Mahasiswa sering kali mengalami prokrastinasi akademik ketika mengerjakan skripsi. Prokrastinasi ... more Mahasiswa sering kali mengalami prokrastinasi akademik ketika mengerjakan skripsi. Prokrastinasi akademik adalah penundaan secara sadar dalam konteks akademik karena kurangnya regulasi diri sehingga memiliki dampak negatif. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, peneliti akan merancang modul self-regulated learning yang dapat dinilai tepat untuk mengatasi prokrastinasi akademik. Partisipan dalam penelitian dipilih dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Partisipan penelitian adalah tiga mahasiswa yang mengerjakan skripsi selama empat semester. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan skala prokrastinasi. Berdasarkan skala prokrastinasi, seluruh partisipan memiliki tingkatan prokrastinasi yang tinggi. Berdasarkan wawancara, ditemukan bahwa seluruh partisipan melakukan penundaan sebelum dan saat mengerjakan skripsi. Para partisipan melakukan prokrastinasi karena kurangnya kemampuan self-regulated learning ketika mengerjakan skripsi. Oleh karena itu, peneliti menyusun modul berdasarkan teori self-regulated learning dan data dari para partisipan agar mampu menyesuaikan dengan kondisi para partisipan. Setelah dirancang, modul dievaluasi oleh para partisipan dan pakar. Hasilnya adalah modul dinilai tepat oleh para pakar dan partisipan untuk menghadapi prokrastinasi akademik saat mengerjakan skripsi. Strategi self-regulated learning yang dicantumkan dalam modul dapat digunakan dan sesuai dengan kondisi partisipan.
International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018
Previous studies have shown that teachers understand the importance of Individual Education Progr... more Previous studies have shown that teachers understand the importance of Individual Education Program (IEP), but they consider the administrative tasks of IEP as a burden. This review aims to illustrate how long the teacher completed the IEP administrative tasks, to explain why teachers view IEP as a burden, and to describe the strategies to minimize obstacles related to the administrative burden of IEP. The procedure of narrative review is selecting journals based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria related to administrative burden of IEP paperwork. The result shows that teachers spend more time doing IEP paperwork than assessing students’ assignments, communicating with parents, and sharing with colleagues. IEP paperwork takes up more than 10% of working time. The reasons IEP paperwork perceived as burdens are because of a large number of IEP forms and details, the multiple IEP service flow, the lack of knowledge of the personnel relating to the preparation or implementation of...
Gifted students may have insufficient insight of their lack of problem-solving skills in various ... more Gifted students may have insufficient insight of their lack of problem-solving skills in various areas. Other than those arising from unsuitable teaching methods, mastery of academic content, and incompatibility between academic content and evaluation, a preliminary survey on students in 10th and 12th grade of an acceleration programme for gifted students revealed that many of them have self-regulated learning and personal problems. Most of the problems related to self-regulation are concerned with time management and motivation.. Those students with personal problems experience difficulty with stress management, emotional control, impulse control (lack of discipline), boredom, tedious life, loneliness, etc. The three most prevalent personal problems in rank order are – (i), emotional control, (ii) impulse control (lack of discipline), and (iii) boredom. For the 12th graders, they also face difficulty in choosing the right career suited to their ability and interests. In response to...
Children with Down syndrome might demonstrate slow progress in reading. In fad some of the childr... more Children with Down syndrome might demonstrate slow progress in reading. In fad some of the children might be able to read but did not understand the concept o reading. They might not remember what they had read, especially when the reading method gave emphasis to alphabet memorization and spelling. However, Down Syndrome children might learn to read better using visual stimuli to compensate their fewer memory channels (Oelwein, 1995). They also learned best using a hands on approach with activities that are meaningful to them (Dunaway,2005). A specific reading program then was designed to help the children acquiring better reading performance. This program was intended to modify the previous reading program tho emphasized on spelling method. it employed the playful approach including the use visual aid, such as specially designed pictorial books and cards, and games such as matching cards, word play, role-play and sports. The subjects of the program were three Down Syndrome children...
Gifted students may insufficiently have insight of their problem-solving and lack of certain skil... more Gifted students may insufficiently have insight of their problem-solving and lack of certain skills to solve their problems in various areas. Preliminary survey on students in l0th and 12th grade of acceleration program for gifted students reveals that, besides unsuitable teaching methods, mastery of academic content, and incompatibility between academic content and evaluation, most of them have problems in self-regulated learning and personal problems. The problems related to self-regulation mostly are time management and motivational problems. Meanwhile, the students also have personal problems, such as: stress management, emotional control, impulse control (lack of discipline), boredom, tedious life, loneliness, etc. The third highest order of the personal problems are: first, emotional control, second, impulse control (lack of discipline), and then boredom. For the 12th grade, they also face difficulty in choosing the right career suits to their ability and interests. In respons...
