results on PreCo.

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BERT, mBERT, or BiBERT? A Study on Contextualized Embeddings for Neural Machine Translation
Haoran Xu | Benjamin Van Durme | Kenton Murray
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

The success of bidirectional encoders using masked language models, such as BERT, on numerous natural language processing tasks has prompted researchers to attempt to incorporate these pre-trained models into neural machine translation (NMT) systems. However, proposed methods for incorporating pre-trained models are non-trivial and mainly focus on BERT, which lacks a comparison of the impact that other pre-trained models may have on translation performance. In this paper, we demonstrate that simply using the output (contextualized embeddings) of a tailored and suitable bilingual pre-trained language model (dubbed BiBERT) as the input of the NMT encoder achieves state-of-the-art translation performance. Moreover, we also propose a stochastic layer selection approach and a concept of a dual-directional translation model to ensure the sufficient utilization of contextualized embeddings. In the case of without using back translation, our best models achieve BLEU scores of 30.45 for En→De and 38.61 for De→En on the IWSLT’14 dataset, and 31.26 for En→De and 34.94 for De→En on the WMT’14 dataset, which exceeds all published numbers.

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Constrained Language Models Yield Few-Shot Semantic Parsers
Richard Shin | Christopher Lin | Sam Thomson | Charles Chen | Subhro Roy | Emmanouil Antonios Platanios | Adam Pauls | Dan Klein | Jason Eisner | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

We explore the use of large pretrained language models as few-shot semantic parsers. The goal in semantic parsing is to generate a structured meaning representation given a natural language input. However, language models are trained to generate natural language. To bridge the gap, we use language models to paraphrase inputs into a controlled sublanguage resembling English that can be automatically mapped to a target meaning representation. Our results demonstrate that with only a small amount of data and very little code to convert into English-like representations, our blueprint for rapidly bootstrapping semantic parsers leads to surprisingly effective performance on multiple community tasks, greatly exceeding baseline methods also trained on the same limited data.

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Factoring Statutory Reasoning as Language Understanding Challenges
Nils Holzenberger | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Statutory reasoning is the task of determining whether a legal statute, stated in natural language, applies to the text description of a case. Prior work introduced a resource that approached statutory reasoning as a monolithic textual entailment problem, with neural baselines performing nearly at-chance. To address this challenge, we decompose statutory reasoning into four types of language-understanding challenge problems, through the introduction of concepts and structure found in Prolog programs. Augmenting an existing benchmark, we provide annotations for the four tasks, and baselines for three of them. Models for statutory reasoning are shown to benefit from the additional structure, improving on prior baselines. Further, the decomposition into subtasks facilitates finer-grained model diagnostics and clearer incremental progress.

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InFillmore: Frame-Guided Language Generation with Bidirectional Context
Jiefu Ou | Nathaniel Weir | Anton Belyy | Felix Yu | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of *SEM 2021: The Tenth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics

We propose a structured extension to bidirectional-context conditional language generation, or “infilling,” inspired by Frame Semantic theory. Guidance is provided through one of two approaches: (1) model fine-tuning, conditioning directly on observed symbolic frames, and (2) a novel extension to disjunctive lexically constrained decoding that leverages frame semantic lexical units. Automatic and human evaluations confirm that frame-guided generation allows for explicit manipulation of intended infill semantics, with minimal loss in distinguishability from human-generated text. Our methods flexibly apply to a variety of use scenarios, and we provide an interactive web demo.

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Human-Model Divergence in the Handling of Vagueness
Elias Stengel-Eskin | Jimena Guallar-Blasco | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Understanding Implicit and Underspecified Language

While aggregate performance metrics can generate valuable insights at a large scale, their dominance means more complex and nuanced language phenomena, such as vagueness, may be overlooked. Focusing on vague terms (e.g. sunny, cloudy, young, etc.) we inspect the behavior of visually grounded and text-only models, finding systematic divergences from human judgments even when a model’s overall performance is high. To help explain this disparity, we identify two assumptions made by the datasets and models examined and, guided by the philosophy of vagueness, isolate cases where they do not hold.


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Temporal Reasoning in Natural Language Inference
Siddharth Vashishtha | Adam Poliak | Yash Kumar Lal | Benjamin Van Durme | Aaron Steven White
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020

We introduce five new natural language inference (NLI) datasets focused on temporal reasoning. We recast four existing datasets annotated for event duration—how long an event lasts—and event ordering—how events are temporally arranged—into more than one million NLI examples. We use these datasets to investigate how well neural models trained on a popular NLI corpus capture these forms of temporal reasoning.

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The Universal Decompositional Semantics Dataset and Decomp Toolkit
Aaron Steven White | Elias Stengel-Eskin | Siddharth Vashishtha | Venkata Subrahmanyan Govindarajan | Dee Ann Reisinger | Tim Vieira | Keisuke Sakaguchi | Sheng Zhang | Francis Ferraro | Rachel Rudinger | Kyle Rawlins | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

We present the Universal Decompositional Semantics (UDS) dataset (v1.0), which is bundled with the Decomp toolkit (v0.1). UDS1.0 unifies five high-quality, decompositional semantics-aligned annotation sets within a single semantic graph specification—with graph structures defined by the predicative patterns produced by the PredPatt tool and real-valued node and edge attributes constructed using sophisticated normalization procedures. The Decomp toolkit provides a suite of Python 3 tools for querying UDS graphs using SPARQL. Both UDS1.0 and Decomp0.1 are publicly available at http://decomp.io.

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Joint Modeling of Arguments for Event Understanding
Yunmo Chen | Tongfei Chen | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Computational Approaches to Discourse

We recognize the task of event argument linking in documents as similar to that of intent slot resolution in dialogue, providing a Transformer-based model that extends from a recently proposed solution to resolve references to slots. The approach allows for joint consideration of argument candidates given a detected event, which we illustrate leads to state-of-the-art performance in multi-sentence argument linking.

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CopyNext: Explicit Span Copying and Alignment in Sequence to Sequence Models
Abhinav Singh | Patrick Xia | Guanghui Qin | Mahsa Yarmohammadi | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Structured Prediction for NLP

Copy mechanisms are employed in sequence to sequence (seq2seq) models to generate reproductions of words from the input to the output. These frameworks, operating at the lexical type level, fail to provide an explicit alignment that records where each token was copied from. Further, they require contiguous token sequences from the input (spans) to be copied individually. We present a model with an explicit token-level copy operation and extend it to copying entire spans. Our model provides hard alignments between spans in the input and output, allowing for nontraditional applications of seq2seq, like information extraction. We demonstrate the approach on Nested Named Entity Recognition, achieving near state-of-the-art accuracy with an order of magnitude increase in decoding speed.

