MARVisT: Authoring Glyph-based Visualization in Mobile Augmented Reality
Appendix A Explanation of technical details
We present an example to demonstrate the technical details of Visual Scales Synchronization and Virtual Glyphs Auto-layout and how a designer can use MARVisT to create a keyboard frequency sculpture in a few minutes.
A.1 Visual Scales Synchronization
After encoding the typing frequency using the height and color of a bar (in Figure 1), the designer needs to adjust the size of a bar to be the same as that of a keycap. Based on the basic interactions introduced in Section 4.2 of the paper, the designer has to manually modify the size of a bar in a trial and error manner. MARVisT provides an advanced method to help users finish this kind of task (i.e., synchronize visual scales between virtual glyphs and real objects) in four steps:
Detect real objects. MARVisT leverages several object detection methods provided by ARKit to recognize real objects in the current camera images as much as possible. Specifically, the methods we used include 3D object detection [AppleA], image detection [AppleB], and object detection based on Vision frame work [AppleC, AppleD] (wherein the model was trained in Turi Create using Darknet YOLO). All of these methods are embedded in ARKit so it is easy to use them by calling their APIs. Once a real object is successfully detected, it will be highlighted with a flicker effect (in Figure 1a). All the detected real objects will be stored and passed to the next step. We further elaborate the details of this step in Figure 2 in the form of a JavaScript-style pseudo code with documentation.
Extract visual channels. After recognizing real objects in the current camera images, MARVisT will try to extract the visual channels of each real object as much as possible. Specifically, the position channels (x, y, z) in the world coordinate of the AR environment can be extracted once the real object is detected; the size channels (1D-length, 2D-area, 3D-volume) are estimated based on the real object’s bounding box, which is detected in the previous step; the text channel is detected and extracted using the Vision framework [AppleE] provided by Apple and only the text with the largest area will be used. Not all the visual channels can always be extracted. MARVisT will display the available visual channels when the user taps on a detected real object (in Figure 1b). We further elaborate the details of this step in Figure 3 in the form of the JavaScript-style pseudo code with documentation.
Assign visual channels. This step is finished by the user. When the user taps on a detected real object, a single-ring semi-annulus similar to the one of the virtual glyphs will pop up. The semi-annulus (in Figure.1a) consists of beads which represent the visual channels of the real objects. The user can drag a bead and drop it on a virtual glyph to assign its value to the corresponding visual channel of the virtual glyph (in Figure 1c).
Synchronize visual scales. If the visual channel has not been used to encode data attributes, MARVisT will automatically assign the value of the visual channel of the real object to all virtual glyphs of the same type. If this visual channel has already been used to encode a data attribute, MARVisT will inversely calculate the new scale based on the value of the real object’s visual channel and the data bounded with the virtual glyph. Then the new scale will automatically be propagated to all virtual glyphs of the same visual mapping, leading to updates of the corresponding virtual glyphs’ visual channels (in Figure 1d). We further elaborate the details of this step in Figure 4 in the form of a JavaScript-style pseudo code with documentation.
A.2 Virtual Glyphs Auto-layout
After adjusting the size of the bars to the size of keycaps, the designer needs to place each bar onto its corresponding keycap. It is quite tedious for the user to manually move each virtual bar onto its physical referent. MARVisT provides an automated method to help users finish this kind of task in four steps:
Recognize real objects. This step is the same as the one introduced in section A.1 and can reuse the results.
Extract visual channels. This step is the also same as the one introduced in section A.1 and can also reuse the results.
Map visual channels. This step is done by the user. To map real objects to virtual glyphs, MARVisT supports the user to use visual channels as the mapping key. For example, the user wants to map the 3D bars, which encode the typing frequency with the height and color channels, to their corresponding keycaps. After detecting the keycaps from the keyboard, MARVisT can extract several visual channels of the keycaps, such as width, height, and text. The user can simultaneously open the semi-annulus of the virtual glyphs and the real objects (in Figure 5a). Then the user can drag the bead of the selected visual channel of the real objects (e.g., the text channel) and drop it onto the bead of the selected data attribute (e.g., the name of the keycap) of the virtual glyphs to specify the mapping relationship (in Figure 5b). In Figure 5, a keycap will be mapped to the 3D bar whose name is equal the text channel on the keycap.
Lay out virtual glyphs. After the user specifies the mapping between real objects and virtual glyphs, MARVisT will automatically place each virtual glyph to its corresponding real object (in Figure 5c), whose position in the world coordinate of the AR environment is known after being detected. The details of this step are elaborated in Figure 6 in the form of a JavaScript-style pseudo code with documentation.
A.3 Supplemental Details
Appendix B Performance Testing
We conducted experiments to evaluate the performance of the current implementation of MARVisT. We evaluated the construction times, the frame rates of the static scenes, and the frame rates of the dynamic scenes for varying data sizes and glyph model complexities on an iPhone 8 plus (CPU with 4 processors @ 2.34GHz + 2 processors @ 1.7GHz, Apple A11 GPU, 3GB RAM) and an iPad Pro (CPU with 4 Vortex + 4 Tempest , Apple A12x GPU, 4GP RAM). The number of glyphs ranged from 10 to 1000 to 10000. We used two built-in primitive models, namely, cube and sphere, and the house and shoes models, which is the same model we used in Figure.5 in the paper, to represent simple and complex glyph models respectively (Figure 9). Each time we generated the glyphs and randomly distributed them within the field of view.
To measure the construction time, we imported the data and rendered the glyphs 11 times for each test case. We skipped the first time as a warm-up and report the average of the remaining 10 (in Figure 10). Even with 10, 000 models construction times remained below 12 seconds on both the devices. Given the memory limitations of the two devices (3GB on iPhone 8 Plus and 4GB on iPad Pro), we could not load and render 10, 000 complex models (36kb for each shoe and 60kb for each house).
To measure the frame rates of the static scenes, we displayed all glyphs within the field of view for one minute. The maximum frame rates on the two devices were 60 FPS given the hardware restrictions. As expected, the frame rates dropped along with the increasing complexity of the scene (in Figure 11). The frame rate of the house model on iPhone 8 Plus dropped quickly because the mechanism of iOS111 restricted the maximum frame rate to 30 FPS under heavy workloads.
To measure the frame rates of the dynamic scenes, we displayed all glyphs within the field of view and used the data-binding panel to increase their volume to twice the size. The maximum frame rates on the two devices were 60 FPS given the hardware restrictions. Compared with the frame rates of static scenes, the frame rates of the scene wherein the models are dynamically changed dropped a little bit as expected. Besides that, the frame rates dropped along with the increasing number of models in the scene (in Figure 12).
Overall, for datasets with reasonable size (1, 000 models or less), our implementation guarantee fast construction (in around 2 seconds) and real-time frame rates (over 50 FPS in most cases). Given the hardware and software limitations of the two iOS devices, we could not load 10, 000 data points and the frame rates drop quickly in heavy workloads. However, considering the usage scenario (i.e., the personal context) of MARVisT, wherein users usually do not have big datasets to visualize, we think the performance of the current implementation is acceptable. We believe there is still room for improvement of MARVisT in the future, such as optimizing the memory usage, utilizing level-of-detail techniques to improve the frame rate, and following the best practices of iOS applications to enhance the overall performance of MARVisT.