Biocomplexity theory is becoming increasingly important in understanding natural vegetation dynam... more Biocomplexity theory is becoming increasingly important in understanding natural vegetation dynamics and interrelation among all components of ecosystems. A study was conducted under this concept in order to investigate the impacts of different fencing periods and measures on plant community complexity in desert grasslands of Yanchi County of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. The study was carried out by using a quadrat method and based on the average length of the Huffman code to describe total complexity L(S), Rényi entropy H(S) as disorder-based complexity, and the difference (S) = L(S)-H(S) as structural complexity. The relationship was also studied between three kinds of complexity index and the number of species, Importance value of dominant species. The results showed that enclosure increases disorder-based complexity index and structural complexity index, which makes total complexity index to increase. Therefore, fencing is an effective measure for vegetation restoration and ...
Assessing and quantifying the current forest resources status underpins sustainable forest resour... more Assessing and quantifying the current forest resources status underpins sustainable forest resources planning and management. To this end, this study was conducted to analyze the dynamics of land use cover change (LUCC) and explore their drivers at the central highlands of Dry Afromontane Chilimo-Gaji forest for the study period (1973-2015) under consideration. The result of the study indicated that landscape trends have occurred in Chilimo-Gaji forest over the last 43 years and five classes of LUCC namely shrub land, rural settlement, bare land and road, forest land and agricultural land were identified. The most commonly reported drivers of deforestation in the study area were expansion of agricultural land, rural settlements, population growth, insecurity of the tenure and rights over the land, timber production and fuel wood collection. Surprisingly, the increasing demand for agricultural land and human settlement for increasing human population underpinned by expansion of agric...
Abstract Tropical forests play a key role in climate change mitigation by sequestering and storin... more Abstract Tropical forests play a key role in climate change mitigation by sequestering and storing carbon from the atmosphere. In Ethiopia, there are inadequate data in the form of carbon accumulation records or databank to assess the carbon sequestration potential of different forests. This study intended to estimate the living biomass and carbon stocks of woody plants in Chilimo-Gaji Forest. Totally, 10 circular plots with 20 m radius each having 1,256 m2, estimated the biomass of 17 tree species using the nondestructive allometric equation. The total woody biomass of the study area estimated to be 1013.3 t ha-1, of which, about 83.3 % (844.4 t ha-1) was aboveground, and 16.7% (168.9 t ha-1) was below ground biomass. The total carbon stocks and total carbon sequestration potential of the study area was about 506.7 t C ha-1 and 1859.45 t ha-1, respectively. The result indicates that the Chilimo-Gaji Forest has huge potential for carbon stock compared to research conducted on other remnant forests in Ethiopia. This is mainly due to the improvement in the forest stocks as a result of participatory forest management practices in the area. Generally, Chilimo-Gaji Forest is playing a vital role in carbon sequestration, thereby contributing to climate change mitigation. Therefore, in the future, the forest can generate carbon credits as financial benefits to the indigenous population, which could help to strengthen the conservation efforts of forest resources in the study area.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences, 2016
AbstractForest resources play a critical role in supporting the livelihood of poor people worldwi... more AbstractForest resources play a critical role in supporting the livelihood of poor people worldwide, particularly in meeting daily subsistence needs. It should be managed sustainably. Conventional forest management has alienated local communities from participating in forest conservation and protection in Ethiopia, which has led to illegal and unsustainable resource utilization; hence, a resulting paradigm shift is necessary in forest management to involve local community in management of natural resources. Currently, the Ethiopian government is working to protect the remnant natural forests for their various social, economic and environmental values, with a belief that participatory forest management (PFM) can play a great role in saving natural forests. PFM was introduced in Ethiopia in the mid of 1990s, by International Non-Governmental Organizations, with the objective of promoting sustainable management and conservation of forest ecosystems and improving the livelihood of people living in or around these resources. In the present paper, researches on several forests undergoing PFM in Ethiopia were reviewed. Comprehensive review of previous studies on PFM in Ethiopia confirmed that there is an improvement in forest condition and livelihood in areas under PFM though the success is claimed to be mixed.
