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what did they said → what they said

read the dumb ass → read the dumb thing



記事への反応 -
  • Grammar In Useをいくらやっても文学も論文も読めなくて「日本語のじゃなきゃダメだと言ってたろ」 ほら日本語読めてないじゃん 俺が言ったのは Grammar In Useをいくらやっても文学も論...

    • You said you can't communicate if you do Japanese stuffs. And you just proved it. Good for you. It's rather strange to learn a language for anything other than communication but do whatever you want to do I guess. I never said you shouldn't.

      • You said you can't communicate if you do Japanese stuffs. Wrong. Masuda didnt say that.

        • Then what DID they say?

          • You wanna know what did they said? just read that dumb ass.

            • what did they said -> what they said read the dumb ass -> read the dumb thing お前なにいたかしりたいか ばか読め

              • 語尾についたdumb assが何を意味するかすら分かってなくて流石に草

          • Even if we do Japanese stuffs, we can communicate in English if we do BOTH Japanese stuffs and communication training. imho you should learn math and logic before English.

            • 「スラム向けもビジネスパーソン向けも単なる社会方言の違いであってコミュニケーションのための英語という点で同じだよ それをいくら勉強しても文学や高度な論文は読めるようにな...

              • "We cannot read dense literatures and complex theses when we learn English ONLY FOR COMMUNICATION" he said. "Japanese stuffs are good as training for reading such a thing" he said "We MUST learn Japanese stuffs if we read such a thing" he DIDN'T said

                • So tell me, what else but communication is language?

                  • Stuffs titled "for communication" are usually meant for communicating with modern people verbally, by letter, email, or on social media. Yeah, we can say reading literature is a kind of communication with author, but most of books "for communication" ...

                    • I admit I said "stuff". That's a sarcasm. Don't use it. Say something like "materials" when you talk back. Unless you want to sound very primitive. Likewise, if you say you learn English anything other than "communication", it'll sound very odd. You c...

                      • Just you don't know the phrase "for communication" often used in a narrow sense: "mutual communication with modern people". There are many English books titled "German for communication", "French for communication", or "Japanese for communication" for...

            • What kind of logic tells you that someone needs to learn Math and Logic before any language?

              • sentence with logic : I had an apple, and I ate that, then I dont have apple. sentence without logic : I had an apple, and I ate that, then I have a car. did you get it?

                • Eh, did I get it? No. You are not making any sense. By 'what kind of logic in English', it's a question that asks what logic you used. Were you talking about apples? Definitely no. What you need to answer was the reason why someone needs to learn logi...

                  • with logic, sentence make sence and have meaning. without logic, sentence dont make sence and have no meaning. If sentence dont make any sence, learning langage is no meaning at all.

                    • You need to work on expressing what you want to say. It takes training. I speak Japanese too so I can somewhat guess what you want to say but if you talked to someone with no experience with non-native speakers, you make no sense at all, you could eve...

                      • If sentence dont make any senceを文章がわからないって訳すのレベル高すぎぃ!

              • Basic principles of logics like "the reverse is not always true" is necessary for discussion in any languages. We cannot talk with idiots who say "You idiot, B is not always A" when we say "A is B".

    • これが「読む訓練をしていない人は、ネイティブでもまともに文章を読めない」という典型例なんだよね どこにも書いてないのに、自分に都合のいい内容を勝手にねつ造しないこと ...


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