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Reading the Manual: Event Extraction as Definition Comprehension
Yunmo Chen | Tongfei Chen | Seth Ebner | Aaron Steven White | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Structured Prediction for NLP

We ask whether text understanding has progressed to where we may extract event information through incremental refinement of bleached statements derived from annotation manuals. Such a capability would allow for the trivial construction and extension of an extraction framework by intended end-users through declarations such as, “Some person was born in some location at some time.” We introduce an example of a model that employs such statements, with experiments illustrating we can extract events under closed ontologies and generalize to unseen event types simply by reading new definitions.

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Multi-Sentence Argument Linking
Seth Ebner | Patrick Xia | Ryan Culkin | Kyle Rawlins | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

We present a novel document-level model for finding argument spans that fill an event’s roles, connecting related ideas in sentence-level semantic role labeling and coreference resolution. Because existing datasets for cross-sentence linking are small, development of our neural model is supported through the creation of a new resource, Roles Across Multiple Sentences (RAMS), which contains 9,124 annotated events across 139 types. We demonstrate strong performance of our model on RAMS and other event-related datasets.

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Universal Decompositional Semantic Parsing
Elias Stengel-Eskin | Aaron Steven White | Sheng Zhang | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

We introduce a transductive model for parsing into Universal Decompositional Semantics (UDS) representations, which jointly learns to map natural language utterances into UDS graph structures and annotate the graph with decompositional semantic attribute scores. We also introduce a strong pipeline model for parsing into the UDS graph structure, and show that our transductive parser performs comparably while additionally performing attribute prediction. By analyzing the attribute prediction errors, we find the model captures natural relationships between attribute groups.

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Hierarchical Entity Typing via Multi-level Learning to Rank
Tongfei Chen | Yunmo Chen | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

We propose a novel method for hierarchical entity classification that embraces ontological structure at both training and during prediction. At training, our novel multi-level learning-to-rank loss compares positive types against negative siblings according to the type tree. During prediction, we define a coarse-to-fine decoder that restricts viable candidates at each level of the ontology based on already predicted parent type(s). Our approach significantly outperform prior work on strict accuracy, demonstrating the effectiveness of our method.

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Uncertain Natural Language Inference
Tongfei Chen | Zhengping Jiang | Adam Poliak | Keisuke Sakaguchi | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

We introduce Uncertain Natural Language Inference (UNLI), a refinement of Natural Language Inference (NLI) that shifts away from categorical labels, targeting instead the direct prediction of subjective probability assessments. We demonstrate the feasibility of collecting annotations for UNLI by relabeling a portion of the SNLI dataset under a probabilistic scale, where items even with the same categorical label differ in how likely people judge them to be true given a premise. We describe a direct scalar regression modeling approach, and find that existing categorically-labeled NLI data can be used in pre-training. Our best models correlate well with humans, demonstrating models are capable of more subtle inferences than the categorical bin assignment employed in current NLI tasks.

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Script Induction as Association Rule Mining
Anton Belyy | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the First Joint Workshop on Narrative Understanding, Storylines, and Events

We show that the count-based Script Induction models of Chambers and Jurafsky (2008) and Jans et al. (2012) can be unified in a general framework of narrative chain likelihood maximization. We provide efficient algorithms based on Association Rule Mining (ARM) and weighted set cover that can discover interesting patterns in the training data and combine them in a reliable and explainable way to predict the missing event. The proposed method, unlike the prior work, does not assume full conditional independence and makes use of higher-order count statistics. We perform the ablation study and conclude that the inductive biases introduced by ARM are conducive to better performance on the narrative cloze test.

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COD3S: Diverse Generation with Discrete Semantic Signatures
Nathaniel Weir | João Sedoc | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

We present COD3S, a novel method for generating semantically diverse sentences using neural sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) models. Conditioned on an input, seq2seqs typically produce semantically and syntactically homogeneous sets of sentences and thus perform poorly on one-to-many sequence generation tasks. Our two-stage approach improves output diversity by conditioning generation on locality-sensitive hash (LSH)-based semantic sentence codes whose Hamming distances highly correlate with human judgments of semantic textual similarity. Though it is generally applicable, we apply to causal generation, the task of predicting a proposition’s plausible causes or effects. We demonstrate through automatic and human evaluation that responses produced using our method exhibit improved diversity without degrading task performance.

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Interactive Refinement of Cross-Lingual Word Embeddings
Michelle Yuan | Mozhi Zhang | Benjamin Van Durme | Leah Findlater | Jordan Boyd-Graber
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

Cross-lingual word embeddings transfer knowledge between languages: models trained on high-resource languages can predict in low-resource languages. We introduce CLIME, an interactive system to quickly refine cross-lingual word embeddings for a given classification problem. First, CLIME ranks words by their salience to the downstream task. Then, users mark similarity between keywords and their nearest neighbors in the embedding space. Finally, CLIME updates the embeddings using the annotations. We evaluate CLIME on identifying health-related text in four low-resource languages: Ilocano, Sinhalese, Tigrinya, and Uyghur. Embeddings refined by CLIME capture more nuanced word semantics and have higher test accuracy than the original embeddings. CLIME often improves accuracy faster than an active learning baseline and can be easily combined with active learning to improve results.

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Which *BERT? A Survey Organizing Contextualized Encoders
Patrick Xia | Shijie Wu | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

Pretrained contextualized text encoders are now a staple of the NLP community. We present a survey on language representation learning with the aim of consolidating a series of shared lessons learned across a variety of recent efforts. While significant advancements continue at a rapid pace, we find that enough has now been discovered, in different directions, that we can begin to organize advances according to common themes. Through this organization, we highlight important considerations when interpreting recent contributions and choosing which model to use.

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Causal Inference of Script Knowledge
Noah Weber | Rachel Rudinger | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

When does a sequence of events define an everyday scenario and how can this knowledge be induced from text? Prior works in inducing such scripts have relied on, in one form or another, measures of correlation between instances of events in a corpus. We argue from both a conceptual and practical sense that a purely correlation-based approach is insufficient, and instead propose an approach to script induction based on the causal effect between events, formally defined via interventions. Through both human and automatic evaluations, we show that the output of our method based on causal effects better matches the intuition of what a script represents.

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Incremental Neural Coreference Resolution in Constant Memory
Patrick Xia | João Sedoc | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

We investigate modeling coreference resolution under a fixed memory constraint by extending an incremental clustering algorithm to utilize contextualized encoders and neural components. Given a new sentence, our end-to-end algorithm proposes and scores each mention span against explicit entity representations created from the earlier document context (if any). These spans are then used to update the entity’s representations before being forgotten; we only retain a fixed set of salient entities throughout the document. In this work, we successfully convert a high-performing model (Joshi et al., 2020), asymptotically reducing its memory usage to constant space with only a 0.3% relative loss in F1 on OntoNotes 5.0.

