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Telepathic Datacenters: Fast RPCs using Shared CXL Memory

Suyash Mahar* UC San DiegoSan DiegoCAUSA Ehsan Hajyjasini* UC San DiegoSan DiegoCAUSA Seungjin Lee UC San DiegoSan DiegoCAUSA Zifeng Zhang UC San DiegoSan DiegoCAUSA Mingyao Shen UC San DiegoSan DiegoCAUSA  and  Steven Swanson UC San DiegoSan DiegoCAUSA

Datacenter applications often rely on remote procedure calls (RPCs) for fast, efficient, and secure communication. However, RPCs are slow, inefficient, and hard to use as they require expensive serialization and compression to communicate over a packetized serial network link. Compute Express Link 3.0 (CXL) offers an alternative solution, allowing applications to share data using a cache-coherent, shared-memory interface across clusters of machines.

RPCool is a new framework that exploits CXL’s shared memory capabilities. RPCool avoids serialization by passing pointers to data structures in shared memory. While avoiding serialization is useful, directly sharing pointer-rich data eliminates the isolation that copying data over traditional networks provides, leaving the receiver vulnerable to invalid pointers and concurrent updates to shared data by the sender. RPCool restores this safety with careful and efficient management of memory permissions. Another significant challenge with CXL shared memory capabilities is that they are unlikely to scale to an entire datacenter. RPCool addresses this by falling back to RDMA-based communication.

Overall, RPCool reduces the round-trip latency by 1.93×\times× and 7.2×\times× compared to state-of-the-art RDMA and CXL-based RPC mechanisms, respectively. Moreover, RPCool performs either comparably or better than other RPC mechanisms across a range of workloads.

*These authors contributed equally to this work.

1. Introduction

Communication within the datacenter needs to be fast, efficient, and secure against unauthorized access, rogue actors, and buggy programs. Remote procedure calls (RPCs) (grpc, ; thriftrpc, ) are a popular way of communicating between independent applications and make up a significant portion of datacenter communication, particularly among microservices. However, RPCs require substantial resources to serve today’s datacenter communication needs. For instance, Google reports (google-rpc-study, ) that in the tail (e.g., P99), requests spend over 25% of their time in the RPC stack. One of the significant sources of RPC latency is their need to serialize/deserialize and compress/decompress data before/after transmission, which is especially resource-intensive for pointer-rich data structures like trees and graphs.

Compute Express Link 3.0 (CXL) (cxl, ) promises to provide multi-host shared memory, offering an exciting alternative by providing hardware cache coherency among multiple compute nodes. Instead of serializing data structures and transmitting them over the network, applications could share pointers to the original data, significantly lowering their CPU usage.

However, sharing pointer-rich data in shared memory raises several safety concerns. Shared memory eliminates the traditional isolation of the sender from the receiver that serialized networking provides. For example, the sender could concurrently modify shared data structures while the receiver processes them, leading to unsynchronized memory sharing between mutually distrustful applications. This lack of synchronization can result in a range of potentially dire consequences.

Another major challenge with CXL-based shared memory RPC is that CXL memory coherence will likely be limited to rack-scale systems (cxl-switch, ) and will almost certainly not span an entire datacenter. Thus, an RPC system that works only at rack scale is just not suited for the datacenter. It must provide a reasonable backup plan if CXL is not available.

Finally, using shared memory for communication results in challenges with availability and memory management. For example, applications can leak shared memory if they crash without relinquishing the memory.

To solve these issues, we propose RPCool, a CXL shared memory-based RPC library that exposes the benefits of shared-memory communication while addressing the pitfalls described above. Using RPCool, clients and servers can directly exchange pointer-rich data structures residing in coherent shared memory. RPCool is the first RPC framework to implement a fast, efficient, and scalable RPC framework while addressing the security and scalability concerns of shared memory communication.

RPCool provides the following features for improved RPC performance while overcoming the limitations of CXL-based shared memory communication:

  1. (1)

    Native pointer-rich data as RPC arguments. RPCool lets applications send, receive, and share native pointer-rich data structures without serialization.

  2. (2)

    Preventing sender-receiver concurrent access. RPCool prevents the sender from modifying in-flight data by restricting its access to RPC arguments.

  3. (3)

    Lightweight checks for invalid and wild pointers. RPCool provides a lightweight sandbox to check for invalid or wild pointers while processing RPC arguments in shared memory.

