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Collected by: Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture

Archived since: Oct, 2017


Inspired by the #Syllabi have been developed by educators, activists, organizations, and community members since 2014, the #Syllabus web archive collection aims to web archive Black-authored and Black-related educational resources to document Black studies, movements, and experiences in the twenty-first century.

Subject:   Society & Culture Blogs & Social Media Politics & Elections Social Justice Self-Education Collection study Reading lists Syllabi

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Title: Reading List

URL: http://blackgirlhood.info/bghplist/

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Title: Black History in Three Acts, The story of how black people confront systems of racial capitalism and plot world liberation. A reading list from Robin D. G. Kelley.

URL: http://bostonreview.net/race/robin-d-g-kelley-black-history-three-acts/

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Title: Black Womanhood: The Syllabus

URL: http://dh.jmjafrx.com/2018/01/27/black-womanhood-the-syllabus/

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Title: The Black Lives Canada Syllabus // #BlackLivesCDNSyllabus

URL: http://docs.google.com/document/d/1Bas9pfAPdY5dZtoJx20ORpa3YZa4A5H0L5P3OgzB-mo/mobilebasic?pref=2&pli=1

Description: This is a collection of multiple resources to help illuminate the context of black life and black history in Canada because “crowd-sourced syllabi are acts of resistance.” This hashtag was developed by for a Anthony Morgan, a lawyer and community advocate, after questions surrounding the necessity of Black Lives Matter Toronto sparked off after the group’s protests at Pride on July 5th. You can read more about the origins of this project in Morgan’s interview with The Toronto Star here. The compilation of materials from this crowd-sourced syllabus were compiled by and will continue to be updated by Huda Hassan.

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Title: Developing and Reflecting on a Black Disability Studies Pedagogy: Work from the National Black Disability Coalition

URL: http://dsq-sds.org/article/view/4637/3933/

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Title: #ImmigrationSyllabus

URL: http://editions.lib.umn.edu/immigrationsyllabus/

Description: María Cristina García

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Title: Public Syllabi - Harvard University Press Blog

URL: http://harvardpress.typepad.com/hup_publicity/2016/11/public-syllabi.html

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Title: ASSATA: In her own words (Syllabus)

URL: http://justinadkins.com/about-me/assata-in-her-own-words-syllabus/

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Title: Becoming Syllabus

URL: http://laurenmims.com/becoming-syllabus/

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Title: #FalseFreedom

URL: http://mychemluvur.wixsite.com/falsefreedom

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Title: Black Panthers at 50: Syllabus - Events - Exhibits, October 4th, 2016

URL: http://oaklandlibrary.org/blogs/from-main-library/black-panthers-50-syllabus-events-exhibits

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Title: Black Disabled Woman Syllabus: A Compilation

URL: http://rampyourvoice.com/2016/05/05/black-disabled-woman-syllabus-compilation/

Description: Syllabus with resources to educate about the Black disabled experience, particularly the plight of Black disabled women and why their struggles matter.

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Title: #BlkWomenSyllabus: Here Are 25 Must Reads for the Empowered Black Woman

URL: http://theculture.forharriet.com/2015/08/blkwomensyllabus-here-are-25-must-reads.html

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Title: Here’s the best of what we’ve read #CharlotteProtest

URL: http://unsweetenedmagazine.com/mag/heres-the-best-of-what-weve-read-charlotteprotest/

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Title: #RacingReligion

URL: http://whatiscitizenship.wixsite.com/racingreligion/

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Title: Wisdom 101:

URL: http://wisdomftf.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Wisdom-101-Syllabus.pdf

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Title: Hashtag Syllabi

URL: http://www.aaihs.org/category/hashtag-syllabi/

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Title: Making the American Syllabus: Hashtag Syllabi in Historical Perspective

URL: http://www.aaihs.org/making-the-american-syllabus-hashtag-syllabi-in-historical-perspective/

Description: Hashtag syllabi such as #FergusonSyllabus and #CharlestonSyllabus assemble critical intellectual resources and promote collective study both within and outside of the academy during this moment of heightened racial tension. The intellectual intervention of these resource lists, primarily initiated by African American scholar-activists, is necessitated by the systemic deficiency of racially inclusive content in America’s public school and university curricula. This effort to identify racially-centered intellectual resources in 2014 is an extension of self-education practices that African Americans have pursued for more than a century.

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Title: Prison Abolition Syllabus

URL: http://www.aaihs.org/prison-abolition-syllabus/

Description: On September 9, 2016, the 45th anniversary of the Attica prison uprising, prisoners from at least twenty-one states began striking against what they called “modern-day slavery.” The strike stands as one of the largest in U.S. history (figures are difficult to verify and the California prison hunger strike in 2013 involved at least 30,000 people) and several prisoners have lost their lives in this struggle. Prison strikers’ language is not hyperbolic. As Ava DuVernay’s new documentary on the 13th Amendment highlights, the very amendment that abolished slavery and guaranteed the legal emancipation of nearly four million enslaved people also carved out space for the continuation of slavery “as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted.”

