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11institutetext: Institute of Physics, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Observatoire de Sauverny, 1290 Versoix, Switzerland 22institutetext: Département d’Astronomie, Université de Genève, Chemin Pegasi 51, 1290 Versoix, Switzerland 33institutetext: Instituut voor Sterrenkunde, KU Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200D bus 2401, Leuven, 3001, Belgium 44institutetext: Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, MS 4, 60 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 02138, USA 55institutetext: Konkoly Observatory, HUN-REN Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, MTA Centre of Excellence, Konkoly Thege Miklós út 15-17, H-1121 Budapest, Hungary

VELOcities of CEpheids (VELOCE)
II. Systematic Search for Spectroscopic Binary Cepheids

Shreeya S. Shetye 1133 shreeya.shetye@kuleuven.be    Giordano Viviani 11 giordano.viviani@epfl.ch    Richard I. Anderson 11 richard.anderson@epfl.ch    Nami Mowlavi 22    Laurent Eyer 22    Nancy R. Evans 44    László Szabados 55
(Received May 30, 2024; accepted date here)

Classical Cepheids provide valuable insights into the evolution of stellar multiplicity among intermediate-mass stars. Here, we present a systematic investigation of single-lined spectroscopic binaries (SB1) based on high-precision velocities measured by the VELOcities of CEpheids (VELOCE) project. We detected 76 (29%percent2929\%29 %) SB1 systems among the 258 Milky Way Cepheids in the first VELOCE data release, 32 (43%percent4343\%43 %) of which were not previously known to be SB1 systems. We determined 30 precise and 3 tentative orbital solutions, 18 (53%percent5353\%53 %) of which are reported for the first time. This large set of Cepheid orbits provides a detailed view of the eccentricity e𝑒eitalic_e and orbital period Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT distribution among evolved intermediate-mass stars, ranging from e[0.0,0.8]𝑒0.00.8e\in[0.0,0.8]italic_e ∈ [ 0.0 , 0.8 ] and Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT[240,9 000]absent2409000\in[240,9\,000]∈ [ 240 , 9 000 ] d. Orbital motion on timescales exceeding the 11 yr VELOCE baseline was investigated using a template fitting technique applied to literature data. Particularly interesting objects include a) R Cru, the Cepheid with the shortest orbital period in the Milky Way (240 d), b) ASAS J103158-5814.7, a short-period overtone Cepheid exhibiting time-dependent pulsation amplitudes as well as orbital motion, c) 17 triple systems with outer visual companions, among other interesting objects. Most VELOCE Cepheids (21/23) that exhibit evidence for a companion based on Gaia proper motion anomaly are also spectroscopic binaries, whereas the remaining do not exhibit significant (>3σabsent3𝜎>3\sigma> 3 italic_σ) orbital RV variations. Gaia quality flags, notably the Renormalized Unit Weight Error (RUWE), do not allow to reliably identify Cepheid binaries, although statistically the average RUWE of SB1 Cepheids is slightly higher than that of non-SB1 Cepheids. Comparison with Gaia photometric amplitudes in Glimit-from𝐺G-italic_G -, Bp𝐵𝑝Bpitalic_B italic_p, and Rp𝑅𝑝Rpitalic_R italic_p also does not allow to identify spectroscopic binaries among the full VELOCE sample, indicating that the photometric amplitudes in this wavelength range are not sufficiently informative of companion stars.

Key Words.:
Stars: variables: Cepheids – binaries: visual – Stars: oscillations – distance scale

1 Introduction

Classical Cepheids (henceforth: Cepheids) are evolved, luminous, intermediate-mass (similar-to\sim 3 - 11 M), radially pulsating stars. For more than a century, Cepheids have been crucial calibrators of the extragalactic distance scale (Hertzsprung 1913) thanks to the famous period-luminosity relation (PLR or Leavitt Law, Leavitt & Pickering 1912). The unceasing interest in Cepheids is not only due to their cosmological relevance, but also because these are crucial populations to understand stellar physics and are important tracers in galactic studies (Luck & Lambert 2011; Genovali et al. 2014; Poggio et al. 2021; Kovtyukh et al. 2022, and references therein).

Given the importance of Cepheids as distance tracers, many astrophysical effects have been explored as potential biases of the Leavitt law, including multiplicity (e.g. Mochejska et al. 2000; Kiss & Bedding 2005). For certain individual Cepheids, light contributed by companions can indeed affect distance estimates, the most extreme cases of this kind include V1334 Cyg in the Milky Way (Gallenne et al. 2018) and a sample of Cepheids with double-lined spectroscopic companions in the Large Magellanic Cloud (Pilecki et al. 2021, which are indeed selected using their Leavitt law outlier nature). However, Anderson & Riess (2018) showed that statistically speaking, Cepheid companions cannot bias the extragalactic distance scale or the Hubble constant measured therefrom. A similar result was recently obtained using population synthesis (Karczmarek et al. 2022). However, orbital motion on timescales of up to several years may affect the accuracy of parallax measurements of Cepheids (Anderson et al. 2015, 2016a; Benedict et al. 2022).

Parallaxes of Cepheids provided by the third data release (DR3) of the ESA mission Gaia do not yet account for orbital motion due to companions. However, this is expected to be available in future data releases, and DR3 already provided a large number of non-variable stars with non-single star solutions (Gaia Collaboration et al. 2022). Combining astrometric and radial velocity data to determine orbits is particularly useful because it allows to measure the total mass of a system (e.g. Gallenne et al. 2019) and thus provides key information for constraining stellar models in the context of the mass discrepancy problem (e.g. Caputo et al. 2005; Anderson et al. 2016c).

In the past few decades, numerous complementary techniques are used for the detection of Cepheid binarity/multiplicity. Direct spectroscopic identification of low-mass companions at any separation is possible using X-ray and ultraviolet (UV) observations (Evans 1992; Evans et al. 2013, 2022). The detection of orbital motion through radial velocity (RV) variations is effective to a wide range of companion masses and spectral types, however, it necessitates long temporal baselines (Evans et al. 2015; Anderson et al. 2016a). Conversely, photometric binary detection methods, such as those using photometric amplitudes (Coulson & Caldwell 1985; Klagyivik & Szabados 2009) or photometric colors and ratios of amplitudes of different colors (Gieren 1985), require confirmation of the binary detection through subsequent spectroscopic investigations. Cepheid companions can also be detected using optical long-baseline interferometry, if the contrast and angular separation between the Cepheid and its companion are sufficiently small (Gallenne et al. 2014a, 2015, 2016, 2019).

Gaia proper motions have been introduced as indicators of multiplicity (Kervella et al. 2019a, b, 2022). While proper motion analysis is a powerful tool to detect resolved companions, it cannot be applied to the brightest stars that saturate the Gaia detectors. Furthermore, Gaia  astrometric quality flags like the reduced χ2superscript𝜒2\chi^{2}italic_χ start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT statistic are used as indicators of binarity assuming that the orbital motion leads to a photocentre wobble (Belokurov et al. 2020; Stassun & Torres 2021). In fact, several cuts on Gaia quality flags like the RUWE and astrometric excess noise have been defined to filter the potentially multiple systems (Gaia Collaboration et al. 2022). However, these cuts are established using stars where astrometric processing is simpler than in high-amplitude chromatically variable stars, such as classical Cepheids. It remains unclear if the same cuts can be applied to Cepheids, which are brighter than most stars used for calibrating Gaia  systematics (cf. Khan et al. (2023) and references therein), and whose variability can cause excess noise in astrometric measurements.

The traditional approach of RV variations provides an unambiguous detection of a binary companion and helps constrain the orbital parameters. Dedicated RV monitoring campaigns have unraveled the orbital elements distribution of Cepheids (e.g., Evans et al. 2015; Szabados 2003). Low-mass companions such as the one of δ𝛿\delta\,italic_δCep (Anderson et al. 2015) or companions of fainter Cepheids (mV>8subscript𝑚𝑉8m_{V}>8italic_m start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_V end_POSTSUBSCRIPT > 8 mag) require significant observational effort and precision to be detected, and this can only be achieved by long-term RV monitoring.

The VELOcities of CEpheids (VELOCE) project provides unprecedented RV time series of classical Cepheids (Anderson et al. (2024); Paper I henceforth). Taking advantage of the 11-year baseline of VELOCE, here we report the results of a systematic study of single-lined spectroscopic binaries (SB1). Where the data allow it, we provide estimates of orbital periods, or describe the orbital motion using different methods. The paper is structured as follows. The observations and data analysis are presented in Section 2, in Section 3 we describe the different methods we used to analyze the SB1 Cepheids, followed by results in Section 4, which is divided into sub-sections for results from each method used to describe the binary. In Section 5, we present the correlation between derived orbital parameters and compare our results with the Gaia binarity indicators. We briefly discuss and summarize this work in Section 6. The RV data as well as any fitted models, including orbital solutions and polynomial trends, used here are made publicly available as part of Paper I. In the Appendix, we have presented supporting figures (Sections A, B, C, E) and tables (Sections D, F).

2 Sample selection and available data

VELOCE comprises of precise Cepheid RV time-series data collected from both hemispheres using the high-resolution spectrographs Coralie (Queloz et al. 2001) and Hermes (Raskin et al. 2011). We used a minimum of 30 RV measurements per star, extending to up to 300 RV measurements for some cases. These observations cover a temporal baseline of nearly eleven years. Most of the VELOCE observations targeted signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) of at least 20, more commonly between 25 to 30, per pixel near 5500 Å. With such SNR we have typical RV uncertainties in the order of 50 ms-1. A detailed description of the observations and the RV data can be found in Paper I.

We identify SB1 candidates from 258 classical Cepheids observed by the VELOCE project (cf. Paper I for details) via time-variable pulsation-averaged velocities, vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT. Orbital motion in Cepheids introduces Doppler shifts on timescales of typically one year or longer that are mostly well separated from the pulsational timescales (of order days to months). Using VELOCE data, orbital motion can be detected in several different ways, depending on the availability and quality of the measurements (Section 3). The cleanest examples in our sample are Cepheids where clear, and possibly repeating, variations of vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT are discernible by eye in the pulsation (Fourier series) fit residuals. Such cases generally have orbital semi-amplitudes of several  km s-1 and orbital periods of 3less-than-or-similar-toabsent3\lesssim 3≲ 3 yr.

While the selection function of Cepheids in VELOCE is rather complex, cf. Paper I, we consider VELOCE neither particularly biased towards the detection of SB1 systems, nor against it. For example, VELOCE initially specifically targeted Cepheids with no prior RV information and Cepheids residing near star clusters (Anderson et al. 2013). Later, Cepheids bright and nearby enough to measure interferometric radii were added (e.g. Anderson et al. 2016b; Breitfelder et al. 2016), and long-period Cepheids were targeted specifically for their use in distance ladder calibration (Anderson et al. 2016a). VELOCE also followed Cepheids with the goal of detecting modulated variability (e.g. Anderson 2014, 2016, 2019, 2020). Of course, stars found to exhibit orbital motion were followed up with the goal of characterizing orbits. However, only few stars were added to specifically search for suspected orbital signals.

Table LABEL:tab:BasicInfo contains the list of stars considered in the present paper, ordered by whether their nature as spectroscopic binary was first reported here, was previously discussed in the literature. In Figure 1, we present the on-sky distribution of the sample SB1 Cepheids and the range in Gaia G mag that they span.

Table 1: Sample of binary Cepheids and candidates from the literature considered here.
Cepheid Gaia DR3 source ID mVdelimited-⟨⟩subscript𝑚V\langle{m_{\rm{V}}}\rangle⟨ italic_m start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_V end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ⟩ Gaia  mGdelimited-⟨⟩subscript𝑚G\langle{m_{\rm{G}}}\rangle⟨ italic_m start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_G end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ⟩ Ppulssubscript𝑃pulsP_{\rm puls}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_puls end_POSTSUBSCRIPT Status References Evidence Triple?
(mag) (mag) (d)
Newly discovered spectroscopic binary Cepheids
AQ Pup 5597379741549105280 8.54 8.315 2418.3152418.315\,2418.315 241 30.196 518 846 536 7330.1965188465367330.196\,518\,846\,536\,7330.196 518 846 536 73 Susp R1 Trend Y
ASAS J064540+0330.4 3.014 697 1333.0146971333.014\,697\,1333.014 697 133 New Orbit Y
ASAS J064553+1003.8 3350719221309022720 10.78 10.437210.437210.437210.4372 2.680 051 222.680051222.680\,051\,222.680 051 22 New Trend
ASAS J084951--4627.2 5329675052782690944 11.03 10.846 683 510.846683510.846\,683\,510.846 683 5 3.788 888 7253.7888887253.788\,888\,7253.788 888 725 New Orbit
ASAS J100814--5856.6 5258280842214814336 11.48 11.400 03111.40003111.400\,03111.400 031 3.766 487 1953.7664871953.766\,487\,1953.766 487 195 New Orbit
ASAS J103158--5814.7 5351436724362450304 11.06 11.084 75911.08475911.084\,75911.084 759 1.119 204 370 277 8351.1192043702778351.119\,204\,370\,277\,8351.119 204 370 277 835 New Trend
ASAS J155847--5341.8 5980814424369504256 9.99 9.450 1149.4501149.450\,1149.450 114 2.807 504 772 141 8292.8075047721418292.807\,504\,772\,141\,8292.807 504 772 141 829 New Trend
ASAS J174108--2328.5 4116471792510901248 9.55 8.864 638.864638.864\,638.864 63 3.779 663 972 147 0023.7796639721470023.779\,663\,972\,147\,0023.779 663 972 147 002 New Trend
ASAS J174603--3528.1 4041107790775862272 10.94 10.312 11310.31211310.312\,11310.312 113 2.572 441 0872.5724410872.572\,441\,0872.572 441 087 New Orbit
β𝛽\betaitalic_β Dor 4757601523650165120 3.76 3.593 461 53.59346153.593\,461\,53.593 461 5 9.842 731 815 006 3519.8427318150063519.842\,731\,815\,006\,3519.842 731 815 006 351 New RVTF-Yes
DR Vel 5313887130948758016 9.25 8.937 7488.9377488.937\,7488.937 748 11.199 534 654 052 1311.1995346540521311.199\,534\,654\,052\,1311.199 534 654 052 13 New Trend
FO Car 5241780677399802624 10.96 10.349 28310.34928310.349\,28310.349 283 10.356 892 0110.3568920110.356\,892\,0110.356 892 01 New Orbit Y
GX Car 5257664497238811776 9.42 9.092 8779.0928779.092\,8779.092 877 7.196 930 220 77.19693022077.196\,930\,220\,77.196 930 220 7 New Orbit
IT Car 5337191279937200256 7.9 7.823 741 47.82374147.823\,741\,47.823 741 4 7.532 987 1557.5329871557.532\,987\,1557.532 987 155 New Orbit
MY Pup 5506374096132016512 5.65 5.465 3545.4653545.465\,3545.465 354 5.694 105 5445.6941055445.694\,105\,5445.694 105 544 New Orbit
NT Pup 5537860123428416640 11.558 19611.55819611.558\,19611.558 196 15.560 317 5515.5603175515.560\,317\,5515.560 317 55 New Orbit
OX Cam 473293889810320128 10.81 10.056 24410.05624410.056\,24410.056 244 5.065 491 477 335.065491477335.065\,491\,477\,335.065 491 477 33 New Trend
RY Sco 4041690364529590144 7.51 7.489 791 47.48979147.489\,791\,47.489 791 4 20.326 749 545 520.326749545520.326\,749\,545\,520.326 749 545 5 New Trend Y
RY Vel 5355057622307185280 7.86 7.879 678 27.87967827.879\,678\,27.879 678 2 28.174 209 0528.1742090528.174\,209\,0528.174 209 05 New Trend
SX Vel 5329838158460391296 8.33 8.120 9978.1209978.120\,9978.120 997 9.550 730 5529.5507305529.550\,730\,5529.550 730 552 New Trend
SZ Aql 4267549637851481344 7.92 8.201 1518.2011518.201\,1518.201 151 17.140 861 3917.1408613917.140\,861\,3917.140 861 39 New RVTF-Yes
V0391 Nor 5881995546318024704 8.99 8.663 8148.6638148.663\,8148.663 814 4.373 318 9184.3733189184.373\,318\,9184.373 318 918 New Trend
V0402 Cyg 2060021625508894592 9.87 9.520 4839.5204839.520\,4839.520 483 4.364 924 6884.3649246884.364\,924\,6884.364 924 688 New RVTF-Yes Y
V0407 Cas 2012787293154800896 11.468 03411.46803411.468\,03411.468 034 4.566 101 618 54.56610161854.566\,101\,618\,54.566 101 618 5 New Orbit Y
V0492 Cyg 2058874388200159872 11.564 83811.56483811.564\,83811.564 838 7.578 010 163 37.57801016337.578\,010\,163\,37.578 010 163 3 New Trend
V0659 Cen 5868451040512196224 6.49 6.474 7476.4747476.474\,7476.474 747 5.623 986 736 15.62398673615.623\,986\,736\,15.623 986 736 1 Susp R2 Orbit Y
V0827 Cas 430814876547869440 11.57 10.743 50710.74350710.743\,50710.743 507 3.198 603 177 13.19860317713.198\,603\,177\,13.198 603 177 1 New Trend Y
V1162 Aql 4190143160245024256 7.81 7.593 359 57.59335957.593\,359\,57.593 359 5 5.376 207 291 75.37620729175.376\,207\,291\,75.376 207 291 7 New Trend
V1803 Aql 4319018739208020096 10.35 9.390 9869.3909869.390\,9869.390 986 8.628 130 051 98.62813005198.628\,130\,051\,98.628 130 051 9 New Trend
V2475 Cyg 2055881689337758336 11.413 76711.41376711.413\,76711.413 767 11.555 709 04911.55570904911.555\,709\,04911.555 709 049 New Trend
VZ Pup 5600052040150252800 10.15 9.341 3259.3413259.341\,3259.341 325 23.174 332 2723.1743322723.174\,332\,2723.174 332 27 New Orbit
X Cyg 1870258975238302208 6.47 6.199 0116.1990116.199\,0116.199 011 16.386 560 8616.3865608616.386\,560\,8616.386 560 86 New RVTF-Yes
First orbital solutions for literature SB1 Cepheids
BP Cir 5877460679352962048 7.52 7.326 5917.3265917.326\,5917.326 591 2.398 125 3862.3981253862.398\,125\,3862.398 125 386 Known R4 Orbit
FN Vel 5307761545524640256 10.25 9.854 0699.8540699.854\,0699.854 069 5.324 151 6115.3241516115.324\,151\,6115.324 151 611 Known VELOCER5, R6 Orbit
MU Cep 2200018111723748224 12.3 11.635 48311.63548311.635\,48311.635 483 3.767 849 0843.7678490843.767\,849\,0843.767 849 084 Known VELOCER6 Orbit
R Cru 6054935874795049216 6.42 6.584 582 36.58458236.584\,582\,36.584 582 3 5.825 671 6715.8256716715.825\,671\,6715.825 671 671 Known R7 Orbit
R Mus 5855468247702904704 6.33 6.230 604 66.23060466.230\,604\,66.230 604 6 7.510 323 6547.5103236547.510\,323\,6547.510 323 654 Known R3 Orbit
VY Per 459035766618689280 11.32 10.470 9610.4709610.470\,9610.470 96 5.531 907 5525.5319075525.531\,907\,5525.531 907 552 Known R24 Orbit
Literature SB1 confirmed by VELOCE
α𝛼\alphaitalic_α UMi 2.02 3.972 012 764 713.972012764713.972\,012\,764\,713.972 012 764 71 Known VELOCER32 Orbit 111 We refer the reader to Anderson (2019) for the detailed orbital solution of α𝛼\alphaitalic_α UMi using VELOCE data.
AD Pup 5614312705966204288 9.99 9.634 9629.6349629.634\,9629.634 962 13.597 598 9813.5975989813.597\,598\,9813.597 598 98 Susp R9 Trend
AH Vel 5519380081746387328 5.76 5.587 5315.5875315.587\,5315.587 531 4.227 158 2264.2271582264.227\,158\,2264.227 158 226 Known R3 Trend
AQ Car 5254662177677566464 8.84 8.642 3828.6423828.642\,3828.642 382 9.769 574 1359.7695741359.769\,574\,1359.769 574 135 Susp VELOCER10 Trend
AW Per 174489098011145216 7.51 7.085 6487.0856487.085\,6487.085 648 6.463 825 8376.4638258376.463\,825\,8376.463 825 837 Known R11 Trend Y
AX Cir 5873984023533350400 5.96 5.658 398 65.65839865.658\,398\,65.658 398 6 5.273 442 4025.2734424025.273\,442\,4025.273 442 402 Known R4 Orbit
CD Cyg 2058374144759464064 8.35 8.587 1738.5871738.587\,1738.587 173 17.076 173 9717.0761739717.076\,173\,9717.076 173 97 Known VELOCER10 RVTF-Yes
δ𝛿\deltaitalic_δ Cep 2200153454733285248 3.75 3.850 599 83.85059983.850\,599\,83.850 599 8 5.366 267 2575.3662672575.366\,267\,2575.366 267 257 Known VELOCER12 Orbit
DL Cas 428620663657823232 8.63 8.577 368.577368.577\,368.577 36 8.000 933 7258.0009337258.000\,933\,7258.000 933 725 Known R13, R14 Orbit
η𝜂\etaitalic_η Aql 4240272953377646592 3.8 3.747 671 43.74767143.747\,671\,43.747 671 4 7.176 834 0627.1768340627.176\,834\,0627.176 834 062 Known R15 RVTF-Yes
FF Aql 4514145288240593408 5.38 5.170 6575.1706575.170\,6575.170 657 4.470 984 4574.4709844574.470\,984\,4574.470 984 457 Known R16 Orbit Y
FR Car 5337764640889249536 9.64 9.326 7049.3267049.326\,7049.326 704 10.716 893 167 410.716893167410.716\,893\,167\,410.716 893 167 4 Known R17 Trend
KN Cen 5864135319959353600 9.86 9.240 8029.2408029.240\,8029.240 802 34.027 314 89334.02731489334.027\,314\,89334.027 314 893 Known VELOCE, R10 Trend
LR TrA 5824226655600824704 7.8 7.588 1077.5881077.588\,1077.588 107 2.428 288 1472.4282881472.428\,288\,1472.428 288 147 Known R7 Trend
RS Ori 3368698813404804352 8.42 8.193 0928.1930928.193\,0928.193 092 7.566 925 079 97.56692507997.566\,925\,079\,97.566 925 079 9 Known R18 RVTF-Yes
RV Sco 6026412893938675712 6.61 6.767 422 76.76742276.767\,422\,76.767 422 7 6.061 321 3836.0613213836.061\,321\,3836.061 321 383 Susp R19 Trend Y
RW Cam 473043922712140928 8.72 8.229 2568.2292568.229\,2568.229 256 16.415 654 3916.4156543916.415\,654\,3916.415 654 39 Known R2 Trend
RX Aur 200708636406382720 7.62 7.362 677.362677.362\,677.362 67 11.624 790 2511.6247902511.624\,790\,2511.624 790 25 Known R20 Trend
S Mus 5855852527008107008 8.33 5.881 264 75.88126475.881\,264\,75.881 264 7 9.660 008 3189.6600083189.660\,008\,3189.660 008 318 Known R16 Orbit
S Sge 1820309639468685824 5.36 5.461 8685.4618685.461\,8685.461 868 8.382 083 6478.3820836478.382\,083\,6478.382 083 647 Known R20 Orbit Y
SS CMa 5616601820448126336 9.84 9.562 654 59.56265459.562\,654\,59.562 654 5 12.352 470 1512.3524701512.352\,470\,1512.352 470 15 Known VELOCER10 RVTF-Yes
SU Cyg 2031776202613700480 6.44 6.798 2646.7982646.798\,2646.798 264 3.845 750 744 484 6193.8457507444846193.845\,750\,744\,484\,6193.845 750 744 484 619 Known R21 Orbit
SY Nor 5884729035255064064 9.77 9.040 8339.0408339.040\,8339.040 833 12.645 213 1212.6452131212.645\,213\,1212.645 213 12 Known R2, R14 Orbit
SZ Cyg 2071433765909167232 9.37 8.952 7258.9527258.952\,7258.952 725 15.109 624 58815.10962458815.109\,624\,58815.109 624 588 Known VELOCER10 RVTF-Yes
T Mon 3324535073449061504 5.98 6.124 3176.1243176.124\,3176.124 317 27.035 501 5127.0355015127.035\,501\,5127.035 501 51 Known R13, R20 Trend
TX Mon 3106349738382214144 10.67 10.601 33310.60133310.601\,33310.601 333 8.702 117 8298.7021178298.702\,117\,8298.702 117 829 Known R8 Orbit
U Vul 1825621002188696448 7.16 6.700 4446.7004446.700\,4446.700 444 7.990 663 3737.9906633737.990\,663\,3737.990 663 373 Known R17 Orbit
UX Per 506699870563323264 11.26 11.410 27511.41027511.410\,27511.410 275 4.565 708 9774.5657089774.565\,708\,9774.565 708 977 Known R8 Trend Y
UZ Sct 4104869264724284544 10.91 10.364 13910.36413910.364\,13910.364 139 14.747 528 6114.7475286114.747\,528\,6114.747 528 61 Susp R22 Trend Y
V0340 Ara 5937099633141128448 10.03 9.741 4399.7414399.741\,4399.741 439 20.815 487 4820.8154874820.815\,487\,4820.815 487 48 Known R7 RVTF-Yes
V0916 Aql 4313179507891570304 10.86 10.064 85410.06485410.064\,85410.064 854 13.443 602 0713.4436020713.443\,602\,0713.443 602 07 Known R33 RVTF-Yes
V1334 Cyg 1964855904803120640 5.88 5.724 9965.7249965.724\,9965.724 996 3.332 489 7253.3324897253.332\,489\,7253.332 489 725 Known R23 Orbit Y
VY Sgr 4094007532908816896 11.36 10.495 35610.49535610.495\,35610.495 356 13.558 527 8713.5585278713.558\,527\,8713.558 527 87 Known R22 RVTF-Yes
W Sgr 4050309195613114624 4.69 4.585 2454.5852454.585\,2454.585 245 7.595 078 1197.5950781197.595\,078\,1197.595 078 119 Known R16 Orbit Y
XX Cen 5871922507947292032 7.3 7.621 8727.6218727.621\,8727.621 872 10.951 956 4810.9519564810.951\,956\,4810.951 956 48 Known R13 Orbit
XZ Car 5338036117182452096 8.67 8.311 6018.3116018.311\,6018.311 601 16.652 069 4916.6520694916.652\,069\,4916.652 069 49 Susp VELOCER10 Trend
YZ Car 5255254711361371520 8.24 8.387 5148.3875148.387\,5148.387 514 18.169 552 7118.1695527118.169\,552\,7118.169 552 71 Known R10, R16 Orbit
Z Lac 2007201567928631296 8.57 8.185 6398.1856398.185\,6398.185 639 10.885 884 2010.8858842010.885\,884\,2010.885 884 20 Known R13 Orbit Y
Literature SB1 not confirmed by VELOCE
AA Gem 3430067092837622272 9.91 9.393 1219.3931219.393\,1219.393 121 11.303 704 6511.3037046511.303\,704\,6511.303 704 65 Known R8 RVTF-No
AN Aur 201574982848108416 10.21 10.013 50110.01350110.013\,50110.013 501 10.288 512 4210.2885124210.288\,512\,4210.288 512 42 Known R25 RVTF-No
AV Sgr 4069645924308096512 11.49 10.239 90710.23990710.239\,90710.239 907 15.329 361 1115.3293611115.329\,361\,1115.329 361 11 Known R17 RVTF-No
BB Sgr 4085919765884068736 6.69 6.584 277 66.58427766.584\,277\,66.584 277 6 6.637 132 4616.6371324616.637\,132\,4616.637 132 461 Susp R26 RVTF-No
BG Cru 6058439910929477120 5.53 5.272 218 75.27221875.272\,218\,75.272 218 7 3.342 539 663.342539663.342\,539\,663.342 539 66 Known R7 RVTF-No
BG Vel 5324034867356093056 7.69 7.220 8827.2208827.220\,8827.220 882 6.923 857 6286.9238576286.923\,857\,6286.923 857 628 Susp VELOCE, R31 RVTF-No
CS Ori 3330259852538068608 11.29 11.259 90411.25990411.259\,90411.259 904 3.889 114 3743.8891143743.889\,114\,3743.889 114 374 Known R8 RVTF-No
FN Aql 4269036830424588800 7.96 8.005 1328.0051328.005\,1328.005 132 9.481 369 0819.4813690819.481\,369\,0819.481 369 081 Known R27 RVTF-No
RT Aur 3435571660360952704 5.55 5.336 251 35.33625135.336\,251\,35.336 251 3 3.728 430 5323.7284305323.728\,430\,5323.728 430 532 Susp R28 RVTF-No
RU Sct 4258436301367796480 8.82 8.713 3498.7133498.713\,3498.713 349 19.707 642 9919.7076429919.707\,642\,9919.707 642 99 Known R17 RVTF-No
RZ Vel 5523162573544337408 7.26 6.850 1036.8501036.850\,1036.850 103 20.402 004 6120.4020046120.402\,004\,6120.402 004 61 Known VELOCE, R31 RVTF-No
S Nor 5835124087174043136 6.49 6.175 8616.1758616.175\,8616.175 861 9.754 719 0249.7547190249.754\,719\,0249.754 719 024 Known R1 RVTF-No
SV Per 203496585576324224 8.86 8.696 444 58.69644458.696\,444\,58.696 444 5 11.129 356 9711.1293569711.129\,356\,9711.129 356 97 Known R2 RVTF-No
TY Sct 4256744187345732224 11 9.899 0579.8990579.899\,0579.899 057 11.053 827 5311.0538275311.053\,827\,5311.053 827 53 Known R22 RVTF-No
TZ Mon 3112475495616980992 10.510 64810.51064810.510\,64810.510 648 7.428 215 3107.4282153107.428\,215\,3107.428 215 310 Known R17 RVTF-No
U Sgr 4092905375639902464 6.68 6.429 236.429236.429\,236.429 23 6.745 297 8566.7452978566.745\,297\,8566.745 297 856 Known R14 RVTF-No
VW Cen 5864955727424819200 10.36 9.853 7589.8537589.853\,7589.853 758 15.036 803 1815.0368031815.036\,803\,1815.036 803 18 Known R17 RVTF-No
VY Car 5351161399793209984 6.87 7.337 7727.3377727.337\,7727.337 772 18.882 356 6618.8823566618.882\,356\,6618.882 356 66 Susp VELOCER10 RVTF-No
WZ Sgr 4094784475310672128 7.45 7.682 0947.6820947.682\,0947.682 094 21.849 418 4321.8494184321.849\,418\,4321.849 418 43 Known R30 RVTF-No
X Lac 2004036486267748352 8.42 8.115 7998.1157998.115\,7998.115 799 5.445 378 7895.4453787895.445\,378\,7895.445 378 789 Known R20 RVTF-No
X Pup 5620098679741674496 8.46 8.347 651 58.34765158.347\,651\,58.347 651 5 25.969 704 5125.9697045125.969\,704\,5125.969 704 51 Susp VELOCER10 RVTF-No
XX Car 5238808628736339584 9.42 9.077 2299.0772299.077\,2299.077 229 15.705 208 8315.7052088315.705\,208\,8315.705 208 83 Known R30 RVTF-No
YZ Aur 188724234539584256 10.24 9.882 9999.8829999.882\,9999.882 999 18.194 309 0818.1943090818.194\,309\,0818.194 309 08 Known R8 RVTF-No
YZ Sgr 4099189015819292800 7.02 7.014 151 67.01415167.014\,151\,67.014 151 6 9.553 891 6779.5538916779.553\,891\,6779.553 891 677 Known R17 RVTF-No
222 Identifiers and magnitudes were compiled from SIMBAD, Gaia mean G-band magnitudes from the Gaia archive, and pulsation periods from Paper I. Column ‘Status’ indicates whether a star’s SB1 nature was newly discovered (‘New’), or previously known or suspected (‘Known’ or ‘Susp’). Stars listed as ‘Susp’ among newly discovered SB1 systems were considered tentative previously. References to previous studies are abbreviated using alphanumeric codes as follows. R1: Evans & Udalski (1994)