  4. (4)

    Seamless RDMA fallback. RPCool seamlessly switches to use RDMA to address CXL’s scaling limitations while providing a unified RPC interface.

  5. (5)

    Shared memory management. RPCool can notify applications of shared memory failures, and limit shared memory consumption to prevent data loss or memory leaks.

Using RPCool, applications can construct pointer-rich data structures with a malloc()/free()-like API and share them as RPC arguments. Clients can choose whether to share the RPC arguments with other clients or keep them private to the server and the client. To coordinate memory management and decide between CXL and RDMA-based communication, RPCool includes a global orchestrator. The global orchestrator also manages connections and tracks shared memory regions among applications.

We compare RPCool’s performance against several other RPC frameworks, including state-of-the-art RDMA, TCP, and CXL-based RPC frameworks. Overall, RPCool achieves the lowest round-trip time and highest throughput of any RPC framework for no-op RPCs. To showcase RPCool’s ability to share complex data structures, we implemented a JSON-like document store and compared RPCool against eRPC (erpc, ), gRPC (grpc, ), and ZhangRPC (zhang2023partial, ). Our results show a 4.7×\times× speedup for building the database and a 1.3×\times× speedup for search operations compared to the fastest RPC frameworks.

We also evaluated RPCool’s performance against TCP and UNIX domain sockets using modified versions of MongoDB and Memcached. Across the two databases, RPCool significantly outperforms TCP in most workloads. In the DeathStarBench social network microservices benchmark, RPCool performs on par with Thrift RPC, as the benchmark’s performance is constrained by the need to update various databases on the critical path.

Rest of the paper is structured as follows: Section 2 presents the overview of RPCs and their limitations. Next, Section 3 discusses how CXL can alleviate these limitations. Section 4 and 5 presents our CXL-based RPC framework, RPCool and various system details, respectively. In Section 6, we evaluate RPCool’s performance. Finally, we discuss works related to RPCool in Section 7 and conclude in Section 8.

2. RPCs in Today’s World

Modern RPC frameworks grew from the need to make function calls across process and machine boundaries, making programming distributed systems easier (birrell1984implementing, ). These RPCs provide an illusion of function calls while relying on a layer cake of underlying technologies that results in lost performance. For example, RPC frameworks waste a significant number of CPU cycles on serializing and deserializing RPC arguments to send them over traditional networking interfaces.

CXL offers the opportunity to rethink the design of RPC mechanisms. To better understand the attendant challenges, let us examine the structure and limitations of modern RPC systems. Then, we will follow with a discussion of how CXL-based shared memory can alleviate these problems.

RPCs provide an interface similar to a local procedure call: the sender makes a function call to a function exported by the framework. The RPC framework serializes the arguments and sends them over the network to the receiver. At the receiver, the RPC framework deserializes the arguments and calls the appropriate function.

While RPC frameworks provide a familiar abstraction for invoking a remote operation, the underlying technology used results in several limitations:

First, to enable communication over transports like TCP/IP, RPC frameworks serialize and deserialize RPC arguments and return values. This adds significant overhead to sending complex objects (e.g., the lists and maps that make up a JSON-like object in memory).

Second, most RPC frameworks do not support sharing pointer-rich data structures due to different address space layouts between the sender and the receiver. Applications can circumvent this by using “smart pointers” (zhang2023partial, ) or “swizzling” pointers, but both of these add additional overheads.

Third, the underlying communication layer limits today’s RPC frameworks’ performance. For example, the two most common RPC frameworks, gRPC (grpc, ) and ThriftRPC (thriftrpc, ) rely on HTTP and TCP, respectively. Some RPC frameworks like eRPC (erpc, ) exploit the low latency and high throughput of RDMA to achieve better performance but are still limited by the underlying RDMA network.

3. CXL: A New Transport Layer.

Refer to caption
Figure 1. RTT comparison of several communication protocols.
Refer to caption
Figure 2. Expected CXL v3+ in the datacenter alongside RDMA.

CXL 3.0 enables multiple hosts to communicate using fast, byte-addressable, cache-coherent shared memory. CXL-connected hosts will be able to map the same region of shared memory in their address space (dax-cxl-lpc, ), where updates using load/store instructions from one host are visible to all other hosts without explicit communication.

To understand how CXL might improve upon state-of-the-art RDMA-based RPC frameworks, consider the round-trip latencies of CXL, RDMA, and HTTP protocols. Figure 1 shows that based on the expected CXL access latency (zhang2023partial, ), a CXL-based RPC framework can potentially improve the underlying communication layer’s performance.