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Title: #Charlestonsyllabus

URL: http://www.aaihs.org/resources/charlestonsyllabus/

Description: Here is a list of readings that educators can use to broach conversations in the classroom about the horrendous events that unfolded in Charleston, South Carolina on the evening of June 17, 2015. These readings provide valuable information about the history of racial violence in this country and contextualize the history of race relations in South Carolina and the United States in general. They also offer insights on race, racial identities, global white supremacy and black resistance. All readings are arranged by date of publication. This list is not meant to be exhaustive–you will find omissions. Please check out the Charleston Syllabus book for additional reading suggestions.

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Title: #mizzousyllabus

URL: http://www.aaihs.org/resources/mizzousyllabus/

Description: Here is a list of readings that educators can use to broach conversations in the classroom about the events immediately preceding and following the resignation of University of Missouri System President Tim Wolfe as well as the broader student protest emerging at colleges across the United States. These readings provide valuable information about the history of black student movements in the United States, the experiences of black college athletes, and the history of race relations in Missouri, the border South, and the United States in general. They also offer broader insights on race and racial inequality, the intersections of race and sport, struggles over school desegregation, and white supremacy and black resistance. All readings are organized by date of publication. This list is not meant to be exhaustive–you will find omissions. Please view Austin McCoy’s bibliography on campus activism and follow #Mizzousyllabus for additional reading suggestions. Please click here to read Brandon Byrd’s post on the significance of the #mizzousyllabus.

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Title: #WhyWeCantWait Syllabus

URL: http://www.aapf.org/wwcw-reading-list/

Description: On this page is a collection of the articles and essays produced by the #WhyWeCantWait movement. In addition we have featured suggested works that we feel embody the #WhyWeCantWait spirit.

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Title: Black Lives Matter Comics Reading Lists, BCALA and the ALA Graphic Novels and Comics Round Table: Black Lives Matter Reading List

URL: http://www.ala.org/rt/gncrt/-black-lives-matter-comics-reading-lists/

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Title: The Ferguson Theatre Syllabus

URL: http://www.americantheatre.org/2014/12/17/the-ferguson-theatre-syllabus/

Description: Inspired by the #FergusonSyllabus (a crowd-sourced list of resources and an on-going Twitter conversation for educators), we set out to create a list of plays that can catalyze the difficult but vital conversations we need to have now. We crowd-sourced a list from the Ferguson Moment Facebook group, asking specifically for plays that provide opportunities for conversation around this particular historical moment: the shooting of Michael Brown and the response to that shooting by citizens, law enforcement and the justice system, in Ferguson and in other places like it around the nation. You will find that list, in its entirety, below (many people also suggested important contextual books and articles; we’ve included a list of those, too).

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Title: Syllabus for law school's Freddie Gray course says unrest 'almost certainly not over'

URL: http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/freddie-gray/bs-md-gray-law-syllabus-20150812-story.html

Description: A new course at the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law titled "Freddie Gray's Baltimore: Past, Present, and Moving Forward" aims a wide lens at the 25-year-old man's death and the "serious recent disturbances" that followed — which it says are "almost certainly not over" and require deep analysis.

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Title: Black Lives Matter Syllabus, Black Lives Matter Syllabus

URL: http://www.blacklivesmattersyllabus.com/

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Title: “We Could Be Free”: Approaching the Black Lives Matter Movement

URL: http://www.blacklivesmattersyllabus.com/black-lives-matter-fall-2017/

Description: “We Could Be Free”: (Fall 2017 Course Version) – Black Lives Matter Syllabus

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Title: Black Lives Matter Fall 2016 Syllabus – Black Lives Matter Syllabus

URL: http://www.blacklivesmattersyllabus.com/fall2016/

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Title: #FORMATION: BLM SUMMER 2016 – Black Lives Matter Syllabus, #SLAY: Approaching The Black Lives Matter Movement

URL: http://www.blacklivesmattersyllabus.com/formation-blm-summer-2016-2/

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Title: James Baldwin and Malcolm X Syllabus – Black Lives Matter Syllabus, By Any Means Necessary: The Political Philosophies of Malcolm X and James Baldwin

URL: http://www.blacklivesmattersyllabus.com/james-baldwin-and-malcolm-x-syllabus/

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Title: Black Lives Matter: Race, Resistance, and Populist Protest

URL: http://www.blacklivesmattersyllabus.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Syllabus.pdf

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Title: How to Grow Abolition on Your Campus: 8 Actions

URL: http://www.bu.edu/afam/files/2020/06/Grow_abolition_on_campus_2020_.pdf

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Title: Policing and Imprisonment Syllabus Fall 2017