Understanding of gender equality ought to be socialized to teachers (e.g. through gender awarenes... more Understanding of gender equality ought to be socialized to teachers (e.g. through gender awareness training), in order to enhance teachers' awareness of gender bias practice that happen in school. Therefore, after the training, teachers are expected to apply it in the classroom teaching so that students' gender-based stereotype will be decreased. The aim of the research is to examine the influence of the training towards teachers and students gender-based stereotype. The participants of the research are 4 elementary teachers and 185 elementary students. The gender awareness training is conducted to teachers. Data is gathered through questionnaire, an observation of the classroom learning process, and interview to teachers are also carried out to monitor the effect of the training on gender-based stereotype. The result reveals that there is a decrease of gender-based stereotype on both teacher (t5.563 and p=0.011) and students t=4.137 and p=0.009) after teacher training. Disc...
As argued by Lewis (1 995) that regular student can gain advantage from interaction with special ... more As argued by Lewis (1 995) that regular student can gain advantage from interaction with special needs students. One of the interaction model can be achieved through peer buddy. Peer buddy is an approach which can be used to create a mutual relationship between regular students and students with variation of disability. The purpose of this study is to describe the belief, attitude, behavior of a peer buddy toward his special needs mate, and to portray his perception of what he gaim from this relationship. The authors used a qualitative case study design. Data was gathered from interview toward a peer buddy of a special need student with Cerebral Palsy in an inclusive classroom. The data was analyzed compared to interview data of the special needs mate, also data from classroom teacher and special needs teacher. Transcribed interview texts were analyzed to identify themes and key issues related to peer buddy characteristics, his belief, attitude and behavior toward the special needs ...
Anak dengan gangguan asperger mengalami defisit dalam komunikasi pragmatis sehingga mengakibatkan... more Anak dengan gangguan asperger mengalami defisit dalam komunikasi pragmatis sehingga mengakibatkan kesalahpaham dan keterkucilan dari lingkungan sekitar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini (1) memperoleh gambaran keterampilan komunikasi pragmatis anak dengan gangguan asperger, (2) mengetahui keefektifan Social Stories terhadap keterampilan komunikasi pragmatis anak dengan gangguan asperger. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Analisis data yaitu (1) secara Kuantitatif melalui Trend Analysis, (2) Kualitatif pencatatan hasil deskripsi observasi pada masa baseline, treatment dan setelah pemberian treatment. Hasil penelitian asesmen menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan keterampilan komunikasi pragmatis pada anak dengan gangguan asperger, sebelum, dan setelah diberikan Social stories dengan masa treatmen 2 minggu. Terdapat faktor yang mempengaruhi keefektivan intervensi : (1) Faktor Internal; kemampuan sosial, watak, danmotivasi, serta (2) Faktor Eksternal; pola ...
Children with Asperger Syndrome experience deficits in their pragmatic communication, that cause ... more Children with Asperger Syndrome experience deficits in their pragmatic communication, that cause misunderstanding and isolation from their environment. The goal of this research wasto find out regarding the effectiveness of Social Stories on the pragmatic communication skills of children with Asperger Syndrome. The participants of this study were three children with Asperger Syndrome with chronological ages between 7-9 years olds. Data were gathered through 2 phases: assessment and intervention phases. The data collection in assessment phase used intelligence test, ASSQ and ASAS checklist to diagnose the characteristic of asperger. Meanwhile in intervention phase, data was assembled through observational checklist to describe their pragmatic communication skills. Data analysis was done using Trend Analysis by comparing the results of descriptive observation on the baseline, treatment, and post-treatment data. The intervention phase results showed that there was an increase on the pr...
How a kindergarten teacher can make the all of the students grasp the learning materials and rema... more How a kindergarten teacher can make the all of the students grasp the learning materials and remain enthusiastic even though they have varied ability and diverse background, is a classic problem faced by many teachers, including early childhood teachers. It appeared that teachers had problems in adjusting instruction that is able to fulfill the educational need of all pupils with varying abilities. The impact of teacher inability to differentiate instruction was especially for ‘less able’ students. They did not understand the lesson. A previous study revealed that some of kindergarten teachers use teacherdirected approach and didactic teaching. Early childhood educator expert noted that preschool classes and kindergartens have begun to look more like traditional 1st grade classes: young children are expected to sit quietly while they listen to whole-class instruction. Differentiated instruction is the process of identifying students’ individual learning strengths, needs, and interes...
