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J. R. R. Tolkien

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Þis geƿrit hæfþ ƿordcƿide on Nīƿenglisce.
Tolkien on þǣm 1925. gēare

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (3 Æfterra Gēola, 18922 Hāligmōnaþ, 1973) ƿæs scōlere geþēoda and geþēodcræftes, leornere, and ƿrītere Þæs Holbytlan and his æftergengena: Se Hlāford þāra Hringa.

Hē ƿæs leorningcniht æt Ēadƿeardes Cyninges Scōle, Beorminghāme. Fram 19251945, ƿorhte hē sƿā Professor þǣre Ealdan Engliscan sprǣce æt þǣm University Oxanfordes, and sƿā Professor Nīƿre engliscre sprǣce and Stæfcræftes, ēac æt Oxanforde, of 19451959. Hē ƿæs scīnende ƿordbōcmann and andƿīs in þǣm Engliscum and Norrenum geþēodum. Hē þone bōclican smēaungcircule þā Inklingas tōlōcode, þus hæfde hē strangan frēondscipe mid C. S. Leƿise.

Toēacan þǣm mǣrum geƿeorcum (Se Holbytla and Se Hlāford þāra Hringa) Tolkien ƿrāt ymbe ōðra bēc, þæt his sunu hæfþ æfter his dēaðe onlīesed, ymbe þā angetimbrodan ƿorulde Middangeardes (on Nīƿum englisce: "Middle-earth"), þǣr his spell ƿeorþaþ, tō bisene Se Silmarillion. Sēo þrohtge mǣrsung þissa bōca cȳþaþ Tolkiene sƿā fæder þæs todæges high fantasy genres.

Tolkien ƿæs geboren in Bloemfonteine in þǣm Orange Free State (todæg in Sūþafrican). His fæder ƿæs Arþur Tolkien, Englisc faedien bankaes, and his mōdor ƿæs Mabel Tolkien (mægdennama Suffield). Oþ is gecunned, mæst Tolkienes fæderes ieldrena ƿǣron cræftsmenn. His fæderes cynn ƿǣron of Seaxlande, Þēodisclande gecumen, ac hīe ƿunodon in Englalande þæs þe of 18um gēarhundrede. Se æfternama Tolkien ƿæs engliscod of Tollkiehn (i.e. Þēodisc tollkühn, "dol-cene"). Se mann "Professor Rashbold" in The Notion Club Papers is paronomasia ƿiþ þǣm naman. Tolkien hæfde nāna sƿēostor and ænne brōðor, Hilary Arþur Reuel Tolkien, þæt ƿæs on 17 Solmōnaþ, 1894.

Þā hē ƿæs þrēogēare, Tolkien ēode tō Englalande mid his mēder and brēðer on what was intended to be a lengthy family visit. His fæder ƿæs in Sūþafrican gefaren of a severe mod haemorrhage before he could join them. This left the family without an income, so Tolkienes mōðor brōhte hine tō ƿunienne mid hire ealdorum in Birminghāme lytle hƿīle. Sona æfter, in 1896, ƿiton hie to Sarehole, þā ƿæs Ƿǣringƿīcscīre þorp, later annexed to Birmingham. He enjoyed exploring Sarehole Mill and Moseley Bog, which would later inspire scenes in his bōcum.

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