The study was conducted to assess the soil quality with respect to the sustainability of Chilimo-... more The study was conducted to assess the soil quality with respect to the sustainability of Chilimo-Gaji Forest ecosystem using selected soils physicochemical parameters. Soil samples were taken through random sampling from the natural forest land under three different forest user groups (FUGs) in order to determine selected soils physicochemical properties. The result of the present study indicated that total N, available P and K, and % C were higher on the surface soil (0-20cm) than in the subsoil (20-30cm) depth indicating more nutrients are concentrated in the surface soil. The result of the study also revealed that presence of low bulk density ranges from 0.4 to 1.029 and high moisture content of soil ranging 4.89%-7.60%. The result also indicated that there is a higher per cent of carbon and organic matter across the three FUGs with Galessa recording the highest % carbon (7.69) and organic matter (13.25), followed by Gaji and Chilimo FUGs. The study also revealed that forest soil of the study area was very fertile and sustainable as the parameters analyzed indicating the forest ecosystem in the study area is sustainably managed under the new paradigm of participatory forest management. Scaling up participatory forest management to other protected forests in Ethiopia is crucial and plays a key role in the sustainability of healthy forest ecosystem.
Biocomplexity theory is becoming increasingly important in understanding natural vegetation dynam... more Biocomplexity theory is becoming increasingly important in understanding natural vegetation dynamics and interrelation among all components of ecosystems. A study was conducted under this concept in order to investigate the impacts of different fencing periods and measures on plant community complexity in desert grasslands of Yanchi County of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. The study was carried out by using a quadrat method and based on the average length of the Huffman code to describe total complexity L(S), Rényi entropy H(S) as disorder-based complexity, and the difference (S) = L(S)-H(S) as structural complexity. The relationship was also studied between three kinds of complexity index and the number of species, Importance value of dominant species. The results showed that enclosure increases disorder-based complexity index and structural complexity index, which makes total complexity index to increase. Therefore, fencing is an effective measure for vegetation restoration and rehabilitation while long-term fencing is not conducive to vegetation restoration. In this study disorder-based complexity index is higher than structural complexity index, which means that disorder-based complexity index has great effects on total complexity index. The relationship between L(S) and H(S) is very close whereas the correlation between H(S) and (S) is negative. There is significant relationship between the number of species and the three kinds of complexity index. The importance value of dominant species is not significantly correlated with structural complexity, which has significant negative correlation with the other indices. Nat. Env. & Poll. Tech. Website:
Forest resources play a critical role in supporting the livelihood of poor people worldwide, part... more Forest resources play a critical role in supporting the livelihood of poor people worldwide, particularly in meeting daily subsistence needs. It should be managed sustainably. Conventional forest management has alienated local communities from participating in forest conservation and protection in Ethiopia, which has led to illegal and unsustainable resource utilization; hence, a resulting paradigm shift is necessary in forest management to involve local community in management of natural resources. Currently, the Ethiopian government is working to protect the remnant natural forests for their various social, economic and environmental values, with a belief that participatory forest management (PFM) can play a great role in saving natural forests. PFM was introduced in Ethiopia in the mid of 1990s, by International Non-Governmental Organizations, with the objective of promoting sustainable management and conservation of forest ecosystems and improving the livelihood of people living in or around these resources. In the present paper, researches on several forests undergoing PFM in Ethiopia were reviewed. Comprehensive review of previous studies on PFM in Ethiopia confirmed that there is an improvement in forest condition and livelihood in areas under PFM though the success is claimed to be mixed.