Siswa berbakat intelektual seringkali mengalami masalah perencanaan karier karena memiliki minat ... more Siswa berbakat intelektual seringkali mengalami masalah perencanaan karier karena memiliki minat dan potensi beragam. Penelitian eksploratif ini bertujuan menggambarkan pola pengambilan putusan perencanaan karier. Informan adalah satu siswa berbakat intelektual peserta program percepatan belajar di SMA "X" Surabaya. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara semi terstruktur, wawancara mendalam serta dokumentasi. Hasil menunjukkan siswa berbakat intelektual dengan keterbatasan informasi karier pada masa kanak-kanak dan remaja awal baru merencanakan karier pada masa SMA ketika informasi karier tersedia Faktor minat, bakat, kemampuan, infomasi lingkungan kerja, prospek kerja, penyakit, dan dukungan orang tua merupakan pertimbangan dasar dalam pengambilan putusan. Figur penting yang membantu pengambilan putusan perencanaan karier adalah orang tua psikolog, dan guru.
The aim of this research was to explore the correlation between the tendency of academic procrast... more The aim of this research was to explore the correlation between the tendency of academic procrastination and the urge to buy a thesis. The population on this research were students taking the Research Proposal Contruction item or being finishing their script. Subject (N=95) were students taken from the population throught a stratified proportional random sampling. Data was compiled through an academic procrastination questionnaire and the urge to buy a thesis. The hypothesis was tested with Spearman’s Rank Order correlation. Result of hypothesis testing reveals no correlation between academic procrastination and the urge to buy a thesis (rs = -0.025; p = 0.811). Futher analysis reveals that academic achievement is correlated with the urge to buy thesis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti hubungan antara kecenderungan perilaku prokrastinasi akademik dengan niat untuk membeli skripsi. Populasi penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa yang sedang menempuh mata kuliah Penyusunan Proposal Pe...
Learning in higher education requires students to be able to learn independently. However, previo... more Learning in higher education requires students to be able to learn independently. However, previous research on students' self-regulation in learning (Agustina, Panjaitan & Kartika, 2004) revealed that even though they exhibited adequate meta-cognitive ability and self-...
Mahasiswa sering kali mengalami prokrastinasi akademik ketika mengerjakan skripsi. Prokrastinasi ... more Mahasiswa sering kali mengalami prokrastinasi akademik ketika mengerjakan skripsi. Prokrastinasi akademik adalah penundaan secara sadar dalam konteks akademik karena kurangnya regulasi diri sehingga memiliki dampak negatif. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, peneliti akan merancang modul self-regulated learning yang dapat dinilai tepat untuk mengatasi prokrastinasi akademik. Partisipan dalam penelitian dipilih dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Partisipan penelitian adalah tiga mahasiswa yang mengerjakan skripsi selama empat semester. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan skala prokrastinasi. Berdasarkan skala prokrastinasi, seluruh partisipan memiliki tingkatan prokrastinasi yang tinggi. Berdasarkan wawancara, ditemukan bahwa seluruh partisipan melakukan penundaan sebelum dan saat mengerjakan skripsi. Para partisipan melakukan prokrastinasi karena kurangnya kemampuan self-regulated learning ketika mengerjakan skripsi. Oleh karena itu, peneliti menyusun modul berdasarkan teori self-regulated learning dan data dari para partisipan agar mampu menyesuaikan dengan kondisi para partisipan. Setelah dirancang, modul dievaluasi oleh para partisipan dan pakar. Hasilnya adalah modul dinilai tepat oleh para pakar dan partisipan untuk menghadapi prokrastinasi akademik saat mengerjakan skripsi. Strategi self-regulated learning yang dicantumkan dalam modul dapat digunakan dan sesuai dengan kondisi partisipan.
International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 2018
Previous studies have shown that teachers understand the importance of Individual Education Progr... more Previous studies have shown that teachers understand the importance of Individual Education Program (IEP), but they consider the administrative tasks of IEP as a burden. This review aims to illustrate how long the teacher completed the IEP administrative tasks, to explain why teachers view IEP as a burden, and to describe the strategies to minimize obstacles related to the administrative burden of IEP. The procedure of narrative review is selecting journals based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria related to administrative burden of IEP paperwork. The result shows that teachers spend more time doing IEP paperwork than assessing students’ assignments, communicating with parents, and sharing with colleagues. IEP paperwork takes up more than 10% of working time. The reasons IEP paperwork perceived as burdens are because of a large number of IEP forms and details, the multiple IEP service flow, the lack of knowledge of the personnel relating to the preparation or implementation of...