To better understand how an RPC framework can exploit CXL’s features, we need to first look into how CXL is expected to be deployed. In this work, we consider the scenario where up to 32 servers with independent OSs are connected to a single pool of shared memory using CXL, as shown in Figure 2. Given the challenges of implementing large-scale coherent memory, we assume that CXL memory sharing will not scale beyond a single rack (~32–64 nodes). We also expect CXL to co-exist with conventional networking (e.g., TCP and RDMA). Processes within a rack can communicate over the CXL-based shared memory, avoiding expensive network-based communication but can also communicate over RDMA to overcome CXL’s limited range.

This system architecture corresponds to a datacenter environment where microservices are often spawned across multiple servers and communicate using RPCs.

4. RPCool

RPCool is a framework for fast and efficient RPC-based communication between CXL-connected hosts. RPCool enables applications to share and access data without any serialization or copying, supports the use of native pointers, and falls back to traditional networking to address the limited scalability of CXL.

To achieve this, RPCool needs to address several challenges associated with using shared memory for communication:

  1. (1)

    Safely dereference native pointers. RPCool should enable applications to use native pointers without making them vulnerable to wild or invalid pointers.

  2. (2)

    Prevent concurrent access to shared data. RPCool should let applications take exclusive access to shared memory data to prevent malicious (or buggy) applications from concurrently modifying it.

  3. (3)

    Address the limited scalability of CXL. RPCool must enable applications to transparently use the same API to communicate beyond the limited scalability of CXL.

  4. (4)

    Shared memory coordination and failure handling. RPCool prevents distributed memory leaks and automatically reclaims memory after failures.

The following sections describe RPCool’s architecture, its key components, and how it achieves the above goals.

4.1. RPCool Architecture

Refer to caption
Figure 3. RPCool’s System Architecture.

RPCool uses CXL-based shared memory to safely communicate between processes when possible and falls back to RDMA when necessary. The framework consists of userspace components, RPCool’s kernel, and a global orchestrator.

The userspace component includes a library (librpcool) and a trusted daemon, which provide APIs for connecting to a specific server using RPCool “channels,” sending/receiving RPCs, and managing shared memory objects. The userspace components rely on RPCool’s support in the kernel, which provides RPCool’s security guarantees and maps the shared memory regions into the application’s address space.

The global orchestrator tracks resources, supports POSIX-like access control lists for the shared memory, and coordinates a globally unique address space for the shared memory regions to enable the use of native pointers. The orchestrator in RPCool resembles an orchestrator commonly deployed for scaling and restarting applications in a cluster or a datacenter.

Refer to caption
Figure 4. Channels, connections, and heaps in RPCool.

Channels and Connections.

To allow applications to send RPCs, a server creates a channel that clients can connect to. Once connected, each client receives a connection object that provides access to the connection’s shared-memory heap. Channels in RPCool automatically use either CXL-based shared memory or fall back to RDMA, overcoming CXL’s limited scalability.

Shared memory heaps.

Each connection in RPCool is associated with a shared memory heap, enabling applications to allocate and share objects. Figure 4a–b shows how a single server can serve multiple clients by using independent heaps that are private to each connection (Figure 4a) or by using a single shared heap across multiple connections (Figure 4b). Connections start with a statically sized heap and can allocate additional heaps if they need more space. When a heap is created, the orchestrator assigns it a globally (in the cluster) unique address where the heap will be mapped in a process’s address space. Giving each heap a unique address space ensures that a client or server in cluster can safely map it into its address space.

Seals and Sandboxes.

RPCool includes support for sandboxes, which prevents any invalid or wild pointers from causing invalid (or privacy-violating) memory access as the server processes the RPC’s arguments (Figure 4c).

Moreover, RPCool supports the ability to prevent the sender from concurrently modifying RPC arguments as the receiver processes them. RPCool achieves this by dropping write access to the arguments for the sender, thus sealing the RPC (Figure 4d). When an RPC is sealed, the sender cannot modify the arguments until the receiver responds to the RPC. Sandboxing and sealing are orthogonal and can be applied (or not) to individual RPCs.

Shared memory management.