, R2: Evans (1994), R3: Lloyd Evans (1982), R4: Petterson et al. (2004), R5: Kovtyukh et al. (2015), R6: Anderson (2013), R7: Szabados (2003), R8: Szabados & Pont (1998), R9: Szabados et al. (2013b), R10: Anderson et al. (2016a), R11: Griffin (2016), R12: Anderson et al. (2015), R13: Evans (1995), R14: Bersier et al. (1994), R15: Evans (1991), R16: Gallenne et al. (2019), R17: Szabados (1996), R18: Evans et al. (1990), R19: Evans (1992), R20: Gorynya et al. (1996a), R21: Wahlgren & Evans (1998), R22: Pont et al. (1994), R23: Gallenne et al. (2013), R24: Szabados (1992), R25: Madore (1977), R26: Gieren (1982), R27: Szabados et al. (2014), R28: Turner et al. (2007), R29: Russo et al. (1981), R30: Bersier (2002), R31: Szabados et al. (2013a), R32: Anderson (2019), R33: Gorynya et al. (1996b). The stars with ‘VELOCE’ in the ‘References’ column are cases where VELOCE data was previously used to establish the binarity or the orbit. Column ‘Evidence’ states whether we determine a combined model for orbit and pulsation (‘Orbit’), determine a trend in the pulsation residuals (‘Trend’), or whether template fitting involving literature RV data indicates a time-variable vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT (‘RVTF-Yes’) or not (‘RVTF-No’). The last column ‘Triple?’ indicates whether the star is likely part of a triple system, usually involving a visually resolved companion.

Refer to caption
Figure 1: Location of the sample SB1 Cepheids on the sky in equatorial (Top panel) and in galactic (Bottom panel) coordinate system. The symbols are color coded in the Gaia G magnitude. The symbols surrounded with blue circles are systems for which we provide an orbital solution in the current work.

3 Data treatment/Methods

3.1 RV curve models adopted

In most Cepheids, the RV variability due to pulsation dominates the RV time series with pulsational peak-to-peak amplitudes typically ranging from 2070207020-7020 - 70 km s-1. It is customary to model the pulsational variability using a Fourier series with a number of harmonics adapted to match the complexity of the RV variability. Paper I describes this process for all Cepheid RV curves in VELOCE. In short, the RV signal due to pulsation is modeled as:

vr(t)=vγ+nancos(2nπϕ)+bnsin(2nπϕ),subscript𝑣𝑟𝑡subscript𝑣𝛾subscript𝑛subscript𝑎𝑛2𝑛𝜋italic-ϕsubscript𝑏𝑛2𝑛𝜋italic-ϕv_{r}(t)=v_{\gamma}+\sum_{n}{a_{n}\cos{(2n\pi\phi)}+b_{n}\sin{(2n\pi\phi)}}\,,italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_r end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ( italic_t ) = italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT + ∑ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_n end_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_a start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_n end_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_cos ( 2 italic_n italic_π italic_ϕ ) + italic_b start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_n end_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_sin ( 2 italic_n italic_π italic_ϕ ) , (1)

where n𝑛nitalic_n represents the order of the harmonic, t𝑡titalic_t is time (in heliocentric Julian Date) and ϕ=(tE)/Ppulsitalic-ϕ𝑡𝐸subscript𝑃puls\phi=(t-E)/P_{\rm{puls}}italic_ϕ = ( italic_t - italic_E ) / italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_puls end_POSTSUBSCRIPT is the pulsation phase with epoch333Defined for all VELOCE stars such that ϕ=0italic-ϕ0\phi=0italic_ϕ = 0 coincides with vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT on the steeper descending branch of the RV curve close to the mean observing date. E𝐸Eitalic_E and the pulsation period, Ppulssubscript𝑃pulsP_{\rm{puls}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_puls end_POSTSUBSCRIPT. As described in Paper I, the optimal model is determined by fitting each RV time series using up to 20 Fourier harmonics and then performing model comparisons using the F-test and the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC).

The key evidence for the spectroscopic binary nature presented here is a long-term modulation of vγ=vγ(t)subscript𝑣𝛾subscript𝑣𝛾𝑡v_{\gamma}=v_{\gamma}(t)italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ( italic_t ), typically on timescales >1absent1>1> 1 yr and much longer than the pulsation period. We thus identify binaries by the correlated fit residuals they produce (Eq. 1). Orbital motion is then either modeled using a Keplerian orbit or approximated via linear, quadratic, or even higher order polynomials if the orbit is not sufficiently sampled to determine the full orbital solution.

As noted by Anderson (2014), Cepheids can exhibit modulated RV curves that can be misinterpreted as showing evidence of orbital motion. We note that all targets discussed here are bona fide spectroscopic binaries as identified by the absence of modulated line shape variability (Anderson 2016), although a few of the binaries presented here also show additionally modulated spectral variability. A detailed description of modulated RV variability of VELOCE Cepheids will be presented in future work.

3.2 Keplerian fitting

In the case of spectroscopic binaries, vγ=vγ(t)subscript𝑣𝛾subscript𝑣𝛾𝑡v_{\gamma}=v_{\gamma}(t)italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ( italic_t ) in Eq. 1 varies with time. The degree to which such variation can be used to infer the orbital elements depends largely on the sampling, baseline, and precision. Depending on these factors, we employed two methods for fitting Keplerian orbits to the data.

When fitting pulsational variability and orbital motion simultaneously, we fitted the Fourier series (Eq. 1) and a Keplerian model simultaneously using the non-linear least squares routine leastsq available in scipy.optimize (Virtanen et al. 2020). Following e.g. Hilditch (2001), the orbital motion is represented as:

vγ(t)=vγ,0+K[cos(ω+θ)+ecosω],subscript𝑣𝛾𝑡subscript𝑣𝛾0𝐾delimited-[]𝜔𝜃𝑒𝜔v_{\gamma}(t)=v_{\gamma,0}+K\left[\cos{\left(\omega+\theta\right)}+e\cos{% \omega}\right]\,,italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ( italic_t ) = italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ , 0 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT + italic_K [ roman_cos ( italic_ω + italic_θ ) + italic_e roman_cos italic_ω ] , (2)

where ω𝜔\omegaitalic_ω denotes argument of periastron, K𝐾Kitalic_K semi-amplitude (in  km s-1), e𝑒eitalic_e eccentricity, θ𝜃\thetaitalic_θ true anomaly, and vγ,0subscript𝑣𝛾0v_{\gamma,0}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ , 0 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT the systemic RV relative to the solar system barycenter. We note that vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT (without subscript 0) refers to the pulsation averaged velocity (cf. Paper I), which coincides with vγ,0subscript𝑣𝛾0v_{\gamma,0}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ , 0 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT if an orbital solution is determined or if the star does not have a companion. The uncertainties on the parameters are determined using the covariance matrix returned by the fitting routine, which incorporates statistical information on the reliability of the parameters estimated. Two examples of combined Fourier series plus Keplerian orbits for classical Cepheids are illustrated in Figures 2 and 3.

To understand and mitigate any dependence of our results on starting values, as well as to avoid convergence to a local minimum, we also implemented a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method for determining Keplerian orbits. The MCMC fits further allow to explore the posterior distribution of the orbital parameters to identify possible correlations and to rigorously quantify uncertainties (e.g. Ford 2005, 2006). However, we have not yet implemented an MCMC fit to simultaneously model pulsational and orbital variations; this is foreseen for future work. Thus, all MCMC orbital solutions presented here use template fitting residuals of VELOCE (c.f. Section 5.1 of Paper I for more details) as well as literature radial velocity data, where pulsational variability has been removed (cf. Section 3.4). The MCMC orbits presented in this work utilize an extended baseline, achieved through the combination of VELOCE with literature datasets (V+L).

After testing different orbital parameterizations, we found that the following implementation converged the fastest (cf. also Fulton et al. 2018):

𝐱=(vγ,0,lnPorb,lnK,e,ω,ϕ0)𝐱subscript𝑣𝛾0subscript𝑃orb𝐾𝑒𝜔subscriptitalic-ϕ0\mathbf{x}=(v_{\gamma,0},\ \ln P_{\rm{orb}},\ \ln K,\ e,\ \omega,\ \phi_{0})bold_x = ( italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ , 0 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , roman_ln italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , roman_ln italic_K , italic_e , italic_ω , italic_ϕ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 0 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) (3)

where ϕ0subscriptitalic-ϕ0\phi_{0}italic_ϕ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 0 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT is the orbital phase to the next pericenter passage at t=E𝑡𝐸t=Eitalic_t = italic_E. We opted for a uniform prior for all parameters, and set sharp boundaries far away from possible solutions so that they would not alter the posterior distribution. Initial guesses were obtained by computing the Maximum A Posteriori (MAP)444In the case of uniform priors, the MAP method coincides with the more known Maximum Likelihood Estimate (MLE) method. probability estimates from a grid of starting values of the parameters. The resulting orbits allowed us to visualize the possible different sets of parameters that could explain our data and have a sense of the stability of each solution by counting how many grid points converged to the same orbital parameters. We then chose the best parameters as the initial guess for our MCMC (an example of MCMC orbital fitting is provided in Figure 4).

We used the MCMC implementation provided by the python package emcee (Foreman-Mackey et al. 2013) and, as suggested by the authors, used the autocorrelation time, τACTsubscript𝜏𝐴𝐶𝑇\tau_{ACT}italic_τ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_A italic_C italic_T end_POSTSUBSCRIPT, to determine whether the chain was sufficiently long. In particular, the convergence criterion consisted of the following inequalities:

τACT<Niteration/60delimited-⟨⟩subscript𝜏𝐴𝐶𝑇subscript𝑁iteration60\langle\tau_{ACT}\rangle<N_{\text{iteration}}/60⟨ italic_τ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_A italic_C italic_T end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ⟩ < italic_N start_POSTSUBSCRIPT iteration end_POSTSUBSCRIPT / 60 (4)
ΔτACTτACT<0.01Δsubscript𝜏𝐴𝐶𝑇subscript𝜏𝐴𝐶𝑇0.01\frac{\Delta\tau_{ACT}}{\tau_{ACT}}<0.01divide start_ARG roman_Δ italic_τ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_A italic_C italic_T end_POSTSUBSCRIPT end_ARG start_ARG italic_τ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_A italic_C italic_T end_POSTSUBSCRIPT end_ARG < 0.01 (5)

After running the MCMC, we visually inspected the resulting posterior distributions to check the absence of significantly non-gaussian distributions (Figure 5). We also verified that the mean and standard deviation were compatible with the 16th, 50th, and 84th percentiles. We use the mean and standard deviation as the final results for the orbital estimates and its uncertainties. Finally, we also investigated circular orbits in a few cases where e𝑒eitalic_e was either very small or not significantly detected. In this case:

𝐱=(vγ,0,lnPorb,lnK,ϕ0),𝐱subscript𝑣𝛾0subscript𝑃orb𝐾subscriptitalic-ϕ0\mathbf{x}=(v_{\gamma,0},\ln P_{\rm{orb}},\ln K,\phi_{0})\ ,bold_x = ( italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ , 0 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , roman_ln italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , roman_ln italic_K , italic_ϕ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 0 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) , (6)

whereby ϕ0subscriptitalic-ϕ0\phi_{0}italic_ϕ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 0 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT represents the orbital phase to the next outgoing node at t=E𝑡𝐸t=Eitalic_t = italic_E.

Using orbital elements, we calculate the projected semimajor axis as:

asini[au]=12πGKPorb1e2𝑎𝑖delimited-[]au12𝜋𝐺𝐾subscript𝑃𝑜𝑟𝑏1superscript𝑒2a\sin{i}\ \mathrm{[au]}=\frac{1}{2\pi G}K\leavevmode\nobreak\ P_{orb}% \leavevmode\nobreak\ \sqrt{1-e^{2}}italic_a roman_sin italic_i [ roman_au ] = divide start_ARG 1 end_ARG start_ARG 2 italic_π italic_G end_ARG italic_K italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_o italic_r italic_b end_POSTSUBSCRIPT square-root start_ARG 1 - italic_e start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT end_ARG (7)

and the mass function as

fmass[M]=12πGK3Porb(1e2)32,subscript𝑓massdelimited-[]subscriptMdirect-product12𝜋𝐺superscript𝐾3subscript𝑃𝑜𝑟𝑏superscript1superscript𝑒232f_{\mathrm{mass}}\ \mathrm{[M_{\odot}]}=\frac{1}{2\pi G}K^{3}\leavevmode% \nobreak\ P_{orb}\leavevmode\nobreak\ {(1-e^{2})}^{\frac{3}{2}}\ ,italic_f start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_mass end_POSTSUBSCRIPT [ roman_M start_POSTSUBSCRIPT ⊙ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ] = divide start_ARG 1 end_ARG start_ARG 2 italic_π italic_G end_ARG italic_K start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 3 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_o italic_r italic_b end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ( 1 - italic_e start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT ) start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT divide start_ARG 3 end_ARG start_ARG 2 end_ARG end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT , (8)

where G𝐺Gitalic_G denotes the gravitational constant and the mass of the Sun was assumed to be M=1.988409871030subscript𝑀direct-product1.98840987superscript1030M_{\odot}=1.98840987\cdot 10^{30}italic_M start_POSTSUBSCRIPT ⊙ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = 1.98840987 ⋅ 10 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 30 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT kg (as used in astropy.constants).

3.3 Orbital trends represented using polynomials

Cepheids whose pulsation residuals computed using Eq. 1 indicated the presence of incompletely sampled orbital motion were modeled using the sum of Eq. 1 and a low-order polynomial of the form:

vtrend(t)=k=1,,ipk(tE)k.subscript𝑣trend𝑡subscript𝑘1𝑖subscript𝑝𝑘superscript𝑡𝐸𝑘v_{\mathrm{trend}}(t)=\sum_{k=1,...,i}{p_{k}\cdot(t-E)^{k}}\ .italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_trend end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ( italic_t ) = ∑ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k = 1 , … , italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_p start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ⋅ ( italic_t - italic_E ) start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT italic_k end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT . (9)

The polynomial degree i𝑖iitalic_i adopted depends on the structure observed in the pulsation residuals (e.g., linear or non-linear) and the overall vγ(t) variation over the VELOCE temporal baseline. We prioritized low values of i𝑖iitalic_i, typically <3absent3<3< 3, and sought to obtain a reasonably close fit to the data. Additional data are required to determine full orbital solutions in these cases. Please note that in the present study, Fourier+polynomial fitting was exclusively employed for incompletely sampled orbits within VELOCE. This differs from the approach in Paper 1, where polynomials were utilized to represent modulated variability of any origin.

We note that vtrend(t)subscript𝑣trend𝑡v_{\mathrm{trend}}(t)italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_trend end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ( italic_t ) represents the change of the pulsation averaged velocity vγ(t)subscript𝑣𝛾𝑡v_{\gamma}(t)italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ( italic_t ) over time, so that vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT in Eq. 1 becomes the pulsation-averaged velocity near the midpoint of the RV time-series. Introducing such polynomials allows to faithfully recover the pulsational variability and to partially quantify the orbital motion already sampled by the available data. However, it should be noted that in this case vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT is specific to the time-series and not generally valid for the star. Specifically, vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT then does not refer to the center of mass line-of-sight velocity of the system with respect to the Sun.

3.4 RV template fitting (RVTF)

We investigated variations of vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT over timescales exceeding the VELOCE baseline using RV datasets from the literature. To this end, we adopted the literature RV zero-point differences from Paper I and the RV template fitting (RVTF) approach developed in Anderson et al. (2016a); Anderson (2019). In this approach, the pulsational RV curve is assumed to be fully characterized by the high-quality pulsation fits obtained in Paper I using VELOCE data of each star. The template fitting technique then fits the VELOCE pulsation models to the available literature data while solving for two parameters, an offset in vγ(t)subscript𝑣𝛾𝑡v_{\gamma}(t)italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ( italic_t ) with respect to VELOCE, and a phase shift ΔϕΔitalic-ϕ\Delta\phiroman_Δ italic_ϕ. While the former is required to investigate binarity, the latter allows to efficiently deal with pulsation periods changing over the course of several decades without having to assume a functional form for such period changes (cf. Section 5.2 of Paper 1).

In Paper I, we developed a semi-automated approach for clustering the available data sets using a Kernel Density Estimation algorithm whose bandwidth was varied according to data availability and quality. For binaries, we double checked the most appropriate bandwidth to use to avoid fitting data exhibiting significant variations of vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT as one epoch. Furthermore, we visually inspected all template fits to make sure they covered a sufficiently broad range in phase to be informative. Template fits restricted to an insufficiently narrow range in phase were discarded. For each clustered template fit and per literature reference, we obtained the mean date, range of dates, fit parameters ΔvγΔsubscript𝑣𝛾\Delta v_{\gamma}roman_Δ italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT, ΔϕΔitalic-ϕ\Delta\phiroman_Δ italic_ϕ, their uncertainties, as well as the time-series epoch residuals (denoted as ϵvγitalic-ϵsubscript𝑣𝛾\epsilon v_{\gamma}italic_ϵ italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT henceforth).

To investigate the significance of orbital signatures, we calculated the SNR between velocity offset and square-summed uncertainties as follows:

SNRSB1=|Δvγ|(σv)2+(σvγ)2,subscriptSNRSB1Δsubscript𝑣𝛾superscriptsubscript𝜎𝑣2superscriptsubscript𝜎subscript𝑣𝛾2\mathrm{SNR_{SB1}}=\frac{|\Delta v_{\gamma}|}{\sqrt{(\sigma_{v})^{2}+(\sigma_{% v_{\gamma}})^{2}}}\ ,roman_SNR start_POSTSUBSCRIPT SB1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = divide start_ARG | roman_Δ italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT | end_ARG start_ARG square-root start_ARG ( italic_σ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_v end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT + ( italic_σ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT end_ARG end_ARG , (10)

where ΔvγΔsubscript𝑣𝛾\Delta v_{\gamma}roman_Δ italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT is the difference between the zero-point-corrected 555These zero-points were established based on stars with stable vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT, more details can be found in Section 5.2 of Paper 1. vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT obtained by template fitting and the pulsation averaged velocity from Paper I. σvsubscript𝜎𝑣\sigma_{v}italic_σ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_v end_POSTSUBSCRIPT denotes the uncertainty on vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT, and σvγsubscript𝜎subscript𝑣𝛾\sigma_{v_{\gamma}}italic_σ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT end_POSTSUBSCRIPT is the uncertainty on the instrumental zero-point correction vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT. Using Eq. 10, we searched for stars exhibiting deviations of more than SNRSB1>3subscriptSNRSB13\mathrm{SNR_{SB1}}>3roman_SNR start_POSTSUBSCRIPT SB1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT > 3 and rejected any spurious vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT variations among closely neighboring cluster sets following visual inspection, cf. Section 4.3.

Where feasible, we determined full orbital solutions using our MCMC algorighm (cf. Section 3.2) using the ϵvγitalic-ϵsubscript𝑣𝛾\epsilon v_{\gamma}italic_ϵ italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT from template fitting as input. In practice, this often worked better than trying to fit a combined Fourier series and Keplerian model, since period changes could be effectively removed using the template fitting algorithm. The vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT and ϵvγitalic-ϵsubscript𝑣𝛾\epsilon v_{\gamma}italic_ϵ italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT of literature datasets used in the orbital fits with MCMC algorithm and in the RVTF analysis are included in the VELOCE data files published as part of Paper 1.

Please note that a thorough analysis comparing Gaia DR3 RVs with VELOCE RVs was performed in Paper I. The main arguments against including Gaia data in the current work were as follows: Firstly, their temporal baselines mostly overlapped with existing data, and no significant improvements in orbital coverage were identified. Secondly, we observed that certain stars displayed temporal trends in Gaia radial velocities (RVs) over timescales where VELOCE RVs showed no variations in pulsation-averaged velocity. However, a clear pattern regarding when and for which stars this occurred could not be discerned. In light of these disparities, Gaia RVs were omitted as a literature source for the spectroscopic binary search employing the method described above. With extended baselines, increased observation frequency, and improved data processing, future data releases with Gaia DR4 and DR5 are poised to excel in detecting SB1 systems and refining orbital solutions.

4 Results

Table 2: An overview of the results from the current work.
Total SB1 detections 76
No. of new SB1 detections 32
No. of orbits 33 (15 (New) + 15 (Known) + 3 (Tentative))
No. of stars fitted with polynomial 30 (16 (New) + 14 (Known))
No. of stars with RVTF-Yes 12 (4 (New) + 8 (Known))
No. of stars with RVTF-No 24

This section describes the results of our systematic search for spectroscopic binary Cepheids using VELOCE data. An overview of the results is presented in Table 2. Tables  3 and 4 list orbital parameters for 18  Cepheids whose orbital parameters are being reported for the first time and 15 Cepheids whose orbits had previously been reported in the literature, respectively. Overall, we identified 76 bona fide SB1 Cepheids and 14 additional SB1 candidates in the VELOCE sample. 32 of these are reported as SB1 systems for the first time. Unless otherwise specified, we here discuss only bona fide SB1 Cepheids.

We first discuss fully determined orbits in Section 4.1. Sections 4.2 and 4.3 present Cepheids with incompletely sampled orbits represented by polynomials and investigated using template fitting, respectively. We discuss the spectroscopic binary fraction in Section 4.4 and provide brief notes on individual Cepheids in Section 4.5.

4.1 Full orbital solutions

This section presents the results obtained by fitting full orbital solutions to the RV time-series. We determined complete orbital solutions for 33 stars (including 3 tentative orbital fits). Section 4.1.1 begins with results based on VELOCE data alone, followed by results based on combined VELOCE and (zero-point offset-corrected) literature RVs in Section 4.1.2. Tables 3 and 4 distinguish these solution types using the tags ‘V’ and ‘V+L’, respectively.