Gifted students may have insufficient insight of their lack of problem-solving skills in various ... more Gifted students may have insufficient insight of their lack of problem-solving skills in various areas. Other than those arising from unsuitable teaching methods, mastery of academic content, and incompatibility between academic content and evaluation, a preliminary survey on students in 10th and 12th grade of an acceleration programme for gifted students revealed that many of them have self-regulated learning and personal problems. Most of the problems related to self-regulation are concerned with time management and motivation.. Those students with personal problems experience difficulty with stress management, emotional control, impulse control (lack of discipline), boredom, tedious life, loneliness, etc. The three most prevalent personal problems in rank order are – (i), emotional control, (ii) impulse control (lack of discipline), and (iii) boredom. For the 12th graders, they also face difficulty in choosing the right career suited to their ability and interests. In response to...
Children with Down syndrome might demonstrate slow progress in reading. In fad some of the childr... more Children with Down syndrome might demonstrate slow progress in reading. In fad some of the children might be able to read but did not understand the concept o reading. They might not remember what they had read, especially when the reading method gave emphasis to alphabet memorization and spelling. However, Down Syndrome children might learn to read better using visual stimuli to compensate their fewer memory channels (Oelwein, 1995). They also learned best using a hands on approach with activities that are meaningful to them (Dunaway,2005). A specific reading program then was designed to help the children acquiring better reading performance. This program was intended to modify the previous reading program tho emphasized on spelling method. it employed the playful approach including the use visual aid, such as specially designed pictorial books and cards, and games such as matching cards, word play, role-play and sports. The subjects of the program were three Down Syndrome children...
Gifted students may insufficiently have insight of their problem-solving and lack of certain skil... more Gifted students may insufficiently have insight of their problem-solving and lack of certain skills to solve their problems in various areas. Preliminary survey on students in l0th and 12th grade of acceleration program for gifted students reveals that, besides unsuitable teaching methods, mastery of academic content, and incompatibility between academic content and evaluation, most of them have problems in self-regulated learning and personal problems. The problems related to self-regulation mostly are time management and motivational problems. Meanwhile, the students also have personal problems, such as: stress management, emotional control, impulse control (lack of discipline), boredom, tedious life, loneliness, etc. The third highest order of the personal problems are: first, emotional control, second, impulse control (lack of discipline), and then boredom. For the 12th grade, they also face difficulty in choosing the right career suits to their ability and interests. In respons...
Understanding of gender equality ought to be socialized to teachers (e.g. through gender awarenes... more Understanding of gender equality ought to be socialized to teachers (e.g. through gender awareness training), in order to enhance teachers' awareness of gender bias practice that happen in school. Therefore, after the training, teachers are expected to apply it in the classroom teaching so that students' gender-based stereotype will be decreased. The aim of the research is to examine the influence of the training towards teachers and students gender-based stereotype. The participants of the research are 4 elementary teachers and 185 elementary students. The gender awareness training is conducted to teachers. Data is gathered through questionnaire, an observation of the classroom learning process, and interview to teachers are also carried out to monitor the effect of the training on gender-based stereotype. The result reveals that there is a decrease of gender-based stereotype on both teacher (t5.563 and p=0.011) and students t=4.137 and p=0.009) after teacher training. Disc...
As argued by Lewis (1 995) that regular student can gain advantage from interaction with special ... more As argued by Lewis (1 995) that regular student can gain advantage from interaction with special needs students. One of the interaction model can be achieved through peer buddy. Peer buddy is an approach which can be used to create a mutual relationship between regular students and students with variation of disability. The purpose of this study is to describe the belief, attitude, behavior of a peer buddy toward his special needs mate, and to portray his perception of what he gaim from this relationship. The authors used a qualitative case study design. Data was gathered from interview toward a peer buddy of a special need student with Cerebral Palsy in an inclusive classroom. The data was analyzed compared to interview data of the special needs mate, also data from classroom teacher and special needs teacher. Transcribed interview texts were analyzed to identify themes and key issues related to peer buddy characteristics, his belief, attitude and behavior toward the special needs ...