Tropical forests play a key role in climate change mitigation by sequestering and storing carbon ... more Tropical forests play a key role in climate change mitigation by sequestering and storing carbon from the atmosphere. In Ethiopia, there are inadequate data in the form of carbon accumulation records or databank to assess the carbon sequestration potential of different forests. This study intended to estimate the living biomass and carbon stocks of woody plants in Chilimo-Gaji Forest. Totally, 10 circular plots with 20 m radius each having 1,256 m 2 , estimated the biomass of 17 tree species using the nondestructive allometric equation. The total woody biomass of the study area estimated to be 1013.3 t ha-1 , of which, about 83.3 % (844.4 t ha-1) was aboveground, and 16.7% (168.9 t ha-1) was below ground biomass. The total carbon stocks and total carbon sequestration potential of the study area was about 506.7 t C ha-1 and 1859.45 t ha-1 , respectively. The result indicates that the Chilimo-Gaji Forest has huge potential for carbon stock compared to research conducted on other remnant forests in Ethiopia. This is mainly due to the improvement in the forest stocks as a result of participatory forest management practices in the area. Generally, Chilimo-Gaji Forest is playing a vital role in carbon sequestration, thereby contributing to climate change mitigation. Therefore, in the future, the forest can generate carbon credits as financial benefits to the indigenous population, which could help to strengthen the conservation efforts of forest resources in the study area.
Assessing and quantifying the current forest resources status underpins sustainable forest resour... more Assessing and quantifying the current forest resources status underpins sustainable forest resources planning and management. To this end, this study was conducted to analyze the dynamics of land use cover change (LUCC) and explore their drivers at the central highlands of Dry Afromontane Chilimo-Gaji forest for the study period (1973-2015) under consideration. The result of the study indicated that landscape trends have occurred in Chilimo-Gaji forest over the last 43 years and five classes of LUCC namely shrub land, rural settlement, bare land and road, forest land and agricultural land were identified. The most commonly reported drivers of deforestation in the study area were expansion of agricultural land, rural settlements, population growth, insecurity of the tenure and rights over the land, timber production and fuel wood collection. Surprisingly, the increasing demand for agricultural land and human settlement for increasing human population underpinned by expansion of agricultural activities led to the clearing of forest land in the study area. The study reveals that the forest land cover type has lost 922.14 hectares (26.96 %) which were changed into other land cover types such as agriculture and settlement for the study period under consideration with an annually rate of 21.45 ha. However, deforestation rates showed declining trend between the time periods 2008-2015 as a result of introduction of Participatory Forest Management (PFM) schemes (1996) which involve the local community in management and sharing of the benefit obtained from the management. In order to promote sustainable forest resources management in the study area in the years to come, integrated land use planning and management and addressing key drivers of deforestation were recommended.
Biocomplexity theory is becoming increasingly important in understanding natural vegetation dynam... more Biocomplexity theory is becoming increasingly important in understanding natural vegetation dynamics and interrelation among all components of ecosystems. A study was conducted under this concept in order to investigate the impacts of different fencing periods and measures on plant community complexity in desert grasslands of Yanchi County of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. The study was carried out by using a quadrat method and based on the average length of the Huffman code to describe total complexity L(S), Rényi entropy H(S) as disorder-based complexity, and the difference (S) = L(S)-H(S) as structural complexity. The relationship was also studied between three kinds of complexity index and the number of species, Importance value of dominant species. The results showed that enclosure increases disorder-based complexity index and structural complexity index, which makes total complexity index to increase. Therefore, fencing is an effective measure for vegetation restoration and rehabilitation while long-term fencing is not conducive to vegetation restoration. In this study disorder-based complexity index is higher than structural complexity index, which means that disorder-based complexity index has great effects on total complexity index. The relationship between L(S) and H(S) is very close whereas the correlation between H(S) and (S) is negative. There is significant relationship between the number of species and the three kinds of complexity index. The importance value of dominant species is not significantly correlated with structural complexity, which has significant negative correlation with the other indices. Nat. Env. & Poll. Tech. Website:
The study was conducted to assess the soil quality with respect to the sustainability of Chilimo-... more The study was conducted to assess the soil quality with respect to the sustainability of Chilimo-Gaji Forest ecosystem using selected soils physicochemical parameters. Soil samples were taken through random sampling from the natural forest land under three different forest user groups (FUGs) in order to determine selected soils physicochemical properties. The result of the present study indicated that total N, available P and K, and % C were higher on the surface soil (0-20cm) than in the subsoil (20-30cm) depth indicating more nutrients are concentrated in the surface soil. The result of the study also revealed that presence of low bulk density ranges from 0.4 to 1.029 and high moisture content of soil ranging 4.89%-7.60%. The result also indicated that there is a higher per cent of carbon and organic matter across the three FUGs with Galessa recording the highest % carbon (7.69) and organic matter (13.25), followed by Gaji and Chilimo FUGs. The study also revealed that forest soil of the study area was very fertile and sustainable as the parameters analyzed indicating the forest ecosystem in the study area is sustainably managed under the new paradigm of participatory forest management. Scaling up participatory forest management to other protected forests in Ethiopia is crucial and plays a key role in the sustainability of healthy forest ecosystem.