Table 3: Orbital elements of the new spectroscopic binary Cepheids’ orbits presented in this work. Table notes are provided at the end of Table 4.
Cepheid Ppuls T0-2.4M data Porb (d) e𝑒eitalic_e K (km s-1) asini𝑎𝑖a\sin iitalic_a roman_sin italic_i (au) fmass ω𝜔\omegaitalic_ω (deg) M1 rms
(d) σPorbsubscript𝜎subscript𝑃𝑜𝑟𝑏\sigma_{P_{orb}}italic_σ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_o italic_r italic_b end_POSTSUBSCRIPT end_POSTSUBSCRIPT σesubscript𝜎𝑒\sigma_{e}italic_σ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_e end_POSTSUBSCRIPT σKsubscript𝜎𝐾\sigma_{K}italic_σ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_K end_POSTSUBSCRIPT σasinisubscript𝜎𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑖\sigma_{asini}italic_σ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_a italic_s italic_i italic_n italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT σfmasssubscript𝜎𝑓𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠\sigma_{fmass}italic_σ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_f italic_m italic_a italic_s italic_s end_POSTSUBSCRIPT σargperisubscript𝜎𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖\sigma_{argperi}italic_σ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_a italic_r italic_g italic_p italic_e italic_r italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT M (km s-1)
New orbits from current work
ASAS 3.014 697 133 408 8033.0146971334088033.014\,697\,133\,408\,8033.014 697 133 408 803 59 013.585 753 449 7459013.5857534497459\,013.585\,753\,449\,7459 013.585 753 449 74 V 901.176 053 159 048 9901.1760531590489901.176\,053\,159\,048\,9901.176 053 159 048 9 0.443 593 746 450 2770.4435937464502770.443\,593\,746\,450\,2770.443 593 746 450 277 5.809 711 445 759 3265.8097114457593265.809\,711\,445\,759\,3265.809 711 445 759 326 0.431 311 625 089 259 10.43131162508925910.431\,311\,625\,089\,259\,10.431 311 625 089 259 1 0.013 177 140 546 526 760.013177140546526760.013\,177\,140\,546\,526\,760.013 177 140 546 526 76 203.142 591 304203.142591304203.142\,591\,304203.142 591 304 5.0 0.1330.1330.1330.133
J064540+++0330.4 2.667 587 775 430 5242.6675877754305242.667\,587\,775\,430\,5242.667 587 775 430 524 18 2.806 494 032 185 6662.8064940321856662.806\,494\,032\,185\,6662.806 494 032 185 666 0.010 506 188 375 115 120.010506188375115120.010\,506\,188\,375\,115\,120.010 506 188 375 115 12 0.059 222 551 467 707 380.059222551467707380.059\,222\,551\,467\,707\,380.059 222 551 467 707 38 0.005 234 284 581 294 8020.0052342845812948020.005\,234\,284\,581\,294\,8020.005 234 284 581 294 802 0.000 465 490 075 482 3640.0004654900754823640.000\,465\,490\,075\,482\,3640.000 465 490 075 482 364 1.394 968 813 413 1051.3949688134131051.394\,968\,813\,413\,1051.394 968 813 413 105
ASAS 3.788 888 724 510 7233.7888887245107233.788\,888\,724\,510\,7233.788 888 724 510 723 57 854.638 752 698 6157854.6387526986157\,854.638\,752\,698\,6157 854.638 752 698 61 V 1578.270 370 403 2181578.2703704032181578.270\,370\,403\,2181578.270 370 403 218 0.431 740 911 447 068 60.43174091144706860.431\,740\,911\,447\,068\,60.431 740 911 447 068 6 14.759 596 394 761 3214.7595963947613214.759\,596\,394\,761\,3214.759 596 394 761 32 1.931 389 024 049 541.931389024049541.931\,389\,024\,049\,541.931 389 024 049 54 0.385 756 668 637 326 20.38575666863732620.385\,756\,668\,637\,326\,20.385 756 668 637 326 2 145.444 061 659 404 3145.4440616594043145.444\,061\,659\,404\,3145.444 061 659 404 3 4.9 0.2620.2620.2620.262
J084951--4627.2 6.602 481 796 197 9556.6024817961979556.602\,481\,796\,197\,9556.602 481 796 197 955 19 3.414 114 938 275 6423.4141149382756423.414\,114\,938\,275\,6423.414 114 938 275 642 0.005 441 155 009 462 9190.0054411550094629190.005\,441\,155\,009\,462\,9190.005 441 155 009 462 919 0.158 045 367 077 948 860.158045367077948860.158\,045\,367\,077\,948\,860.158 045 367 077 948 86 0.021 823 591 580 016 7770.0218235915800167770.021\,823\,591\,580\,016\,7770.021 823 591 580 016 777 0.012 861 720 949 208 8350.0128617209492088350.012\,861\,720\,949\,208\,8350.012 861 720 949 208 835 1.373 889 550 063 2011.3738895500632011.373\,889\,550\,063\,2011.373 889 550 063 201
ASAS 3.766 487 195 371 0953.7664871953710953.766\,487\,195\,371\,0953.766 487 195 371 095 58 067.706 887 883 5558067.7068878835558\,067.706\,887\,883\,5558 067.706 887 883 55 V 2458.573 090 091 7232458.5730900917232458.573\,090\,091\,7232458.573 090 091 723 0.454 111 388 454 880 50.45411138845488050.454\,111\,388\,454\,880\,50.454 111 388 454 880 5 13.777 349 067 165 4213.7773490671654213.777\,349\,067\,165\,4213.777 349 067 165 42 2.774 010 508 344 8042.7740105083448042.774\,010\,508\,344\,8042.774 010 508 344 804 0.471 004 471 732 699 80.47100447173269980.471\,004\,471\,732\,699\,80.471 004 471 732 699 8 20.853 432 345 642 5620.8534323456425620.853\,432\,345\,642\,5620.853 432 345 642 56 4.2 0.2290.2290.2290.229
J100814--5856.6 1.794 347 925 389 6241.7943479253896241.794\,347\,925\,389\,6241.794 347 925 389 624 20 1.223 559 263 204 4561.2235592632044561.223\,559\,263\,204\,4561.223 559 263 204 456 0.004 081 272 623 992 7120.0040812726239927120.004\,081\,272\,623\,992\,7120.004 081 272 623 992 712 0.082 797 347 092 422 760.082797347092422760.082\,797\,347\,092\,422\,760.082 797 347 092 422 76 0.017 938 067 412 983 910.017938067412983910.017\,938\,067\,412\,983\,910.017 938 067 412 983 91 0.009 113 129 470 383 030.009113129470383030.009\,113\,129\,470\,383\,030.009 113 129 470 383 03 0.289 259 707 584 336 30.28925970758433630.289\,259\,707\,584\,336\,30.289 259 707 584 336 3
ASAS 2.572 441 087 108 9652.5724410871089652.572\,441\,087\,108\,9652.572 441 087 108 965 58 980.801 268 265 8458980.8012682658458\,980.801\,268\,265\,8458 980.801 268 265 84 V 2302.725 208 306 9672302.7252083069672302.725\,208\,306\,9672302.725 208 306 967 0.357 809 644 919 862 30.35780964491986230.357\,809\,644\,919\,862\,30.357 809 644 919 862 3 4.144 754 560 614 3414.1447545606143414.144\,754\,560\,614\,3414.144 754 560 614 341 0.819 220 343 625 887 50.81922034362588750.819\,220\,343\,625\,887\,50.819 220 343 625 887 5 0.013 828 813 746 736 080.013828813746736080.013\,828\,813\,746\,736\,080.013 828 813 746 736 08 344.02344.02344.02344.02 4.9 0.2210.2210.2210.221
J174603--3528.1 97.271 735 014 086 0397.2717350140860397.271\,735\,014\,086\,0397.271 735 014 086 03 21 41.738 880 513 542 1541.7388805135421541.738\,880\,513\,542\,1541.738 880 513 542 15 0.152 742 205 984 075 10.15274220598407510.152\,742\,205\,984\,075\,10.152 742 205 984 075 1 1.476 270 158 070 568 81.47627015807056881.476\,270\,158\,070\,568\,81.476 270 158 070 568 8 0.296 643 391 413 267 070.296643391413267070.296\,643\,391\,413\,267\,070.296 643 391 413 267 07 0.015 005 689 014 259 1780.0150056890142591780.015\,005\,689\,014\,259\,1780.015 005 689 014 259 178 13.492 017 745 248 5613.4920177452485613.492\,017\,745\,248\,5613.492 017 745 248 56
FN Vel 5.324 151 610 552 6295.3241516105526295.324\,151\,610\,552\,6295.324 151 610 552 629 56 407.866 283 611 8356407.8662836118356\,407.866\,283\,611\,8356 407.866 283 611 83 V 471.794 800 683 775 2471.7948006837752471.794\,800\,683\,775\,2471.794 800 683 775 2 0.217 768 078 746 282 70.21776807874628270.217\,768\,078\,746\,282\,70.217 768 078 746 282 7 21.907 651 384 507 2421.9076513845072421.907\,651\,384\,507\,2421.907 651 384 507 24 0.927 272 741 607 163 10.92727274160716310.927\,272\,741\,607\,163\,10.927 272 741 607 163 1 0.477 730 700 308 252 90.47773070030825290.477\,730\,700\,308\,252\,90.477 730 700 308 252 9 42.069 366 104 604 942.069366104604942.069\,366\,104\,604\,942.069 366 104 604 9 6.4 0.1570.1570.1570.157
0.357 346 786 222 345 90.35734678622234590.357\,346\,786\,222\,345\,90.357 346 786 222 345 9 24 0.061 948 776 626 7790.0619487766267790.061\,948\,776\,626\,7790.061 948 776 626 779 0.000 880 084 997 224 7850.0008800849972247850.000\,880\,084\,997\,224\,7850.000 880 084 997 224 785 0.025 178 146 158 271 420.025178146158271420.025\,178\,146\,158\,271\,420.025 178 146 158 271 42 0.001 088 737 360 366 9460.0010887373603669460.001\,088\,737\,360\,366\,9460.001 088 737 360 366 946 0.001 673 372 250 775 6280.0016733722507756280.001\,673\,372\,250\,775\,6280.001 673 372 250 775 628 0.209 666 812 874 435 80.20966681287443580.209\,666\,812\,874\,435\,80.209 666 812 874 435 8
FO Car 10.356 891 996 988 1310.3568919969881310.356\,891\,996\,988\,1310.356 891 996 988 13 58 244.268 240 026 3258244.2682400263258\,244.268\,240\,026\,3258 244.268 240 026 32 V 1667.573 959 415 6961667.5739594156961667.573\,959\,415\,6961667.573 959 415 696 0.377 630 728 694 047 70.37763072869404770.377\,630\,728\,694\,047\,70.377 630 728 694 047 7 14.932 445 501 737 4614.9324455017374614.932\,445\,501\,737\,4614.932 445 501 737 46 2.119 410 032 514 2362.1194100325142362.119\,410\,032\,514\,2362.119 410 032 514 236 0.456 606 111 836 468 30.45660611183646830.456\,606\,111\,836\,468\,30.456 606 111 836 468 3 85.255 425 835 076 185.255425835076185.255\,425\,835\,076\,185.255 425 835 076 1 6.1 0.1550.1550.1550.155
2.987 994 264 883 4722.9879942648834722.987\,994\,264\,883\,4722.987 994 264 883 472 25 2.818 161 989 677 2592.8181619896772592.818\,161\,989\,677\,2592.818 161 989 677 259 0.002 008 642 205 319 1320.0020086422053191320.002\,008\,642\,205\,319\,1320.002 008 642 205 319 132 0.030 433 639 831 150 7750.0304336398311507750.030\,433\,639\,831\,150\,7750.030 433 639 831 150 775 0.005 916 341 645 234 680.005916341645234680.005\,916\,341\,645\,234\,680.005 916 341 645 234 68 0.003 139 786 079 346 2670.0031397860793462670.003\,139\,786\,079\,346\,2670.003 139 786 079 346 267 0.585 975 001 224 126 20.58597500122412620.585\,975\,001\,224\,126\,20.585 975 001 224 126 2
58 244.887258244.887258\,244.887258 244.8872 V+L 1662.25151662.25151662.25151662.2515 0.37750.37750.37750.3775 14.910514.910514.910514.9105 2.10962.10962.10962.1096 0.453 350 509 0720.4533505090720.453\,350\,509\,0720.453 350 509 072 85.724585.724585.724585.7245 0.57700.57700.57700.5770
1.80671.80671.80671.8067 48 1.56971.56971.56971.5697 0.00180.00180.00180.0018 0.02530.02530.02530.0253 0.00440.00440.00440.0044 0.002 573 410 6380.0025734106380.002\,573\,410\,6380.002 573 410 638 0.26560.26560.26560.2656
GX Car 7.196 930 220 776 0817.1969302207760817.196\,930\,220\,776\,0817.196 930 220 776 081 56 836.781 462 309 856836.781462309856\,836.781\,462\,309\,856 836.781 462 309 8 V 2630.341 289 263 5782630.3412892635782630.341\,289\,263\,5782630.341 289 263 578 0.037 631 087 290 383 610.037631087290383610.037\,631\,087\,290\,383\,610.037 631 087 290 383 61 5.034 360 757 838 1755.0343607578381755.034\,360\,757\,838\,1755.034 360 757 838 175 1.216 346 128 294 6521.2163461282946521.216\,346\,128\,294\,6521.216 346 128 294 652 0.034 690 798 708 133 310.034690798708133310.034\,690\,798\,708\,133\,310.034 690 798 708 133 31 6.686 556 729 790 3916.6865567297903916.686\,556\,729\,790\,3916.686 556 729 790 391 5.6 0.1180.1180.1180.118
32.463 339 811 970 0532.4633398119700532.463\,339\,811\,970\,0532.463 339 811 970 05 26 5.815 660 311 948 8265.8156603119488265.815\,660\,311\,948\,8265.815 660 311 948 826 0.003 477 106 283 726 8370.0034771062837268370.003\,477\,106\,283\,726\,8370.003 477 106 283 726 837 0.017 037 941 205 533 7650.0170379412055337650.017\,037\,941\,205\,533\,7650.017 037 941 205 533 765 0.004 919 716 897 497 6930.0049197168974976930.004\,919\,716\,897\,497\,6930.004 919 716 897 497 693 0.000 360 728 012 406 8640.0003607280124068640.000\,360\,728\,012\,406\,8640.000 360 728 012 406 864 4.443 133 364 617 0844.4431333646170844.443\,133\,364\,617\,0844.443 133 364 617 084
IT Car 7.532 987 154 577 637.532987154577637.532\,987\,154\,577\,637.532 987 154 577 63 59 460.474 943 693 3659460.4749436933659\,460.474\,943\,693\,3659 460.474 943 693 36 V 1249.333 761 074 571249.333761074571249.333\,761\,074\,571249.333 761 074 57 0.584 282 004 360 969 70.58428200436096970.584\,282\,004\,360\,969\,70.584 282 004 360 969 7 8.934 432 374 975 3878.9344323749753878.934\,432\,374\,975\,3878.934 432 374 975 387 0.832 663 562 556 406 10.83266356255640610.832\,663\,562\,556\,406\,10.832 663 562 556 406 1 0.049 330 861 597 902 540.049330861597902540.049\,330\,861\,597\,902\,540.049 330 861 597 902 54 116.695 364 447 693 1116.6953644476931116.695\,364\,447\,693\,1116.695 364 447 693 1 6.0 0.0910.0910.0910.091
0.662 919 872 046 736 90.66291987204673690.662\,919\,872\,046\,736\,90.662 919 872 046 736 9 27 0.785 089 537 599 387 90.78508953759938790.785\,089\,537\,599\,387\,90.785 089 537 599 387 9 0.002 023 028 251 786 7160.0020230282517867160.002\,023\,028\,251\,786\,7160.002 023 028 251 786 716 0.024 613 659 597 038 7860.0246136595970387860.024\,613\,659\,597\,038\,7860.024 613 659 597 038 786 0.002 787 303 713 119 9830.0027873037131199830.002\,787\,303\,713\,119\,9830.002 787 303 713 119 983 0.000 487 577 435 848 5970.0004875774358485970.000\,487\,577\,435\,848\,5970.000 487 577 435 848 597 0.196 748 448 898 458 30.19674844889845830.196\,748\,448\,898\,458\,30.196 748 448 898 458 3
MU Cep 3.767 849 084 007 0583.7678490840070583.767\,849\,084\,007\,0583.767 849 084 007 058 56 071.156 704 221 8956071.1567042218956\,071.156\,704\,221\,8956 071.156 704 221 89 V 2028.137 878 058 5332028.1378780585332028.137\,878\,058\,5332028.137 878 058 533 0.434 479 094 637 984 10.43447909463798410.434\,479\,094\,637\,984\,10.434 479 094 637 984 1 6.879 790 999 608 826.879790999608826.879\,790\,999\,608\,826.879 790 999 608 82 1.155 187 886 257 9221.1551878862579221.155\,187\,886\,257\,9221.155 187 886 257 922 0.049 983 872 287 974 670.049983872287974670.049\,983\,872\,287\,974\,670.049 983 872 287 974 67 10.291 075 260 153 3210.2910752601533210.291\,075\,260\,153\,3210.291 075 260 153 32 5.8 0.1860.1860.1860.186
3.022 715 587 775 9723.0227155877759723.022\,715\,587\,775\,9723.022 715 587 775 972 28 2.702 546 186 858 9772.7025461868589772.702\,546\,186\,858\,9772.702 546 186 858 977 0.003 814 856 462 137 390.003814856462137390.003\,814\,856\,462\,137\,390.003 814 856 462 137 39 0.035 388 234 931 906 110.035388234931906110.035\,388\,234\,931\,906\,110.035 388 234 931 906 11 0.006 576 336 667 704 0690.0065763366677040690.006\,576\,336\,667\,704\,0690.006 576 336 667 704 069 0.000 832 609 064 380 5840.0008326090643805840.000\,832\,609\,064\,380\,5840.000 832 609 064 380 584 0.679 103 666 422 922 30.67910366642292230.679\,103\,666\,422\,922\,30.679 103 666 422 922 3
MY Pup 5.694 105 543 732 4065.6941055437324065.694\,105\,543\,732\,4065.694 105 543 732 406 57 936.813 820 492 6257936.8138204926257\,936.813\,820\,492\,6257 936.813 820 492 62 V 2082.436 584 712 0362082.4365847120362082.436\,584\,712\,0362082.436 584 712 036 0.103 120 009 272 038 60.10312000927203860.103\,120\,009\,272\,038\,60.103 120 009 272 038 6 0.670 550 290 664 684 20.67055029066468420.670\,550\,290\,664\,684\,20.670 550 290 664 684 2 0.127 670 379 673 125 50.12767037967312550.127\,670\,379\,673\,125\,50.127 670 379 673 125 5 6.400 204 518 585 61×10056.40020451858561E-056.400\,204\,518\,585\,61\text{\times}{10}^{-05}start_ARG 6.400 204 518 585 61 end_ARG start_ARG times end_ARG start_ARG power start_ARG 10 end_ARG start_ARG - 05 end_ARG end_ARG 80.714 891 811 925 7280.7148918119257280.714\,891\,811\,925\,7280.714 891 811 925 72 5.0 0.1150.1150.1150.115
431.755 197 949 955 1431.7551979499551431.755\,197\,949\,955\,1431.755 197 949 955 1 29 54.538 378 728 272 9554.5383787282729554.538\,378\,728\,272\,9554.538 378 728 272 95 0.051 693 457 112 195 560.051693457112195560.051\,693\,457\,112\,195\,560.051 693 457 112 195 56 0.023 265 117 408 481 3820.0232651174084813820.023\,265\,117\,408\,481\,3820.023 265 117 408 481 382 0.005 592 358 562 735 5490.0055923585627355490.005\,592\,358\,562\,735\,5490.005 592 358 562 735 549 6.946 862 339 240 46×10066.94686233924046E-066.946\,862\,339\,240\,46\text{\times}{10}^{-06}start_ARG 6.946 862 339 240 46 end_ARG start_ARG times end_ARG start_ARG power start_ARG 10 end_ARG start_ARG - 06 end_ARG end_ARG 84.818 240 877 220 6584.8182408772206584.818\,240\,877\,220\,6584.818 240 877 220 65
57 974.903657974.903657\,974.903657 974.9036 V+L 2186.14172186.14172186.14172186.1417 0.14110.14110.14110.1411 0.65370.65370.65370.6537 0.13000.13000.13000.1300 0.000 061 391 5560.0000613915560.000\,061\,391\,5560.000 061 391 556 91.592191.592191.592191.5921 0.30790.30790.30790.3079
39.930239.930239.930239.9302 49 10.437510.437510.437510.4375 0.00990.00990.00990.0099 0.00830.00830.00830.0083 0.00180.00180.00180.0018 0.000 002 384 7800.0000023847800.000\,002\,384\,7800.000 002 384 780 7.95117.95117.95117.9511
NT Pup 15.560 317 554 836 1615.5603175548361615.560\,317\,554\,836\,1615.560 317 554 836 16 56 679.125 392 598 7256679.1253925987256\,679.125\,392\,598\,7256 679.125 392 598 72 V 3653.645 160 013 6923653.6451600136923653.645\,160\,013\,6923653.645 160 013 692 0.465 521 906 198 811 50.46552190619881150.465\,521\,906\,198\,811\,50.465 521 906 198 811 5 8.837 602 926 861 9378.8376029268619378.837\,602\,926\,861\,9378.837 602 926 861 937 2.626 820 669 003 8072.6268206690038072.626\,820\,669\,003\,8072.626 820 669 003 807 0.181 094 605 477 208 20.18109460547720820.181\,094\,605\,477\,208\,20.181 094 605 477 208 2 205.92205.92205.92205.92 9.7 0.4130.4130.4130.413
6.427 632 919 985 5156.4276329199855156.427\,632\,919\,985\,5156.427 632 919 985 515 3 17.422 411 018 774 8517.4224110187748517.422\,411\,018\,774\,8517.422 411 018 774 85 0.005 158 687 626 253 7510.0051586876262537510.005\,158\,687\,626\,253\,7510.005 158 687 626 253 751 0.051 537 354 879 252 7340.0515373548792527340.051\,537\,354\,879\,252\,7340.051 537 354 879 252 734 0.021 363 959 069 819 9570.0213639590698199570.021\,363\,959\,069\,819\,9570.021 363 959 069 819 957 0.003 682 076 239 066 8640.0036820762390668640.003\,682\,076\,239\,066\,8640.003 682 076 239 066 864 0.640 178 307 452 322 20.64017830745232220.640\,178\,307\,452\,322\,20.640 178 307 452 322 2
R Cru 5.825 671 671 294 4185.8256716712944185.825\,671\,671\,294\,4185.825 671 671 294 418 57 292.647 190 094 7857292.6471900947857\,292.647\,190\,094\,7857 292.647 190 094 78 V 237.423 087 769 255 2237.4230877692552237.423\,087\,769\,255\,2237.423 087 769 255 2 0.017 332 293 201 519 190.017332293201519190.017\,332\,293\,201\,519\,190.017 332 293 201 519 19 1.028 651 393 602 1781.0286513936021781.028\,651\,393\,602\,1781.028 651 393 602 178 0.022 445 763 682 378 230.022445763682378230.022\,445\,763\,682\,378\,230.022 445 763 682 378 23 2.675 618 764 987 87×10052.67561876498787E-052.675\,618\,764\,987\,87\text{\times}{10}^{-05}start_ARG 2.675 618 764 987 87 end_ARG start_ARG times end_ARG start_ARG power start_ARG 10 end_ARG start_ARG - 05 end_ARG end_ARG 205.141 644 164 754 7205.1416441647547205.141\,644\,164\,754\,7205.141 644 164 754 7 5.5 0.1620.1620.1620.162
26.800 008 073 747 1926.8000080737471926.800\,008\,073\,747\,1926.800 008 073 747 19 30 0.137 114 662 413 812 20.13711466241381220.137\,114\,662\,413\,812\,20.137 114 662 413 812 2 0.013 057 974 631 601 530.013057974631601530.013\,057\,974\,631\,601\,530.013 057 974 631 601 53 0.012 200 019 245 332 850.012200019245332850.012\,200\,019\,245\,332\,850.012 200 019 245 332 85 0.000 266 575 269 320 3270.0002665752693203270.000\,266\,575\,269\,320\,3270.000 266 575 269 320 327 9.523 006 275 458 95×10079.52300627545895E-079.523\,006\,275\,458\,95\text{\times}{10}^{-07}start_ARG 9.523 006 275 458 95 end_ARG start_ARG times end_ARG start_ARG power start_ARG 10 end_ARG start_ARG - 07 end_ARG end_ARG 34.001 851 741 746 3434.0018517417463434.001\,851\,741\,746\,3434.001 851 741 746 34
57 158.376157158.376157\,158.376157 158.3761 V+L 237.6183237.6183237.6183237.6183 0.99850.99850.99850.9985 0.02180.02180.02180.0218 0.000 024 506 7060.0000245067060.000\,024\,506\,7060.000 024 506 706 0.25300.25300.25300.2530
0.16860.16860.16860.1686 50 0.03160.03160.03160.0316 0.00340.00340.00340.0034 0.00010.00010.00010.0001 0.000 000 251 7710.0000002517710.000\,000\,251\,7710.000 000 251 771
V0407 Cas 4.566 101 618 693 2014.5661016186932014.566\,101\,618\,693\,2014.566 101 618 693 201 57 445.275 309 970 0857445.2753099700857\,445.275\,309\,970\,0857 445.275 309 970 08 V 498.356 791 852 756 4498.3567918527564498.356\,791\,852\,756\,4498.356 791 852 756 4 0.307 342 870 526 742 60.30734287052674260.307\,342\,870\,526\,742\,60.307 342 870 526 742 6 1.863 750 520 285 9491.8637505202859491.863\,750\,520\,285\,9491.863 750 520 285 949 0.081 243 855 698 010 10.08124385569801010.081\,243\,855\,698\,010\,10.081 243 855 698 010 1 0.000 287 976 989 805 7580.0002879769898057580.000\,287\,976\,989\,805\,7580.000 287 976 989 805 758 102.463 765 693 013 4102.4637656930134102.463\,765\,693\,013\,4102.463 765 693 013 4 5.3 0.0890.0890.0890.089
11.762 153 975 021 5311.7621539750215311.762\,153\,975\,021\,5311.762 153 975 021 53 36 0.826 847 390 488 5940.8268473904885940.826\,847\,390\,488\,5940.826 847 390 488 594 0.040 914 351 411 860 170.040914351411860170.040\,914\,351\,411\,860\,170.040 914 351 411 860 17 0.153 245 171 082 369 040.153245171082369040.153\,245\,171\,082\,369\,040.153 245 171 082 369 04 0.006 776 139 544 322 9890.0067761395443229890.006\,776\,139\,544\,322\,9890.006 776 139 544 322 989 7.204 344 343 964 89×10057.20434434396489E-057.204\,344\,343\,964\,89\text{\times}{10}^{-05}start_ARG 7.204 344 343 964 89 end_ARG start_ARG times end_ARG start_ARG power start_ARG 10 end_ARG start_ARG - 05 end_ARG end_ARG 12.372 381 951 064 3412.3723819510643412.372\,381\,951\,064\,3412.372 381 951 064 34
VY Per 5.531 907 552 207 7235.5319075522077235.531\,907\,552\,207\,7235.531 907 552 207 723 57 861.598 097 666 2657861.5980976662657\,861.598\,097\,666\,2657 861.598 097 666 26 V 806.175 370 318 165806.175370318165806.175\,370\,318\,165806.175 370 318 165 0.382 310 527 583 829 80.38231052758382980.382\,310\,527\,583\,829\,80.382 310 527 583 829 8 3.835 037 899 394 5613.8350378993945613.835\,037\,899\,394\,5613.835 037 899 394 561 0.262 600 503 651 661 90.26260050365166190.262\,600\,503\,651\,661\,90.262 600 503 651 661 9 0.003 716 161 544 189 4950.0037161615441894950.003\,716\,161\,544\,189\,4950.003 716 161 544 189 495 108.714 908 935 154 9108.7149089351549108.714\,908\,935\,154\,9108.714 908 935 154 9 5.0 0.0830.0830.0830.083
10.448 639 299 794 6410.4486392997946410.448\,639\,299\,794\,6410.448 639 299 794 64 38 0.780 368 176 881 652 80.78036817688165280.780\,368\,176\,881\,652\,80.780 368 176 881 652 8 0.015 320 578 713 978 250.015320578713978250.015\,320\,578\,713\,978\,250.015 320 578 713 978 25 0.083 064 625 374 323 310.083064625374323310.083\,064\,625\,374\,323\,310.083 064 625 374 323 31 0.005 971 632 620 801 2270.0059716326208012270.005\,971\,632\,620\,801\,2270.005 971 632 620 801 227 0.000 253 316 421 008 9610.0002533164210089610.000\,253\,316\,421\,008\,9610.000 253 316 421 008 961 2.319 160 598 450 9922.3191605984509922.319\,160\,598\,450\,9922.319 160 598 450 992
57 858.111557858.111557\,858.111557 858.1115 V+L 805.0835805.0835805.0835805.0835 0.36870.36870.36870.3687 3.92793.92793.92793.9279 0.27020.27020.27020.2702 0.004 060 195 8690.0040601958690.004\,060\,195\,8690.004 060 195 869 109.3387109.3387109.3387109.3387 0.45410.45410.45410.4541
15.583315.583315.583315.5833 60 0.62850.62850.62850.6285 0.01980.01980.01980.0198 0.12740.12740.12740.1274 0.00910.00910.00910.0091 0.000 408 098 1560.0004080981560.000\,408\,098\,1560.000 408 098 156 4.16754.16754.16754.1675
VZ Pup 23.174 332 266 056 2623.1743322660562623.174\,332\,266\,056\,2623.174 332 266 056 26 58 234.079 585 699 0558234.0795856990558\,234.079\,585\,699\,0558 234.079 585 699 05 V 3674.134 935 397 7333674.1349353977333674.134\,935\,397\,7333674.134 935 397 733 0.150 631 199 377 470 70.15063119937747070.150\,631\,199\,377\,470\,70.150 631 199 377 470 7 2.036 214 439 160 5472.0362144391605472.036\,214\,439\,160\,5472.036 214 439 160 547 0.679 834 657 816 417 90.67983465781641790.679\,834\,657\,816\,417\,90.679 834 657 816 417 9 0.003 104 321 346 446 3530.0031043213464463530.003\,104\,321\,346\,446\,3530.003 104 321 346 446 353 128.738 493 724 636 4128.7384937246364128.738\,493\,724\,636\,4128.738 493 724 636 4 8.3 0.3750.3750.3750.375
241.003 158 493 706241.003158493706241.003\,158\,493\,706241.003 158 493 706 39 222.862 609 679 806 7222.8626096798067222.862\,609\,679\,806\,7222.862 609 679 806 7 0.035 816 538 262 560 80.03581653826256080.035\,816\,538\,262\,560\,80.035 816 538 262 560 8 0.054 107 312 720 699 3940.0541073127206993940.054\,107\,312\,720\,699\,3940.054 107 312 720 699 394 0.045 176 349 404 805 8250.0451763494048058250.045\,176\,349\,404\,805\,8250.045 176 349 404 805 825 0.000 315 183 265 567 5390.0003151832655675390.000\,315\,183\,265\,567\,5390.000 315 183 265 567 539 9.431 472 644 636 0529.4314726446360529.431\,472\,644\,636\,0529.431 472 644 636 052
58 184.473758184.473758\,184.473758 184.4737 V+L 4026.33114026.33114026.33114026.3311 0.25070.25070.25070.2507 2.11172.11172.11172.1117 0.75660.75660.75660.7566 0.003 564 224 9290.0035642249290.003\,564\,224\,9290.003 564 224 929 126.9455126.9455126.9455126.9455 0.57960.57960.57960.5796
21.245521.245521.245521.2455 61 17.819717.819717.819717.8197 0.00660.00660.00660.0066 0.01330.01330.01330.0133 0.00600.00600.00600.0060 0.000 071 426 6190.0000714266190.000\,071\,426\,6190.000 071 426 619 1.34521.34521.34521.3452
New ‘Tentative’ orbits from current work
BP Cir 2.39812.39812.39812.3981 55 730.420755730.420755\,730.420755 730.4207 V+L 4339.47644339.47644339.47644339.4764 0.77920.77920.77920.7792 2.18482.18482.18482.1848 0.54630.54630.54630.5463 0.001 154 780 6740.0011547806740.001\,154\,780\,6740.001 154 780 674 228.6850228.6850228.6850228.6850 0.35460.35460.35460.3546
11.602811.602811.602811.6028 45 8.48838.48838.48838.4883 0.00600.00600.00600.0060 0.05510.05510.05510.0551 0.01530.01530.01530.0153 0.000 096 579 8170.0000965798170.000\,096\,579\,8170.000 096 579 817 0.80750.80750.80750.8075
R Mus 7.51037.51037.51037.5103 58 352.068558352.068558\,352.068558 352.0685 V+L 4446.72224446.72224446.72224446.7222 0.55080.55080.55080.5508 1.69411.69411.69411.6941 0.57790.57790.57790.5779 0.001 302 274 9610.0013022749610.001\,302\,274\,9610.001 302 274 961 220.2264220.2264220.2264220.2264 1.74691.74691.74691.7469
19.284119.284119.284119.2841 51 19.039019.039019.039019.0390 0.00460.00460.00460.0046 0.00920.00920.00920.0092 0.00450.00450.00450.0045 0.000 026 213 8900.0000262138900.000\,026\,213\,8900.000 026 213 890 1.15291.15291.15291.1529
V0659 Cen 5.62405.62405.62405.6240 52 812.109452812.109452\,812.109452 812.1094 V+L 9276.05659276.05659276.05659276.0565 0.32310.32310.32310.3231 8.25998.25998.25998.2599 6.66516.66516.66516.6651 0.459 089 102 2830.4590891022830.459\,089\,102\,2830.459 089 102 283 182.5242182.5242182.5242182.5242 0.85530.85530.85530.8553