URL: http://www.deanspade.net/policing-and-imprisonment-syllabus-fall-2017/

Description: Since Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson, Missouri in August 2014, discourse about racially targeted policing and imprisonment in the US has proliferated. This course will put current debates in context by exploring interdisciplinary materials that provide critical perspectives on policing, imprisonment and proposals for reform. We will examine policing and imprisonment in criminal punishment systems, immigration systems and psychiatric and medical systems, looking for overlaps and distinctions between how these systems implement policing and imprisonment. We will draw from intersectional feminist scholarship, critical disability studies, anti-colonial scholarship, critical ethnic studies, critical legal studies, and queer and trans studies. We will examine contemporary debates about approaches to reforming policing and imprisonment and the role of grassroots social movements in analyzing these systems, building pressure for change, and developing alternatives.

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URL: http://www.ianalanpaul.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/AllMonumentsMustFall_Syllabus.pdf

Description: This is a crowd-sourced assemblage of materials relating to Confederate and other racist monuments to white supremacy; the history and theory of these monuments and monuments in general; and monument struggles worldwide. It was inspired by the resistance to fascism demonstrated at Charlottesville, Va. and Durham, NC in August 2017. It recognizes that resistance to such monuments to white supremacy already had a long history by 1865 in the genocide of the Indigenous peoples of the Americas. The resistance to the form of white supremacy symbolized by the Confederacy began with African Americans, abolitionists and feminists at the time of their construction. This syllabus hopes only to add to that tradition until all the monuments have fallen. We posted a call online and have added everything that came in. There’s much more out there, we know

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Title: The 'MHP' Black Feminism Syllabus

URL: http://www.msnbc.com/melissa-harris-perry/the-mhp-black-feminism-syllabus/

Description: Last week in my open letter I promised to send Washington reporter Michelle Cottle a syllabus on black feminism in response to her calling First Lady Michelle Obama a “feminist nightmare.” Here is my suggested reading list

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Title: White supremacy & empire

URL: http://www.poconlineclassroom.com/prison-police-and-state-violence-1/

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Title: Prisons, police, and state violence

URL: http://www.poconlineclassroom.com/prison-police-and-state-violence/

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Title: Palestinian Justice Syllabus

URL: http://www.poconlineclassroom.com/syllabi/palestinian-justice/

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Title: Revolutionary Lives, Syllabus Spring 2018

URL: http://www.priscillamurolo.net/RevLives/syllabus.htm

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Title: Trump Syllabus 2.0, An introduction to the currents of American culture that led to “Trumpism”

URL: http://www.publicbooks.org/trump-syllabus-2-0/

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Title: Hurricane Katrina & Race: Scholarship at Five Year Anniversary

URL: http://www.racismreview.com/blog/2010/08/30/hurricane-katrina-race/

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Title: Hashtag Syllabus Project

URL: http://www.racismreview.com/blog/hashtag-syllabus-project/

Description: Welcome to the Hashtag Syllabus Project! This page serves as central hub for many of the recent hashtag syllabus projects popping up on the corners of web. Below, you’ll find subheadings organized by theme to help you find what you’re looking for. Almost all of these syllabuses are crowd-sourced knowledge, and all of them are open access. Within each syllabus, you’ll find links to varying resources and materials.

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Title: Historian of the African Diaspora

URL: http://www.sylvianediouf.com/works.htm

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Title: Black Lives (Don't) Matter Syllabus

URL: http://www.thecoupproject.org/syllabi/#/black-lives-dont-matter/

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Title: #CharlestonSyllabus, #charlestonsyllabus

URL: http://www.thecoupproject.org/syllabi/#/charlestonsyllabus/

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Title: The Trayvon Martin Syllabus

URL: http://www.thecoupproject.org/syllabi/#/teaching-trayvon/

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Title: Zora's Daughters Syllabus

URL: http://zorasdaughters.com/zoras-daughters-100/

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Title: Compliation List With Multiple Resources

URL: https://aapf.org/resource-list-covid19/

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Title: If You’re New to Abolition: Study Group Guide

URL: https://abolitionjournal.org/studyguide/

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Title: The Evidence of Things Unseen, Art, Archives and Harlem

URL: https://archives.commons.gc.cuny.edu/

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Title: Wakanda Curriculum, Black Panther Film Movie Companion for Middle Grades

URL: https://bctf.ca/uploadedFiles/Public/SocialJustice/Issues/Antiracism/Black%20Panther%20Move%20Companion%20for%20Middle%20Grades.pdf

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URL: https://beckandbre.com/syllabus-white-people/

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Title: The Philly Black History Syllabus: 13 must-read books to understand our city, Experts share what books you should be reading this Black History Month

URL: https://billypenn.com/2017/02/08/the-philly-black-history-syllabus-13-must-read-books-to-understand-our-city/

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