The management of regeneration plays a vital role in sustainable forest practice by ensuring the ... more The management of regeneration plays a vital role in sustainable forest practice by ensuring the future growing carbon stock and serving as an indicator of the forest condition of an area. In premises of the above-mentioned facts, the current study was conducted to investigate the population structure and regeneration status of woody species as an indicator for forest condition and to provide information on sustainable management of the woody plants in Chilimo-Gaji Forest. The data collection was done using a preferential sampling technique as a sampling design and a total of 36 plots with a size of 20 m × 20 m (400 m 2) was laid out for the woody species. In each sample plot, all woody species seedling, sapling and mature tree/shrubs were counted and recorded. And their diameter at breast height (DBH) was measured at 1.5 from the ground with DBH ≥ 2.5 cm. A total of 42 species of vascular plants belonging to 34 genera and 28 families were recorded and identified from the 36 study plots. The total density of woody plant species in all the 36 sampled plots of the study area was 3328.47 individuals ha-1. The total density of seedlings, saplings and trees/shrubs were 1743.75, 827.08 and 757.64 ha-1 , respectively. The regeneration status of individual tree species showed differences as 26% had good regeneration, 43% had fair regeneration, 7% had poor regeneration, 7% lacked regeneration, and 17% have appeared as newly regenerating. The cumulative species DBH class distribution of the study area was inverted J-shape distribution indicating stable population status or good regeneration status.
Biocomplexity theory is becoming increasingly important in understanding natural vegetation dynam... more Biocomplexity theory is becoming increasingly important in understanding natural vegetation dynamics and interrelation among all components of ecosystems. A study was conducted under this concept in order to investigate the impacts of different fencing periods and measures on plant community complexity in desert grasslands of Yanchi County of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. The study was carried out by using a quadrat method and based on the average length of the Huffman code to describe total complexity L(S), Rényi entropy H(S) as disorder-based complexity, and the difference (S) = L(S)-H(S) as structural complexity. The relationship was also studied between three kinds of complexity index and the number of species, Importance value of dominant species. The results showed that enclosure increases disorder-based complexity index and structural complexity index, which makes total complexity index to increase. Therefore, fencing is an effective measure for vegetation restoration and ...
Assessing and quantifying the current forest resources status underpins sustainable forest resour... more Assessing and quantifying the current forest resources status underpins sustainable forest resources planning and management. To this end, this study was conducted to analyze the dynamics of land use cover change (LUCC) and explore their drivers at the central highlands of Dry Afromontane Chilimo-Gaji forest for the study period (1973-2015) under consideration. The result of the study indicated that landscape trends have occurred in Chilimo-Gaji forest over the last 43 years and five classes of LUCC namely shrub land, rural settlement, bare land and road, forest land and agricultural land were identified. The most commonly reported drivers of deforestation in the study area were expansion of agricultural land, rural settlements, population growth, insecurity of the tenure and rights over the land, timber production and fuel wood collection. Surprisingly, the increasing demand for agricultural land and human settlement for increasing human population underpinned by expansion of agric...