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Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Tutorial Abstracts
Aline Villavicencio | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Tutorial Abstracts


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Probing What Different NLP Tasks Teach Machines about Function Word Comprehension
Najoung Kim | Roma Patel | Adam Poliak | Patrick Xia | Alex Wang | Tom McCoy | Ian Tenney | Alexis Ross | Tal Linzen | Benjamin Van Durme | Samuel R. Bowman | Ellie Pavlick
Proceedings of the Eighth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM 2019)

We introduce a set of nine challenge tasks that test for the understanding of function words. These tasks are created by structurally mutating sentences from existing datasets to target the comprehension of specific types of function words (e.g., prepositions, wh-words). Using these probing tasks, we explore the effects of various pretraining objectives for sentence encoders (e.g., language modeling, CCG supertagging and natural language inference (NLI)) on the learned representations. Our results show that pretraining on CCG—our most syntactic objective—performs the best on average across our probing tasks, suggesting that syntactic knowledge helps function word comprehension. Language modeling also shows strong performance, supporting its widespread use for pretraining state-of-the-art NLP models. Overall, no pretraining objective dominates across the board, and our function word probing tasks highlight several intuitive differences between pretraining objectives, e.g., that NLI helps the comprehension of negation.

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On Adversarial Removal of Hypothesis-only Bias in Natural Language Inference
Yonatan Belinkov | Adam Poliak | Stuart Shieber | Benjamin Van Durme | Alexander Rush
Proceedings of the Eighth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM 2019)

Popular Natural Language Inference (NLI) datasets have been shown to be tainted by hypothesis-only biases. Adversarial learning may help models ignore sensitive biases and spurious correlations in data. We evaluate whether adversarial learning can be used in NLI to encourage models to learn representations free of hypothesis-only biases. Our analyses indicate that the representations learned via adversarial learning may be less biased, with only small drops in NLI accuracy.

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AMR Parsing as Sequence-to-Graph Transduction
Sheng Zhang | Xutai Ma | Kevin Duh | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

We propose an attention-based model that treats AMR parsing as sequence-to-graph transduction. Unlike most AMR parsers that rely on pre-trained aligners, external semantic resources, or data augmentation, our proposed parser is aligner-free, and it can be effectively trained with limited amounts of labeled AMR data. Our experimental results outperform all previously reported SMATCH scores, on both AMR 2.0 (76.3% on LDC2017T10) and AMR 1.0 (70.2% on LDC2014T12).

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Don’t Take the Premise for Granted: Mitigating Artifacts in Natural Language Inference
Yonatan Belinkov | Adam Poliak | Stuart Shieber | Benjamin Van Durme | Alexander Rush
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Natural Language Inference (NLI) datasets often contain hypothesis-only biases—artifacts that allow models to achieve non-trivial performance without learning whether a premise entails a hypothesis. We propose two probabilistic methods to build models that are more robust to such biases and better transfer across datasets. In contrast to standard approaches to NLI, our methods predict the probability of a premise given a hypothesis and NLI label, discouraging models from ignoring the premise. We evaluate our methods on synthetic and existing NLI datasets by training on datasets containing biases and testing on datasets containing no (or different) hypothesis-only biases. Our results indicate that these methods can make NLI models more robust to dataset-specific artifacts, transferring better than a baseline architecture in 9 out of 12 NLI datasets. Additionally, we provide an extensive analysis of the interplay of our methods with known biases in NLI datasets, as well as the effects of encouraging models to ignore biases and fine-tuning on target datasets.

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Fine-Grained Temporal Relation Extraction
Siddharth Vashishtha | Benjamin Van Durme | Aaron Steven White
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

We present a novel semantic framework for modeling temporal relations and event durations that maps pairs of events to real-valued scales. We use this framework to construct the largest temporal relations dataset to date, covering the entirety of the Universal Dependencies English Web Treebank. We use this dataset to train models for jointly predicting fine-grained temporal relations and event durations. We report strong results on our data and show the efficacy of a transfer-learning approach for predicting categorical relations.

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Can You Tell Me How to Get Past Sesame Street? Sentence-Level Pretraining Beyond Language Modeling
Alex Wang | Jan Hula | Patrick Xia | Raghavendra Pappagari | R. Thomas McCoy | Roma Patel | Najoung Kim | Ian Tenney | Yinghui Huang | Katherin Yu | Shuning Jin | Berlin Chen | Benjamin Van Durme | Edouard Grave | Ellie Pavlick | Samuel R. Bowman
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Natural language understanding has recently seen a surge of progress with the use of sentence encoders like ELMo (Peters et al., 2018a) and BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) which are pretrained on variants of language modeling. We conduct the first large-scale systematic study of candidate pretraining tasks, comparing 19 different tasks both as alternatives and complements to language modeling. Our primary results support the use language modeling, especially when combined with pretraining on additional labeled-data tasks. However, our results are mixed across pretraining tasks and show some concerning trends: In ELMo’s pretrain-then-freeze paradigm, random baselines are worryingly strong and results vary strikingly across target tasks. In addition, fine-tuning BERT on an intermediate task often negatively impacts downstream transfer. In a more positive trend, we see modest gains from multitask training, suggesting the development of more sophisticated multitask and transfer learning techniques as an avenue for further research.

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Learning to Rank for Plausible Plausibility
Zhongyang Li | Tongfei Chen | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Researchers illustrate improvements in contextual encoding strategies via resultant performance on a battery of shared Natural Language Understanding (NLU) tasks. Many of these tasks are of a categorical prediction variety: given a conditioning context (e.g., an NLI premise), provide a label based on an associated prompt (e.g., an NLI hypothesis). The categorical nature of these tasks has led to common use of a cross entropy log-loss objective during training. We suggest this loss is intuitively wrong when applied to plausibility tasks, where the prompt by design is neither categorically entailed nor contradictory given the context. Log-loss naturally drives models to assign scores near 0.0 or 1.0, in contrast to our proposed use of a margin-based loss. Following a discussion of our intuition, we describe a confirmation study based on an extreme, synthetically curated task derived from MultiNLI. We find that a margin-based loss leads to a more plausible model of plausibility. Finally, we illustrate improvements on the Choice Of Plausible Alternative (COPA) task through this change in loss.

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Improved Lexically Constrained Decoding for Translation and Monolingual Rewriting
J. Edward Hu | Huda Khayrallah | Ryan Culkin | Patrick Xia | Tongfei Chen | Matt Post | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long and Short Papers)

Lexically-constrained sequence decoding allows for explicit positive or negative phrase-based constraints to be placed on target output strings in generation tasks such as machine translation or monolingual text rewriting. We describe vectorized dynamic beam allocation, which extends work in lexically-constrained decoding to work with batching, leading to a five-fold improvement in throughput when working with positive constraints. Faster decoding enables faster exploration of constraint strategies: we illustrate this via data augmentation experiments with a monolingual rewriter applied to the tasks of natural language inference, question answering and machine translation, showing improvements in all three.