RPCool provides a thread-safe memory allocator to allocate/free objects from the shared memory heaps and several STL-like containers such as rpcool::vector, rpcool::string, etc. These containers enable programmers to use the familiar STL interface for allocating objects but do not preclude custom pointer-rich data structures, e.g., trees or linked lists. The allocator and containers are based on Boost.Interprocess (boost.interprocess, ).

RPCool’s orchestrator also requires each application that accesses shared memory to periodically renew a lease so the orchestrator can track application failures and clean up orphaned shared heaps.

Finally, to limit the amount of shared memory a process can amass, the orchestrator enforces a system-administrator-defined shared-memory quota. The quota limits the amount of heaps a process has access to at any time and requires processes to return unused heaps to the orchestrator.

4.2. Channels and Connections

Channels and connections are the basic units for establishing communication between two processes in RPCool. Creating a channel in RPCool is akin to opening a port in traditional TCP-based communication. Once created, clients “connect” to the channel and get a connection object in return, enabling it to send RPCs. Every channel in RPCool is identified by a unique, hierarchical name and is registered with the orchestrator.

To enable participating processes to allocate and share objects, each connection is associated with a region of the shared memory. Clients can choose to make these heaps to be either private to a connection, or shared channel-wide.

4.3. Shared Memory Safety Issues

As discussed above, applications using RPCool to share data over CXL-based shared memory encounter two major safety issues. The first is the risk of wild and invalid pointers. When processing an RPC, the receiver might dereference such pointers, which could point to an invalid memory location and crash the application, or alternatively, they could point to the receiver’s private memory, potentially leaking sensitive information. For example, a malicious sender could exploit this by creating a linked list with its tail node pointing to a secret key within the server, thereby extracting the key from a server that computes some aggregate information about the elements in the list.

The second issue is concurrent access to shared data. When using shared memory to share data structures, there is a risk that a sender might concurrently modify an RPC’s arguments while the server is processing them. In an untrusted environment, a malicious sender could exploit this to extract sensitive information from the receiver or crash it. While servers usually validate received data, they must also ensure that the client cannot modify the shared data once it has been validated.

4.4. Preventing Unsafe Pointer Accesses Using Sandboxes

RPCool implements a lightweight sandbox to restrict received pointers from pointing to any data outside the shared region while enabling applications to use native pointers.

When processing a sandboxed RPC, a process enters the sandbox, losing access to its private memory, and having access to only its shared memory heap and a set of programmer-specified variables. If the process tries to access memory outside the sandbox, it receives a signal that the process handles and uses to respond to the RPC.

To minimize the cost of sandboxing incoming RPCs, RPCool relies on Intel’s Memory Protection Keys (MPK) (sung2020intra, ), avoiding the expensive mprotect() system calls. Section 5.2 explains the details of how RPCool’s sandboxes work.

While we considered using non-standard pointers that enable runtime bound checks, such pointers would limit compatibility with legacy software, compilers, and debuggers and would have significant performance overheads (mahar2024puddles, ).

4.5. Sealing RPC Data to Prevent Concurrent Accesses

In a trusted environment, the receiver can assume that the sender will not concurrently modify the shared arguments while processing the RPC. However, in scenarios where the receiver does not trust the sender, RPCool must ensure that the senders cannot modify an RPC’s arguments while it is in flight. There are two attractive options to do this: First, the application can copy RPC arguments, which works well for small objects, but for large and complex objects, it is expensive. For these cases, RPCool provides a faster alternative—sealing the RPC arguments. Seals in RPCool apply to the arguments of an in-flight RPC and prevent the sender from modifying them. The sender uses the new seal() system call to seal the RPC and relinquish write access to the RPC arguments when required by the receiver. librpcool on the receiver can then verify that the region is sealed by communicating with the sender’s kernel over shared memory. If not, librpcool would return the RPC with an error.

When the receiver has processed the RPC, it marks the RPC as complete. The sender then calls the release() system call, and its kernel verifies that the RPC is complete before releasing the seal.

However, crisply defining which memory needs to be sealed requires special attention in RPCool’s design.

RPCool’s solution is to provide scopes. Scopes provide a boundary around an RPC’s arguments, enabling applications to seal only the data needed for the RPC. The alternative solution of sealing the entire heap prevents the sender from having multiple in-flight RPCs, and sealing selective pages can result in “false-sealing,” where unrelated objects sharing a page are unnecessarily sealed together.

