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Burkina Faso

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Burkina Faso
Burkinan stede on Affrican
Burkinan stede on Affrican
Heafodstol Ouagadougou
Brego Ibrahim Traoré
Prime Minister of Burkina Faso Apollinaire Joachim Kyélem de Tambèla
Bradnes 274,200 km²
Feoh West African CFA franc
Tidgyrdel Eallic tid UTC±00:00, Africa/Ouagadougou
Wægnplatung BF
Webbnamena tægl .bf
Getalu forerīma feorsprecan be lande +226

Burkina Faso is land on Affrice westdæle þe is nēan 274,200 fēoƿerscētra þūsendmetera (105,900 fēoƿerscētra mīla) grēat. Be him licgaþ six land, þe sind: Mali be norþdǣle, Benin bn sūþēastdǣle, Togo and Ganan be sūþdǣle, and se Elpendbānrima be sūþƿestdǣle. His hēafodstōl is Ouagadougou. On þǣm 2010. gēare pinsode man þe sēo lēodrǣden ƿǣre lyt læsse þonne 15.75 þūsend þūsenda hāda.

Ǣr hēht man þis land sēo Cyneƿīse Uferran Foltan, nemnede þæt land se Foresittend þæs tīman Þomas Sankara þæs 4. dæges Ƿēodmōnaðes þæs 1984. gēares "Burkina Faso", þe cymþ fram tƿǣm ƿordum ǣlcre þæs landes tƿegra sprǣca: Mōrēisc, and Diolisc. Þæt ƿord "Burkina", fram Mōrēisce, mǣneþ "ārlīce menn"; and "Faso", fram Diolisc, mǣneþ "ēðel". Þæs mǣneþ "Burkina Faso" "Arlīcra Ēðel".

Land on Affrice

Algeria  • Angola  • Benin  • Botsƿana  • Burkina Faso  • Burundi  • Camerun  • Cead  • Cenia  • Cibuti  • Comorosrice  • Congoland  • Congoisce Cyneƿīse  • Elpendbānrīma  • Gabon  • Sēo Gambia  • Ghana  • Grēnenæs Īega  • Guinea  • Guinea-Bissau  • Guinea ðæs Emnihtes Circules‎  • Lesotho  • Liberia  • Libia  • Madagascar  • Malaƿi  • Mali  • Mauritania  • Mauritius  • Mosambice  • Middel Affricanisc Cyneƿīse  • Morocco  • Namibia  • Nigerland  • Nigeria  • Rƿanda  • Sambia  • Simbabƿe  • Sanctus Tomas and Principe  • Segscelliega  • Senegal  • Sierra Leone  • Sigelhearƿenaland  • Sōmalaland  • Sudan  • Sūðaffrica  • Sūþsudan  • Swasaland  • Tansania  • Togo  • Tunisia  • Uganda  • Ǣgypt  • Æriþrea