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Large-Scale, Diverse, Paraphrastic Bitexts via Sampling and Clustering
J. Edward Hu | Abhinav Singh | Nils Holzenberger | Matt Post | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL)

Producing diverse paraphrases of a sentence is a challenging task. Natural paraphrase corpora are scarce and limited, while existing large-scale resources are automatically generated via back-translation and rely on beam search, which tends to lack diversity. We describe ParaBank 2, a new resource that contains multiple diverse sentential paraphrases, produced from a bilingual corpus using negative constraints, inference sampling, and clustering. We show that ParaBank 2 significantly surpasses prior work in both lexical and syntactic diversity while being meaning-preserving, as measured by human judgments and standardized metrics. Further, we illustrate how such paraphrastic resources may be used to refine contextualized encoders, leading to improvements in downstream tasks.

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A Discriminative Neural Model for Cross-Lingual Word Alignment
Elias Stengel-Eskin | Tzu-ray Su | Matt Post | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

We introduce a novel discriminative word alignment model, which we integrate into a Transformer-based machine translation model. In experiments based on a small number of labeled examples (∼1.7K–5K sentences) we evaluate its performance intrinsically on both English-Chinese and English-Arabic alignment, where we achieve major improvements over unsupervised baselines (11–27 F1). We evaluate the model extrinsically on data projection for Chinese NER, showing that our alignments lead to higher performance when used to project NER tags from English to Chinese. Finally, we perform an ablation analysis and an annotation experiment that jointly support the utility and feasibility of future manual alignment elicitation.

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Broad-Coverage Semantic Parsing as Transduction
Sheng Zhang | Xutai Ma | Kevin Duh | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

We unify different broad-coverage semantic parsing tasks into a transduction parsing paradigm, and propose an attention-based neural transducer that incrementally builds meaning representation via a sequence of semantic relations. By leveraging multiple attention mechanisms, the neural transducer can be effectively trained without relying on a pre-trained aligner. Experiments separately conducted on three broad-coverage semantic parsing tasks – AMR, SDP and UCCA – demonstrate that our attention-based neural transducer improves the state of the art on both AMR and UCCA, and is competitive with the state of the art on SDP.

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Bag-of-Words Transfer: Non-Contextual Techniques for Multi-Task Learning
Seth Ebner | Felicity Wang | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Deep Learning Approaches for Low-Resource NLP (DeepLo 2019)

Many architectures for multi-task learning (MTL) have been proposed to take advantage of transfer among tasks, often involving complex models and training procedures. In this paper, we ask if the sentence-level representations learned in previous approaches provide significant benefit beyond that provided by simply improving word-based representations. To investigate this question, we consider three techniques that ignore sequence information: a syntactically-oblivious pooling encoder, pre-trained non-contextual word embeddings, and unigram generative regularization. Compared to a state-of-the-art MTL approach to textual inference, the simple techniques we use yield similar performance on a universe of task combinations while reducing training time and model size.

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Decomposing Generalization: Models of Generic, Habitual, and Episodic Statements
Venkata Govindarajan | Benjamin Van Durme | Aaron Steven White
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 7

We present a novel semantic framework for modeling linguistic expressions of generalization— generic, habitual, and episodic statements—as combinations of simple, real-valued referential properties of predicates and their arguments. We use this framework to construct a dataset covering the entirety of the Universal Dependencies English Web Treebank. We use this dataset to probe the efficacy of type-level and token-level information—including hand-engineered features and static (GloVe) and contextual (ELMo) word embeddings—for predicting expressions of generalization.


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Collecting Diverse Natural Language Inference Problems for Sentence Representation Evaluation
Adam Poliak | Aparajita Haldar | Rachel Rudinger | J. Edward Hu | Ellie Pavlick | Aaron Steven White | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2018 EMNLP Workshop BlackboxNLP: Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Networks for NLP

We present a large scale collection of diverse natural language inference (NLI) datasets that help provide insight into how well a sentence representation encoded by a neural network captures distinct types of reasoning. The collection results from recasting 13 existing datasets from 7 semantic phenomena into a common NLI structure, resulting in over half a million labeled context-hypothesis pairs in total. Our collection of diverse datasets is available at http://www.decomp.net/, and will grow over time as additional resources are recast and added from novel sources.

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Efficient Online Scalar Annotation with Bounded Support
Keisuke Sakaguchi | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

We describe a novel method for efficiently eliciting scalar annotations for dataset construction and system quality estimation by human judgments. We contrast direct assessment (annotators assign scores to items directly), online pairwise ranking aggregation (scores derive from annotator comparison of items), and a hybrid approach (EASL: Efficient Annotation of Scalar Labels) proposed here. Our proposal leads to increased correlation with ground truth, at far greater annotator efficiency, suggesting this strategy as an improved mechanism for dataset creation and manual system evaluation.

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Neural Models of Factuality
Rachel Rudinger | Aaron Steven White | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long Papers)

We present two neural models for event factuality prediction, which yield significant performance gains over previous models on three event factuality datasets: FactBank, UW, and MEANTIME. We also present a substantial expansion of the It Happened portion of the Universal Decompositional Semantics dataset, yielding the largest event factuality dataset to date. We report model results on this extended factuality dataset as well.

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Gender Bias in Coreference Resolution
Rachel Rudinger | Jason Naradowsky | Brian Leonard | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 2 (Short Papers)

We present an empirical study of gender bias in coreference resolution systems. We first introduce a novel, Winograd schema-style set of minimal pair sentences that differ only by pronoun gender. With these “Winogender schemas,” we evaluate and confirm systematic gender bias in three publicly-available coreference resolution systems, and correlate this bias with real-world and textual gender statistics.

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On the Evaluation of Semantic Phenomena in Neural Machine Translation Using Natural Language Inference
Adam Poliak | Yonatan Belinkov | James Glass | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 2 (Short Papers)

We propose a process for investigating the extent to which sentence representations arising from neural machine translation (NMT) systems encode distinct semantic phenomena. We use these representations as features to train a natural language inference (NLI) classifier based on datasets recast from existing semantic annotations. In applying this process to a representative NMT system, we find its encoder appears most suited to supporting inferences at the syntax-semantics interface, as compared to anaphora resolution requiring world knowledge. We conclude with a discussion on the merits and potential deficiencies of the existing process, and how it may be improved and extended as a broader framework for evaluating semantic coverage

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Halo: Learning Semantics-Aware Representations for Cross-Lingual Information Extraction
Hongyuan Mei | Sheng Zhang | Kevin Duh | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the Seventh Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics

Cross-lingual information extraction (CLIE) is an important and challenging task, especially in low resource scenarios. To tackle this challenge, we propose a training method, called Halo, which enforces the local region of each hidden state of a neural model to only generate target tokens with the same semantic structure tag. This simple but powerful technique enables a neural model to learn semantics-aware representations that are robust to noise, without introducing any extra parameter, thus yielding better generalization in both high and low resource settings.