Scopes in RPCool are contiguous sets of pages that hold self-contained data structures. Applications construct objects in scopes by allocating data directly in the scope or copying them from the connection’s heap. The sender can thus send an RPC with arguments limited to a scope, sealing only the data needed for the RPC. While scopes improve performance by limiting the pages sealed, applications can still seal their entire heap, a tradeoff between the performance and programming effort of managing and allocating data within scopes.

4.6. Handling Failures in RPCool

Refer to caption
Figure 5. Two possible failure scenarios in RPCool. (a) Server crash results in an orphaned heap. (b) Client left with heaps after multiple servers crash.

RPCool must be able to deal with the two major shared-memory failure scenarios: (a) orphaned heaps resulting from the crash of all applications accessing a heap and (b) clients retaining heaps from failed connections, leading to continued consumption of shared memory.

For example, if a server process that is not talking to any client dies, the heaps associated with it are leaked, as no process manages it anymore (Figure 5a). Furthermore, consider a client application that connects to multiple servers; if one of these servers fails, the client might not free the associated heaps and retain a significant amount of shared memory (Figure 5b), consuming shared resources.

To address these challenges, RPCool uses leases and quotas. Every time a process maps a heap as part of a connection, it receives a lease from the orchestrator. Applications using shared memory heaps periodically renew their leases. When a process fails, the lease expires, and the orchestrator can notify other participants and clean up any orphaned heaps. Upon a failure notification, an application can either continue using the heap to access previously allocated objects or release it if it is no longer needed, freeing up resources.

4.7. RDMA Fallback

While CXL enables applications to use multi-host shared memory to communicate, it is unlikely to scale to large clusters (cxl-switch, ). For deployment in large clusters, RPCool supports falling back to RDMA for communication between hosts that cannot share memory via CXL.

When CXL is not an option, RPCool replaces CXL’s coherence mechanism with an optimized RDMA-based software coherence system. RPCool implements a minimalist two-node RDMA-based shared memory, avoiding the expensive synchronization of multi-node distributed shared memory (DSM) implementations like ArgoDSM (argodsm, ).

Whenever a node writes to a page, it gets exclusive access to the page by unmapping it from all other nodes that have access to it. After the node has updated the page, it can send an RPC to the other compute node, which can then access the page at which RPCool moves the page to the receiver.

4.8. Example RPCool Program

Refer to caption
Figure 6. A simple ping-pong server using RPCool.

Figure 6 shows the source code for an RPCool-based server and client that communicates over an RPCool channel, mychannel. The server registers process_fn() (Line 12) that responds to the client’s ping requests. Once the function is registered, the server listens for any incoming connections (Line 14).

Similarly, once the client has connected to the server (Line 5), it constructs a new string in the connection’s heap and calls the ping function on the server (Line 9–10). Once the server responds to the request, the client prints the result (Line 13).

5. System Details

In this section, we look into RPCool’s implementation details including implementing low-overhead sandboxes and addressing the performance overhead of sealing and RDMA fallback.

5.1. Scopes

RPCool lets applications seal portions of a connection’s heap by marking the corresponding pages in the sender’s address space as unwritable. Changes to memory permissions occur at page granularity, so disabling access to an RPC argument might inadvertently disable access to other, unrelated, objects. To avoid this, we use scopes which ensure that these pages contain only the data related to the RPC. A scope is a dedicated range of contiguous pages within the connection’s heap. Applications can allocate new objects in the scope using the scope’s memory management API or by copying in existing object data.

To create a scope, the programmer requests a scope of the desired size from the connection’s heap using the Connection::create_scope(size) API. RPCool allocates the requested amount of memory from the connection’s heap and initializes the scope’s memory allocator. The programmer can then allocate or free objects within the scope’s boundary.

An application can destroy scopes to free the associated memory or reset it to reuse the scope. Once destroyed or reset, all objects allocated within the scope are lost.

5.2. Sandboxes

Refer to caption
Figure 7. Preallocated sandboxes, their key assignment, and key permissions in RPCool.

RPCool enables applications to sandbox an RPC by restricting the processing thread’s access to any memory outside of an RPC’s arguments. This prevents the applications from accidentally dereferencing pointers to private memory. To be useful, RPCool’s sandboxes must have low performance overhead, should allow dynamic memory allocations despite restricting access to the process’s private memory, and permit selective access to private variables.