81.519681.519681.519681.5196 58 130.3835130.3835130.3835130.3835 0.05220.05220.05220.0522 1.51911.51911.51911.5191 1.23581.23581.23581.2358 0.254 706 347 1980.2547063471980.254\,706\,347\,1980.254 706 347 198 0.89740.89740.89740.8974
Table 4: Orbital elements of VELOCE SB1 Cepheids with literature-known orbits.
Cepheid Ppuls T0-2.4M data Porb (d) e𝑒eitalic_e K (km s-1) asini𝑎𝑖a\sin iitalic_a roman_sin italic_i (au) fmass ω𝜔\omegaitalic_ω (deg) M1 rms
(d) σPorbsubscript𝜎subscript𝑃𝑜𝑟𝑏\sigma_{P_{orb}}italic_σ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_o italic_r italic_b end_POSTSUBSCRIPT end_POSTSUBSCRIPT σesubscript𝜎𝑒\sigma_{e}italic_σ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_e end_POSTSUBSCRIPT σKsubscript𝜎𝐾\sigma_{K}italic_σ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_K end_POSTSUBSCRIPT σasinisubscript𝜎𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑖\sigma_{asini}italic_σ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_a italic_s italic_i italic_n italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT σfmasssubscript𝜎𝑓𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠\sigma_{fmass}italic_σ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_f italic_m italic_a italic_s italic_s end_POSTSUBSCRIPT σargperisubscript𝜎𝑎𝑟𝑔𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖\sigma_{argperi}italic_σ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_a italic_r italic_g italic_p italic_e italic_r italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT Msubscript𝑀direct-productM_{\odot}italic_M start_POSTSUBSCRIPT ⊙ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT (km s-1)
Update to literature-known SB1s orbits
AX Cir 5.27345.27345.27345.2734 54 483.589054483.589054\,483.589054 483.5890 V+L 6284.51046284.51046284.51046284.5104 0.18680.18680.18680.1868 10.954410.954410.954410.9544 6.21676.21676.21676.2167 0.811 567 806 7830.8115678067830.811\,567\,806\,7830.811 567 806 783 211.3387211.3387211.3387211.3387 5.0 1.75591.75591.75591.7559
33.039033.039033.039033.0390 44 12.406812.406812.406812.4068 0.00900.00900.00900.0090 0.22920.22920.22920.2292 0.13110.13110.13110.1311 0.051 133 530 8350.0511335308350.051\,133\,530\,8350.051 133 530 835 1.21201.21201.21201.2120
δ𝛿\deltaitalic_δ Cep 5.366 267 257 089 5095.3662672570895095.366\,267\,257\,089\,5095.366 267 257 089 509 58 696.032 349 864 1358696.0323498641358\,696.032\,349\,864\,1358 696.032 349 864 13 V 3450.957 035 562 5073450.9570355625073450.957\,035\,562\,5073450.957 035 562 507 0.745 474 385 088 880 60.74547438508888060.745\,474\,385\,088\,880\,60.745 474 385 088 880 6 3.011 549 689 276 6843.0115496892766843.011\,549\,689\,276\,6843.011 549 689 276 684 0.636 737 656 109 006 70.63673765610900670.636\,737\,656\,109\,006\,70.636 737 656 109 006 7 0.002 891 142 319 520 8450.0028911423195208450.002\,891\,142\,319\,520\,8450.002 891 142 319 520 845 242.75242.75242.75242.75 5.0 0.0930.0930.0930.093
13.613 725 173 486 2113.6137251734862113.613\,725\,173\,486\,2113.613 725 173 486 21 2 19.571 255 428 042 8619.5712554280428619.571\,255\,428\,042\,8619.571 255 428 042 86 0.005 706 986 138 448 2620.0057069861384482620.005\,706\,986\,138\,448\,2620.005 706 986 138 448 262 0.018 144 569 383 598 5170.0181445693835985170.018\,144\,569\,383\,598\,5170.018 144 569 383 598 517 0.008 058 388 937 584 9870.0080583889375849870.008\,058\,388\,937\,584\,9870.008 058 388 937 584 987 9.949 082 988 335 44×10059.94908298833544E-059.949\,082\,988\,335\,44\text{\times}{10}^{-05}start_ARG 9.949 082 988 335 44 end_ARG start_ARG times end_ARG start_ARG power start_ARG 10 end_ARG start_ARG - 05 end_ARG end_ARG 0.561 721 918 493 969 20.56172191849396920.561\,721\,918\,493\,969\,20.561 721 918 493 969 2
DL Cas 8.000 933 735 036 9568.0009337350369568.000\,933\,735\,036\,9568.000 933 735 036 956 58 113.845 120 605 9458113.8451206059458\,113.845\,120\,605\,9458 113.845 120 605 94 V 684.889 123 468 027 7684.8891234680277684.889\,123\,468\,027\,7684.889 123 468 027 7 0.344 039 151 306 182 10.34403915130618210.344\,039\,151\,306\,182\,10.344 039 151 306 182 1 16.656 018 367 152 2716.6560183671522716.656\,018\,367\,152\,2716.656 018 367 152 27 0.984 566 015 493 549 40.98456601549354940.984\,566\,015\,493\,549\,40.984 566 015 493 549 4 0.271 369 451 399 776 60.27136945139977660.271\,369\,451\,399\,776\,60.271 369 451 399 776 6 25.921 731 055 850 3425.9217310558503425.921\,731\,055\,850\,3425.921 731 055 850 34 7.1
1.001 059 654 523 9321.0010596545239321.001\,059\,654\,523\,9321.001 059 654 523 932 22 0.210 716 654 209 230 10.21071665420923010.210\,716\,654\,209\,230\,10.210 716 654 209 230 1 0.004 704 356 925 474 2120.0047043569254742120.004\,704\,356\,925\,474\,2120.004 704 356 925 474 212 0.098 410 952 329 857 290.098410952329857290.098\,410\,952\,329\,857\,290.098 410 952 329 857 29 0.006 099 088 772 422 7270.0060990887724227270.006\,099\,088\,772\,422\,7270.006 099 088 772 422 727 0.005 037 623 191 381 8170.0050376231913818170.005\,037\,623\,191\,381\,8170.005 037 623 191 381 817 0.598 526 981 109 687 80.59852698110968780.598\,526\,981\,109\,687\,80.598 526 981 109 687 8
57 434.674157434.674157\,434.674157 434.6741 V+L 684.6749684.6749684.6749684.6749 0.34120.34120.34120.3412 16.342816.342816.342816.3428 0.96680.96680.96680.9668 0.257 176 168 6410.2571761686410.257\,176\,168\,6410.257 176 168 641 29.245029.245029.245029.2450 1.42671.42671.42671.4267
0.98950.98950.98950.9895 46 0.05500.05500.05500.0550 0.00410.00410.00410.0041 0.10200.10200.10200.1020 0.00620.00620.00620.0062 0.004 968 173 6920.0049681736920.004\,968\,173\,6920.004 968 173 692 0.60710.60710.60710.6071
FF Aql 4.470 984 457 346 5294.4709844573465294.470\,984\,457\,346\,5294.470 984 457 346 529 58 253.280 502 329 5258253.2805023295258\,253.280\,502\,329\,5258 253.280 502 329 52 V 1433.200 855 329 9081433.2008553299081433.200\,855\,329\,9081433.200 855 329 908 0.049 932 079 391 673 160.049932079391673160.049\,932\,079\,391\,673\,160.049 932 079 391 673 16 4.787 798 666 159 6674.7877986661596674.787\,798\,666\,159\,6674.787 798 666 159 667 0.629 954 712 397 897 10.62995471239789710.629\,954\,712\,397\,897\,10.629 954 712 397 897 1 0.016 232 329 206 434 140.016232329206434140.016\,232\,329\,206\,434\,140.016 232 329 206 434 14 304.866 639 240 71304.86663924071304.866\,639\,240\,71304.866 639 240 71 5.8 0.1370.1370.1370.137
35.407 273 814 066 5235.4072738140665235.407\,273\,814\,066\,5235.407 273 814 066 52 23 5.658 316 961 177 0065.6583169611770065.658\,316\,961\,177\,0065.658 316 961 177 006 0.011 033 247 042 448 50.01103324704244850.011\,033\,247\,042\,448\,50.011 033 247 042 448 5 0.028 314 033 449 573 8180.0283140334495738180.028\,314\,033\,449\,573\,8180.028 314 033 449 573 818 0.004 492 811 863 782 0820.0044928118637820820.004\,492\,811\,863\,782\,0820.004 492 811 863 782 082 0.000 296 251 480 493 6720.0002962514804936720.000\,296\,251\,480\,493\,6720.000 296 251 480 493 672 6.545 512 072 819 4026.5455120728194026.545\,512\,072\,819\,4026.545 512 072 819 402
58 302.234258302.234258\,302.234258 302.2342 V+L 1431.70011431.70011431.70011431.7001 0.06820.06820.06820.0682 4.87664.87664.87664.8766 0.64030.64030.64030.6403 0.017 083 474 4880.0170834744880.017\,083\,474\,4880.017 083 474 488 317.4064317.4064317.4064317.4064 3.67823.67823.67823.6782
7.86327.86327.86327.8632 47 0.55060.55060.55060.5506 0.00440.00440.00440.0044 0.01440.01440.01440.0144 0.00190.00190.00190.0019 0.000 152 669 4330.0001526694330.000\,152\,669\,4330.000 152 669 433 2.01722.01722.01722.0172
S Mus 9.660 008 317 542 4479.6600083175424479.660\,008\,317\,542\,4479.660 008 317 542 447 56 663.889 236 527 4756663.8892365274756\,663.889\,236\,527\,4756 663.889 236 527 47 V 505.273 212 552 066 1505.2732125520661505.273\,212\,552\,066\,1505.273 212 552 066 1 0.086 560 449 767 808 580.086560449767808580.086\,560\,449\,767\,808\,580.086 560 449 767 808 58 14.786 073 185 922 9514.7860731859229514.786\,073\,185\,922\,9514.786 073 185 922 95 0.684 154 896 298 1290.6841548962981290.684\,154\,896\,298\,1290.684 154 896 298 129 0.167 292 989 400 678 10.16729298940067810.167\,292\,989\,400\,678\,10.167 292 989 400 678 1 197.916 845 031 944 3197.9168450319443197.916\,845\,031\,944\,3197.916 845 031 944 3 6.0 0.0920.0920.0920.092
1.390 178 821 318 021.390178821318021.390\,178\,821\,318\,021.390 178 821 318 02 31 0.085 871 257 868 835 040.085871257868835040.085\,871\,257\,868\,835\,040.085 871 257 868 835 04 0.001 763 025 895 347 4880.0017630258953474880.001\,763\,025\,895\,347\,4880.001 763 025 895 347 488 0.018 935 259 195 755 2480.0189352591957552480.018\,935\,259\,195\,755\,2480.018 935 259 195 755 248 0.000 890 058 626 667 1360.0008900586266671360.000\,890\,058\,626\,667\,1360.000 890 058 626 667 136 0.000 647 953 716 999 8780.0006479537169998780.000\,647\,953\,716\,999\,8780.000 647 953 716 999 878 0.959 744 222 901 326 50.95974422290132650.959\,744\,222\,901\,326\,50.959 744 222 901 326 5
56 152.569756152.569756\,152.569756 152.5697 V+L 505.1579505.1579505.1579505.1579 0.08080.08080.08080.0808 14.777114.777114.777114.7771 0.68390.68390.68390.6839 0.167 246 202 2520.1672462022520.167\,246\,202\,2520.167 246 202 252 194.1058194.1058194.1058194.1058 2.18422.18422.18422.1842
2.42622.42622.42622.4262 52 0.09430.09430.09430.0943 0.00390.00390.00390.0039 0.01960.01960.01960.0196 0.00090.00090.00090.0009 0.000 684 489 7880.0006844897880.000\,684\,489\,7880.000 684 489 788 1.75171.75171.75171.7517
S Sge 8.382 083 647 441 038.382083647441038.382\,083\,647\,441\,038.382 083 647 441 03 58 141.059 130 469 2458141.0591304692458\,141.059\,130\,469\,2458 141.059 130 469 24 V 675.835 460 789 247 9675.8354607892479675.835\,460\,789\,247\,9675.835 460 789 247 9 0.236 286 896 375 226 70.23628689637522670.236\,286\,896\,375\,226\,70.236 286 896 375 226 7 15.525 055 067 276 9615.5250550672769615.525\,055\,067\,276\,9615.525 055 067 276 96 0.937 146 181 452 290 70.93714618145229070.937\,146\,181\,452\,290\,70.937 146 181 452 290 7 0.240 329 477 062 867 40.24032947706286740.240\,329\,477\,062\,867\,40.240 329 477 062 867 4 200.468 545 421 537 6200.4685454215376200.468\,545\,421\,537\,6200.468 545 421 537 6 6.0 0.2510.2510.2510.251
2.157 402 957 868 3272.1574029578683272.157\,402\,957\,868\,3272.157 402 957 868 327 32 0.273 871 171 689 175 90.27387117168917590.273\,871\,171\,689\,175\,90.273 871 171 689 175 9 0.003 107 921 963 042 3920.0031079219630423920.003\,107\,921\,963\,042\,3920.003 107 921 963 042 392 0.071 005 188 650 481 610.071005188650481610.071\,005\,188\,650\,481\,610.071 005 188 650 481 61 0.004 364 210 661 689 2790.0043642106616892790.004\,364\,210\,661\,689\,2790.004 364 210 661 689 279 0.003 346 263 716 409 5530.0033462637164095530.003\,346\,263\,716\,409\,5530.003 346 263 716 409 553 0.977 911 745 222 277 10.97791174522227710.977\,911\,745\,222\,277\,10.977 911 745 222 277 1
57 468.203457468.203457\,468.203457 468.2034 V+L 676.0146676.0146676.0146676.0146 0.24770.24770.24770.2477 15.626015.626015.626015.6260 0.94070.94070.94070.9407 0.243 035 290 0210.2430352900210.243\,035\,290\,0210.243 035 290 021 201.5275201.5275201.5275201.5275 1.98451.98451.98451.9845
1.18661.18661.18661.1866 53 0.06450.06450.06450.0645 0.00330.00330.00330.0033 0.05040.05040.05040.0504 0.00310.00310.00310.0031 0.002 438 729 4600.0024387294600.002\,438\,729\,4600.002 438 729 460 0.54060.54060.54060.5406
SU Cyg 3.84583.84583.84583.8458 56 395.194156395.194156\,395.194156 395.1941 V+L 548.2609548.2609548.2609548.2609 0.34190.34190.34190.3419 29.443629.443629.443629.4436 1.39441.39441.39441.3944 1.203 381 072 4131.2033810724131.203\,381\,072\,4131.203 381 072 413 220.4813220.4813220.4813220.4813 5.2 3.27583.27583.27583.2758
1.74321.74321.74321.7432 54 0.10490.10490.10490.1049 0.00510.00510.00510.0051 0.21760.21760.21760.2176 0.01070.01070.01070.0107 0.027 626 923 9240.0276269239240.027\,626\,923\,9240.027 626 923 924 1.57151.57151.57151.5715
SY Nor 12.645 213 122 313 6712.6452131223136712.645\,213\,122\,313\,6712.645 213 122 313 67 57 784.697 536 105 4857784.6975361054857\,784.697\,536\,105\,4857 784.697 536 105 48 V 551.924 543 608 066 5551.9245436080665551.924\,543\,608\,066\,5551.924 543 608 066 5 0.001 078 934 794 884 1340.0010789347948841340.001\,078\,934\,794\,884\,1340.001 078 934 794 884 134 15.328 591 807 242 915.328591807242915.328\,591\,807\,242\,915.328 591 807 242 9 0.777 660 741 218 717 40.77766074121871740.777\,660\,741\,218\,717\,40.777 660 741 218 717 4 0.205 910 305 382 360 20.20591030538236020.205\,910\,305\,382\,360\,20.205 910 305 382 360 2 255.161 550 698 037 1255.1615506980371255.161\,550\,698\,037\,1255.161 550 698 037 1 6.8
321.345 804 881 297 8321.3458048812978321.345\,804\,881\,297\,8321.345 804 881 297 8 33 0.768 176 778 168 493 80.76817677816849380.768\,176\,778\,168\,493\,80.768 176 778 168 493 8 0.003 211 402 618 513 7050.0032114026185137050.003\,211\,402\,618\,513\,7050.003 211 402 618 513 705 0.055 165 458 633 069 720.055165458633069720.055\,165\,458\,633\,069\,720.055 165 458 633 069 72 0.003 000 697 981 260 0030.0030006979812600030.003\,000\,697\,981\,260\,0030.003 000 697 981 260 003 0.002 241 524 564 164 9970.0022415245641649970.002\,241\,524\,564\,164\,9970.002 241 524 564 164 997 196.336 736 199 765 2196.3367361997652196.336\,736\,199\,765\,2196.336 736 199 765 2
57 945.671957945.671957\,945.671957 945.6719 V+L 551.9623551.9623551.9623551.9623 15.335415.335415.335415.3354 0.77810.77810.77810.7781 0.206 262 134 0630.2062621340630.206\,262\,134\,0630.206 262 134 063 0.48630.48630.48630.4863
0.16200.16200.16200.1620 55 0.05610.05610.05610.0561 0.01320.01320.01320.0132 0.00070.00070.00070.0007 0.000 532 422 2830.0005324222830.000\,532\,422\,2830.000 532 422 283
TX Mon 8.702 117 829 778 4738.7021178297784738.702\,117\,829\,778\,4738.702 117 829 778 473 59 204.553 887 421 1259204.5538874211259\,204.553\,887\,421\,1259 204.553 887 421 12 V 1602.203 642 354 0451602.2036423540451602.203\,642\,354\,0451602.203 642 354 045 0.583 203 909 973 713 60.58320390997371360.583\,203\,909\,973\,713\,60.583 203 909 973 713 6 11.984 834 347 713 7311.9848343477137311.984\,834\,347\,713\,7311.984 834 347 713 73 1.433 799 605 460 9851.4337996054609851.433\,799\,605\,460\,9851.433 799 605 460 985 0.153 142 916 081 749 20.15314291608174920.153\,142\,916\,081\,749\,20.153 142 916 081 749 2 295.489 080 396 842 27295.48908039684227295.489\,080\,396\,842\,27295.489 080 396 842 27 7.1 0.1790.1790.1790.179
4.499 635 570 974 684.499635570974684.499\,635\,570\,974\,684.499 635 570 974 68 34 2.465 452 383 902 5612.4654523839025612.465\,452\,383\,902\,5612.465 452 383 902 561 0.003 770 241 810 022 3690.0037702418100223690.003\,770\,241\,810\,022\,3690.003 770 241 810 022 369 0.123 867 539 001 222 50.12386753900122250.123\,867\,539\,001\,222\,50.123 867 539 001 222 5 0.015 725 515 642 610 650.015725515642610650.015\,725\,515\,642\,610\,650.015 725 515 642 610 65 0.004 994 608 703 862 2240.0049946087038622240.004\,994\,608\,703\,862\,2240.004 994 608 703 862 224 0.448 049 667 213 740 80.44804966721374080.448\,049\,667\,213\,740\,80.448 049 667 213 740 8
57 599.407057599.407057\,599.407057 599.4070 V+L 1606.97991606.97991606.97991606.9799 0.58450.58450.58450.5845 11.979811.979811.979811.9798 1.43591.43591.43591.4359 0.152 939 514 5390.1529395145390.152\,939\,514\,5390.152 939 514 539 295.1232295.1232295.1232295.1232 0.72760.72760.72760.7276
1.91341.91341.91341.9134 56 0.91320.91320.91320.9132 0.00150.00150.00150.0015 0.04800.04800.04800.0480 0.00610.00610.00610.0061 0.001 943 354 5690.0019433545690.001\,943\,354\,5690.001 943 354 569 0.25820.25820.25820.2582
U Vul 7.990 663 373 892 7017.9906633738927017.990\,663\,373\,892\,7017.990 663 373 892 701 59 935.901 430 357 8959935.9014303578959\,935.901\,430\,357\,8959 935.901 430 357 89 V 2528.773 049 067 8982528.7730490678982528.773\,049\,067\,8982528.773 049 067 898 0.550 745 010 850 399 40.55074501085039940.550\,745\,010\,850\,399\,40.550 745 010 850 399 4 3.154 151 183 132 4033.1541511831324033.154\,151\,183\,132\,4033.154 151 183 132 403 0.611 952 160 006 914 90.61195216000691490.611\,952\,160\,006\,914\,90.611 952 160 006 914 9 0.004 779 689 446 520 9790.0047796894465209790.004\,779\,689\,446\,520\,9790.004 779 689 446 520 979 1.368 937 809 204 9581.3689378092049581.368\,937\,809\,204\,9581.368 937 809 204 958 7.1 0.1150.1150.1150.115
5.282 154 977 013 985.282154977013985.282\,154\,977\,013\,985.282 154 977 013 98 35 8.570 434 192 624 1528.5704341926241528.570\,434\,192\,624\,1528.570 434 192 624 152 0.005 285 193 696 731 1840.0052851936967311840.005\,285\,193\,696\,731\,1840.005 285 193 696 731 184 0.045 489 101 300 668 810.045489101300668810.045\,489\,101\,300\,668\,810.045 489 101 300 668 81 0.009 419 619 423 098 5520.0094196194230985520.009\,419\,619\,423\,098\,5520.009 419 619 423 098 552 0.000 215 909 523 643 4510.0002159095236434510.000\,215\,909\,523\,643\,4510.000 215 909 523 643 451 0.686 079 619 559 717 50.68607961955971750.686\,079\,619\,559\,717\,50.686 079 619 559 717 5
57 404.922857404.922857\,404.922857 404.9228 V+L 2521.22772521.22772521.22772521.2277 0.55520.55520.55520.5552 3.13323.13323.13323.1332 0.60390.60390.60390.6039 0.004 622 385 6360.0046223856360.004\,622\,385\,6360.004 622 385 636 359.3633359.3633359.3633359.3633 1.02421.02421.02421.0242
2.46732.46732.46732.4673 4 0.93880.93880.93880.9388 0.00280.00280.00280.0028 0.01690.01690.01690.0169 0.00360.00360.00360.0036 0.000 081 372 9190.0000813729190.000\,081\,372\,9190.000 081 372 919 0.32870.32870.32870.3287
V1334 Cyg 3.332 489 724 704 5343.3324897247045343.332\,489\,724\,704\,5343.332 489 724 704 534 57 172.485 139 37757172.48513937757\,172.485\,139\,37757 172.485 139 377 V 1947.791 776 560 1391947.7917765601391947.791\,776\,560\,1391947.791 776 560 139 0.228 864 358 849 929 40.22886435884992940.228\,864\,358\,849\,929\,40.228 864 358 849 929 4 14.208 148 213 716 6514.2081482137166514.208\,148\,213\,716\,6514.208 148 213 716 65 2.476 314 669 174 7452.4763146691747452.476\,314\,669\,174\,7452.476 314 669 174 745 0.533 825 612 915 421 90.53382561291542190.533\,825\,612\,915\,421\,90.533 825 612 915 421 9 227.109 564 436 883227.109564436883227.109\,564\,436\,883227.109 564 436 883 5.2 0.0510.0510.0510.051
1.743 218 178 343 0611.7432181783430611.743\,218\,178\,343\,0611.743 218 178 343 061 37 2.082 868 120 313 1322.0828681203131322.082\,868\,120\,313\,1322.082 868 120 313 132 0.001 416 442 204 239 70.00141644220423970.001\,416\,442\,204\,239\,70.001 416 442 204 239 7 0.036 890 103 323 135 710.036890103323135710.036\,890\,103\,323\,135\,710.036 890 103 323 135 71 0.007 004 885 497 712 6410.0070048854977126410.007\,004\,885\,497\,712\,6410.007 004 885 497 712 641 0.004 232 688 558 989 0270.0042326885589890270.004\,232\,688\,558\,989\,0270.004 232 688 558 989 027 0.372 678 363 504 659 60.37267836350465960.372\,678\,363\,504\,659\,60.372 678 363 504 659 6
57 186.804157186.804157\,186.804157 186.8041 V+L 1931.16551931.16551931.16551931.1655 0.23580.23580.23580.2358 14.491914.491914.491914.4919 2.49992.49992.49992.4999 0.558 904 847 0640.5589048470640.558\,904\,847\,0640.558 904 847 064 231.0933231.0933231.0933231.0933 0.88890.88890.88890.8889
2.61582.61582.61582.6158 59 1.11841.11841.11841.1184 0.00280.00280.00280.0028 0.04880.04880.04880.0488 0.00870.00870.00870.0087 0.005 776 463 1790.0057764631790.005\,776\,463\,1790.005 776 463 179 0.55900.55900.55900.5590
W Sgr 7.595 078 119 317 0447.5950781193170447.595\,078\,119\,317\,0447.595 078 119 317 044 58 121.398 686 351 258121.398686351258\,121.398\,686\,351\,258 121.398 686 351 2 V 2006.304 073 873 4862006.3040738734862006.304\,073\,873\,4862006.304 073 873 486 0.272 215 938 346 888 50.27221593834688850.272\,215\,938\,346\,888\,50.272 215 938 346 888 5 1.507 356 405 008 1451.5073564050081451.507\,356\,405\,008\,1451.507 356 405 008 145 0.267 487 106 669 914 50.26748710666991450.267\,487\,106\,669\,914\,50.267 487 106 669 914 5 0.000 634 135 434 621 9280.0006341354346219280.000\,634\,135\,434\,621\,9280.000 634 135 434 621 928 317.917 146 592 860 95317.91714659286095317.917\,146\,592\,860\,95317.917 146 592 860 95 5.5 0.1950.1950.1950.195
26.283 615 048 410 3126.2836150484103126.283\,615\,048\,410\,3126.283 615 048 410 31 40 17.778 591 419 800 517.778591419800517.778\,591\,419\,800\,517.778 591 419 800 5 0.038 637 345 990 278 360.038637345990278360.038\,637\,345\,990\,278\,360.038 637 345 990 278 36 0.013 213 022 411 351 460.013213022411351460.013\,213\,022\,411\,351\,460.013 213 022 411 351 46 0.004 510 933 043 917 2240.0045109330439172240.004\,510\,933\,043\,917\,2240.004 510 933 043 917 224 2.786 875 407 412 88×10052.78687540741288E-052.786\,875\,407\,412\,88\text{\times}{10}^{-05}start_ARG 2.786 875 407 412 88 end_ARG start_ARG times end_ARG start_ARG power start_ARG 10 end_ARG start_ARG - 05 end_ARG end_ARG 4.432 164 925 503 1694.4321649255031694.432\,164\,925\,503\,1694.432 164 925 503 169
XX Cen 10.951 956 501 313 210.951956501313210.951\,956\,501\,313\,210.951 956 501 313 2 58 211.325 821 176 6858211.3258211766858\,211.325\,821\,176\,6858 211.325 821 176 68 V 722.439 780 025 220 1722.4397800252201722.439\,780\,025\,220\,1722.439 780 025 220 1 0.295 051 619 461 936 30.29505161946193630.295\,051\,619\,461\,936\,30.295 051 619 461 936 3 5.396 274 728 936 565.396274728936565.396\,274\,728\,936\,565.396 274 728 936 56 0.342 394 171 386 829 40.34239417138682940.342\,394\,171\,386\,829\,40.342 394 171 386 829 4 0.010 257 529 104 501 990.010257529104501990.010\,257\,529\,104\,501\,990.010 257 529 104 501 99 283.114 307 538 678 76283.11430753867876283.114\,307\,538\,678\,76283.114 307 538 678 76 6.4 0.1210.1210.1210.121
1.662 733 643 490 9341.6627336434909341.662\,733\,643\,490\,9341.662 733 643 490 934 41 0.422 066 472 763 553 70.42206647276355370.422\,066\,472\,763\,553\,70.422 066 472 763 553 7 0.004 266 949 548 127 2470.0042669495481272470.004\,266\,949\,548\,127\,2470.004 266 949 548 127 247 0.026 175 633 160 291 8430.0261756331602918430.026\,175\,633\,160\,291\,8430.026 175 633 160 291 843 0.001 738 208 483 646 3380.0017382084836463380.001\,738\,208\,483\,646\,3380.001 738 208 483 646 338 0.000 155 298 787 401 8060.0001552987874018060.000\,155\,298\,787\,401\,8060.000 155 298 787 401 806 0.920 645 600 722 536 30.92064560072253630.920\,645\,600\,722\,536\,30.920 645 600 722 536 3
YZ Car 18.169 552 714 735 418.169552714735418.169\,552\,714\,735\,418.169 552 714 735 4 57 936.963 633 362 8757936.9636333628757\,936.963\,633\,362\,8757 936.963 633 362 87 V 827.204 887 445 231 5827.2048874452315827.204\,887\,445\,231\,5827.204 887 445 231 5 0.028 906 745 063 479 620.028906745063479620.028\,906\,745\,063\,479\,620.028 906 745 063 479 62 10.380 192 357 801 9210.3801923578019210.380\,192\,357\,801\,9210.380 192 357 801 92 0.788 942 642 647 356 30.78894264264735630.788\,942\,642\,647\,356\,30.788 942 642 647 356 3 0.095 714 355 692 249 410.095714355692249410.095\,714\,355\,692\,249\,410.095 714 355 692 249 41 352.671 785 225 848 34352.67178522584834352.671\,785\,225\,848\,34352.671 785 225 848 34 7.4 0.2420.2420.2420.242
38.681 568 746 698 438.681568746698438.681\,568\,746\,698\,438.681 568 746 698 4 42 1.209 967 441 679 7681.2099674416797681.209\,967\,441\,679\,7681.209 967 441 679 768 0.004 198 257 117 699 8930.0041982571176998930.004\,198\,257\,117\,699\,8930.004 198 257 117 699 893 0.061 572 748 949 606 010.061572748949606010.061\,572\,748\,949\,606\,010.061 572 748 949 606 01 0.004 820 949 771 850 1620.0048209497718501620.004\,820\,949\,771\,850\,1620.004 820 949 771 850 162 0.001 709 362 138 432 4530.0017093621384324530.001\,709\,362\,138\,432\,4530.001 709 362 138 432 453 16.683 011 940 150 7216.6830119401507216.683\,011\,940\,150\,7216.683 011 940 150 72
57 120.725957120.725957\,120.725957 120.7259 V+L 830.0247830.0247830.0247830.0247 10.191 4610.1914610.191\,4610.191 46 0.77760.77760.77760.7776 0.091 037 900 0480.0910379000480.091\,037\,900\,0480.091 037 900 048 1.87271.87271.87271.8727
0.15340.15340.15340.1534 57 0.11200.11200.11200.1120 0.00850.00850.00850.0085 0.00070.00070.00070.0007 0.000 227 823 5670.0002278235670.000\,227\,823\,5670.000 227 823 567
Z Lac 10.885 884 200 066 2110.8858842000662110.885\,884\,200\,066\,2110.885 884 200 066 21 58 534.560 314 761 9258534.5603147619258\,534.560\,314\,761\,9258 534.560 314 761 92 V 382.765 677 638 376 6382.7656776383766382.765\,677\,638\,376\,6382.765 677 638 376 6 0.013 796 889 117 697 220.013796889117697220.013\,796\,889\,117\,697\,220.013 796 889 117 697 22 10.773 573 303 363 610.773573303363610.773\,573\,303\,363\,610.773 573 303 363 6 0.379 018 039 854 488 50.37901803985448850.379\,018\,039\,854\,488\,50.379 018 039 854 488 5 0.049 565 631 092 918 690.049565631092918690.049\,565\,631\,092\,918\,690.049 565 631 092 918 69 65.007 934 041 131 3565.0079340411313565.007\,934\,041\,131\,3565.007 934 041 131 35 8.0 0.0950.0950.0950.095
54.209 828 247 291 5854.2098282472915854.209\,828\,247\,291\,5854.209 828 247 291 58 43 0.140 814 118 832 643 90.14081411883264390.140\,814\,118\,832\,643\,90.140 814 118 832 643 9 0.019 981 670 610 525 290.019981670610525290.019\,981\,670\,610\,525\,290.019 981 670 610 525 29 0.321 692 460 650 744 70.32169246065074470.321\,692\,460\,650\,744\,70.321 692 460 650 744 7 0.011 318 593 604 853 550.011318593604853550.011\,318\,593\,604\,853\,550.011 318 593 604 853 55 0.004 440 227 124 693 7830.0044402271246937830.004\,440\,227\,124\,693\,7830.004 440 227 124 693 783 43.454 642 211 948 7743.4546422119487743.454\,642\,211\,948\,7743.454 642 211 948 77
666The pulsation period and epoch are retrieved after the RV fitting following the method described in Paper 1. In column 4, ‘V’ denotes when the orbits were strictly fitted with VELOCE data alone, while ‘V+L’ denotes when the orbit was fitted using the combination of vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT residuals from VELOCE and literature datasets (See Section 3.2 for more details). The second row in the ‘data’ column contains links to the orbital fit figures presented in the paper. The next columns list the different orbital elements, namely, orbital period (Porb), eccentricity (e𝑒eitalic_e), semi-amplitude (K), projected semi-major axis (asini), mass function (fmass), argument of periastron (ω𝜔\omegaitalic_ω). We estimated the individual Cepheid masses (M1subscript𝑀1M_{1}italic_M start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT) using period-mass relations based on Geneva stellar evolution models (Ekström et al. 2012), our method was similar to the one described in Anderson et al. (2016a). The last column presents the ‘rms’ (root mean square) of the fit between the Fourier+Keplerian model and the RV data for ‘V’ orbits and between the keplerian model and epoch residuals for ‘V+L’ orbits.

