This contribution is focused on the typological, material and technological study of a set of fifty five S-shaped temple rings found in the excavations of an early medieval cemetery in Vrbno (distr. Mělník). The goals of the study were to... more
This contribution is focused on the typological, material and technological study of a set of fifty five S-shaped temple rings found in the excavations of an early medieval cemetery in Vrbno (distr. Mělník). The goals of the study were to identify the different types of S-shaped temple rings present in the set, and to highlight the different techniques used in their manufacture. The temple rings were characterized by observation under optical stereomicroscope and scanning electron miscroscopy (SEM), supplemented by the results of non-destructive analyses by X-Ray Fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) and electron microanalysis (EDX).
As part of our grant-funded research into the metallic artefacts excavated in Lumbe's garden cemetery at Prague Castle (a site where the members of the nobility were buried during the early Medieval period), a silver pearl (grave 100,... more
As part of our grant-funded research into the metallic artefacts excavated in Lumbe's garden cemetery at Prague Castle (a site where the members of the nobility were buried during the early Medieval period), a silver pearl (grave 100, object 27) dating from the ninth century and found in a grave of one of the wealthiest individuals was investigated. Scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, metallographic examination, and the manufacture of a replica enabled us to identify the process of the pearl's manufacture, the material which was used for its fabrication, and the extent of the pearl's deterioration. The pearl is a masterpiece of filigree and granulation work. Analyses have shown the nature of the soldering technique and the types of materials used by early Medieval craftsmen to manufacture it. The analyses also highlighted the nature of the pearl's deterioration, involving intergranular corrosion resulting in the embrittlement of the silver, as well as indications of an aggressive restoration treatment which had been performed on the pearl.
À travers des exemples de travail sur les sites d'Ulug dépé et de Gonur dépé (Turkménistan), les objectifs et les enjeux de la conservation-restauration de terrain au sein des missions archéologiques françaises en Asie centrale sont... more
À travers des exemples de travail sur les sites d'Ulug dépé et de Gonur dépé (Turkménistan), les objectifs et les enjeux de la conservation-restauration de terrain au sein des missions archéologiques françaises en Asie centrale sont présentés. Il s'agit non seulement de garantir la sauvegarde des vestiges archéologiques exhumés, mais également d'en révéler les informations archéologiques, d'en permettre la lisibilité, l'étude et la présentation. Parallèlement il convient de transmettre un savoir-faire à la population locale et de mettre en place un laboratoire de restauration pour pallier au manque d'infrastructures et de personnels qualifiés en matière de conservation-restauration en Asie centrale.
This contribution is focused on the typological, material and technological study of a set of fifty five S-shaped temple rings found in the excavations of an early medieval cemetery in Vrbno (distr. Mělník). The goals of the study were to... more
This contribution is focused on the typological, material and technological study of a set of fifty five S-shaped temple rings found in the excavations of an early medieval cemetery in Vrbno (distr. Mělník). The goals of the study were to identify the different types of S-shaped temple rings present in the set, and to highlight the different techniques used in their manufacture. The temple rings were characterized by observation under optical stereomicroscope and scanning electron miscroscopy (SEM), supplemented by the results of non-destructive analyses by X-Ray Fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) and electron microanalysis (EDX).
Na přední straně obálky / Umschlagvorderseite: Mikrostruktury vzorků keramických kachlů (Hložek, M. -Loskotová, I.: Zdroje keramických surovin brněnské kachlové produkce 15. století). Mikrostrukturen von Keramikkachelproben (Hložek, M.... more
Na přední straně obálky / Umschlagvorderseite: Mikrostruktury vzorků keramických kachlů (Hložek, M. -Loskotová, I.: Zdroje keramických surovin brněnské kachlové produkce 15. století). Mikrostrukturen von Keramikkachelproben (Hložek, M. -Loskotová, I.: Die Keramikrohstoffquellen der Brünner Kachelproduktion des 15. Jahrhunderts).
Voltammetry of microparticles using a paraffin-impregnated graphite electrode (VMP/PIGE) was applied as a very local and non-invasive analytical technique in order to investigate the presence of remains of metallic plating on two ferrous... more
Voltammetry of microparticles using a paraffin-impregnated graphite electrode (VMP/PIGE) was applied as a very local and non-invasive analytical technique in order to investigate the presence of remains of metallic plating on two ferrous and one cuprous artefact from the medieval period. The analyses have been performed locally and selectively on regions presenting particular features, such as texture, cohesion and colour differences. The results confirm local differences in chemical composition, leading to conclusions about the presence of metallic plating on these artefacts.
: Typology of Vrbno S-shaped temple rings. Fig.7: Metallographic examination: a-section of temple ring No.1143 etched in alcoholic ferric chlorides which show the worked and annealed grain structure with twinning visible, variable grain... more
: Typology of Vrbno S-shaped temple rings. Fig.7: Metallographic examination: a-section of temple ring No.1143 etched in alcoholic ferric chlorides which show the worked and annealed grain structure with twinning visible, variable grain size and strain lines near the surface; b-section of temple ring No.1122, etched in alcoholic ferric chlorides showing the overlapping of the silver foil over the copper alloy core.
Fig.2: SEM photomicrographs of the pearl showing an outer ring decorated with granulation and soldered corrugated strip Fig.4: SEM photomicrographs illustrating etching of the surface and intergranular corrosion.