Abstract Tropical forests play a key role in climate change mitigation by sequestering and storin... more Abstract Tropical forests play a key role in climate change mitigation by sequestering and storing carbon from the atmosphere. In Ethiopia, there are inadequate data in the form of carbon accumulation records or databank to assess the carbon sequestration potential of different forests. This study intended to estimate the living biomass and carbon stocks of woody plants in Chilimo-Gaji Forest. Totally, 10 circular plots with 20 m radius each having 1,256 m2, estimated the biomass of 17 tree species using the nondestructive allometric equation. The total woody biomass of the study area estimated to be 1013.3 t ha-1, of which, about 83.3 % (844.4 t ha-1) was aboveground, and 16.7% (168.9 t ha-1) was below ground biomass. The total carbon stocks and total carbon sequestration potential of the study area was about 506.7 t C ha-1 and 1859.45 t ha-1, respectively. The result indicates that the Chilimo-Gaji Forest has huge potential for carbon stock compared to research conducted on other remnant forests in Ethiopia. This is mainly due to the improvement in the forest stocks as a result of participatory forest management practices in the area. Generally, Chilimo-Gaji Forest is playing a vital role in carbon sequestration, thereby contributing to climate change mitigation. Therefore, in the future, the forest can generate carbon credits as financial benefits to the indigenous population, which could help to strengthen the conservation efforts of forest resources in the study area.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences, 2016
AbstractForest resources play a critical role in supporting the livelihood of poor people worldwi... more AbstractForest resources play a critical role in supporting the livelihood of poor people worldwide, particularly in meeting daily subsistence needs. It should be managed sustainably. Conventional forest management has alienated local communities from participating in forest conservation and protection in Ethiopia, which has led to illegal and unsustainable resource utilization; hence, a resulting paradigm shift is necessary in forest management to involve local community in management of natural resources. Currently, the Ethiopian government is working to protect the remnant natural forests for their various social, economic and environmental values, with a belief that participatory forest management (PFM) can play a great role in saving natural forests. PFM was introduced in Ethiopia in the mid of 1990s, by International Non-Governmental Organizations, with the objective of promoting sustainable management and conservation of forest ecosystems and improving the livelihood of people living in or around these resources. In the present paper, researches on several forests undergoing PFM in Ethiopia were reviewed. Comprehensive review of previous studies on PFM in Ethiopia confirmed that there is an improvement in forest condition and livelihood in areas under PFM though the success is claimed to be mixed.
The study was conducted to assess the soil quality with respect to the sustainability of Chilimo-... more The study was conducted to assess the soil quality with respect to the sustainability of Chilimo-Gaji Forest ecosystem using selected soils physicochemical parameters. Soil samples were taken through random sampling from the natural forest land under three different forest user groups (FUGs) in order to determine selected soils physicochemical properties. The result of the present study indicated that total N, available P and K, and % C were higher on the surface soil (0-20cm) than in the subsoil (20-30cm) depth indicating more nutrients are concentrated in the surface soil. The result of the study also revealed that presence of low bulk density ranges from 0.4 to 1.029 and high moisture content of soil ranging 4.89%-7.60%. The result also indicated that there is a higher per cent of carbon and organic matter across the three FUGs with Galessa recording the highest % carbon (7.69) and organic matter (13.25), followed by Gaji and Chilimo FUGs. The study also revealed that forest soil of the study area was very fertile and sustainable as the parameters analyzed indicating the forest ecosystem in the study area is sustainably managed under the new paradigm of participatory forest management. Scaling up participatory forest management to other protected forests in Ethiopia is crucial and plays a key role in the sustainability of healthy forest ecosystem.
