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「Crossroad」を含む日記 RSS

はてなキーワード: Crossroadとは



北海道North Sea Avenue
青森Bule Forest
岩手Rock Hand
秋田Autumn Field
山形Mountain Shape
福島Fortune Isle
茨城Thorn Castle
埼玉Cape Ball
千葉Thousand Leaf
東京East City
神奈川Gods River
新潟New Lagoon
富山Money Mount
石川Stone River
福井Weal Well
山梨Heaped Pear
長野Long Field
岐阜Crossroad Hill
静岡Silent Hill
滋賀Grace Bless
京都Empire City
大阪Large Slope
兵庫Soldier's Warehouse
奈良Flat Hill
和歌山Poem Mountain
鳥取Bird Hunter
島根Isles Root
岡山Small Hill
広島Great Iland
山口Mountain Entrance
徳島Virtue Isle
香川Perfume River
愛媛Fair Lady
福岡Happy Hill
佐賀Assist Bless
長崎Long Cape
熊本Bear Book
大分Big Branch
宮崎Shrine Cape
鹿児島Fawn Isle
沖縄Offing Rope



It's a bit like the crossroads of the sea, isn't it?

Is it?

Then people leave here to go all over the world, huh?


It's kind of amazing, isn't it?

What is?

In two days, we're leaving here. But this view will remain the same, right?

Of course, will.

We'll go to Antarctica, and come back to home, but boats will still come here every day, and the city will be full of people, going to school, working their jobs, hanging out with their friends, They'll all keep living their lives..

It' the same in our home country.

School's still being held, They're probably having dinner right about now.

In places we've never seen, locations we've never been, so many people are living so many kinds of lives, every day, without stopping. That's amazing!

Even though it's common sense, but we know you're getting at.

From the line of "A Place Further Than The Universe"

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