4.1.1 Orbits from VELOCE data alone (V)

Refer to caption
Figure 2: Pulsation and orbital fit of the naked-eye Cepheid prototype δ𝛿\deltaitalic_δ Cephei. Left top: pulsation RV variability where the systemic velocity, vγ,0subscript𝑣𝛾0v_{\gamma,0}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ , 0 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT is indicated by a dashed line. Right top: residuals after fitting the Fourier series and Keplerian orbit against observation date. Left bottom: phase-folded orbital RV variation against orbital phase. Right bottom: orbital RV variation versus the observation date.
Refer to caption
Figure 3: Pulsation and orbital fit of one of the faintest binaries in our sample, NT Puppis. Figure description is same as Figure 2.

Thanks to the high RV precision and data homogeneity, orbits derived using VELOCE data alone are typically very accurate. However, the available 11 yr baseline is not always sufficient to sample orbits fully, and occasional gaps in the time series may unfortunately coincide with particularly important orbital phases, preventing a definitive determination of all orbital parameters. All systems presented here were fitted using the combined Fourier series plus Keplerian model, which simultaneously solves for pulsational and orbital variability. The resulting orbital periods range from 237 to approximately 4000 days, that is, the baseline available from VELOCE DR1.

Figures 2 and 3 illustrate two examples of combined Fourier series plus Keplerian orbits for the naked-eye prototype of classical Cepheids, δ𝛿\deltaitalic_δ Cephei, and the faint southern target NT Puppis, cf. Section 4.5 for additional details. All other combined fits are illustrated in Appendix B.

The choice of starting values for model fit parameters, notably Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT and e𝑒eitalic_e, can impact the determination of orbital solution. We therefore adopted reasonable starting values estimated by inspecting the Fourier series fit residuals. Where starting values could influence the result, we cross-checked the results using the MCMC template fitting algorithm, cf. Section 3.2. For most stars, however, the data set sampled the orbital cycles sufficiently well to allow an initial guess close to the correct orbital period.

The best fit orbital parameters obtained here generally agree with previous orbital solutions published in the literature despite improved uncertainties. However, we obtain significantly different orbital periods for six Cepheids δ𝛿\deltaitalic_δ Cep (cf. Figure 2), AX Cir, MU Cep, V1334 Cyg, W Sgr, and XX Cen. These stars, among others, are discussed in detail in Section 4.5.

4.1.2 Orbits from VELOCE and literature data (V+L)

Refer to caption
Figure 4: The orbit of U Vul determined by fitting vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT epoch residuals of literature and VELOCE data.
Refer to caption
Figure 5: Joint posterior distributions derived from the MCMC sampling for U Vul. The histograms show marginalized posterior distributions of the parameters.

We determined orbital solutions using combined VELOCE and literature data using our MCMC algorithm applied to the template fitting epoch residuals; such fits are labeled as ‘V+L’ in Tables 3 and 4. Orbits of five newly discovered binaries (FO Car, MY Pup, R Cru, VY Per, and VZ Pup) and nine previously known binaries (DL Cas, FF Aql, S Mus, S Sge, SY Nor, TX Mon, U Vul, V1334 Cyg, and YZ Car) were obtained using VELOCE data alone as well as in combination with literature RVs. The ‘V’ and ‘V+L’ orbits for 12 of these 14 agree within the uncertainties, although ‘V+L’ orbits tend to have lower uncertainties, mostly due to better orbital sampling. The exceptions are MY Pup and VZ Pup. The VELOCE baseline only marginally covers the orbital period of MY Pup, hence, incorporating literature data results in a modification of the period. The Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT of VZ Pup differs by 2.4σ2.4𝜎2.4\sigma2.4 italic_σ between ‘V’ and ‘V+L’ orbits due to the Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT being on the order of the available VELOCE baseline. The ‘V+L’ result is thus clearly preferred, hence, whenever available we use ‘V+L’ orbital estimates in any sample descriptions presented here. Lastly, for two stars, AX Cir and SU Cyg, we could only obtain a combined fit using VELOCE and literature data. In the case of AX Cir (Figure 44), due to its very long orbital period and for SU Cyg (Figure 54) due to the incomplete sampling of orbital phase with VELOCE data alone.

4.1.3 ‘Tentative’ orbits using VELOCE and literature data

We determined first tentative orbital solutions for three stars: BP Cir, R Mus, and V0659 Cen. We consider these orbits ‘tentative’ because the literature data were not sufficiently constraining, while the VELOCE data alone were not sufficient to sample a full orbit. Additional observations are required to ascertain the true orbital solutions for these stars. Please note that the uncertainties associated with the orbital parameters of the ‘tentative orbits’ listed in Table 3 may not accurately reflect the limitations arising from the insufficient sampling of these long orbits. The stated uncertainties are formal uncertainties on the model given the data. However, in cases of poor or incomplete orbital sampling, it is possible that the true orbital period is outside the range of these formal errors. This is why we present these cases separately as ‘tentative’.

4.2 Incompletely sampled orbits modeled as polynomial trends

Refer to caption
Figure 6: The distribution of Ap2p, maximum amplitude variation in vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT, for the stars in our sample where we could fit a polynomial to the vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT trend (see Section 3.3 for details). In the left panel, we have the Ap2p vs the baseline in time over which it was calculated and in the right panel, the same against the pulsation period. The newly discovered SB1s from our sample are plotted in filled squares, while the literature-known SB1s are plotted in filled circles. The color bar represents the degree of polynomial fitted in the Fourier+Polynomial model.
Table 5: List of SB1 from our sample where we found some evidence of orbital motion, and a polynomial was fitted as the orbit could not be sampled/covered adequately.
Cepheid deg Ap2p ΔΔ\Deltaroman_ΔTp2p Trend
(km s-1) (d)
SB1s discovered in the current work
AQ Pup 3 3.320 225 667 098 0653.3202256670980653.320\,225\,667\,098\,0653.320 225 667 098 065 2500.105 493 999 9962500.1054939999962500.105\,493\,999\,9962500.105 493 999 996 up
ASAS J064553+1003.8 3 1.108 292 219 298 1641.1082922192981641.108\,292\,219\,298\,1641.108 292 219 298 164 2347.02347.02347.02347.0 down
ASAS J103158-5814.7 4 13.953 109 656 934 8313.9531096569348313.953\,109\,656\,934\,8313.953 109 656 934 83 3658.03658.03658.03658.0 down
ASAS J155847-5341.8 1 0.577 392 358 532 037 50.57739235853203750.577\,392\,358\,532\,037\,50.577 392 358 532 037 5 3587.120 128 999 9953587.1201289999953587.120\,128\,999\,9953587.120 128 999 995 down
ASAS J174108-2328.5 1 0.381 036 746 616 474 40.38103674661647440.381\,036\,746\,616\,474\,40.381 036 746 616 474 4 2532.895 360 000 0022532.8953600000022532.895\,360\,000\,0022532.895 360 000 002 up
DR Vel 2 0.252 770 151 413 063 40.25277015141306340.252\,770\,151\,413\,063\,40.252 770 151 413 063 4 1657.01657.01657.01657.0 down
OX Cam 1 0.866 355 979 685 042 90.86635597968504290.866\,355\,979\,685\,042\,90.866 355 979 685 042 9 2549.063 739 499 9942549.0637394999942549.063\,739\,499\,9942549.063 739 499 994 down
RY Sco 1 0.606 588 186 775 020 70.60658818677502070.606\,588\,186\,775\,020\,70.606 588 186 775 020 7 2645.759 7372645.7597372645.759\,7372645.759 737 up
RY Vel 6 2.540 767 774 298 6012.5407677742986012.540\,767\,774\,298\,6012.540 767 774 298 601 2126.02126.02126.02126.0 up
SX Vel 1 0.278 498 730 602 553 50.27849873060255350.278\,498\,730\,602\,553\,50.278 498 730 602 553 5 2140.056 317 000 0022140.0563170000022140.056\,317\,000\,0022140.056 317 000 002 up
V0391 Nor 2 2.524 852 816 530 1282.5248528165301282.524\,852\,816\,530\,1282.524 852 816 530 128 3511.03511.03511.03511.0 down
V0492 Cyg 2 2.029 192 361 644 2052.0291923616442052.029\,192\,361\,644\,2052.029 192 361 644 205 1895.01895.01895.01895.0 up
V0827 Cas 1 0.314 931 707 897 024 20.31493170789702420.314\,931\,707\,897\,024\,20.314 931 707 897 024 2 2568.039 547 92568.03954792568.039\,547\,92568.039 547 9 up
V1162 Aql 2 0.238 404 295 451 122 30.23840429545112230.238\,404\,295\,451\,122\,30.238 404 295 451 122 3 656.0656.0656.0656.0 up
V1803 Aql 1 2.441 596 674 885 7392.4415966748857392.441\,596\,674\,885\,7392.441 596 674 885 739 3634.833 878 499 9723634.8338784999723634.833\,878\,499\,9723634.833 878 499 972 down
V2475 Cyg 2 5.708 763 506 054 5835.7087635060545835.708\,763\,506\,054\,5835.708 763 506 054 583 3404.03404.03404.03404.0 down
Literature-known SB1s
AD Pup 4 1.451 948 182 076 3361.4519481820763361.451\,948\,182\,076\,3361.451 948 182 076 336 818.0818.0818.0818.0 down
AH Vel 1 1.739 904 163 355 5191.7399041633555191.739\,904\,163\,355\,5191.739 904 163 355 519 2125.994 319 999 9982125.9943199999982125.994\,319\,999\,9982125.994 319 999 998 up
AQ Car 1 0.716 518 705 226 694 50.71651870522669450.716\,518\,705\,226\,694\,50.716 518 705 226 694 5 2817.144 399 999 9972817.1443999999972817.144\,399\,999\,9972817.144 399 999 997 down
AW Per 1 3.952 692 379 094 8313.9526923790948313.952\,692\,379\,094\,8313.952 692 379 094 831 2567.101 016 299 9962567.1010162999962567.101\,016\,299\,9962567.101 016 299 996 down
FR Car 1 0.353 025 087 590 433 30.35302508759043330.353\,025\,087\,590\,433\,30.353 025 087 590 433 3 2115.970 938 999 9992115.9709389999992115.970\,938\,999\,9992115.970 938 999 999 up
KN Cen 3 2.827 676 764 804 8992.8276767648048992.827\,676\,764\,804\,8992.827 676 764 804 899 2857.02857.02857.02857.0 down
LR TrA 3 3.521 263 149 100 6333.5212631491006333.521\,263\,149\,100\,6333.521 263 149 100 633 3664.03664.03664.03664.0 up
RV Sco 2 5.340 853 915 195 2975.3408539151952975.340\,853\,915\,195\,2975.340 853 915 195 297 3429.03429.03429.03429.0 up
RW Cam 1 1.687 231 322 771 841.687231322771841.687\,231\,322\,771\,841.687 231 322 771 84 2679.798 328 799 9452679.7983287999452679.798\,328\,799\,9452679.798 328 799 945 up
RX Aur 1 0.631 849 787 184 581 40.63184978718458140.631\,849\,787\,184\,581\,40.631 849 787 184 581 4 1223.718 759 51223.71875951223.718\,759\,51223.718 759 5 up
T Mon 1 1.199 972 857 501 6461.1999728575016461.199\,972\,857\,501\,6461.199 972 857 501 646 3841.348 309 000 0013841.3483090000013841.348\,309\,000\,0013841.348 309 000 001 up
UX Per 2 7.212 160 593 830 8387.2121605938308387.212\,160\,593\,830\,8387.212 160 593 830 838 3657.03657.03657.03657.0 down
UZ Sct 4 4.614 123 160 024 2214.6141231600242214.614\,123\,160\,024\,2214.614 123 160 024 221 1426.01426.01426.01426.0 up
XZ Car 1 0.632 337 004 970 261 20.63233700497026120.632\,337\,004\,970\,261\,20.632 337 004 970 261 2 3658.007 333 999 9943658.0073339999943658.007\,333\,999\,9943658.007 333 999 994 up
777Column 2 represents the degree of polynomial used in our analysis, Column 3 lists the peak-to-peak amplitude of the (linear or non-linear) vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT variation and Column 4 lists the timeline (in days) over which this amplitude was computed. The last column indicates the direction of the trend, up for increasing velocity, down for decreasing.

We represented 16 newly detected SB1 systems and 14 previously reported SB1 systems using a combined Fourier series plus polynomial trend. Table 5 quantifies the measured range of the orbital RV variation, Ap2p, over the temporal baseline (denoted by ΔΔ\Deltaroman_ΔTp2p), which is the baseline of the observations over which the Ap2p was calculated. Among the 30 systems examined with Fourier plus polynomial fit, 15 Cepheids exhibit non-linear trends. Among the 15 stars with linear trends, 5 demonstrate a decreasing trend in vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT, whereas the remaining 10 feature increasing vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT. Additional observations are required to determine these orbits.

Figure 6 presents the distribution of Ap2p versus ΔΔ\Deltaroman_ΔTp2p and the pulsation period. A clear trend of increasing Ap2p as we extend to longer temporal baselines is visible. For a fixed value of K𝐾Kitalic_K, this trend arises because longer baselines increasingly sample the full (albeit incomplete) peak-to-peak variation of the orbit. However, there is significant dispersion in the value of K𝐾Kitalic_K at fixed Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT due to different inclinations and mass ratio. The smallest trends of between 0.2 - 0.35  km s-1 are found for V1162 Aql, DR Vel, FR Car and SX Vel (over similar-to\sim 1.8, 4.5, 5.8 and 5.9 yrs respectively). By comparison, the smallest K𝐾Kitalic_K among completely solved orbits is 0.670.670.670.67  km s-1 (MY Pup, yr). At the long timescale limit, we find Ap2p=1.2subscript𝐴𝑝2𝑝1.2A_{p2p}=1.2italic_A start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_p 2 italic_p end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = 1.2  km s-1 variation for T Mon over the course of nearly 10.510.510.510.5 yr. By comparison, the lowest K=2.1𝐾2.1K=2.1italic_K = 2.1  km s-1 for a completed orbit and a similar Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT of 11 yr is found for VZ Pup.

4.3 Template fitting for stars without orbital signatures in VELOCE data

Paper I presented a list of SB1 Cepheids exhibiting time-variable average velocities detected using VELOCE data alone. SB1 Cepheids with very long Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT could, however, remain undetected based on VELOCE data alone. Hence, we investigated the temporal stability of vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT for all Cepheids in VELOCE using the well-defined RV templates from Section 3.4. To this end, we computed SNRSB1subscriptSNRSB1\mathrm{SNR_{SB1}}roman_SNR start_POSTSUBSCRIPT SB1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT (Eq. 10) and considered a star a likely binary if any template fit resulted in a 3-σ𝜎\sigmaitalic_σ deviation (SNRSB1subscriptSNRSB1\mathrm{SNR_{SB1}}roman_SNR start_POSTSUBSCRIPT SB1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT >>>3) from a constant value of vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT.

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Figure 7: Zero-point corrected ΔvγΔsubscript𝑣𝛾\Delta v_{\gamma}roman_Δ italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT for new SB1s detected through RVTF. The dotted lines mark the standard deviation of the vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPTVELOCEVELOCE{}_{\texttt{VELOCE}}start_FLOATSUBSCRIPT VELOCE end_FLOATSUBSCRIPT. This figure only includes stars where we have a 3-σ𝜎\sigmaitalic_σ detection through our analysis. The color bar represents the SNRSB1subscriptSNRSB1\mathrm{SNR_{SB1}}roman_SNR start_POSTSUBSCRIPT SB1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT of the various vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT measurements where the SNRSB1subscriptSNRSB1\mathrm{SNR_{SB1}}roman_SNR start_POSTSUBSCRIPT SB1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT was calculated as described in the text.


Applying this method to 174 bona fide VELOCE Cepheids with available literature data resulted in the discovery of four additional SB1 candidates: β𝛽\betaitalic_β Dor, SZ Aql, V0402 Cyg, and X Cyg, cf. Figure 7. All four exhibit visually convincing trends in vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT on the order of 13131-3\,1 - 3 km s-1 on timescales exceeding 15 00020 000150002000015\,000-20\,00015 000 - 20 000 d.

Additionally, we found 8 bona fide SB1 Cepheids (CD Cyg, η𝜂\etaitalic_η Aql, RS Ori, SS CMa, SZ Cyg, V0340 Ara, V0916 Aql and VY Sgr) among a sample of 32 SB1 candidates previously reported in the literature (Szabados 2003) where the available baseline of VELOCE data alone was insufficient to detect orbital motion. Figure 8 illustrates these cases. CD Cyg and SS CMa were already discussed as potential SB1s from the RVTF analysis of Anderson et al. (2016a) using VELOCE data. Here, we confirm that the deviations in vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT indicate of binarity.

For the remaining 24 Cepheids among the 32 candidates, we could not confirm unambiguous orbital motion despite large overlaps in the data used. Ten of these 24 Cepheids do not exhibit a SNRSB1>3subscriptSNRSB13\mathrm{SNR_{SB1}}>3roman_SNR start_POSTSUBSCRIPT SB1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT > 3, over a temporal baseline of 10 000 - 20 000 days. For the remaining 14 cases, individual vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT variations are found, although they should be considered spurious variations because closely neighboring vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT estimates clearly show the absence of a trend at these epochs. In Appendix Figure  63, we present all these ‘non-SB1’ cases and we have tagged these stars with ‘RVTF-No’ in the ‘Binarity’ column of Table LABEL:tab:BasicInfo.

Given the high accuracy of the VELOCE template fitting procedure, which effectively removes any pulsational variability and period variations, and since instrumental zero-point differences have been corrected using non-binary Cepheids (cf. Paper I), we conclude that these 24 Cepheids should not be considered spectroscopic binaries.

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Figure 8: Literature-known SB1 candidates detected through RVTF. The figure description is same as Figure 7.

4.4 SB1 fraction among VELOCE Cepheids

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Figure 9: Stacked histogram presenting the new VELOCE SB1 detections (left panel) and the new VELOCE orbits (right panel) along with the same from Szabados (2003). SY Nor’s orbit is provided by us as well as Bersier (2002); however, it is missing in the Szabados (2003) database.

The 76 bona-fide SB1 Cepheids detected as part of VELOCE yield a lower limit to the spectroscopic binary fraction of 29.6±3.4%plus-or-minus29.6percent3.429.6\pm 3.4\%29.6 ± 3.4 % that is fully consistent with the result by Evans et al. (2015) of 29±8plus-or-minus29829\pm 829 ± 8% based on the 40 brightest Cepheids. If all 14 SB1 candidates from Paper I should be confirmed to be bona-fide SB1 systems, then the VELOCE binary fraction would increase to 35%similar-toabsentpercent35\sim 35\%∼ 35 %.

Using the subset of Cepheids with fully determined orbital solutions from Tables. 3 and 4 and assuming that all non-determined orbits have very long orbital periods, we find a lower limit to the fraction of SB1 Cepheids with orbital periods of less than 10101010 yr of 15.2±2.4%plus-or-minus15.2percent2.415.2\pm 2.4\%15.2 ± 2.4 %, slightly lower albeit consistent with the reported 20±6%plus-or-minus20percent620\pm 6\%20 ± 6 % from Evans et al. (2015). Although our stringent template-based investigation (Section 4.3) questioned the veracity of the SB1 nature of 24 Cepheids for which such evidence had been previously discussed (cf. references in Szabados 2003), the fraction of SB1 systems among Cepheids we determined remains similar because we also identified new SB1 systems. However, the more accurate determination of time-variable vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT alongside detailed zero-point corrections affords much greater confidence in the determination of the SB1 nature of individual Cepheids. Of course, the SB1 fraction of Cepheids is merely a lower limit of the total fraction of Cepheids with companions due to the possibility of very large separations, unfavourable inclinations, and extreme mass ratios.

Figure 9 illustrates the magnitude distribution of newly discovered and detected SB1 Cepheids alongside the distribution of binary systems reported in the online compilation by Szabados (2003), as well as the distribution of magnitudes for which orbits were determined here. To ensure consistency in the comparison, we have exclusively included the bona-fide SB1 binaries from Szabados (2003) in Figure 9. Therefore, other types of binaries (such as photometric, visual, etc.) from their catalog are not accounted for in this analysis. Please note that Figure 9 does not include 24 systems that are not detected as SB1 in our study.

As the right panel of Figure 9 shows, we here double the number of orbital solutions for Cepheids fainter than 8similar-toabsent8\sim 8∼ 8-th magnitude, and there are only 14 Cepheids with known orbital solutions that are not included in this work (one Cepheid among these 14, namely T Mon has incompletely sampled orbit in this study). Conversely, we determine the first orbital solutions for 18 Cepheids, most of which fainter than 8greater-than-or-equivalent-toabsent8\gtrsim 8≳ 8 th magnitude.

4.5 Notes on individual binaries

We have presented evidence of the SB1 nature of 76 Milky Way Cepheids on timescales spanning up to  40 years, including 32 stars whose SB1 nature was not previously known. The following provides additional background for specific stars of interest, notably if our results disagree with previous studies. We note that several Cepheids were first reported to be SB1 systems based on early VELOCE results, such as FN Vel and MU Cep (Anderson 2013), BG Vel and RZ Vel (Szabados et al. 2013a), δ𝛿\deltaitalic_δ Cep (Anderson et al. 2015), and AQ Car, CD Cyg, KN Cen, SS CMa, SZ Cyg, XZ Car, VY Car and X Pup (Anderson et al. 2016a). Anderson et al. (2016a) noticed tentative evidence of vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT variations in VY Car, AQ Car, SZ Cyg and X Pup. However, they ultimately deemed these findings inconclusive due to imprecise data in the literature and the occasional substantial fluctuations in pulsational variability. In the current work we successfully detect these vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT variations for SZ Cyg (when VELOCE data is combined with zero-point corrected literature datasets, see Figure 8) and AQ Car (cf. Table 5, Figure 10). Nevertheless, in the case of VY Car and X Pup, the vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT values, when adjusted for zero-point, do not reveal any consistent variation indicative of binarity (see Figure 63).