Anak dengan gangguan asperger mengalami defisit dalam komunikasi pragmatis sehingga mengakibatkan... more Anak dengan gangguan asperger mengalami defisit dalam komunikasi pragmatis sehingga mengakibatkan kesalahpaham dan keterkucilan dari lingkungan sekitar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini (1) memperoleh gambaran keterampilan komunikasi pragmatis anak dengan gangguan asperger, (2) mengetahui keefektifan Social Stories terhadap keterampilan komunikasi pragmatis anak dengan gangguan asperger. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Analisis data yaitu (1) secara Kuantitatif melalui Trend Analysis, (2) Kualitatif pencatatan hasil deskripsi observasi pada masa baseline, treatment dan setelah pemberian treatment. Hasil penelitian asesmen menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan keterampilan komunikasi pragmatis pada anak dengan gangguan asperger, sebelum, dan setelah diberikan Social stories dengan masa treatmen 2 minggu. Terdapat faktor yang mempengaruhi keefektivan intervensi : (1) Faktor Internal; kemampuan sosial, watak, danmotivasi, serta (2) Faktor Eksternal; pola ...
Children with Asperger Syndrome experience deficits in their pragmatic communication, that cause ... more Children with Asperger Syndrome experience deficits in their pragmatic communication, that cause misunderstanding and isolation from their environment. The goal of this research wasto find out regarding the effectiveness of Social Stories on the pragmatic communication skills of children with Asperger Syndrome. The participants of this study were three children with Asperger Syndrome with chronological ages between 7-9 years olds. Data were gathered through 2 phases: assessment and intervention phases. The data collection in assessment phase used intelligence test, ASSQ and ASAS checklist to diagnose the characteristic of asperger. Meanwhile in intervention phase, data was assembled through observational checklist to describe their pragmatic communication skills. Data analysis was done using Trend Analysis by comparing the results of descriptive observation on the baseline, treatment, and post-treatment data. The intervention phase results showed that there was an increase on the pr...
How a kindergarten teacher can make the all of the students grasp the learning materials and rema... more How a kindergarten teacher can make the all of the students grasp the learning materials and remain enthusiastic even though they have varied ability and diverse background, is a classic problem faced by many teachers, including early childhood teachers. It appeared that teachers had problems in adjusting instruction that is able to fulfill the educational need of all pupils with varying abilities. The impact of teacher inability to differentiate instruction was especially for ‘less able’ students. They did not understand the lesson. A previous study revealed that some of kindergarten teachers use teacherdirected approach and didactic teaching. Early childhood educator expert noted that preschool classes and kindergartens have begun to look more like traditional 1st grade classes: young children are expected to sit quietly while they listen to whole-class instruction. Differentiated instruction is the process of identifying students’ individual learning strengths, needs, and interes...
Siswa berbakat intelektual seringkali mengalami masalah perencanaan karier karena memiliki minat ... more Siswa berbakat intelektual seringkali mengalami masalah perencanaan karier karena memiliki minat dan potensi beragam. Penelitian eksploratif ini bertujuan menggambarkan pola pengambilan putusan perencanaan karier. Informan adalah satu siswa berbakat intelektual peserta program percepatan belajar di SMA "X" Surabaya. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara semi terstruktur, wawancara mendalam serta dokumentasi. Hasil menunjukkan siswa berbakat intelektual dengan keterbatasan informasi karier pada masa kanak-kanak dan remaja awal baru merencanakan karier pada masa SMA ketika informasi karier tersedia Faktor minat, bakat, kemampuan, infomasi lingkungan kerja, prospek kerja, penyakit, dan dukungan orang tua merupakan pertimbangan dasar dalam pengambilan putusan. Figur penting yang membantu pengambilan putusan perencanaan karier adalah orang tua psikolog, dan guru.
The aim of this research was to explore the correlation between the tendency of academic procrast... more The aim of this research was to explore the correlation between the tendency of academic procrastination and the urge to buy a thesis. The population on this research were students taking the Research Proposal Contruction item or being finishing their script. Subject (N=95) were students taken from the population throught a stratified proportional random sampling. Data was compiled through an academic procrastination questionnaire and the urge to buy a thesis. The hypothesis was tested with Spearman’s Rank Order correlation. Result of hypothesis testing reveals no correlation between academic procrastination and the urge to buy a thesis (rs = -0.025; p = 0.811). Futher analysis reveals that academic achievement is correlated with the urge to buy thesis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti hubungan antara kecenderungan perilaku prokrastinasi akademik dengan niat untuk membeli skripsi. Populasi penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa yang sedang menempuh mata kuliah Penyusunan Proposal Pe...
Learning in higher education requires students to be able to learn independently. However, previo... more Learning in higher education requires students to be able to learn independently. However, previous research on students' self-regulation in learning (Agustina, Panjaitan & Kartika, 2004) revealed that even though they exhibited adequate meta-cognitive ability and self-...
Papers by Aniva Kartika