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Gemænre æhte ræd

(Edlǣded of Gemōtscipe)

Gemænre æhte ræd (on Niwenglisce hatte Communism) is geferscipes endebyrdness in þæm þe geferscipes gradu sind adeligod and æht is gemænelice gewealden; hit is eac steorþinglic ræd and geferlicu brædung þe tiemþ and seteþ self to scieppenne swelce geferrædene.[1]

Se Gemænæhtrædlica Steorra - gemæne tacn þæs gemænre æhte rædes

Karl Marx sægde þæt gemænre æhte ræd bið seo æftermeste byrdnesse in geferrædene, þe beo gedon þurh weorcmanna onhebbunge and wære ane mihtelic æfter middel byrdness macie þa forþberendan searu, þe inlæde oferblæd goda and þegnunga.[2][3]

"Smæte gemænre æhte ræd" in þæm Marxiscan andgiete tacnaþ ge gradlease, ge ricleas, ge ofþricnesslease geferrædne[sēðung þurfed] þær ceosunga be þæm þe man forþbirþ and be þæm rædum þe man wolde gesecan sind gedon folcwealde,[sēðung þurfed] þe læteþ ælcne dælnimend geferrædene to nimenne dæl þara gewealdlicra cista in ge þæm steorþinglicum and feohwendunglicum dælum lifes. In niwlicum andgite is se nama "gemænre æhte ræd" oft gebrocen to tacnienne þa rædas þara missenlicena gemænæhtrædlicena rica, þa wæron anwealdenda cynewisan þe hæfdon middellice wealdena feohwendunga and æhte eall þara searwa forþbæro. Se mæsta dæl gemænæhtrædlicra cynewisena gelæston heora ræd on Marxleniniscum ræde.

Niwu word

Þis gewrit hæfþ niwu word. Man ah þis getæl mid eallum niwum wordum and her gebrocenum ican.
This article contains new words. All new words used here should be added to this list.
  • brædung (sf) - (political, social) movement
  • feohwendung (sf) - economy, "turning of wealth"
  • feohwendunglic (aj) - economic
  • forðberendu (aj) searu (sn w-dec pl) - means of production, "productive devices"
  • gradleas (aj) - non-hierarchical
  • gemænre (aj) æhte (sf gen) ræd (sm) - communism, "doctrine of common ownership"
  • Marxisc (aj) - Marxist
  • Marxleninisc (aj) - Marxist-Leninist
  • Niwenglisc (sn) - Modern English
  • oferblæd (sf) - superabundance, "over-prosperity"
  • ofþrycnessleas (aj) - non-oppressive
  • onhebbung (sf) - revolution
  • searu (sn w-dec pl) forþbæro (sf indec gen) - means of production, "devices of production"
  • steorþinglic (aj) - political


  1. "Communism". Columbia Encyclopedia. 2008. 
  2. Schaff, Kory (2001). Philosophy and the problems of work: a reader. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield, 224. ISBN 0-7425-0795-5. 
  3. Walicki, Andrzej (1995). Marxism and the leap to the kingdom of freedom: the rise and fall of the Communist utopia. Stanford, Calif: Stanford University Press. ISBN 0-8047-2384-2.