α𝛼\alphaitalic_α UMi (Polaris)

was one of the first Cepheids whose nature as an SB1 system was realized (Moore 1929), and much literature exists on this star. Polaris was extensively studied using pre-2019 VELOCE data by Anderson (2019), who determined a full orbital solution and studied the stability of RV amplitudes as well as the presence of additional periodic signals. Given the very long 30similar-toabsent30\sim 30∼ 30-year orbital period, we did not update the orbital solution here and instead refer to the aforementioned publication as well as Torres (2023) for orbital parameters.

δ𝛿\deltaitalic_δ Cephei

is the archetype of classical Cepheids and was discovered to be an SB1 system using an earlier subset of VELOCE data. Anderson et al. (2015) estimated an orbit with Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT=22016.31+5.73subscriptsuperscript22015.736.312201^{+5.73}_{-6.31}2201 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT + 5.73 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT start_POSTSUBSCRIPT - 6.31 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT d, K=1.50.080+0.239𝐾subscriptsuperscript1.50.2390.080K=1.5^{+0.239}_{-0.080}italic_K = 1.5 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT + 0.239 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT start_POSTSUBSCRIPT - 0.080 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT  km s-1, and e=0.6470.021+0.038𝑒subscriptsuperscript0.6470.0380.021e=0.647^{+0.038}_{-0.021}italic_e = 0.647 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT + 0.038 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT start_POSTSUBSCRIPT - 0.021 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT by combining new RV data with RV measurements from the literature. A main difficulty of this approach was the correction of zero-point differences for datasets with short (1similar-toabsent1\sim 1∼ 1 yr) baselines. Here, we report a correction to the orbital solution, with Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT=3450.9±19.6plus-or-minus3450.919.63450.9\pm 19.63450.9 ± 19.6 d, K=3.01±0.02𝐾plus-or-minus3.010.02K=3.01\pm 0.02italic_K = 3.01 ± 0.02  km s-1, and e=0.745±0.006𝑒plus-or-minus0.7450.006e=0.745\pm 0.006italic_e = 0.745 ± 0.006, based purely on VELOCE data and hence not subject to the uncertainties associated with literature zero-point offsets. This updated orbit of δ𝛿\deltaitalic_δ Cep was already presented at the 2022 RR Lyr-Cep conference in La Palma (Shetye 2022). It agrees reasonably well with the results recently presented by Nardetto et al. (2024) based on a combination of High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher for the Northern hemisphere (HARPS-N) data and existing literature. Their estimated orbital period of 3401.8 d and eccentricity of 0.71 differ by 2σ𝜎-\sigma- italic_σ  and 1.7σ𝜎-\sigma- italic_σ from ours. These small differences may result from their use of a heterogeneous dataset, or the better coverage of the periastron passage by the HARPS-N data. As Figure 2 shows, the orbit is now completely sampled and contained within the VELOCE baseline (3620362036203620 d). Importantly, the extreme ends of the orbital velocity have been observed and tightly constrain e𝑒eitalic_e and K𝐾Kitalic_K. Unfortunately, including literature data for a ‘V+L’ orbit does not improve the orbital solution due to the same issues that affected the prior analysis. Extending the baseline with future Hermes observations will further improve the orbital period. We note that the mass function and the high brightness contrast imply the companion to be a low-mass star, possibly a white dwarf (Gallenne et al. 2016). A similar deduction was made in the recent X-ray study of Cepheids by Evans et al. (2022). A companion of G spectral type or later would be expected to be detected in X-rays, which puts a lower limit on the mass of the companion. Finally, we note that the single-star astrometric solution provided in Gaia DR3 clearly indicates poor fit quality888Specifically, the Gaia DR3 astrometric parameters astrometric_gof_al=31absent31=31= 31, astrometric_chi2_al=41802absent41802=41802= 41802, astrometric_excess_noise=1.23absent1.23=1.23= 1.23, astrometric_gof_noise_sig=1777absent1777=1777= 1777, and RUWE=2.7absent2.7=2.7= 2.7 all indicate the presence of unmodeled signal.. It thus appears likely that Gaia’s next data release could deliver an astrometric orbital solution, as predicted by Anderson et al. (2015).

η𝜂\etaitalic_η Aql

was recently studied by Benedict et al. (2022) using spectroscopic, photometric and astrometric (from the Hubble Space Telescope’s Fine Guidance Sensor) observations, including unpublished VELOCE data. No significant variations in the RV residuals were detected after removing the Cepheid pulsational RV signature, leading Benedict et al. (2022) to conclude that either η𝜂\etaitalic_η Aql has a very long orbital period (longer than their baseline of similar-to\sim38 years) or that it has a face-on orbit. We considered an extended temporal baseline by including RV data from Lloyd Evans (1980), Barnes et al. (1987), and Wilson et al. (1989) and detect a 3-σ𝜎\sigmaitalic_σ variation in the ΔΔ\Deltaroman_Δ vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT(Figure 8). If the older datasets are to be believed despite large RV uncertainties of similar-to\sim1 km s-1, then η𝜂\etaitalic_η Aql is indeed an SB1 Cepheid with a very long orbit of more than 50 years. Verifying whether this spectroscopic companion corresponds to the one identified in the UV imaging and spectra of η𝜂\etaitalic_η Aql by Evans et al. (2013), at a separation of 180 au, necessitates a follow-up of the long orbital period.

AQ Car

was reported to show tentative signs of time-variable vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT using an earlier set of VELOCE and literature data. In Paper I, we confirmed the SB1 nature of this star. Although weak, 0.7similar-toabsent0.7\sim 0.7∼ 0.7  km s-1, the signal is clearly present in the VELOCE data thanks to the baseline of 4similar-toabsent4\sim 4∼ 4 yr. Although literature datasets appear imprecise to usefully inform the vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT variations (cf. Figure 10), in actuality, the fluctuations observed in the literature data surpass a 3-σ𝜎\sigmaitalic_σ threshold. As σ𝜎\sigmaitalic_σ is calculated using VELOCE data under the assumption of no orbital motion, consequently, the deviations from a stable vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT are consistently underestimated in this scenario.

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Figure 10: Temporal variation of vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT for AQ Car based on RVTF. The data points after BJD >56000absent56000>56000> 56000 are from VELOCE.
AQ Pup

was reported to have a photometric companion (Evans & Udalski 1994) that was not previously confirmed spectroscopically (Vinko 1991). Here, we report low-amplitude vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT variations (similar-to\sim 3.3  km s-1) on a timescale of 2500 days. Whether this signature corresponds to the photometric companion remains unclear.

ASAS J064540+0330.4

- We present the first orbital fit for ASAS J064540+0330.4 with a Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT of 901.18 ±plus-or-minus\pm± 2.81 days and an eccentricity of 0.44 ±plus-or-minus\pm± 0.01. As shown in Figure 18, the pulsational residuals indicate additional signals beyond the orbital ones. It is important to note that further observational follow-up is necessary to sample the orbital phase better and establish this orbit more firmly.

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Figure 11: Phase-folded Coralie RV of ASASJ103158-5814.7, same star that exhibits orbital motion, variable amplitude and a variable pulsation period.
ASAS J103158-5814.7

(GDR3 5351436724362450304) is a particularly interesting star, cf. Figure 11 and Paper I. It exhibits three signals at once: very short-period overtone pulsation (classified as first overtone by Gaia DR3 SOS, Ppuls=1.11936subscript𝑃puls1.11936P_{\rm{puls}}=1.11936italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_puls end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = 1.11936 d), high-amplitude orbital motion exceeding 13  km s-1, cf. Table 5, and strongly modulated pulsation amplitudes reminiscent of the “Blazhko” Cepheid V0473 Lyrae (Burki et al. 1982; Molnár et al. 2017). At present, the orbital variations do not allow the estimation of an orbital period and we will thus continue monitoring this intriguing star. Unfortunately, this star was not included in the list of Cepheids with time-series RV data in Gaia DR3.

AX Cir

is a known SB1 and its orbit was first derived by Petterson et al. (2004). Our Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT estimate of similar-to\sim6285 days differs by 5% (10-σ𝜎\sigmaitalic_σ) from that of Petterson et al. (2004). While our combined dataset, comprising VELOCE and literature data, incompletely samples orbital phases, we obtain an eccentricity that is in total agreement with the previously reported orbital eccentricity for AX Cir.

FN Vel

was discovered to be an SB1 by Anderson (2013) who provided a first orbital solution. Kovtyukh et al. (2015) showed evidence for the companion using the Ca H & K lines. Here, we provide an updated orbital solution.

BP Cir

is known to host a hot main-sequence companion (Arellano-Ferro & Madore 1985; Evans et al. 1992) based on IUE spectroscopy. Petterson et al. (2004) reported vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT variations exceeding 5  km s-1 and that the star could possibly have a long orbital period. Using VELOCE alone we have vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT variations of similar-to\sim2  km s-1, however, when we combined VELOCE with literature datasets from Petterson et al. (2004) and Borgniet et al. (2019) we found vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT variations of similar-to\sim 4  km s-1 at a temporal baseline of 9000 days. We estimated BP Cir’s orbital period using VELOCE and literature datasets, and found a tentative solution with Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPTsimilar-to\sim 4300 days and e0.8similar-to𝑒0.8e\sim 0.8italic_e ∼ 0.8, cf. Figure 45. Nevertheless, due to limitations in the available data, we are unable to definitively determine whether a period of 4300 days or twice that duration provides a more accurate representation.

FO Car’s

observations began in March 2016, and we find a Keplerian orbit of Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT 1660similar-toabsent1660\sim 1660∼ 1660 d. To the best of our knowledge, no previous publication999Zhou 2010 credited Szabados 1996 with detecting such evidence. Although FO Car is not listed in this publication, FR Car is, and we surmise a typo in Zhou 2010. has presented the case of FO Car. However, the online database of binary Cepheids (Szabados 2003) lists it as a spectroscopic binary, crediting Szabados & Berdnikov (2003 in preparation). Russo et al. (1981) found photometric evidence for a companion using a phase shift technique involving optical and UV data. Based on the visual companion identified during the spectroscopic observations (cf. Figure 17) we consider this as the most likely source of the phase shift. Given the angular separation, the visual companion is clearly not the cause of the 4.5 yr orbit, and hence, FO Car is a triple system composed of the Cepheid with an inner spectroscopic and outer visual companion.

MU Cep

- The spectroscopic binarity of MU Cep (not to be confused with the much brighter red supergiant μ𝜇\muitalic_μ Cep) was discovered by Anderson (2013). Here we present an updated orbital solution, cf. Table 3, illustrated in Figure 28. The previously reported Porb1500±350similar-tosubscript𝑃𝑜𝑟𝑏plus-or-minus1500350P_{orb}\sim 1500\pm 350italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_o italic_r italic_b end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ∼ 1500 ± 350 d exceeded the observational baseline. Thanks to continued follow-up of this faint star (mVdelimited-⟨⟩subscript𝑚𝑉\langle\ m_{V}\rangle⟨ italic_m start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_V end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ⟩ = 12.3 mag), we have achieved nearly complete coverage of MU Cep’s orbital phase and obtain tight orbital constraints, with Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT=2028±2.7absentplus-or-minus20282.7=2028\pm 2.7= 2028 ± 2.7 d.

R Cru

is listed as an SB1 in the database by Szabados (2003), which credits unpublished work by L. Szabados and D. Bersier with this discovery. More recently, Evans et al. (2020) reported a visual companion of R Cru at a separation of 1.9 arcseconds based on Hubble Space Telescope (HST) imaging. We have acquired nearly 7 yr worth of very high-precision RV data for this bright Cepheid. The data clearly reveal low-amplitude orbital motion with Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPTsimilar-to\sim 238 d (cf. Figure 30), rendering R Cru the Cepheid with the shortest orbital period in the Milky Way. The template fitting routine further finds evidence for non-linear period changes (see Figure 15 of PaperI), cf. also Csörnyei et al. (2022). The relative semimajor axis of arel>274Rsubscript𝑎rel274subscript𝑅direct-producta_{\rm rel}>274R_{\odot}italic_a start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_rel end_POSTSUBSCRIPT > 274 italic_R start_POSTSUBSCRIPT ⊙ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT implies that the Cepheid and its companion are not in contact, assuming a Cepheid radius of 47R47subscript𝑅direct-product47R_{\odot}47 italic_R start_POSTSUBSCRIPT ⊙ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT computed using a P-R relation (Anderson et al. 2016c) and a nearly circular orbit. For a Cepheid mass of around 5M5subscript𝑀direct-product5M_{\odot}5 italic_M start_POSTSUBSCRIPT ⊙ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT and a 2M2subscript𝑀direct-product2M_{\odot}2 italic_M start_POSTSUBSCRIPT ⊙ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT A2 companion (upper limit from the IUE spectrum, Evans 1992), the mass function for a circular orbit yields a minimum inclination of >3.3absent3.3>3.3\,> 3.3deg, improving slightly over the limit from the mass function alone (\,1.6deg). For the range of inclinations 3.3903.3903.3-90\,3.3 - 90deg, and assuming a 5M5subscript𝑀direct-product5M_{\odot}5 italic_M start_POSTSUBSCRIPT ⊙ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT Cepheid, we thus find the allowed mass range for the companion to be between 0.092.0M0.092.0subscript𝑀direct-product0.09-2.0\,M_{\odot}0.09 - 2.0 italic_M start_POSTSUBSCRIPT ⊙ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT.

RV Sco

- Proust et al. (1981) list RV Sco as a visual multiple system, with a non-variable companion of mVsimilar-tosubscript𝑚𝑉absentm_{V}\simitalic_m start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_V end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ∼ 13 mag at a separation of 6.0 arcseconds. Evans (1992) did not detect any photometric companion for RV Sco within their IUE spectral analysis. Szabados (1989) suspected its binarity through its variable γ𝛾\gammaitalic_γ-velocity. Here, we confirm the finding as we detected significant (Ap2p{}_{p2p}\simstart_FLOATSUBSCRIPT italic_p 2 italic_p end_FLOATSUBSCRIPT ∼5.3  km s-1) amplitude variation in RV resulting into a 4-σ𝜎\sigmaitalic_σ detection of binarity. RV Sco is therefore a triple (SB1 + visual companion) system.

RY Sco

is listed as a visual binary in Szabados (2003), with references to Proust et al. (1981); Evans & Udalski (1994). We here detect the stars’s SB1 nature for the first time, with very low-amplitude orbital RV variations of similar-to\sim0.6  km s-1. Combining VELOCE with literature datasets and extending to longer baseline, we notice a vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT variation of similar-to\sim2.5  km s-1on a timescale of 41 years. RY Sco is thus most likely a triple system with both a visual and a spectroscopic companions.

RZ Vel

was reported to be an SB1 Cepheid by Szabados et al. (2013a). Szabados et al. (2013a) used a subset of VELOCE data (between BJD 2455650 - 2456400). We extended this VELOCE baseline to BJD 2459600 and combined it with literature datasets from Lloyd Evans (1980); Coulson & Caldwell (1985); Bersier (2002); Borgniet et al. (2019). Although, data from Bersier (2002) was also included in Szabados et al. (2013a), we do not detect 3-σ𝜎\sigmaitalic_σ vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT variations for this or any other recent dataset after the year 2000.

S Mus

was first identified as a binary using photometric observations (Lloyd Evans 1968). A first orbital solution was presented by Lloyd Evans (1982), with several others since. In particular, Petterson et al. (2004) provided a precise update to this solution, and Binnenfeld et al. (2022) determined the periodicity using partial periodograms directly computed from the spectra rather than RV measurements. We gathered 78 high-precision Coralie RVs over a total baseline of 6.3 yr. These data alone yield an orbital solution in agreement (to within 1 day) with Petterson et al. (2004) and Gallenne et al. (2019), cf. Table 4. As shown by Evans et al. (2015, 2020), the companion is an X-ray active B3V star.

S Nor

was detected as an SB1 by Szabados (1989), where they estimated tentative orbital periods of 3300 or 6500 days. Groenewegen (2008) modeled S Nor’s RV data using a circular orbit with a fixed Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT of 3600 days and concluded that more RV data are needed to better determine this orbit. Here, we do not find this orbital estimate to be consistent with VELOCE data. We do not detect any vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT variations with VELOCE data alone, however, when VELOCE is combined with literature datasets we do obtain a 3-σ𝜎\sigmaitalic_σ detection for the oldest RV datasets (Figure 62). However, the only cluster that exceeds 3-σ𝜎\sigmaitalic_σ is based on only three observations and the uncertainty of this particular cluster is likely underestimated. Consequently, we doubt the validity of the only >>>3-σ𝜎\sigmaitalic_σ outlier and cannot consider the star a bonafide binary. Nevertheless, if the RVTF results are taken at face value, then the orbit would have to be significantly eccentric. Lastly, Figure 62 indicates that a potential orbit clearly has high eccentricity.

SU Cyg

is a solitary case wherein the pulsation model was derived using a combination of VELOCE data and zero-point corrected RV data from Borgniet et al. (2019). While VELOCE data provided strong constraints on the orbit, they were insufficient on their own to create a satisfactory Fourier series model. To address this, we included the Borgniet et al. (2019) measurements to formulate the RV template. This template was then used to compute ϵvγitalic-ϵsubscript𝑣𝛾\epsilon v_{\gamma}italic_ϵ italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT, as listed in the appendix Table 7. Finally, employing the MCMC method, we obtained the ‘V+L’ orbit of SU Cyg with Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT of similar-to\sim548 ±plus-or-minus\pm± 0.1 d and eccentricity of similar-to\sim0.34 ±plus-or-minus\pm± 0.005 (Figure 54). These orbital estimates are in agreement with ΔΔ\Deltaroman_ΔPorbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT <<< 1 d (all orbital elements within 3-σ𝜎\sigmaitalic_σ difference) the ones in the literature from Evans (1988); Imbert (1984); Groenewegen (2008).

TX Mon

was first reported as an SB1 by Szabados & Pont (1998), who estimated a short Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT470±30absentplus-or-minus47030\approx 470\pm 30≈ 470 ± 30 d. We here confirm the SB1 nature of the star and determine the orbit, albeit at much longer Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT=1607±1plus-or-minus160711607\pm 11607 ± 1 d, with K=11.9±0.04𝐾plus-or-minus11.90.04K=11.9\pm 0.04italic_K = 11.9 ± 0.04  km s-1.

V0659 Cen

is host to a hot B6.0V companion detected directly using IUE UV spectroscopy (Evans 1994). V0659 Cen also has a high X-ray flux potentially originating from its companion (Evans et al. 2022). Here we present the first RV evidence of the Cepheid’s orbital motion with a peak-to-peak RV variation of 5greater-than-or-equivalent-toabsent5\gtrsim 5\,≳ 5 km s-1. Combining VELOCE and literature data, we estimate a preliminary orbital period Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT 9300±130similar-toabsentplus-or-minus9300130\sim 9300\pm 130∼ 9300 ± 130 d with mild eccentricity (e=0.32𝑒0.32e=0.32italic_e = 0.32). We designate this orbit as ‘tentative’ due to the ambiguity regarding whether the orbital period is approximately 6000 or 9000 days. It should be emphasized that the current uncertainties, which are around 100 days, do not account for this ambiguity. Additional HST UV spectroscopy will be particularly valuable to measure the mass of the Cepheid (Evans et al. in prep.).

V1334 Cyg

is among the few sample cases where there is a disagreement between ‘V’ and ‘V+L’ estimates, specifically of 0.8% (3-σ𝜎\sigmaitalic_σ) in Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT for V1334 Cyg. Even after combining the VELOCE and literature datasets, constraints on the ascending part and extremities of the orbital phase remain limited. As the literature dataset from Gorynya et al. (1992) and Borgniet et al. (2019) add extra constraints on the descending branch of the orbital phase, we prefer the ‘V+L’ orbital estimate for V1334 Cyg. Furthermore, both ‘V’ and ‘V+L’ orbital estimates are in 0.5% (3-σ𝜎\sigmaitalic_σ) disagreement with the ones from Gallenne et al. (2018) and 3-σ𝜎\sigmaitalic_σ and 2-σ𝜎\sigmaitalic_σ, respectively, with the ones from Evans (2000). This maybe attributed to the aforementioned poor sampling at some orbital phases. Future observations, with overall improved sampling will help to elucidate the discrepancy. Lastly, Gallenne et al. (2018) demonstrated that Gaia DR2 parallax is off by 3.6-σ𝜎\sigmaitalic_σ compared to the orbital parallax determined from the visual orbit + RVs of both components. This could be another reason for the discrepancy between our orbital parameters and the ones from Gallenne et al. (2018).

VY Car

was considered a tentative SB1 candidate by Anderson et al. (2016a). Despite improved treatment of instrumental zero-point offsets, the orbital signal has neither disappeared nor clarified. We note that Figure 63 suggests a trend with time. However, none of the epochs deviate from the average by more than 3-σ𝜎\sigmaitalic_σ. Hence, VY Car remains an unconfirmed SB1 candidate with a potentially very long orbital period.

VY Per

was reported to exhibit vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT variations exceeding 5 km s-1 by Szabados (1992) over a baseline of two years. We confirm the SB1 nature of this star and obtain a tentative orbital solution, with a Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT similar-to\sim806 d and e0.4similar-to𝑒0.4e\sim 0.4italic_e ∼ 0.4 (cf. Figure 38). Additionally, the MCMC (V+L) orbital estimate is presented in Table 3 and Figure 60. This MCMC indicates that the true orbital period could be a multiple of 805805805805 d. Unfortunately, the result remains ambiguous due to the sampling of the data, which also does not include the orbit’s descending branch.

W Sgr

’s Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT using VELOCE data differs by 6-σ𝜎\sigmaitalic_σ, 20-σ𝜎\sigmaitalic_σ and 18-σ𝜎\sigmaitalic_σ from that of Babel et al. (1989), Petterson et al. (2004), and Gallenne et al. (2019) respectively. We would like to note that in our work the eccentricity is not sufficiently constrained (Figure 40), hence, the orbit is probably more eccentric and shorter than our model as well as the Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT is potentially more uncertain than the fit suggests. Unfortunately, the current dataset does not provide sufficient information for a more accurate fit, and additional observations will be necessary. In light of these considerations, we emphasize that Petterson et al. (2004) currently offer a more reliable orbital solution.

X Cyg

was reported to exhibit an orbital signal via the light time travel effect by Szatmary (1990), who estimated Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT55absent55\approx 55≈ 55 yr. Evans et al. (2015) and Hintz et al. (2021) did not detect long-term vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT variations based on similar-to\sim 11-year baselines. We here identify X Cyg’s vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT variations using much longer temporal baselines of similar-to\sim 40 yrs by combining VELOCE data with the literature (Barnes et al. 1987; Wilson et al. 1989; Kiss 1998; Barnes et al. 2005; Gorynya et al. 1992; Storm et al. 2004; Bersier et al. 1994; Borgniet et al. 2019). We thus find a total vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT difference of similar-to\sim 3  km s-1 and a lower limit of 40 yr on Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT, consistent with Szatmary (1990).

X Pup

was mentioned by Anderson et al. (2016a) to exhibit tentative signs of time-variable vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT based on a difference between VELOCE data and the literature. However, the improved corrections of RV zero-points from VELOCE-I together with the clustered RVTF analysis do not reveal a significant signature of orbital motion, cf. Figure 63.

XX Cen

- Groenewegen (2008) determined an orbital solution with Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT=924±1.1absentplus-or-minus9241.1=924\pm 1.1= 924 ± 1.1 d and K=4.47±0.28𝐾plus-or-minus4.470.28K=4.47\pm 0.28italic_K = 4.47 ± 0.28  km s-1, and e𝑒eitalic_e fixed to 00. We find a significantly different orbit for XX Cen based on VELOCE data alone and determine an orbital solution with Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT=722.44±0.42absentplus-or-minus722.440.42=722.44\pm 0.42= 722.44 ± 0.42 d, K=5.4±0.03𝐾plus-or-minus5.40.03K=5.4\pm 0.03italic_K = 5.4 ± 0.03  km s-1, that is significantly eccentric with e=0.295±0.004𝑒plus-or-minus0.2950.004e=0.295\pm 0.004italic_e = 0.295 ± 0.004.

5 Sample analysis

5.1 Correlations among orbital elements

Refer to caption
Figure 12: The distribution of different orbital elements (Upper left: argument of periastron ω𝜔\omegaitalic_ω; upper right: eccentricity e𝑒eitalic_e; lower left: semi-amplitude K𝐾Kitalic_K of the orbital RV variations; lower right: projected semi-major axis asini𝑎𝑖a\sin{i}italic_a roman_sin italic_i) versus orbital period Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT for Cepheids with orbits determined here. SB1s with newly reported orbits in this study are plotted using open squares, while VELOCE orbital estimates of SB1s with literature-known orbits are plotted in open circles. Symbols with double boundaries highlight ‘V+L’ orbits determined using VELOCE and zero-point corrected literature RVs. R Cru, SY Nor and YZ Car are absent in the top left panel due to insignificant eccentricity.

Figure 12 shows the correlation between different orbital elements (ω𝜔\omegaitalic_ω, K𝐾Kitalic_K, e𝑒eitalic_e, and asini𝑎𝑖a\sin{i}italic_a roman_sin italic_i) with Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT for all orbital solutions reported here. This includes first-time orbital estimates of 18 stars and 15 VELOCE orbital estimates for Cepheids with literature-known orbits. Newly discovered SB1 systems populate the full range of orbital parameters, indicating that our sample selection was not biased towards the literature-known orbital properties of SB1 Cepheids. Semi-amplitudes tend to decrease as Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT increases. Thanks to the precision of VELOCE RV measurements and long-term monitoring, we were able to discover many new SB1 systems with very small semi-amplitudes and long orbital periods. A noticeable correlation exists between asini𝑎𝑖a\sin{i}italic_a roman_sin italic_i and Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT, and the dispersion along this correlation might stem, at least partially, from fluctuations in the combined masses of the Cepheid and its companion.

The eccentricity versus orbital period distribution (upper right panel in Figure 12) is particularly interesting. We find that the maximum eccentricity increases with orbital period. Despite a large range of eccentricities at most Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT values, an absence of very high e<0.6𝑒0.6e<0.6italic_e < 0.6 is clearly noticeable at Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT3less-than-or-similar-toabsent3\lesssim 3≲ 3 yr. The two Cepheids with the shortest Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT have very low or no noticeable eccentricity. We also notice an absence of circular orbits at Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT3greater-than-or-equivalent-toabsent3\gtrsim 3≳ 3 yr, which appears to become an exclusion region at longer Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT. Since such distant companions have most likely evolved in isolation, this could point to a primordial feature of intermediate-mass (B-star) binaries. However, NBODY simulations show that cluster dynamics increase e𝑒eitalic_e for long orbital periods over time (Dinnbier et al., in prep.). Additional long-period orbits are required to investigate this effect.

Most of these trends qualitatively agree with the empirical results by Evans et al. (2015), as well as with predictions from the Cepheid binary population synthesis study by Neilson et al. (2015) and Karczmarek et al. (2022), as well as with the dynamical NBODY6 simulations by Dinnbier et al. (2024). However, we do find several Cepheids at high 5<Porb<105subscript𝑃𝑜𝑟𝑏105<P_{orb}<105 < italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_o italic_r italic_b end_POSTSUBSCRIPT < 10 yr and relatively low eccentricities (e<0.2𝑒0.2e<0.2italic_e < 0.2) where Cepheid binaries have been predicted to have a low probability of occurring (Neilson et al. 2015). Additionally, R Cru is very close to the minimum Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT consistent with the synthetic populations by Neilson et al. (2015) and Karczmarek et al. (2022).

Incompletely sampled orbits described in Section 4.2 and illustrated in Figure 6 provide partial information on K𝐾Kitalic_K and Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT. Comparing Ap2psubscript𝐴p2pA_{\rm p2p}italic_A start_POSTSUBSCRIPT p2p end_POSTSUBSCRIPT with K𝐾Kitalic_K (in Figure 12) as a function of Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT, we notice the inverse trends. Shorter orbital periods tend to have larger K𝐾Kitalic_K, whereas we find larger Ap2psubscript𝐴p2pA_{\rm p2p}italic_A start_POSTSUBSCRIPT p2p end_POSTSUBSCRIPT over longer baselines. This suggests that most short-Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT orbits with K0.5greater-than-or-equivalent-to𝐾0.5K\gtrsim 0.5italic_K ≳ 0.5  km s-1 of Cepheids observed by VELOCE have been determined. Very low Ap2psubscript𝐴p2pA_{\rm p2p}italic_A start_POSTSUBSCRIPT p2p end_POSTSUBSCRIPT values are likely to continue growing over longer baselines.