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Fine-grained Entity Typing through Increased Discourse Context and Adaptive Classification Thresholds
Sheng Zhang | Kevin Duh | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the Seventh Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics

Fine-grained entity typing is the task of assigning fine-grained semantic types to entity mentions. We propose a neural architecture which learns a distributional semantic representation that leverages a greater amount of semantic context – both document and sentence level information – than prior work. We find that additional context improves performance, with further improvements gained by utilizing adaptive classification thresholds. Experiments show that our approach without reliance on hand-crafted features achieves the state-of-the-art results on three benchmark datasets.

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Hypothesis Only Baselines in Natural Language Inference
Adam Poliak | Jason Naradowsky | Aparajita Haldar | Rachel Rudinger | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the Seventh Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics

We propose a hypothesis only baseline for diagnosing Natural Language Inference (NLI). Especially when an NLI dataset assumes inference is occurring based purely on the relationship between a context and a hypothesis, it follows that assessing entailment relations while ignoring the provided context is a degenerate solution. Yet, through experiments on 10 distinct NLI datasets, we find that this approach, which we refer to as a hypothesis-only model, is able to significantly outperform a majority-class baseline across a number of NLI datasets. Our analysis suggests that statistical irregularities may allow a model to perform NLI in some datasets beyond what should be achievable without access to the context.

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Collecting Diverse Natural Language Inference Problems for Sentence Representation Evaluation
Adam Poliak | Aparajita Haldar | Rachel Rudinger | J. Edward Hu | Ellie Pavlick | Aaron Steven White | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

We present a large-scale collection of diverse natural language inference (NLI) datasets that help provide insight into how well a sentence representation captures distinct types of reasoning. The collection results from recasting 13 existing datasets from 7 semantic phenomena into a common NLI structure, resulting in over half a million labeled context-hypothesis pairs in total. We refer to our collection as the DNC: Diverse Natural Language Inference Collection. The DNC is available online at https://www.decomp.net, and will grow over time as additional resources are recast and added from novel sources.

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Neural-Davidsonian Semantic Proto-role Labeling
Rachel Rudinger | Adam Teichert | Ryan Culkin | Sheng Zhang | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

We present a model for semantic proto-role labeling (SPRL) using an adapted bidirectional LSTM encoding strategy that we call NeuralDavidsonian: predicate-argument structure is represented as pairs of hidden states corresponding to predicate and argument head tokens of the input sequence. We demonstrate: (1) state-of-the-art results in SPRL, and (2) that our network naturally shares parameters between attributes, allowing for learning new attribute types with limited added supervision.

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Cross-lingual Decompositional Semantic Parsing
Sheng Zhang | Xutai Ma | Rachel Rudinger | Kevin Duh | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

We introduce the task of cross-lingual decompositional semantic parsing: mapping content provided in a source language into a decompositional semantic analysis based on a target language. We present: (1) a form of decompositional semantic analysis designed to allow systems to target varying levels of structural complexity (shallow to deep analysis), (2) an evaluation metric to measure the similarity between system output and reference semantic analysis, (3) an end-to-end model with a novel annotating mechanism that supports intra-sentential coreference, and (4) an evaluation dataset on which our model outperforms strong baselines by at least 1.75 F1 score.

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Lexicosyntactic Inference in Neural Models
Aaron Steven White | Rachel Rudinger | Kyle Rawlins | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

We investigate neural models’ ability to capture lexicosyntactic inferences: inferences triggered by the interaction of lexical and syntactic information. We take the task of event factuality prediction as a case study and build a factuality judgment dataset for all English clause-embedding verbs in various syntactic contexts. We use this dataset, which we make publicly available, to probe the behavior of current state-of-the-art neural systems, showing that these systems make certain systematic errors that are clearly visible through the lens of factuality prediction.


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Social Bias in Elicited Natural Language Inferences
Rachel Rudinger | Chandler May | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the First ACL Workshop on Ethics in Natural Language Processing

We analyze the Stanford Natural Language Inference (SNLI) corpus in an investigation of bias and stereotyping in NLP data. The SNLI human-elicitation protocol makes it prone to amplifying bias and stereotypical associations, which we demonstrate statistically (using pointwise mutual information) and with qualitative examples.

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Skip-Prop: Representing Sentences with One Vector Per Proposition
Rachel Rudinger | Kevin Duh | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS) — Short papers

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An Evaluation of PredPatt and Open IE via Stage 1 Semantic Role Labeling
Sheng Zhang | Rachel Rudinger | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS) — Short papers

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Semantic Role Labeling
Diego Marcheggiani | Michael Roth | Ivan Titov | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Tutorial Abstracts

This tutorial describes semantic role labelling (SRL), the task of mapping text to shallow semantic representations of eventualities and their participants. The tutorial introduces the SRL task and discusses recent research directions related to the task. The audience of this tutorial will learn about the linguistic background and motivation for semantic roles, and also about a range of computational models for this task, from early approaches to the current state-of-the-art. We will further discuss recently proposed variations to the traditional SRL task, including topics such as semantic proto-role labeling.We also cover techniques for reducing required annotation effort, such as methods exploiting unlabeled corpora (semi-supervised and unsupervised techniques), model adaptation across languages and domains, and methods for crowdsourcing semantic role annotation (e.g., question-answer driven SRL). Methods based on different machine learning paradigms, including neural networks, generative Bayesian models, graph-based algorithms and bootstrapping style techniques.Beyond sentence-level SRL, we discuss work that involves semantic roles in discourse. In particular, we cover data sets and models related to the task of identifying implicit roles and linking them to discourse antecedents. We introduce different approaches to this task from the literature, including models based on coreference resolution, centering, and selectional preferences. We also review how new insights gained through them can be useful for the traditional SRL task.

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MT/IE: Cross-lingual Open Information Extraction with Neural Sequence-to-Sequence Models
Sheng Zhang | Kevin Duh | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Volume 2, Short Papers

Cross-lingual information extraction is the task of distilling facts from foreign language (e.g. Chinese text) into representations in another language that is preferred by the user (e.g. English tuples). Conventional pipeline solutions decompose the task as machine translation followed by information extraction (or vice versa). We propose a joint solution with a neural sequence model, and show that it outperforms the pipeline in a cross-lingual open information extraction setting by 1-4 BLEU and 0.5-0.8 F1.

