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Multi-Species Object Detection in Drone Imagery for Population Monitoring of Endangered Animals

Sowmya Sankaran
Albuquerque Academy
Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87109

Animal populations worldwide are rapidly declining, and a technology that can accurately count endangered species could be vital for monitoring population changes over several years. This research focused on fine-tuning object detection models for drone images to create accurate counts of animal species. Hundreds of images taken using a drone and large, openly available drone-image datasets were used to fine-tune machine learning models with the baseline YOLOv8 architecture. We trained 30 different models, with the largest having 43.7 million parameters and 365 layers, and used hyperparameter tuning and data augmentation techniques to improve accuracy. While the state-of-the-art YOLOv8 baseline had only 0.7% accuracy on a dataset of safari animals, our models had 95% accuracy on the same dataset. Finally, we deployed the models on the Jetson Orin Nano for demonstration of low-power real-time species detection for easy inference on drones.

1 Introduction

In recent years, wildlife populations have been rapidly decreasing worldwide, with a 69% decrease since 1970 [2]. A study of over 71,000 species shows that 48% of species have declining populations [5]. Current counts of these species use approximate techniques such as core counts [12], point counts [3], and bird banding [18], all of which involve human volunteers [11], leading to difficulties in monitoring long-term population changes. Drone-based object detection could be used to accurately count animals. However, state-of-the-art object detection models are inaccurate on drone imagery.

Models such as YOLOv8 [17] and VGG16 [16] are very accurate on several image-related tasks, but object detection on drone imagery has unique requirements, such as: (1) identifying fine features of small animals on images taken from afar; (2) handling high-resolution images, and (3) identifying species when they blend in to their environments. While there has been some previous work on adapting YOLOv8 for drone imagery, [19] the improvements over the baseline YOLOv8 are a few percentage points. We fine-tune the YOLOv8 model for multi-species drone images, demonstrating up to 98.2% accuracy. We deploy our model on the NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano for a low-power hardware solution for real-time species detection. Additional information about this project can be found online 111Slides: https://tinyurl.com/2wvbs4x2 ; Talk: https://youtu.be/XuLLuCdNegA

Societal Impact: This project was inspired by rapidly declining populations of migratory birds such as Sandhill cranes in our home state of New Mexico. The technology created in this project could play a vital role in determining changes in these populations. Our solution is both accurate and cost-effective, only costing $800 including the Jetson Orin Nano and the drone. Our approach can be used by park rangers worldwide to monitor endangered species populations in low-resource wildlife refuges even without a large budget for population monitoring.

To summarize, the main contributions of this research are:

  • Fine-tuning the YOLOv8 architecture on multi-species drone imagery for up to 135x increase in accuracy compared to the baseline YOLOv8.

  • Comprehensive hyperparameter optimization with 30 different models to achieve up to 98.2% accuracy when identifying datasets containing ten different species in drone imagery.

  • Deploying the model on a low-power edge GPU for real-time object detection.

2 Related Work

YOLOv8 is version 8 in a family of continuously improving models based on the original YOLO architecture [13]. YOLO-NAS [1] improves on YOLOv8 using a Neural Architecture Search. It uses a quantization-friendly building block, which enables both high accuracy and lower latency. Both of these architectures have been used for many well-known object detection tasks.

Norouzzadeh et al. [10] demonstrates identifying animal species in images from a camera-trap using convolutional neural networks. This study involves using five different deep learning architectures, including VGG and ResNet, to study the behavior of these animals. Our work is a small-scale, drone-image focused variation of this previous research.

Recent work on drone-based object detection includes Drone-YOLO [19] and YOLODrone [14], which adapt the YOLOv8 and YOLOv3 architectures, respectively, for aerial imagery of urban environments. They primarily use the VisDrone2019 dataset. There is other recent work that uses drone imagery for identifying either large mammals [8] or specific bird species [6]. Corcoran et al. [4] surveys several of these approaches. While YOLOv8 has been used for several object detection tasks, to our knowledge there has been no work that has focused on the challenging task of detecting multiple small animal species in aerial imagery, mixing mammals and birds.

3 Methodology

Refer to caption
Figure 1: From left, images of: Sandhill cranes (taken by us); giraffes and zebras [7]; dogs and humans (taken by us); and elephants [9].
Table 1: The datasets used for model training, with the number of images in the training, validation, and testing sets.
Dataset Train Valid Test
Baseline (Sandhill crane, goose, dog, human) 147 47 22
Image-Augmented (Sandhill crane, goose, dog, human) 267 47 22
Bounding Box-Augmented (Sandhill crane, goose, dog, human) 440 47 22
Elephant Dataset (elephant) 1015 328 152
Safari Dataset (elephant, giraffe, impala, lechwe, tsessebe, zebra) 2782 905 427

Our methodology followed the entire machine learning workflow, from data collection, preparation, and augmentation to training, fine-tuning, and evaluating the models. In order to collect data of migratory birds, we captured hundreds of images using a drone at sites around Albuquerque, New Mexico. The images we collected included Sandhill cranes and Canada geese. We use dogs as a substitute for other mammals such as coyotes or wolves, and include humans as they are present in many images with dogs (Figure 1). A representative selection of these images – captured from different angles, environments, and times of day – was used to create the baseline dataset (Table 1). Each of these images was hand-labeled with bounding boxes indicating their species using Roboflow. Additionally, thousands of openly available drone images from African wildlife refuges (Figure 1) were used to assemble two datasets, containing six different species (Table 1). The distribution of the images in the datasets for training, validation, and testing was 68%, 22%, and 10%, respectively.