Biocomplexity theory is becoming increasingly important in understanding natural vegetation dynam... more Biocomplexity theory is becoming increasingly important in understanding natural vegetation dynamics and interrelation among all components of ecosystems. A study was conducted under this concept in order to investigate the impacts of different fencing periods and measures on plant community complexity in desert grasslands of Yanchi County of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. The study was carried out by using a quadrat method and based on the average length of the Huffman code to describe total complexity L(S), Rényi entropy H(S) as disorder-based complexity, and the difference (S) = L(S)-H(S) as structural complexity. The relationship was also studied between three kinds of complexity index and the number of species, Importance value of dominant species. The results showed that enclosure increases disorder-based complexity index and structural complexity index, which makes total complexity index to increase. Therefore, fencing is an effective measure for vegetation restoration and rehabilitation while long-term fencing is not conducive to vegetation restoration. In this study disorder-based complexity index is higher than structural complexity index, which means that disorder-based complexity index has great effects on total complexity index. The relationship between L(S) and H(S) is very close whereas the correlation between H(S) and (S) is negative. There is significant relationship between the number of species and the three kinds of complexity index. The importance value of dominant species is not significantly correlated with structural complexity, which has significant negative correlation with the other indices. Nat. Env. & Poll. Tech. Website:
Forest resources play a critical role in supporting the livelihood of poor people worldwide, part... more Forest resources play a critical role in supporting the livelihood of poor people worldwide, particularly in meeting daily subsistence needs. It should be managed sustainably. Conventional forest management has alienated local communities from participating in forest conservation and protection in Ethiopia, which has led to illegal and unsustainable resource utilization; hence, a resulting paradigm shift is necessary in forest management to involve local community in management of natural resources. Currently, the Ethiopian government is working to protect the remnant natural forests for their various social, economic and environmental values, with a belief that participatory forest management (PFM) can play a great role in saving natural forests. PFM was introduced in Ethiopia in the mid of 1990s, by International Non-Governmental Organizations, with the objective of promoting sustainable management and conservation of forest ecosystems and improving the livelihood of people living in or around these resources. In the present paper, researches on several forests undergoing PFM in Ethiopia were reviewed. Comprehensive review of previous studies on PFM in Ethiopia confirmed that there is an improvement in forest condition and livelihood in areas under PFM though the success is claimed to be mixed.
Tropical forests play a key role in climate change mitigation by sequestering and storing carbon ... more Tropical forests play a key role in climate change mitigation by sequestering and storing carbon from the atmosphere. In Ethiopia, there are inadequate data in the form of carbon accumulation records or databank to assess the carbon sequestration potential of different forests. This study intended to estimate the living biomass and carbon stocks of woody plants in Chilimo-Gaji Forest. Totally, 10 circular plots with 20 m radius each having 1,256 m 2 , estimated the biomass of 17 tree species using the nondestructive allometric equation. The total woody biomass of the study area estimated to be 1013.3 t ha-1 , of which, about 83.3 % (844.4 t ha-1) was aboveground, and 16.7% (168.9 t ha-1) was below ground biomass. The total carbon stocks and total carbon sequestration potential of the study area was about 506.7 t C ha-1 and 1859.45 t ha-1 , respectively. The result indicates that the Chilimo-Gaji Forest has huge potential for carbon stock compared to research conducted on other remnant forests in Ethiopia. This is mainly due to the improvement in the forest stocks as a result of participatory forest management practices in the area. Generally, Chilimo-Gaji Forest is playing a vital role in carbon sequestration, thereby contributing to climate change mitigation. Therefore, in the future, the forest can generate carbon credits as financial benefits to the indigenous population, which could help to strengthen the conservation efforts of forest resources in the study area.
Assessing and quantifying the current forest resources status underpins sustainable forest resour... more Assessing and quantifying the current forest resources status underpins sustainable forest resources planning and management. To this end, this study was conducted to analyze the dynamics of land use cover change (LUCC) and explore their drivers at the central highlands of Dry Afromontane Chilimo-Gaji forest for the study period (1973-2015) under consideration. The result of the study indicated that landscape trends have occurred in Chilimo-Gaji forest over the last 43 years and five classes of LUCC namely shrub land, rural settlement, bare land and road, forest land and agricultural land were identified. The most commonly reported drivers of deforestation in the study area were expansion of agricultural land, rural settlements, population growth, insecurity of the tenure and rights over the land, timber production and fuel wood collection. Surprisingly, the increasing demand for agricultural land and human settlement for increasing human population underpinned by expansion of agricultural activities led to the clearing of forest land in the study area. The study reveals that the forest land cover type has lost 922.14 hectares (26.96 %) which were changed into other land cover types such as agriculture and settlement for the study period under consideration with an annually rate of 21.45 ha. However, deforestation rates showed declining trend between the time periods 2008-2015 as a result of introduction of Participatory Forest Management (PFM) schemes (1996) which involve the local community in management and sharing of the benefit obtained from the management. In order to promote sustainable forest resources management in the study area in the years to come, integrated land use planning and management and addressing key drivers of deforestation were recommended.