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The Semantic Proto-Role Linking Model
Aaron Steven White | Kyle Rawlins | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Volume 2, Short Papers

We propose the semantic proto-role linking model, which jointly induces both predicate-specific semantic roles and predicate-general semantic proto-roles based on semantic proto-role property likelihood judgments. We use this model to empirically evaluate Dowty’s thematic proto-role linking theory.

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Explaining and Generalizing Skip-Gram through Exponential Family Principal Component Analysis
Ryan Cotterell | Adam Poliak | Benjamin Van Durme | Jason Eisner
Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Volume 2, Short Papers

The popular skip-gram model induces word embeddings by exploiting the signal from word-context coocurrence. We offer a new interpretation of skip-gram based on exponential family PCA-a form of matrix factorization to generalize the skip-gram model to tensor factorization. In turn, this lets us train embeddings through richer higher-order coocurrences, e.g., triples that include positional information (to incorporate syntax) or morphological information (to share parameters across related words). We experiment on 40 languages and show our model improves upon skip-gram.

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Efficient, Compositional, Order-sensitive n-gram Embeddings
Adam Poliak | Pushpendre Rastogi | M. Patrick Martin | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Volume 2, Short Papers

We propose ECO: a new way to generate embeddings for phrases that is Efficient, Compositional, and Order-sensitive. Our method creates decompositional embeddings for words offline and combines them to create new embeddings for phrases in real time. Unlike other approaches, ECO can create embeddings for phrases not seen during training. We evaluate ECO on supervised and unsupervised tasks and demonstrate that creating phrase embeddings that are sensitive to word order can help downstream tasks.

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Discriminative Information Retrieval for Question Answering Sentence Selection
Tongfei Chen | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Volume 2, Short Papers

We propose a framework for discriminative IR atop linguistic features, trained to improve the recall of answer candidate passage retrieval, the initial step in text-based question answering. We formalize this as an instance of linear feature-based IR, demonstrating a 34%-43% improvement in recall for candidate triage for QA.

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Bayesian Modeling of Lexical Resources for Low-Resource Settings
Nicholas Andrews | Mark Dredze | Benjamin Van Durme | Jason Eisner
Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Lexical resources such as dictionaries and gazetteers are often used as auxiliary data for tasks such as part-of-speech induction and named-entity recognition. However, discriminative training with lexical features requires annotated data to reliably estimate the lexical feature weights and may result in overfitting the lexical features at the expense of features which generalize better. In this paper, we investigate a more robust approach: we stipulate that the lexicon is the result of an assumed generative process. Practically, this means that we may treat the lexical resources as observations under the proposed generative model. The lexical resources provide training data for the generative model without requiring separate data to estimate lexical feature weights. We evaluate the proposed approach in two settings: part-of-speech induction and low-resource named-entity recognition.

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Error-repair Dependency Parsing for Ungrammatical Texts
Keisuke Sakaguchi | Matt Post | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

We propose a new dependency parsing scheme which jointly parses a sentence and repairs grammatical errors by extending the non-directional transition-based formalism of Goldberg and Elhadad (2010) with three additional actions: SUBSTITUTE, DELETE, INSERT. Because these actions may cause an infinite loop in derivation, we also introduce simple constraints that ensure the parser termination. We evaluate our model with respect to dependency accuracy and grammaticality improvements for ungrammatical sentences, demonstrating the robustness and applicability of our scheme.

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Pocket Knowledge Base Population
Travis Wolfe | Mark Dredze | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Existing Knowledge Base Population methods extract relations from a closed relational schema with limited coverage leading to sparse KBs. We propose Pocket Knowledge Base Population (PKBP), the task of dynamically constructing a KB of entities related to a query and finding the best characterization of relationships between entities. We describe novel Open Information Extraction methods which leverage the PKB to find informative trigger words. We evaluate using existing KBP shared-task data as well anew annotations collected for this work. Our methods produce high quality KB from just text with many more entities and relationships than existing KBP systems.

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Ordinal Common-sense Inference
Sheng Zhang | Rachel Rudinger | Kevin Duh | Benjamin Van Durme
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 5

Humans have the capacity to draw common-sense inferences from natural language: various things that are likely but not certain to hold based on established discourse, and are rarely stated explicitly. We propose an evaluation of automated common-sense inference based on an extension of recognizing textual entailment: predicting ordinal human responses on the subjective likelihood of an inference holding in a given context. We describe a framework for extracting common-sense knowledge from corpora, which is then used to construct a dataset for this ordinal entailment task. We train a neural sequence-to-sequence model on this dataset, which we use to score and generate possible inferences. Further, we annotate subsets of previously established datasets via our ordinal annotation protocol in order to then analyze the distinctions between these and what we have constructed.

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Frame-Based Continuous Lexical Semantics through Exponential Family Tensor Factorization and Semantic Proto-Roles
Francis Ferraro | Adam Poliak | Ryan Cotterell | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 6th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM 2017)

We study how different frame annotations complement one another when learning continuous lexical semantics. We learn the representations from a tensorized skip-gram model that consistently encodes syntactic-semantic content better, with multiple 10% gains over baselines.

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Selective Decoding for Cross-lingual Open Information Extraction
Sheng Zhang | Kevin Duh | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the Eighth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Cross-lingual open information extraction is the task of distilling facts from the source language into representations in the target language. We propose a novel encoder-decoder model for this problem. It employs a novel selective decoding mechanism, which explicitly models the sequence labeling process as well as the sequence generation process on the decoder side. Compared to a standard encoder-decoder model, selective decoding significantly increases the performance on a Chinese-English cross-lingual open IE dataset by 3.87-4.49 BLEU and 1.91-5.92 F1. We also extend our approach to low-resource scenarios, and gain promising improvement.

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Inference is Everything: Recasting Semantic Resources into a Unified Evaluation Framework
Aaron Steven White | Pushpendre Rastogi | Kevin Duh | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the Eighth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

We propose to unify a variety of existing semantic classification tasks, such as semantic role labeling, anaphora resolution, and paraphrase detection, under the heading of Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE). We present a general strategy to automatically generate one or more sentential hypotheses based on an input sentence and pre-existing manual semantic annotations. The resulting suite of datasets enables us to probe a statistical RTE model’s performance on different aspects of semantics. We demonstrate the value of this approach by investigating the behavior of a popular neural network RTE model.

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Grammatical Error Correction with Neural Reinforcement Learning
Keisuke Sakaguchi | Matt Post | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the Eighth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 2: Short Papers)

We propose a neural encoder-decoder model with reinforcement learning (NRL) for grammatical error correction (GEC). Unlike conventional maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), the model directly optimizes towards an objective that considers a sentence-level, task-specific evaluation metric, avoiding the exposure bias issue in MLE. We demonstrate that NRL outperforms MLE both in human and automated evaluation metrics, achieving the state-of-the-art on a fluency-oriented GEC corpus.