5.2 Cepheids exhibiting proper motion anomaly

Kervella et al. (2022) used Gaia to detect astrometric binaries using the proper motion anomaly (PMa). This method compares the proper motion vector determined by the ESA Hipparcos mission (Perryman et al. 1997) and various Gaia data releases (Gaia Collaboration et al. 2016b, a; Michalik et al. 2015; Gaia Collaboration et al. 2018; Lindegren et al. 2018; Gaia Collaboration et al. 2021; Lindegren et al. 2021). PMa quantifies the significance of a long-term rotation of the proper motion vector due to orbital motion. Stars with PMa signals exceeding 3σ3𝜎3\sigma3 italic_σ were thus labeled as binaries by Kervella et al. (2022). Proper motion probes the on-sky projection of orbital motion, orthogonal to the line-of-sight variations measured using RVs. Therefore, the PMa and RV methods function as complementary tools for binary detection (cf. Kervella et al. (2019b) for details on the sensitivity function of PMa). Consequently, it’s typical for some stars identified as SB1 to lack discernible deviations in their proper motions which would categorize them as PMa-True candidates. This could either be if the Cepheids are located at large distances or possess orbital periods too short for detection. On one hand, companions with orbital periods shorter than similar-to\sim 3 years are unlikely to be identified via PMa due to the time window smearing inherent in Gaia DR3. On the other hand, extremely long-period companions, spanning hundreds of years, are similarly challenging to detect, representing a limitation shared by VELOCE as well. Importantly, a PMa-False flag does not raise concerns about the SB1 detection. Among the 76 binary Cepheids in our sample, 19 have been reported to exhibit PMa signals (with binary flag ‘BinH2EG3b’ in Kervella et al. (2022) as 1). Evidence for astrometric orbital signals in form of the PMa has been reported for 10 of 33 SB1 (30%percent3030\%30 %) Cepheids with orbital solutions presented here (including tentative ones) as well as for 8 of 30 (25%percent2525\%25 %) SB1 systems with long-term vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT trends exhibit PMa (Kervella et al. 2022). This also includes 2 of the newly discovered SB1 Cepheids, GX Car and V0659 Cen. Table 6 lists the PMa binary flags from Kervella et al. (2022) for all stars in common with our sample.

Two systems with reported PMa, RZ Vel and SV Per, deserve a specific mention. For these two stars, we found no evidence of time-variable vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT. However, SV Per is known to have a very nearby (0.2”) companion that has been resolved using HST/WFC3 spatial scans (Riess et al. 2018) and which is most likely unresolved by Gaia. Time-variable contrast differences due to the Cepheid’s pulsation would affect the measurement of the photocenter for SV Per, which may lead to a spurious PMa signal.

Finally, we note that none of the Cepheids considered to be non-SB1s in VELOCEstars without evidence for time-variable vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPThave been reported to exhibit a significant PMa. Specifically, this is true for all stars without evidence for time-variable vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT based on VELOCE data alone as well as our RVTF analysis (Sect. 3.4), including stars for which our results contradict previous claims of time-variable vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT.

As this comparison shows, RVs from VELOCE and literature data standardized to the VELOCE zero-points provide the most complete evidence for orbital motion for Cepheids on timescales of up to a few decades. Nonetheless, we caution that signals on the order of 111\,1 km s-1 and lower can be introduced also by modulated variability (Anderson 2014). CCF shape parameters, such as the bisector inverse span and full width at half maximum can be informative to this end (Anderson 2016) and will be considered in future work.

5.3 Gaia DR3 astrometric quality flags of SB1 Cepheids

Refer to caption
Figure 13: Distribution of Gaia DR3 RUWE with the semi-major axis (left) and orbital period (right) of our sample systems. The stars tagged as binaries from PMa (Kervella et al. 2022) are marked with crosses. The red solid line indicates asini𝑎𝑖a\sin{i}italic_a roman_sin italic_i of 1 au, and the dashed red lines indicates the same at 0.5 and 2 au.
Refer to caption
Figure 14: Distribution of Gaia DR3 RUWE with the maximum amplitude of the (linear or non-linear) vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT variation for SB1 systems with ‘Trend’. The stars tagged as binaries from PMa (Kervella et al. 2022) are marked with crosses.
Refer to caption
Figure 15: Probability density function of Gaia DR3 RUWE for VELOCE SB1 and non-SB1 systems.

Gaia DR3 reports several astrometric quality flags and parameters to aid the interpretation of the reported astrometric measurements. The Renormalized Unit Weight Error (RUWE) has received particular attention and is often considered an indicator of stellar multiplicity. RUWE is calculated as the square root of the normalized χ𝜒\chiitalic_χ-square of the astrometric fit to the along-scan observations (Lindegren 2018), and the threshold of RUWE <1.4absent1.4<1.4< 1.4 is frequently used to indicate well-behaved astrometric solutions (Lindegren et al. 2018, 2021). However, several factors can result in elevated RUWE, which does not identify the origin of the excess residuals and includes all possible sources of error in the fit to the astrometric model. The latter include any signals affecting photocenter stability, notably involving marginally resolved visual binaries and unmodeled astrometric orbital signals.

In Cepheids, the high-amplitude chromatic variability of Cepheids could also contribute to RUWE. For example, Gaia may automatically select different gating schemes and window classes depending on the momentaneous brightness of Cepheids that vary by 1similar-toabsent1\sim 1∼ 1 mag in optical bands. Additionally, chromatic variability may lead to noise due to time-variable chromatic diffraction properties. Given these added difficulties, it is likely for RUWE to be elevated for Cepheids compared to non-variable stars. We therefore investigated to what degree excess RUWE and other astrometric quality indicators reported by Gaia may serve as an indicator of multiplicity for Cepheids.

Figure 13 shows the comparison of Gaia DR3 RUWE against the projected semimajor axis and Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT. The figure shows a significant excess RUWE near asini𝑎𝑖a\sin{i}italic_a roman_sin italic_i values close to 1 au as 5 out of 8 stars with the highest RUWE (RUWE ¿ 2) fall into this category (stars located within the dashed red lines in the left panel of Figure 13). Interestingly, a corresponding feature is not so clearly seen near Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT=1absent1=1= 1 yr, suggesting that the size of the orbital ellipse on the sky more directly affects the astrometric solution than the periodicity of the signal. The 6300630063006300 d binary with the highest RUWE of is AX Cir, whose hot main sequence (likely B6V) companion has been resolved interferometrically (Gallenne et al. 2014b). A photometric contamination is the potential origin of the elevated Gaia RUWE.

Figure 14 shows RUWE in Gaia DR3 vs the amplitude of trends, Ap2psubscript𝐴p2pA_{\rm p2p}italic_A start_POSTSUBSCRIPT p2p end_POSTSUBSCRIPT, determined using VELOCE data only in Sect. 4.2. Given that the majority of these orbital signals occur on timescales longer than the VELOCE baseline, it is not surprising that RUWE <1.4absent1.4<1.4< 1.4 for the vast majority of these stars. The most significant outlier at RUWE 8similar-toabsent8\sim 8∼ 8 is RW Cam, which was shown to feature a significant UV excess indicative of a hot main sequence companion (Stepien 1968). The star with the second highest RUWE of is T Mon, host to a B9.8V companion detected directly from UV spectroscopy (Evans & Lyons 1994) but remained undetected interferometrically in Hlimit-from𝐻H-italic_H -band (Gallenne et al. 2019). These stars collectively indicate that elevated Gaia RUWE values in Cepheids may be attributed to unresolved companions rather than orbital motion.

Figure 15 shows the probability density function of RUWE for SB1 and non-SB1 Cepheids in VELOCE. Approximately 25% of VELOCE SB1s have a RUWE >>> 1.4 (see Table 6). While there is a slightly higher probability for an SB1 Cepheid to have excess RUWE compared to non-SB1 Cepheids, the difference is not very pronounced. Qualitatively, among the newly identified SB1 systems (RVTF), Figure 15 suggests similar probabilities near RUWE 1.71.8absent1.71.8\approx 1.7-1.8≈ 1.7 - 1.8. However, among these, β𝛽\betaitalic_β Dor’s extreme brightness (mV=3.8subscript𝑚𝑉3.8m_{V}=3.8italic_m start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_V end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = 3.8 mag) likely contributes substantially to the high RUWE of

Finally, we also investigated the Gaia astrometric quality indicators astrometric_gof_al and astrometric_excess_noise as indicators of multiplicity of Cepheids. However, no significant trends appeared in this comparison aside from a mild increase in astrometric_excess_noise near asini1similar-to𝑎𝑖1a\sin{i}\sim 1italic_a roman_sin italic_i ∼ 1 au.

In summary, we find excess RUWE mainly for Cepheid binaries with projected semimajor axis close to 1au. The parameter astrometric_excess_noise is also increased in this range, though the correlation is less clear. In addition to specific orbital configurations, elevated RUWE can arise from photocenter variations in unresolved binaries and in very bright stars, for example. Additionally, the majority of binary Cepheids are not identified by RUWE >1.4absent1.4>1.4> 1.4.

5.4 Amplitude ratios as indicators of companion stars

Refer to caption
Figure 16: First three panels from left to right: photometric-to-RV amplitude ratios from Gaia DR3 and VELOCE against the logarithmic pulsation period, with wavelength of the photometric band increasing from left to right. Right panel: ratio of Gaia photometric amplitudes in GBpsubscript𝐺𝐵𝑝G_{Bp}italic_G start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_B italic_p end_POSTSUBSCRIPT to GRpsubscript𝐺𝑅𝑝G_{Rp}italic_G start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_R italic_p end_POSTSUBSCRIPT. Filled circles show SB1 Cepheids reported in VELOCE. Other single-mode Cepheids observed by VELOCE are shown as open circles. There is no clear difference between SB1 Cepheids and all others in any of the amplitudes considered, nor a dependence of such a difference on logPpulssubscript𝑃puls\log{P_{\mathrm{puls}}}roman_log italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_puls end_POSTSUBSCRIPT.

Photometric amplitude ratios can be used to identify Cepheid companion stars in case the photometric contrast is sufficiently low (e.g. Madore 1977; Madore & Fernie 1980; Evans & Udalski 1994). Since most Cepheid companions are hot early-type stars, shorter-wavelength data is generally more sensitive to companions than longer-wavelength photometry. A noticeable exception are double-lined spectroscopic binaries (SB2) in the Large Magellanic Cloud that consist of a Cepheid and a giant companion (Pilecki et al. 2021).

In the Milky Way, Klagyivik & Szabados (2009) considered low ratios between photometric and RV amplitudes as an indicator for the presence of companion stars. Thanks to Gaia’s multi-band photometry, such a comparison is possible here using a large sample of stars. Figure 16 thus shows the ratio between Gaia photometric and VELOCE RV amplitudes in three bands (GBpsubscript𝐺𝐵𝑝G_{Bp}italic_G start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_B italic_p end_POSTSUBSCRIPT, G𝐺Gitalic_G, and GRpsubscript𝐺𝑅𝑝G_{Rp}italic_G start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_R italic_p end_POSTSUBSCRIPT) as a function of the logarithmic pulsation period. The higher ratios at shorter wavelength are readily explained by the larger photometric amplitudes. SB1 Cepheids identified in VELOCE are shown as filled circles, and stars which are not SB1 systems are shown as open circles. As a consequence of the Cepheid period-color relation, the contrast between Cepheid and companion should increase toward longer periods, rendering photometric detection more difficult. Additionally, any signal in the amplitude ratio should be enhanced at shorter wavelengths. However, the comparison between SB1 Cepheids and all others observed in all three bands reveals no indication that bona fide SB1 Cepheids have reduced amplitudes compared to other Cepheids (Figure 16). The only potential signature is a slightly reduced range of amplitude ratios for SB1 Cepheids, which, however, clusters in the center of the distribution. The comparison between photometric amplitudes in GBpsubscript𝐺𝐵𝑝G_{Bp}italic_G start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_B italic_p end_POSTSUBSCRIPT vs GRpsubscript𝐺𝑅𝑝G_{Rp}italic_G start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_R italic_p end_POSTSUBSCRIPT (not shown) yields the same impression. Hence, we find that Gaia’s photometric amplitudes are not good indicators of Cepheid companions.

6 Discussion and Summary

We have presented the largest homogeneous investigation of 76 SB1 Cepheids to date based on the unprecedented RV data set provided by the VELOCE project (Paper I). An additional 14 SB1 candidates have been identified in Paper I, but are not discussed here due to their nature as candidate binaries. VELOCE data allow us to extend the search for binary Cepheids to fainter magnitudes, adding 32 new SB1 systems, and 18 first orbital determinations of Cepheids, 11 of which are fainter than mV>8subscript𝑚𝑉8m_{V}>8italic_m start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_V end_POSTSUBSCRIPT > 8 mag (cf. Figure 9). Thanks to these improvements, we sharpened the uncertainty on the SB1 fraction of Cepheids by a factor of 2.3similar-toabsent2.3\sim 2.3∼ 2.3.

We present 30 definitive and 3 tentative orbital solutions, which range from the discovery of the shortest Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT in the Milky Way for R Cru (238 d) to 17similar-toabsent17\sim 17∼ 17 yr (AX Cir), and also include a correction to the orbital solution of δ𝛿\deltaitalic_δ Cep. For 18 Cepheids, we estimate orbital solutions for the first time. VELOCE observations are particularly sensitive to Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT5less-than-or-similar-toabsent5\lesssim 5≲ 5 yr, and the available temporal baselines differ from star to star. The ensemble of orbital solutions suggests two peculiar features in the elog(P)𝑒𝑃e-\log(P)italic_e - roman_log ( italic_P ) diagram, which are a possible exclusion zone of low-eccentricity systems (0 e<absent𝑒absent\leq e<≤ italic_e < 0.2) at long orbital periods (Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT 10greater-than-or-equivalent-toabsent10\gtrsim 10≳ 10 yr) as well as a dearth of stars with orbital period in the range of - 3.5 yr. Further observations and a more detailed analysis of detection limits will be needed to confirm these features.

Based on our search for SB1 Cepheids and a detailed investigation of evidence for orbital signals using literature, we find a SB1 fraction of 29.6±3.4%plus-or-minus29.6percent3.429.6\pm 3.4\%29.6 ± 3.4 %. This is a lower limit since 14 SB1 candidates reported in Paper I were not considered in this fraction. Furthermore, we estimate the fraction of SB1 Cepheids with Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT<10absent10<10< 10 yr of 15.2±2.4%plus-or-minus15.2percent2.415.2\pm 2.4\%15.2 ± 2.4 %, half of which have Porbsubscript𝑃orbP_{\rm{orb}}italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT roman_orb end_POSTSUBSCRIPT of less than 2.5 years. Our binary fraction estimates agree with previous reports, albeit with 23×2-3\times2 - 3 × lower uncertainty. Of course, SB1 Cepheids are detectable mainly for orbital periods of <100absent100<100< 100 yr, and other methods must be considered to estimate the total binary fraction of Cepheids. Considerable effort is currently underway to comprehensively determine the binary fraction of Cepheids, employing a diverse array of techniques such as astrometry, spectroscopy, interferometry, and observations across various wavelengths. For example, Evans et al. (2022) estimated a total binary fraction of 57±12%plus-or-minus57percent1257\pm 12\%57 ± 12 % based on SB1 Cepheids, and Cepheids with evidence for companions from X-ray and UV observations. It is worth noting that future Gaia data releases, particularly DR4 and DR5, will contribute significantly with an abundance of astrometric orbits, enriching our understanding of these systems even further.

Several of the SB1 Cepheids studied here are part of triple systems, including AW Per (Evans et al. 2000), FF Aql (Udalski & Evans 1993), S Sge (Evans et al. 1993), V1334 Cyg (Abt & Levy 1970; Evans 1994), V0659 Cen (Evans et al. 2013, 2022), and W Sgr (Evans et al. 2009). Here, we further identify FO Car, RV Sco, RY Sco, and UX Per as triple systems with an inner SB1 and outer visual companion. Comparing the binary fraction and incidence of triples among Cepheids with dynamical NBODY simulations that assume an initial binary fraction of 100%percent100100\%100 % (Dinnbier et al. 2024) suggests that a significant fraction of Cepheid progenitors (B-type stars) must be formed as triples or even higher-order systems.

Last, but not least, we find that the Gaia DR3 parallax quality indicator RUWE is elevated for Cepheid binaries whose projected semimajor axis, asini𝑎𝑖a\sin{i}italic_a roman_sin italic_i, is close to 111\,1au. However, upon assessing RUWE for both SB1 and non-SB1 from VELOCE, we ascertain that Gaia RUWE is not a reliable indicator for identifying Cepheid spectroscopic binaries and can be noticeably affected by photometric systematics, such as marginally resolved binaries or high apparent brightness. Additionally, RUWE tends to be slightly higher for Cepheids than for non-variable stars.

An examination of PMa in relation to various orbital properties of our stars does not reveal any correlation between the orbital orientation and PMa detection. Furthermore, all VELOCE Cepheids with previously reported PMa detections are also identified to be SB1 systems.

Precision radial velocities provide the most sensitive diagnostic of multiplicity of Cepheids to date. Future Gaia data releases will allow to determine systemic masses of Cepheids using the combined astrometric and spectroscopic orbital signals. In Gaia DR3, only one Cepheid was reported with a non-single-star astrometric solution. Suspiciously, the orbital period of RX Cam was given as 333333\,33months, matching exactly the observational baseline of Gaia DR3. However, RX Cam was unfortunately not observed as part of the VELOCE project. The upcoming fourth Gaia data release in combination with VELOCE data will be a treasure trove for determining accurate Cepheid masses and to establish a well-sampled mass-luminosity relation required to elucidate the physics of Cepheids, notably with respect to mixing processes, such as convection and rotation, required to explain the mass discrepancy problem (e.g Prada Moroni et al. 2012; Anderson 2014).


RIA, SS, and GV acknowledge support from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant Agreement No. 947660). RIA, and SS further acknowledge support through a Swiss National Science Foundation Eccellenza Professorial Fellowship (award PCEFP2_194638). SS would further like to extend their acknowledgement to the Research Foundation-Flanders (grant number: 1239522N). This work has made use of data from the European Space Agency (ESA) mission Gaia (https://www.cosmos.esa.int/gaia), processed by the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC, https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/gaia/dpac/consortium). Funding for the DPAC has been provided by national institutions, in particular the institutions participating in the Gaia Multilateral Agreement. The lead authors would like to acknowledge the very useful compilation of information on binary Cepheids provided by Laszlo Szabados at Konkoly Observatory (Szabados (2003), https://cep.konkoly.hu/intro.html).


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Appendix A Guiding camera Image

When available, the Coralie and Hermes guiding camera images were utilized to examine for triple systems. In Figure 17, we present a guiding camera image of FO Car obtained from Coralie.

Refer to caption
Figure 17: Coralie guiding camera image of FO Car. The center of the Cepheid is dark because of the fiber placement during the integration. The object at the top left is an outer (visual) companion, which renders the SB1 Cepheid FO Car a triple system.

Appendix B Orbital fitting

From Figure 18 to 43, we present all the orbital fits obtained using VELOCE data alone. The orbital fittings were derived using the method described in Section 3.2.

Refer to caption
Figure 18: Pulsational and orbital fit of ASAS J064540+0330.4. Figure description is same as Figure 2.
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Figure 19: Pulsational and orbital fit of ASAS J084951-4627.2. Figure description is same as Figure 2. The pulsational RV curve amplitude modulation is apparent in the top left panel.
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Figure 20: Pulsational and orbital fit of ASAS J100814-5856.6. Figure description is same as Figure 2.
Refer to caption
Figure 21: Pulsational and orbital fit of ASAS J174603-3528.1. Figure description is same as Figure 2.
Refer to caption
Figure 22: Pulsational and orbital fit of DL Cas. Figure description is same as Figure 2.
Refer to caption
Figure 23: Pulsational and orbital fit of FF Aql. Figure description is same as Figure 2.
Refer to caption
Figure 24: Pulsational and orbital fit of FN Vel. Figure description is same as Figure 2.
Refer to caption
Figure 25: Pulsational and orbital fit of FO Car. Figure description is same as Figure 2.
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Figure 26: Pulsational and orbital fit of GX Car. Figure description is same as Figure 2.
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Figure 27: Pulsational and orbital fit of IT Car. Figure description is same as Figure 2.
Refer to caption
Figure 28: Pulsational and orbital fit of MU Cep. Figure description is same as Figure 2.
Refer to caption
Figure 29: Pulsational and orbital fit of MY Pup. Figure description is same as Figure 2.
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Figure 30: Pulsational and orbital fit of R Cru. Figure description is same as Figure 2.
Refer to caption
Figure 31: Pulsational and orbital fit of S Mus. Figure description is same as Figure 2.
Refer to caption
Figure 32: Pulsational and orbital fit of S Sge. Figure description is same as Figure 2.
Refer to caption
Figure 33: Pulsational and orbital fit of SY Nor. Figure description is same as Figure 2.
Refer to caption
Figure 34: Pulsational and orbital fit of TX Mon. Figure description is same as Figure 2.
Refer to caption
Figure 35: Pulsational and orbital fit of U Vul. Figure description is same as Figure 2.
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Figure 36: Pulsational and orbital fit of V0407 Cas. Figure description is same as Figure 2.
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Figure 37: Pulsational and orbital fit of V1334 Cyg. Figure description is same as Figure 2.
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Figure 38: Pulsational and orbital fit of VY Per. Figure description is same as Figure 2.
Refer to caption
Figure 39: Pulsational and orbital fit of VZ Pup. Figure description is same as Figure 2.
Refer to caption
Figure 40: Pulsational and orbital fit of W Sgr. Figure description is same as Figure 2. The bottom right panel suggests that the orbit of W Sgr could be more eccentric than the best fit model obtained here.
Refer to caption
Figure 41: Pulsational and orbital fit of XX Cen. Figure description is same as Figure 2.
Refer to caption
Figure 42: Pulsational and orbital fit of YZ Car. Figure description is same as Figure 2.
Refer to caption
Figure 43: Pulsational and orbital fit of Z Lac. Figure description is same as Figure 2.

Appendix C Vγ Orbits

In Figure 44 to Figure 61 we present the orbital fittings obtained using the combination of RV data from VELOCE and literature datasets. These orbital fits were derived using the MCMC method described in Section 3.2.

Refer to caption
Figure 44: Vγ residuals Orbit fitting for AX Cir.
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Figure 45: Vγ residuals Orbit fitting for BP Cir.
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Figure 46: Vγ residuals Orbit fitting for DL Cas.
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Figure 47: Vγ residuals Orbit fitting for FF Aql.
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Figure 48: Vγ residuals Orbit fitting for FO Car.
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Figure 49: Vγ residuals Orbit fitting for MY Pup.
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Figure 50: Vγ residuals Orbit fitting for R Cru.
Refer to caption
Figure 51: Vγ residuals Orbit fitting for R Mus.
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Figure 52: Vγ residuals Orbit fitting for S Mus.
Refer to caption
Figure 53: Vγ residuals Orbit fitting for S Sge.
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Figure 54: Vγ residuals Orbit fitting for SU Cyg.
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Figure 55: Vγ residuals Orbit fitting for SY Nor.
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Figure 56: Vγ residuals Orbit fitting for TX Mon.
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Figure 57: Vγ residuals Orbit fitting for YZ Car.
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Figure 58: Vγ residuals Orbit fitting for V0659 Cen.
Refer to caption
Figure 59: Vγ residuals Orbit fitting for V1334 Cyg.
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Figure 60: Vγ residuals Orbit fitting for VY Per.
Refer to caption
Figure 61: Vγ residuals Orbit fitting for VZ Pup.

Appendix D Gaia astrometry

In Table 6, we present all the Gaia RUWE and PMa flags used in this study for all our sample stars.

Table 6: Gaia astrometry and PMa tags for the confirmed SB1 Cepheids within VELOCE. Here, binary flag of ‘1’ means that the star was flagged as binary through PMa, and binary flag of ‘0’ means the PMa did not detect them as binaries.
Star RUWE Bin flag Star RUWE Bin flag Star RUWE Bin flag
from PMa from PMa from PMa
SB1 with Orbits SB1 with Trends SB1 with RVTF-Yes
ASAS J064540+0330.4 AD Pup 1.362 131.362131.362\,131.362 13 0 β𝛽\betaitalic_β Dor 4.534 764.534764.534\,764.534 76 0
ASAS J084951-4627.2 1.08631.08631.08631.0863 AH Vel 0.82930.82930.82930.8293 1 η𝜂\etaitalic_η Aql 2.5612.5612.5612.561 0
ASAS J100814-5856.6 1.11931.11931.11931.1193 AQ Pup 1.180 305 61.18030561.180\,305\,61.180 305 6 0 CD Cyg 1.0071.0071.0071.007 0
ASAS J174603-3528.1 0.69340.69340.69340.6934 AQ Car 1.067 231 91.06723191.067\,231\,91.067 231 9 0 RS Ori 1.1191.1191.1191.119 0
AX Cir 7.805 217.805217.805\,217.805 21 ASAS J064553+1003.8 1.499 8961.4998961.499\,8961.499 896 SS CMa 1.113 401 81.11340181.113\,401\,81.113 401 8 0
BP Cir 1.04951.04951.04951.0495 ASAS J103158-5814.7 0.868 845 10.86884510.868\,845\,10.868 845 1 SZ Aql 0.940.940.940.94 0
δ𝛿\deltaitalic_δ Cep 2.713 098 32.71309832.713\,098\,32.713 098 3 ASAS J155847-5341.8 0.868 048 70.86804870.868\,048\,70.868 048 7 SZ Cyg 0.9560.9560.9560.956 0
DL Cas 1.882 9631.8829631.882\,9631.882 963 0 ASAS J174108-2328.5 0.757 735 430.757735430.757\,735\,430.757 735 43 V0340 Ara 0.931 604 80.93160480.931\,604\,80.931 604 8 0
FF Aql 1.055 353 41.05535341.055\,353\,41.055 353 4 1 AW Per 1.155 536 31.15553631.155\,536\,31.155 536 3 1 V0402 Cyg 0.920.920.920.92 0
FN Vel 1.696 441 41.69644141.696\,441\,41.696 441 4 0 DR Vel 1.004 981 91.00498191.004\,981\,91.004 981 9 V0916 Aql 0.91600.91600.91600.9160
FO Car 0.902 255 70.90225570.902\,255\,70.902 255 7 FR Car 1.023 518 71.02351871.023\,518\,71.023 518 7 0 VY Sgr 0.805 651 60.80565160.805\,651\,60.805 651 6
GX Car 1.017 596 41.01759641.017\,596\,41.017 596 4 1 KN Cen 1.033 595 81.03359581.033\,595\,81.033 595 8 0 X Cyg 1.277 3531.2773531.277\,3531.277 353 1
IT Car 1.075 539 81.07553981.075\,539\,81.075 539 8 1 LR TrA 0.951 315 90.95131590.951\,315\,90.951 315 9 1
MU Cep 0.992 774 670.992774670.992\,774\,670.992 774 67 OX Cam 0.984 395 50.98439550.984\,395\,50.984 395 5
MY Pup 1.008 689 31.00868931.008\,689\,31.008 689 3 0 RY Vel 1.075 2251.0752251.075\,2251.075 225 0
NT Pup 0.986 109 140.986109140.986\,109\,140.986 109 14 RX Aur 0.982 096 70.98209670.982\,096\,70.982 096 7 1
R Cru 1.160 902 71.16090271.160\,902\,71.160 902 7 RV Sco 0.804 8230.8048230.804\,8230.804 823 1
R Mus 1.074 185 81.07418581.074\,185\,81.074 185 8 1 RW Cam 8.013 0228.0130228.013\,0228.013 022 1
S Mus 4.494 7884.4947884.494\,7884.494 788 1 RY Sco 0.732 554 40.73255440.732\,554\,40.732 554 4 0
S Sge 4.003 3314.0033314.003\,3314.003 331 1 SX Vel 1.022 1721.0221721.022\,1721.022 172 0
SU Cyg 3.442 931 43.44293143.442\,931\,43.442 931 4 0 T Mon 1.723 897 51.72389751.723\,897\,51.723 897 5 1
SY Nor 1.552 493 71.55249371.552\,493\,71.552 493 7 0 UX Per 1.166 758 71.16675871.166\,758\,71.166 758 7 1
TX Mon 1.688 594 51.68859451.688\,594\,51.688 594 5 1 UZ Sct 0.91320.91320.91320.9132
U Vul 2.882 5032.8825032.882\,5032.882 503 1 V0391 Nor 0.8320.8320.8320.832
V0407 Cas 0.894 828 70.89482870.894\,828\,70.894 828 7 V0492 Cyg 0.996 648 670.996648670.996\,648\,670.996 648 67
V0659 Cen 2.989 553 72.98955372.989\,553\,72.989 553 7 1 V0827 Cas
V1334 Cyg 2.768 445 32.76844532.768\,445\,32.768 445 3 1 V1162 Aql 0.952 363 850.952363850.952\,363\,850.952 363 85 0
VY Per 1.154 380 81.15438081.154\,380\,81.154 380 8 V1803 Aql 0.941 466 70.94146670.941\,466\,70.941 466 7
VZ Pup 1.236 595 51.23659551.236\,595\,51.236 595 5 0 V2475 Cyg 0.994 323 250.994323250.994\,323\,250.994 323 25
W Sgr 3.952 391 43.95239143.952\,391\,43.952 391 4 0 XZ Car 1.049 139 31.04913931.049\,139\,31.049 139 3 0
XX Cen 1.238 480 91.23848091.238\,480\,91.238 480 9 0
YZ Car 1.165 751 61.16575161.165\,751\,61.165 751 6 0
Z Lac 1.054 845 71.05484571.054\,845\,71.054 845 7 0

Appendix E RV Template fits after zero-point offset correction for sample stars with no signs of SB1

Figures 63 and 62 showcase the long-terms trends in vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT for sample stars where we find no signs of binarity through the RVTF analysis of Section 3.4.