Biocomplexity theory is becoming increasingly important in understanding natural vegetation dynam... more Biocomplexity theory is becoming increasingly important in understanding natural vegetation dynamics and interrelation among all components of ecosystems. A study was conducted under this concept in order to investigate the impacts of different fencing periods and measures on plant community complexity in desert grasslands of Yanchi County of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. The study was carried out by using a quadrat method and based on the average length of the Huffman code to describe total complexity L(S), Rényi entropy H(S) as disorder-based complexity, and the difference (S) = L(S)-H(S) as structural complexity. The relationship was also studied between three kinds of complexity index and the number of species, Importance value of dominant species. The results showed that enclosure increases disorder-based complexity index and structural complexity index, which makes total complexity index to increase. Therefore, fencing is an effective measure for vegetation restoration and rehabilitation while long-term fencing is not conducive to vegetation restoration. In this study disorder-based complexity index is higher than structural complexity index, which means that disorder-based complexity index has great effects on total complexity index. The relationship between L(S) and H(S) is very close whereas the correlation between H(S) and (S) is negative. There is significant relationship between the number of species and the three kinds of complexity index. The importance value of dominant species is not significantly correlated with structural complexity, which has significant negative correlation with the other indices. Nat. Env. & Poll. Tech. Website:
The study was conducted to assess the soil quality with respect to the sustainability of Chilimo-... more The study was conducted to assess the soil quality with respect to the sustainability of Chilimo-Gaji Forest ecosystem using selected soils physicochemical parameters. Soil samples were taken through random sampling from the natural forest land under three different forest user groups (FUGs) in order to determine selected soils physicochemical properties. The result of the present study indicated that total N, available P and K, and % C were higher on the surface soil (0-20cm) than in the subsoil (20-30cm) depth indicating more nutrients are concentrated in the surface soil. The result of the study also revealed that presence of low bulk density ranges from 0.4 to 1.029 and high moisture content of soil ranging 4.89%-7.60%. The result also indicated that there is a higher per cent of carbon and organic matter across the three FUGs with Galessa recording the highest % carbon (7.69) and organic matter (13.25), followed by Gaji and Chilimo FUGs. The study also revealed that forest soil of the study area was very fertile and sustainable as the parameters analyzed indicating the forest ecosystem in the study area is sustainably managed under the new paradigm of participatory forest management. Scaling up participatory forest management to other protected forests in Ethiopia is crucial and plays a key role in the sustainability of healthy forest ecosystem.
The management of regeneration plays a vital role in sustainable forest practice by ensuring the ... more The management of regeneration plays a vital role in sustainable forest practice by ensuring the future growing carbon stock and serving as an indicator of the forest condition of an area. In premises of the above-mentioned facts, the current study was conducted to investigate the population structure and regeneration status of woody species as an indicator for forest condition and to provide information on sustainable management of the woody plants in Chilimo-Gaji Forest. The data collection was done using a preferential sampling technique as a sampling design and a total of 36 plots with a size of 20 m × 20 m (400 m 2) was laid out for the woody species. In each sample plot, all woody species seedling, sapling and mature tree/shrubs were counted and recorded. And their diameter at breast height (DBH) was measured at 1.5 from the ground with DBH ≥ 2.5 cm. A total of 42 species of vascular plants belonging to 34 genera and 28 families were recorded and identified from the 36 study plots. The total density of woody plant species in all the 36 sampled plots of the study area was 3328.47 individuals ha-1. The total density of seedlings, saplings and trees/shrubs were 1743.75, 827.08 and 757.64 ha-1 , respectively. The regeneration status of individual tree species showed differences as 26% had good regeneration, 43% had fair regeneration, 7% had poor regeneration, 7% lacked regeneration, and 17% have appeared as newly regenerating. The cumulative species DBH class distribution of the study area was inverted J-shape distribution indicating stable population status or good regeneration status.
Papers by Yimer siraj mammo