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CADET: Computer Assisted Discovery Extraction and Translation
Benjamin Van Durme | Tom Lippincott | Kevin Duh | Deana Burchfield | Adam Poliak | Cash Costello | Tim Finin | Scott Miller | James Mayfield | Philipp Koehn | Craig Harman | Dawn Lawrie | Chandler May | Max Thomas | Annabelle Carrell | Julianne Chaloux | Tongfei Chen | Alex Comerford | Mark Dredze | Benjamin Glass | Shudong Hao | Patrick Martin | Pushpendre Rastogi | Rashmi Sankepally | Travis Wolfe | Ying-Ying Tran | Ted Zhang
Proceedings of the IJCNLP 2017, System Demonstrations

Computer Assisted Discovery Extraction and Translation (CADET) is a workbench for helping knowledge workers find, label, and translate documents of interest. It combines a multitude of analytics together with a flexible environment for customizing the workflow for different users. This open-source framework allows for easy development of new research prototypes using a micro-service architecture based atop Docker and Apache Thrift.


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A Study of Imitation Learning Methods for Semantic Role Labeling
Travis Wolfe | Mark Dredze | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the Workshop on Structured Prediction for NLP

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Fluency detection on communication networks
Tom Lippincott | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

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Universal Decompositional Semantics on Universal Dependencies
Aaron Steven White | Drew Reisinger | Keisuke Sakaguchi | Tim Vieira | Sheng Zhang | Rachel Rudinger | Kyle Rawlins | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing


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Semantic Proto-Roles
Drew Reisinger | Rachel Rudinger | Francis Ferraro | Craig Harman | Kyle Rawlins | Benjamin Van Durme
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 3

We present the first large-scale, corpus based verification of Dowty’s seminal theory of proto-roles. Our results demonstrate both the need for and the feasibility of a property-based annotation scheme of semantic relationships, as opposed to the currently dominant notion of categorical roles.

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Predicate Argument Alignment using a Global Coherence Model
Travis Wolfe | Mark Dredze | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

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Multiview LSA: Representation Learning via Generalized CCA
Pushpendre Rastogi | Benjamin Van Durme | Raman Arora
Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

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A Concrete Chinese NLP Pipeline
Nanyun Peng | Francis Ferraro | Mo Yu | Nicholas Andrews | Jay DeYoung | Max Thomas | Matthew R. Gormley | Travis Wolfe | Craig Harman | Benjamin Van Durme | Mark Dredze
Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Demonstrations

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Social Media Predictive Analytics
Svitlana Volkova | Benjamin Van Durme | David Yarowsky | Yoram Bachrach
Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Tutorial Abstracts

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Learning to predict script events from domain-specific text
Rachel Rudinger | Vera Demberg | Ashutosh Modi | Benjamin Van Durme | Manfred Pinkal
Proceedings of the Fourth Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics

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Adding Semantics to Data-Driven Paraphrasing
Ellie Pavlick | Johan Bos | Malvina Nissim | Charley Beller | Benjamin Van Durme | Chris Callison-Burch
Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

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Domain-Specific Paraphrase Extraction
Ellie Pavlick | Juri Ganitkevitch | Tsz Ping Chan | Xuchen Yao | Benjamin Van Durme | Chris Callison-Burch
Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 2: Short Papers)

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FrameNet+: Fast Paraphrastic Tripling of FrameNet
Ellie Pavlick | Travis Wolfe | Pushpendre Rastogi | Chris Callison-Burch | Mark Dredze | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 2: Short Papers)

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PPDB 2.0: Better paraphrase ranking, fine-grained entailment relations, word embeddings, and style classification
Ellie Pavlick | Pushpendre Rastogi | Juri Ganitkevitch | Benjamin Van Durme | Chris Callison-Burch
Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 2: Short Papers)

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Script Induction as Language Modeling
Rachel Rudinger | Pushpendre Rastogi | Francis Ferraro | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

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Topic Identification and Discovery on Text and Speech
Chandler May | Francis Ferraro | Alan McCree | Jonathan Wintrode | Daniel Garcia-Romero | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing


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A Wikipedia-based Corpus for Contextualized Machine Translation
Jennifer Drexler | Pushpendre Rastogi | Jacqueline Aguilar | Benjamin Van Durme | Matt Post
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14)

We describe a corpus for target-contextualized machine translation (MT), where the task is to improve the translation of source documents using language models built over presumably related documents in the target language. The idea presumes a situation where most of the information about a topic is in a foreign language, yet some related target-language information is known to exist. Our corpus comprises a set of curated English Wikipedia articles describing news events, along with (i) their Spanish counterparts and (ii) some of the Spanish source articles cited within them. In experiments, we translated these Spanish documents, treating the English articles as target-side context, and evaluate the effect on translation quality when including target-side language models built over this English context and interpolated with other, separately-derived language model data. We find that even under this simplistic baseline approach, we achieve significant improvements as measured by BLEU score.

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Inferring User Political Preferences from Streaming Communications
Svitlana Volkova | Glen Coppersmith | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

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Information Extraction over Structured Data: Question Answering with Freebase
Xuchen Yao | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

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Low-Resource Semantic Role Labeling
Matthew R. Gormley | Margaret Mitchell | Benjamin Van Durme | Mark Dredze
Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

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Biases in Predicting the Human Language Model
Alex B. Fine | Austin F. Frank | T. Florian Jaeger | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

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I’m a Belieber: Social Roles via Self-identification and Conceptual Attributes
Charley Beller | Rebecca Knowles | Craig Harman | Shane Bergsma | Margaret Mitchell | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

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Particle Filter Rejuvenation and Latent Dirichlet Allocation
Chandler May | Alex Clemmer | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

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Exponential Reservoir Sampling for Streaming Language Models
Miles Osborne | Ashwin Lall | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

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Freebase QA: Information Extraction or Semantic Parsing?
Xuchen Yao | Jonathan Berant | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the ACL 2014 Workshop on Semantic Parsing

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Predicting Fine-grained Social Roles with Selectional Preferences
Charley Beller | Craig Harman | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the ACL 2014 Workshop on Language Technologies and Computational Social Science

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Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Social Dynamics and Personal Attributes in Social Media
Alice Oh | Benjamin Van Durme | David Yarowsky | Oren Tsur | Svitlana Volkova
Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Social Dynamics and Personal Attributes in Social Media

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Augmenting FrameNet Via PPDB
Pushpendre Rastogi | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on EVENTS: Definition, Detection, Coreference, and Representation

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A Comparison of the Events and Relations Across ACE, ERE, TAC-KBP, and FrameNet Annotation Standards
Jacqueline Aguilar | Charley Beller | Paul McNamee | Benjamin Van Durme | Stephanie Strassel | Zhiyi Song | Joe Ellis
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on EVENTS: Definition, Detection, Coreference, and Representation