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Figure 62: Same as Figure 8 for stars within VELOCE with no signs of SB1 from their vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT RVTF analysis (contd. on the next page.)
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Figure 63: Same as Figure 8 for stars within VELOCE with no signs of SB1 from their vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT RVTF analysis.

Appendix F SU Cyg RVTF

In Table 7, we present the zero-point corrected vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT residuals (ϵvγitalic-ϵsubscript𝑣𝛾\epsilon v_{\gamma}italic_ϵ italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT) of SU Cyg. The details of how these were obtained are provided in Section 4.5.

Table 7: RV data used for the ‘V+L’ orbit estimation of SU Cyg.
Reference BJD ϵvγitalic-ϵsubscript𝑣𝛾\epsilon v_{\gamma}italic_ϵ italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT σϵvγ𝜎italic-ϵsubscript𝑣𝛾\sigma\epsilon v_{\gamma}italic_σ italic_ϵ italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT Reference BJD ϵvγitalic-ϵsubscript𝑣𝛾\epsilon v_{\gamma}italic_ϵ italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT σϵvγ𝜎italic-ϵsubscript𝑣𝛾\sigma\epsilon v_{\gamma}italic_σ italic_ϵ italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT Reference BJD ϵvγitalic-ϵsubscript𝑣𝛾\epsilon v_{\gamma}italic_ϵ italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT σϵvγ𝜎italic-ϵsubscript𝑣𝛾\sigma\epsilon v_{\gamma}italic_σ italic_ϵ italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT
(d) ( km s-1) ( km s-1) (d) ( km s-1) ( km s-1) (d) ( km s-1) ( km s-1)
Ba87 43 616.97643616.97643\,616.97643 616.976 25.280 230 47-25.28023047-25.280\,230\,47- 25.280 230 47 5.342 939 015.342939015.342\,939\,015.342 939 01 Bo19 56 566.33356566.33356\,566.33356 566.333 4.119 709 084.119709084.119\,709\,084.119 709 08 2.055 930 922.055930922.055\,930\,922.055 930 92 Go92 50 705.30550705.30550\,705.30550 705.305 14.311 171 46-14.31117146-14.311\,171\,46- 14.311 171 46 0.742 742 430.742742430.742\,742\,430.742 742 43
Ba87 43 617.97643617.97643\,617.97643 617.976 29.487 157 33-29.48715733-29.487\,157\,33- 29.487 157 33 5.342 939 015.342939015.342\,939\,015.342 939 01 Bo19 56 898.51956898.51956\,898.51956 898.519 55.518 372 38-55.51837238-55.518\,372\,38- 55.518 372 38 0.391 488 890.391488890.391\,488\,890.391 488 89 Go92 50 707.32450707.32450\,707.32450 707.324 16.538 963 13-16.53896313-16.538\,963\,13- 16.538 963 13 0.808 743 670.808743670.808\,743\,670.808 743 67
Ba87 43 618.97443618.97443\,618.97443 618.974 18.863 465 88-18.86346588-18.863\,465\,88- 18.863 465 88 5.342 939 015.342939015.342\,939\,015.342 939 01 Bo19 56 899.5756899.5756\,899.5756 899.57 57.232 002 14-57.23200214-57.232\,002\,14- 57.232 002 14 0.391 018 610.391018610.391\,018\,610.391 018 61 Go92 50 708.34650708.34650\,708.34650 708.346 21.888 360 71-21.88836071-21.888\,360\,71- 21.888 360 71 0.880 321 720.880321720.880\,321\,720.880 321 72
Ba87 43 620.98743620.98743\,620.98743 620.987 33.884 456 08-33.88445608-33.884\,456\,08- 33.884 456 08 5.342 939 015.342939015.342\,939\,015.342 939 01 Bo19 56 900.44156900.44156\,900.44156 900.441 56.703 022 36-56.70302236-56.703\,022\,36- 56.703 022 36 0.391 018 610.391018610.391\,018\,610.391 018 61 Go92 50 708.35250708.35250\,708.35250 708.352 21.973 467 51-21.97346751-21.973\,467\,51- 21.973 467 51 0.794 333 890.794333890.794\,333\,890.794 333 89
Ba87 43 622.95643622.95643\,622.95643 622.956 36.957 554 98-36.95755498-36.957\,554\,98- 36.957 554 98 5.342 939 015.342939015.342\,939\,015.342 939 01 Bo19 56 901.56556901.56556\,901.56556 901.565 57.036 082 69-57.03608269-57.036\,082\,69- 57.036 082 69 0.390 773 020.390773020.390\,773\,020.390 773 02 Go92 50 709.28750709.28750\,709.28750 709.287 16.259 738 9-16.2597389-16.259\,738\,9- 16.259 738 9 0.760 372 490.760372490.760\,372\,490.760 372 49
Ba87 43 683.85743683.85743\,683.85743 683.857 44.618 763 32-44.61876332-44.618\,763\,32- 44.618 763 32 4.496 334 884.496334884.496\,334\,884.496 334 88 Go92 50 236.42950236.42950\,236.42950 236.429 31.465 813 42-31.46581342-31.465\,813\,42- 31.465 813 42 1.114 975 361.114975361.114\,975\,361.114 975 36 Go92 50 711.24650711.24650\,711.24650 711.246 15.711 303 28-15.71130328-15.711\,303\,28- 15.711 303 28 0.776 509 060.776509060.776\,509\,060.776 509 06
Ba87 43 683.85943683.85943\,683.85943 683.859 38.259 566 44-38.25956644-38.259\,566\,44- 38.259 566 44 4.496 334 884.496334884.496\,334\,884.496 334 88 Go92 50 238.40350238.40350\,238.40350 238.403 31.789 340 6-31.7893406-31.789\,340\,6- 31.789 340 6 1.108 859 81.10885981.108\,859\,81.108 859 8 Go92 50 713.28250713.28250\,713.28250 713.282 16.358 943 71-16.35894371-16.358\,943\,71- 16.358 943 71 0.752 971 660.752971660.752\,971\,660.752 971 66
Ba87 43 684.84243684.84243\,684.84243 684.842 41.696 012 84-41.69601284-41.696\,012\,84- 41.696 012 84 4.496 334 884.496334884.496\,334\,884.496 334 88 Go92 50 245.47950245.47950\,245.47950 245.479 36.121 686 94-36.12168694-36.121\,686\,94- 36.121 686 94 1.146 416 181.146416181.146\,416\,181.146 416 18 Go92 50 714.3850714.3850\,714.3850 714.38 16.701 025 17-16.70102517-16.701\,025\,17- 16.701 025 17 0.768 222 830.768222830.768\,222\,830.768 222 83
Ba87 43 684.84343684.84343\,684.84343 684.843 36.563 702 12-36.56370212-36.563\,702\,12- 36.563 702 12 4.496 334 884.496334884.496\,334\,884.496 334 88 Go92 50 246.51150246.51150\,246.51150 246.511 36.215 763 77-36.21576377-36.215\,763\,77- 36.215 763 77 1.202 318 621.202318621.202\,318\,621.202 318 62 Go92 50 715.25250715.25250\,715.25250 715.252 13.861 451 84-13.86145184-13.861\,451\,84- 13.861 451 84 0.813 736 030.813736030.813\,736\,030.813 736 03
Ba87 43 684.84543684.84543\,684.84543 684.845 37.219 056 39-37.21905639-37.219\,056\,39- 37.219 056 39 4.496 334 884.496334884.496\,334\,884.496 334 88 Go92 50 247.49750247.49750\,247.49750 247.497 32.819 199 54-32.81919954-32.819\,199\,54- 32.819 199 54 1.221 789 691.221789691.221\,789\,691.221 789 69 Go92 50 716.2950716.2950\,716.2950 716.29 20.975 620 62-20.97562062-20.975\,620\,62- 20.975 620 62 0.874 337 650.874337650.874\,337\,650.874 337 65
Ba87 43 685.77143685.77143\,685.77143 685.771 39.747 711 92-39.74771192-39.747\,711\,92- 39.747 711 92 4.496 334 884.496334884.496\,334\,884.496 334 88 Go92 50 248.46750248.46750\,248.46750 248.467 35.830 148 69-35.83014869-35.830\,148\,69- 35.830 148 69 1.158 261 651.158261651.158\,261\,651.158 261 65 Go92 50 718.26950718.26950\,718.26950 718.269 16.769 150 87-16.76915087-16.769\,150\,87- 16.769 150 87 0.772 312 320.772312320.772\,312\,320.772 312 32
Ba87 43 686.80643686.80643\,686.80643 686.806 41.028 346 78-41.02834678-41.028\,346\,78- 41.028 346 78 4.496 334 884.496334884.496\,334\,884.496 334 88 Go92 50 255.41850255.41850\,255.41850 255.418 38.298 488 57-38.29848857-38.298\,488\,57- 38.298 488 57 0.779 879 90.77987990.779\,879\,90.779 879 9 Go92 50 719.24250719.24250\,719.24250 719.242 13.289 938 23-13.28993823-13.289\,938\,23- 13.289 938 23 0.803 844 710.803844710.803\,844\,710.803 844 71
Ba87 43 688.83543688.83543\,688.83543 688.835 39.125 718 53-39.12571853-39.125\,718\,53- 39.125 718 53 4.496 334 884.496334884.496\,334\,884.496 334 88 Go92 50 257.46250257.46250\,257.46250 257.462 36.840 902 96-36.84090296-36.840\,902\,96- 36.840 902 96 0.789 058 090.789058090.789\,058\,090.789 058 09 Go92 50 719.24750719.24750\,719.24750 719.247 13.309 100 86-13.30910086-13.309\,100\,86- 13.309 100 86 0.749 444 010.749444010.749\,444\,010.749 444 01
Ba87 43 713.94343713.94343\,713.94343 713.943 54.461 431 4-54.4614314-54.461\,431\,4- 54.461 431 4 4.496 334 884.496334884.496\,334\,884.496 334 88 Go92 50 259.40950259.40950\,259.40950 259.409 38.764 874 88-38.76487488-38.764\,874\,88- 38.764 874 88 0.762 766 450.762766450.762\,766\,450.762 766 45 Go92 50 720.3450720.3450\,720.3450 720.34 17.825 575 8-17.8255758-17.825\,575\,8- 17.825 575 8 0.808 743 670.808743670.808\,743\,670.808 743 67
Ba87 43 821.58443821.58443\,821.58443 821.584 31.424 531 68-31.42453168-31.424\,531\,68- 31.424 531 68 4.137 513 864.137513864.137\,513\,864.137 513 86 Go92 50 261.41450261.41450\,261.41450 261.414 39.109 438 3-39.1094383-39.109\,438\,3- 39.109 438 3 0.803 562 480.803562480.803\,562\,480.803 562 48 Go92 50 726.32750726.32750\,726.32750 726.327 20.371 464 28-20.37146428-20.371\,464\,28- 20.371 464 28 0.807 311 260.807311260.807\,311\,260.807 311 26
Ba87 43 822.57343822.57343\,822.57343 822.573 29.646 927 9-29.6469279-29.646\,927\,9- 29.646 927 9 4.137 513 864.137513864.137\,513\,864.137 513 86 Go92 50 264.47950264.47950\,264.47950 264.479 40.483 471 03-40.48347103-40.483\,471\,03- 40.483 471 03 0.784 418 680.784418680.784\,418\,680.784 418 68 Go92 50 727.28750727.28750\,727.28750 727.287 16.217 347 45-16.21734745-16.217\,347\,45- 16.217 347 45 0.872 325 330.872325330.872\,325\,330.872 325 33
Ba87 43 825.66543825.66543\,825.66543 825.665 27.996 586 78-27.99658678-27.996\,586\,78- 27.996 586 78 4.137 513 864.137513864.137\,513\,864.137 513 86 Go92 50 265.40650265.40650\,265.40650 265.406 40.774 883 12-40.77488312-40.774\,883\,12- 40.774 883 12 0.857 736 940.857736940.857\,736\,940.857 736 94 Go92 50 728.33250728.33250\,728.33250 728.332 21.395 189 47-21.39518947-21.395\,189\,47- 21.395 189 47 0.795 896 650.795896650.795\,896\,650.795 896 65
Ba87 44 044.87344044.87344\,044.87344 044.873 9.426 358 61-9.42635861-9.426\,358\,61- 9.426 358 61 4.150 365 444.150365444.150\,365\,444.150 365 44 Go92 50 275.45850275.45850\,275.45850 275.458 45.778 858 7-45.7788587-45.778\,858\,7- 45.778 858 7 1.289 888 891.289888891.289\,888\,891.289 888 89 Go92 50 729.31350729.31350\,729.31350 729.313 18.546 417 52-18.54641752-18.546\,417\,52- 18.546 417 52 0.847 025 070.847025070.847\,025\,070.847 025 07
Ba87 44 045.88844045.88844\,045.88844 045.888 5.061 958 71-5.06195871-5.061\,958\,71- 5.061 958 71 4.150 365 444.150365444.150\,365\,444.150 365 44 Go92 50 276.43250276.43250\,276.43250 276.432 47.116 728 25-47.11672825-47.116\,728\,25- 47.116 728 25 1.267 009 61.26700961.267\,009\,61.267 009 6 Go92 50 730.30150730.30150\,730.30150 730.301 20.421 242 66-20.42124266-20.421\,242\,66- 20.421 242 66 0.823 985 120.823985120.823\,985\,120.823 985 12
Ba87 44 046.87844046.87844\,046.87844 046.878 7.475 134 45-7.47513445-7.475\,134\,45- 7.475 134 45 4.150 365 444.150365444.150\,365\,444.150 365 44 Go92 50 277.40550277.40550\,277.40550 277.405 46.352 996 83-46.35299683-46.352\,996\,83- 46.352 996 83 1.391 586 631.391586631.391\,586\,631.391 586 63 Go92 50 731.25150731.25150\,731.25150 731.251 22.281 418 84-22.28141884-22.281\,418\,84- 22.281 418 84 0.788 829 180.788829180.788\,829\,180.788 829 18
Ba87 44 059.86744059.86744\,059.86744 059.867 12.192 890 49-12.19289049-12.192\,890\,49- 12.192 890 49 4.150 365 444.150365444.150\,365\,444.150 365 44 Go92 50 278.4250278.4250\,278.4250 278.42 47.396 132 21-47.39613221-47.396\,132\,21- 47.396 132 21 1.298 812 281.298812281.298\,812\,281.298 812 28 Go92 50 732.23350732.23350\,732.23350 732.233 20.552 781 54-20.55278154-20.552\,781\,54- 20.552 781 54 0.832 917 450.832917450.832\,917\,450.832 917 45
Ba87 44 060.89344060.89344\,060.89344 060.893 8.549 919 85-8.54991985-8.549\,919\,85- 8.549 919 85 4.150 365 444.150365444.150\,365\,444.150 365 44 Go92 50 279.43550279.43550\,279.43550 279.435 46.923 425 07-46.92342507-46.923\,425\,07- 46.923 425 07 1.287 056 071.287056071.287\,056\,071.287 056 07 Hermes 55 896.319 7655896.3197655\,896.319\,7655 896.319 76 21.122 248 25-21.12224825-21.122\,248\,25- 21.122 248 25 0.598 141 610.598141610.598\,141\,610.598 141 61
Ba87 44 063.88744063.88744\,063.88744 063.887 5.089 201 02-5.08920102-5.089\,201\,02- 5.089 201 02 4.150 365 444.150365444.150\,365\,444.150 365 44 Go92 50 280.41450280.41450\,280.41450 280.414 48.982 663 09-48.98266309-48.982\,663\,09- 48.982 663 09 1.325 636 961.325636961.325\,636\,961.325 636 96 Hermes 55 896.320 6455896.3206455\,896.320\,6455 896.320 64 21.058 521 09-21.05852109-21.058\,521\,09- 21.058 521 09 0.600 744 030.600744030.600\,744\,030.600 744 03
W89 43 378.67443378.67443\,378.67443 378.674 5.416 797 825.416797825.416\,797\,825.416 797 82 4.113 177 324.113177324.113\,177\,324.113 177 32 Go92 50 281.38450281.38450\,281.38450 281.384 49.716 018 83-49.71601883-49.716\,018\,83- 49.716 018 83 1.305 110 471.305110471.305\,110\,471.305 110 47 Hermes 55 897.318 1855897.3181855\,897.318\,1855 897.318 18 20.750 984 05-20.75098405-20.750\,984\,05- 20.750 984 05 0.586 840 170.586840170.586\,840\,170.586 840 17
W89 43 378.67743378.67743\,378.67743 378.677 2.598 322 5-2.5983225-2.598\,322\,5- 2.598 322 5 4.113 177 324.113177324.113\,177\,324.113 177 32 Go92 50 284.42350284.42350\,284.42350 284.423 36.168 983 99-36.16898399-36.168\,983\,99- 36.168 983 99 1.348 522 651.348522651.348\,522\,651.348 522 65 Hermes 55 897.319 8855897.3198855\,897.319\,8855 897.319 88 20.715 934 17-20.71593417-20.715\,934\,17- 20.715 934 17 0.586 840 170.586840170.586\,840\,170.586 840 17
W89 43 378.76243378.76243\,378.76243 378.762 1.490 276 21-1.49027621-1.490\,276\,21- 1.490 276 21 4.113 177 324.113177324.113\,177\,324.113 177 32 Go92 50 285.36850285.36850\,285.36850 285.368 52.243 159 92-52.24315992-52.243\,159\,92- 52.243 159 92 1.352 558 071.352558071.352\,558\,071.352 558 07 Hermes 55 898.323 3555898.3233555\,898.323\,3555 898.323 35 20.198 814 75-20.19881475-20.198\,814\,75- 20.198 814 75 0.591 693 660.591693660.591\,693\,660.591 693 66
W89 43 378.76443378.76443\,378.76443 378.764 2.456 811 422.456811422.456\,811\,422.456 811 42 4.113 177 324.113177324.113\,177\,324.113 177 32 Go92 50 333.32750333.32750\,333.32750 333.327 53.541 999 8-53.5419998-53.541\,999\,8- 53.541 999 8 2.066 247 662.066247662.066\,247\,662.066 247 66 Hermes 55 898.324 8355898.3248355\,898.324\,8355 898.324 83 20.216 863 32-20.21686332-20.216\,863\,32- 20.216 863 32 0.592 538 090.592538090.592\,538\,090.592 538 09
W89 43 378.82343378.82343\,378.82343 378.823 5.237 005 725.237005725.237\,005\,725.237 005 72 4.113 177 324.113177324.113\,177\,324.113 177 32 Go92 50 342.26450342.26450\,342.26450 342.264 50.208 344 22-50.20834422-50.208\,344\,22- 50.208 344 22 2.050 726 552.050726552.050\,726\,552.050 726 55 Hermes 55 900.353 4355900.3534355\,900.353\,4355 900.353 43 19.646 548 49-19.64654849-19.646\,548\,49- 19.646 548 49 0.597 889 940.597889940.597\,889\,940.597 889 94
W89 43 378.82543378.82543\,378.82543 378.825 0.776 611 370.776611370.776\,611\,370.776 611 37 4.113 177 324.113177324.113\,177\,324.113 177 32 Go92 50 345.29650345.29650\,345.29650 345.296 48.236 388 34-48.23638834-48.236\,388\,34- 48.236 388 34 2.057 153 222.057153222.057\,153\,222.057 153 22 Hermes 55 900.355 6655900.3556655\,900.355\,6655 900.355 66 19.763 505 46-19.76350546-19.763\,505\,46- 19.763 505 46 0.599 163 910.599163910.599\,163\,910.599 163 91
W89 43 381.85543381.85543\,381.85543 381.855 2.544 308 222.544308222.544\,308\,222.544 308 22 4.113 177 324.113177324.113\,177\,324.113 177 32 Go92 50 619.49350619.49350\,619.49350 619.493 1.150 203 661.150203661.150\,203\,661.150 203 66 4.758 392 694.758392694.758\,392\,694.758 392 69 Hermes 56 091.503 0256091.5030256\,091.503\,0256 091.503 02 3.433 729 03-3.43372903-3.433\,729\,03- 3.433 729 03 0.196 270 550.196270550.196\,270\,550.196 270 55
W89 43 381.85743381.85743\,381.85743 381.857 6.493 017 246.493017246.493\,017\,246.493 017 24 4.113 177 324.113177324.113\,177\,324.113 177 32 Go92 50 621.52150621.52150\,621.52150 621.521 2.179 070 43-2.17907043-2.179\,070\,43- 2.179 070 43 4.761 491 474.761491474.761\,491\,474.761 491 47 Hermes 56 092.569 0756092.5690756\,092.569\,0756 092.569 07 3.575 368 73-3.57536873-3.575\,368\,73- 3.575 368 73 0.243 561 340.243561340.243\,561\,340.243 561 34
W89 43 384.66543384.66543\,384.66543 384.665 3.010 707 923.010707923.010\,707\,923.010 707 92 4.113 177 324.113177324.113\,177\,324.113 177 32 Go92 50 623.4950623.4950\,623.4950 623.49 7.047 178 34-7.04717834-7.047\,178\,34- 7.047 178 34 4.760 829 864.760829864.760\,829\,864.760 829 86 Hermes 56 093.483 3556093.4833556\,093.483\,3556 093.483 35 3.504 434 62-3.50443462-3.504\,434\,62- 3.504 434 62 0.216 921 940.216921940.216\,921\,940.216 921 94
W89 43 384.66743384.66743\,384.66743 384.667 2.175 312 72.17531272.175\,312\,72.175 312 7 4.113 177 324.113177324.113\,177\,324.113 177 32 Go92 50 652.3750652.3750\,652.3750 652.37 6.340 422 14-6.34042214-6.340\,422\,14- 6.340 422 14 0.946 542 930.946542930.946\,542\,930.946 542 93 Hermes 56 097.613 4556097.6134556\,097.613\,4556 097.613 45 3.358 573 49-3.35857349-3.358\,573\,49- 3.358 573 49 0.217 416 940.217416940.217\,416\,940.217 416 94
W89 43 384.82443384.82443\,384.82443 384.824 2.261 187 712.261187712.261\,187\,712.261 187 71 4.113 177 324.113177324.113\,177\,324.113 177 32 Go92 50 653.48950653.48950\,653.48950 653.489 4.945 541 54-4.94554154-4.945\,541\,54- 4.945 541 54 0.932 010 470.932010470.932\,010\,470.932 010 47 Hermes 56 098.605 4556098.6054556\,098.605\,4556 098.605 45 2.522 707 61-2.52270761-2.522\,707\,61- 2.522 707 61 0.237 364 970.237364970.237\,364\,970.237 364 97
W89 43 384.82643384.82643\,384.82643 384.826 1.525 579 081.525579081.525\,579\,081.525 579 08 4.113 177 324.113177324.113\,177\,324.113 177 32 Go92 50 655.42150655.42150\,655.42150 655.421 8.751 870 71-8.75187071-8.751\,870\,71- 8.751 870 71 0.927 331 40.92733140.927\,331\,40.927 331 4 Hermes 56 099.595656099.595656\,099.595656 099.5956 2.632 355 67-2.63235567-2.632\,355\,67- 2.632 355 67 0.245 469 20.24546920.245\,469\,20.245 469 2
W89 43 385.65243385.65243\,385.65243 385.652 1.670 019 49-1.67001949-1.670\,019\,49- 1.670 019 49 4.113 177 324.113177324.113\,177\,324.113 177 32 Go92 50 658.4750658.4750\,658.4750 658.47 12.373 996 97-12.37399697-12.373\,996\,97- 12.373 996 97 0.927 331 40.92733140.927\,331\,40.927 331 4 Hermes 58 070.373 0158070.3730158\,070.373\,0158 070.373 01 32.189 050 58-32.18905058-32.189\,050\,58- 32.189 050 58 0.540 189 690.540189690.540\,189\,690.540 189 69
W89 43 386.64843386.64843\,386.64843 386.648 6.804 097 126.804097126.804\,097\,126.804 097 12 4.113 177 324.113177324.113\,177\,324.113 177 32 Go92 50 662.39150662.39150\,662.39150 662.391 9.662 690 61-9.66269061-9.662\,690\,61- 9.662 690 61 0.983 180 310.983180310.983\,180\,310.983 180 31 Hermes 58 071.370 8158071.3708158\,071.370\,8158 071.370 81 32.015 118 77-32.01511877-32.015\,118\,77- 32.015 118 77 0.569 248 540.569248540.569\,248\,540.569 248 54
W89 43 387.66443387.66443\,387.66443 387.664 2.957 821 032.957821032.957\,821\,032.957 821 03 4.113 177 324.113177324.113\,177\,324.113 177 32 Go92 50 663.44450663.44450\,663.44450 663.444 7.674 056 98-7.67405698-7.674\,056\,98- 7.674 056 98 0.977 723 640.977723640.977\,723\,640.977 723 64 Hermes 58 071.375258071.375258\,071.375258 071.3752 31.403 631 49-31.40363149-31.403\,631\,49- 31.403 631 49 0.548 325 540.548325540.548\,325\,540.548 325 54
W89 43 388.62943388.62943\,388.62943 388.629 0.291 056 960.291056960.291\,056\,960.291 056 96 4.113 177 324.113177324.113\,177\,324.113 177 32 Go92 50 667.46650667.46650\,667.46650 667.466 8.526 088 22-8.52608822-8.526\,088\,22- 8.526 088 22 0.885 405 850.885405850.885\,405\,850.885 405 85 Hermes 58 073.335 7158073.3357158\,073.335\,7158 073.335 71 31.034 507 55-31.03450755-31.034\,507\,55- 31.034 507 55 0.546 567 380.546567380.546\,567\,380.546 567 38
Bo19 56 500.51556500.51556\,500.51556 500.515 1.370 477 471.370477471.370\,477\,471.370 477 47 2.055 957 182.055957182.055\,957\,182.055 957 18 Go92 50 668.47550668.47550\,668.47550 668.475 10.310 802 33-10.31080233-10.310\,802\,33- 10.310 802 33 0.972 339 20.97233920.972\,339\,20.972 339 2
Bo19 56 501.57356501.57356\,501.57356 501.573 1.516 118 871.516118871.516\,118\,871.516 118 87 2.055 976 882.055976882.055\,976\,882.055 976 88 Go92 50 669.4650669.4650\,669.4650 669.46 6.395 557 79-6.39555779-6.395\,557\,79- 6.395 557 79 0.972 339 20.97233920.972\,339\,20.972 339 2
Bo19 56 504.60256504.60256\,504.60256 504.602 1.607 734 391.607734391.607\,734\,391.607 734 39 2.055 937 732.055937732.055\,937\,732.055 937 73
Bo19 56 505.50956505.50956\,505.50956 505.509 2.059 593 482.059593482.059\,593\,482.059 593 48 2.055 992 442.055992442.055\,992\,442.055 992 44
Bo19 56 563.32256563.32256\,563.32256 563.322 4.517 522 464.517522464.517\,522\,464.517 522 46 2.056 000 962.056000962.056\,000\,962.056 000 96
Bo19 56 565.43156565.43156\,565.43156 565.431 2.329 415 932.329415932.329\,415\,932.329 415 93 2.056 000 962.056000962.056\,000\,962.056 000 96
101010The column labeled ‘Reference’ lists the sources of various RV datasets, with corresponding abbreviations as follows: , Ba87 for Barnes et al. (1987), W89 for Wilson et al. (1989), Bo19 for Borgniet et al. (2019), Go92 for Gorynya et al. (1992). In column 2 is the Barycentric Julian Date (BJD) of the observation, in column 3 is the residuals between the measurement and the VELOCE template (ϵvγitalic-ϵsubscript𝑣𝛾\epsilon v_{\gamma}italic_ϵ italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT) after applying the zero-point offset (shifted according to the phase shift of the epoch) vγsubscript𝑣𝛾v_{\gamma}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT residuals.Finally, in column 4 we present the uncertainty on the zero-point corrected ϵvγitalic-ϵsubscript𝑣𝛾\epsilon v_{\gamma}italic_ϵ italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γ end_POSTSUBSCRIPT.