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Think of sentences with at least 6 letters that rhyme at least twice

Here are a few examples:


・The cat in the hat sat on a mat.

She likes to take long walks by the lake and bake a cake.

・The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain.

・The knight with might fought the fight all night.

・The tree by the sea swayed in the breeze with ease.

・The bear with long hair looked quite rare at the fair.




  • 下手くそ過ぎるんだよな単純に 流石にこれじゃ遊べない

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            • Think of sentences with at least 6 letters that rhyme at least twice Here are a few examples:   ・The cat in the hat sat on a mat. ・She likes to take long walks by the lake and bake a cake. ・The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain....

              • Please try writing a sentence that rhymes in Japanese. こころの やさしさ きらめく しあわせ。 (Kokoro no yasashisa kirameku shiawase.) Translation: The kindness of the heart sparkles with happiness. In this sentence, t...

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            • 日本語における母音の概念自体を理解させることが難しいかもしれない。 英語にも母音はあるだろとは思うんだが。

      • 英語で韻を踏んだのを日本語に訳してるんだよ


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