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Is the Stanford Dependency Representation Semantic?
Rachel Rudinger | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on EVENTS: Definition, Detection, Coreference, and Representation

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Efficient Elicitation of Annotations for Human Evaluation of Machine Translation
Keisuke Sakaguchi | Matt Post | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the Ninth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation


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PPDB: The Paraphrase Database
Juri Ganitkevitch | Benjamin Van Durme | Chris Callison-Burch
Proceedings of the 2013 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

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Answer Extraction as Sequence Tagging with Tree Edit Distance
Xuchen Yao | Benjamin Van Durme | Chris Callison-Burch | Peter Clark
Proceedings of the 2013 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

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Broadly Improving User Classification via Communication-Based Name and Location Clustering on Twitter
Shane Bergsma | Mark Dredze | Benjamin Van Durme | Theresa Wilson | David Yarowsky
Proceedings of the 2013 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

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Semi-Markov Phrase-Based Monolingual Alignment
Xuchen Yao | Benjamin Van Durme | Chris Callison-Burch | Peter Clark
Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

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Open Domain Targeted Sentiment
Margaret Mitchell | Jacqui Aguilar | Theresa Wilson | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

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Using Conceptual Class Attributes to Characterize Social Media Users
Shane Bergsma | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

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PARMA: A Predicate Argument Aligner
Travis Wolfe | Benjamin Van Durme | Mark Dredze | Nicholas Andrews | Charley Beller | Chris Callison-Burch | Jay DeYoung | Justin Snyder | Jonathan Weese | Tan Xu | Xuchen Yao
Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

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Automatic Coupling of Answer Extraction and Information Retrieval
Xuchen Yao | Benjamin Van Durme | Peter Clark
Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

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A Lightweight and High Performance Monolingual Word Aligner
Xuchen Yao | Benjamin Van Durme | Chris Callison-Burch | Peter Clark
Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)


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Toward Tree Substitution Grammars with Latent Annotations
Francis Ferraro | Benjamin Van Durme | Matt Post
Proceedings of the NAACL-HLT Workshop on the Induction of Linguistic Structure

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Judging Grammaticality with Count-Induced Tree Substitution Grammars
Francis Ferraro | Matt Post | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Building Educational Applications Using NLP

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Annotated Gigaword
Courtney Napoles | Matthew Gormley | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Automatic Knowledge Base Construction and Web-scale Knowledge Extraction (AKBC-WEKEX)

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Statistical Modality Tagging from Rule-based Annotations and Crowdsourcing
Vinodkumar Prabhakaran | Michael Bloodgood | Mona Diab | Bonnie Dorr | Lori Levin | Christine D. Piatko | Owen Rambow | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the Workshop on Extra-Propositional Aspects of Meaning in Computational Linguistics

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Space Efficiencies in Discourse Modeling via Conditional Random Sampling
Brian Kjersten | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2012 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

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Expectations of Word Sense in Parallel Corpora
Xuchen Yao | Benjamin Van Durme | Chris Callison-Burch
Proceedings of the 2012 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

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Shared Components Topic Models
Matthew R. Gormley | Mark Dredze | Benjamin Van Durme | Jason Eisner
Proceedings of the 2012 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

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Streaming Analysis of Discourse Participants
Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2012 Joint Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Computational Natural Language Learning

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Monolingual Distributional Similarity for Text-to-Text Generation
Juri Ganitkevitch | Benjamin Van Durme | Chris Callison-Burch
*SEM 2012: The First Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics – Volume 1: Proceedings of the main conference and the shared task, and Volume 2: Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2012)


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Learning Sentential Paraphrases from Bilingual Parallel Corpora for Text-to-Text Generation
Juri Ganitkevitch | Chris Callison-Burch | Courtney Napoles | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

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Efficient Online Locality Sensitive Hashing via Reservoir Counting
Benjamin Van Durme | Ashwin Lall
Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

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WikiTopics: What is Popular on Wikipedia and Why
Byung Gyu Ahn | Benjamin Van Durme | Chris Callison-Burch
Proceedings of the Workshop on Automatic Summarization for Different Genres, Media, and Languages

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Nonparametric Bayesian Word Sense Induction
Xuchen Yao | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of TextGraphs-6: Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing

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Paraphrastic Sentence Compression with a Character-based Metric: Tightening without Deletion
Courtney Napoles | Chris Callison-Burch | Juri Ganitkevitch | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the Workshop on Monolingual Text-To-Text Generation

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Evaluating Sentence Compression: Pitfalls and Suggested Remedies
Courtney Napoles | Benjamin Van Durme | Chris Callison-Burch
Proceedings of the Workshop on Monolingual Text-To-Text Generation

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Reranking Bilingually Extracted Paraphrases Using Monolingual Distributional Similarity
Tsz Ping Chan | Chris Callison-Burch | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of the GEMS 2011 Workshop on GEometrical Models of Natural Language Semantics


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Evaluation of Commonsense Knowledge with Mechanical Turk
Jonathan Gordon | Benjamin Van Durme | Lenhart Schubert
Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Creating Speech and Language Data with Amazon’s Mechanical Turk

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Online Generation of Locality Sensitive Hash Signatures
Benjamin Van Durme | Ashwin Lall
Proceedings of the ACL 2010 Conference Short Papers


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Building a Semantic Lexicon of English Nouns via Bootstrapping
Ting Qian | Benjamin Van Durme | Lenhart Schubert
Proceedings of Human Language Technologies: The 2009 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Companion Volume: Student Research Workshop and Doctoral Consortium

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Deriving Generalized Knowledge from Corpora Using WordNet Abstraction
Benjamin Van Durme | Phillip Michalak | Lenhart Schubert
Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the European Chapter of the ACL (EACL 2009)


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Open Knowledge Extraction through Compositional Language Processing
Benjamin Van Durme | Lenhart Schubert
Semantics in Text Processing. STEP 2008 Conference Proceedings

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Class-Driven Attribute Extraction
Benjamin Van Durme | Ting Qian | Lenhart Schubert
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling 2008)

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Weakly-Supervised Acquisition of Open-Domain Classes and Class Attributes from Web Documents and Query Logs
Marius Paşca | Benjamin Van Durme
Proceedings of ACL-08: HLT

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Mining Parenthetical Translations from the Web by Word Alignment
Dekang Lin | Shaojun Zhao | Benjamin Van Durme | Marius Paşca
Proceedings of ACL-08: HLT


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Pronominal Anaphora Resolution for Unrestricted Text
Anna Kupść | Teruko Mitamura | Benjamin Van Durme | Eric Nyberg
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’04)


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Towards light semantic processing for question answering
Benjamin Van Durme | Yifen Huang | Anna Kupść | Eric Nyberg
Proceedings of the HLT-NAACL 2003 Workshop on Text Meaning