Several data augmentation techniques (Figure 2) were used to create additional training examples for the models. These included a vertical axis image flip and a vertical axis bounding box flip. We also resized each image to 1024×1024102410241024\times 10241024 × 1024 in order to optimize training efficiency. These data augmentation techniques had marginal impact on accuracy. We fine-tuned the Nano, Small, Medium, and Large YOLOv8 model sizes, with number of parameters ranging from 3.2 million to 43.7 million. We used Pytorch in Google Colab on NVIDIA A100 and V100 GPUs to train these models.

In order to improve accuracy, we did a comprehensive hyperparameter search. The adjusted hyperparameters included the model size, image size (640×640640640640\times 640640 × 640 to 1024×1024102410241024\times 10241024 × 1024), number of epochs (60-700), learning rate (0.01-0.001), and patience (25-300). The final step in the process was deploying the model on hardware for real-time species detection. We used the NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano, an embedded computing edge device, for inference.

4 Experimental Results

Refer to caption
Figure 2: Examples of the data augmentation techniques, from left: original image of Sandhill cranes; image with resize and vertical-axis flip; image with resize and bounding box flip.

The trained models were evaluated using several metrics, such as the mean average precision calculated over the intersection over union (IOU) threshold of 0.50 (mAP-50) and 0.50 to 0.95 (mAP-50-95), for all classes. The highest mAP-50 we achieved was 98.2 (model trained on all ten species and tested on elephants), and the highest mAP-50-95 we achieved was 66.3 (model trained and tested on elephants). We also evaluated the models using precision and recall. The highest values were achieved on the elephant dataset, with 97.1 precision and 97.4 recall.

In total, we trained 30 different models, adjusting the hyperparameters to improve accuracy. We ensured that the datasets included a combination of several species to avoid overfitting to one species. The testing included 59 separate inference runs on different datasets. Figure 3 shows the accuracy for 20 different models, four different model sizes, and a combination of three sets of training data and three sets of testing data. In general, the medium and large model sizes are the most accurate. The precision-recall curve for a model that includes four species is also shown. The accuracy for the geese tends to be lower because of limited training data. All datasets, training logs, and inference results are publicly available 222https://tinyurl.com/bdhwen8d.

As a next step, we compared our best models against the baseline YOLOv8. For these evaluations, we used the models trained on all datasets, and ran inference on individual species. Our highest accuracy was 98.2%, achieved when the model was tested on elephant data (Figure 4, blue arrows). On the same dataset, YOLOv8’s accuracy was 8.4%, which was the baseline’s highest accuracy on any dataset. Cranes and geese were the most challenging species to identify. While our models were able to successfully identify 74.7% of cranes and geese, YOLOv8 was never able to identify a single bird, resulting in 0.0% accuracy. Our models had very high accuracy on the safari animals, as this was a very large dataset with thousands of images, achieving 95% accuracy. As YOLOv8 could only achieve 0.7% accuracy on the same dataset, our models achieved 135x the baseline’s accuracy (Figure 4, purple arrows). We also attempted to use YOLO-NAS [1] as our baseline. However, we observed better accuracy with YOLOv8.

Finally, we deployed the models on the Jetson Orin Nano and evaluated inference speed. We achieved a trimmed mean of 24.38 milliseconds inference time per image, which translates to our model being able to identify species in 40 fps videos. We clocked the cores at their maximum frequency to achieve a 4.42% improvement in inference time.

Refer to caption
Figure 3: Left, the model accuracy for 20 different models, with 4 model sizes trained on the baseline datasets. The 20 models are grouped in a hierarchical fashion, showing training and testing data. Right, a precision-recall curve for a model with 89.3% accuracy.
Refer to caption
Figure 4: Left, a logarithmic-scale graph of YOLOv8’s accuracy on datasets compared to our model’s accuracy. Right, YOLOv8’s predictions on two images are on the left and our model’s predictions are on the right. YOLOv8 could not identify the elephants or the bird species.

5 Conclusion and Societal Impact

We demonstrated a way to accurately count animal species in drone imagery through fine-tuning YOLOv8. Our models outperformed state-of-the-art models such as the YOLOv8 baseline, achieving up to 135x better accuracy. The results show the importance of hyperparameter optimization and sufficiently large datasets to achieve high accuracy. We also demonstrated that the YOLOv8 architecture can be used for the complex task of identifying multiple species in aerial imagery.

In the future, we would like to expand our datasets to contain even more species based on ever-evolving drone datasets. Additionally, having a better GPU capability would help train larger models. We would also like to develop a fully automated detection system and deploy our technology on a drone. This research provides a number of opportunities for studying animal behavior [15] and could benefit wildlife refuges and park rangers worldwide. Our models offer a path for accurate, automated counting and monitoring of species with deteriorating populations using images taken from drones.


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