Low Overhead Sandboxes Using Intel MPK

RPCool uses Intel’s Memory Protection Keys (MPK) (libmpk, ) to restrict access to an application’s private memory when in a sandbox, avoiding the much more expensive mprotect() system call. To use MPK, a process assigns protection keys to its pages and then sets permissions using the per-cpu PKRU register. In MPK, keys are assigned to pages at the process-level, while permissions are set at the thread level. Since MPK permissions are per-thread, they enable support for multiple in-flight RPCs simultaneously. Current Intel processors have 16 keys available.

Once a thread enters a sandbox, it uses Intel MPK to drop access to the process’s private memory and any part of the connection’s heap except for the sandboxed region. The receiver starts and ends sandboxed execution using the SB_BEGIN(start_addr, size_bytes) and SB_END APIs. The receiver starts the sandbox with the same address and size as the scope used for the RPC. However, RPCool also supports sandboxing an arbitrary range of pages within the connection’s heap as required by an RPC.

To use Intel’s MPK-based permission control, RPCool assigns a key to each region that needs independent access control, as shown in Figure 7. RPCool uses one key each for the application’s private memory, unsandboxed shared memory regions, and every sandbox. Once a key is assigned to a set of pages, RPCool updates the per-thread PKRU register entry to update their permissions.

When an application enters a sandbox, RPCool drops access for all keys except for the one assigned to the sandbox. If the sandboxed thread accesses any memory outside the sandbox, the kernel generates a SIGSEGV that the process can choose to propagate to the sender as an error.

Dynamic Allocations in Sandboxes

As the sandboxed thread no longer has access to the process’s private memory, the thread cannot allocate objects in it. However, the application may need to allocate memory from libc using malloc()/free() or invoke a library from within the sandbox that allocates private memory internally.

To address this, RPCool redirects sandboxed libc malloc()/free() calls to a temporary heap instead of the process’s private heap. After the sandbox exits, data in this temporary heap is lost. However, redirecting memory allocations works only for libraries and other APIs that free their memory before returning and do not maintain any state across calls. To safely use stateful APIs over pointer-rich data, an application can validate the pointers in a sandbox before calling the stateful API outside the sandbox.

Accessing Data Outside the Sandbox

When in a sandbox, an application cannot access the connection’s private heap, however, in some cases applications might require access to certain private variables to avoid entering and exiting the sandbox multiple times to service an RPC call. To address this, RPCool supports copying programmer-specified private variables into the sandbox’s temporary heap. To copy a private variable, the programmer specifies a list of variables in addition to the region to sandbox when starting a sandbox: SB_BEGIN(region, var0, var1...).

Optimizing Sandboxes

Although changing permissions using Intel MPK takes tens of nanoseconds, assigning keys to pages has similar overheads as the mprotect() system call (libmpk, ). To avoid assigning keys to on-demand sandboxes, RPCool reserves up to 14 pre-allocated or cached sandboxes of varying sizes with pre-assigned keys. This is limited by the number of protection keys available. RPCool reserves 2 keys for the private heap and unsandboxed regions, respectively. To service a request for an uncached sandbox region, RPCool waits for an existing sandbox to end, if needed, and reuses its key. This enables RPCool to dynamically create sandboxes without being limited to 14 pre-allocated sandboxes, albeit at the cost of reassigning protection keys.

5.3. Sealing Heaps

RPCool’s seal implementation should prevent the sender from concurrently modifying an RPC’s argument and should enable the receiver to verify the seal before processing an RPC. This section describes how RPCool implements its sealing mechanism to achieve these features with high performance.

Seal Implementation.

RPCool enables the sender to enable sealing on a per-request basis and specify the memory region associated with the request. When a sender requests RPCool to seal an RPC, librpcool calls a new seal() system call. In response, the kernel makes the corresponding pages read-only for the sender and writes a seal descriptor to a sender-read-only region in the shared memory. The receiver proceeds after it checks whether the region is sealed by reading the descriptor.

Once an RPC is processed, the sender calls the release() system call and the kernel checks to ensure the RPC is complete and releases the seal. The descriptors are implemented as a circular buffer, mapped as read-only for the sender but with read-write access for the receiver. These asymmetric permissions allow only the receiver to mark the descriptor as complete and the sender’s kernel to verify that the RPC is completed before releasing the seal.

Further, as an application can have several seal descriptors active at a given point in time, the sender also includes an index into the descriptor buffer along with RPC’s arguments.

Refer to caption
Figure 8. Sealing mechanism overview. The client sends a sealed RPC, and the receiver process checks the seal and processes it. Once processed, the receiver marks the RPC as completed, and the sender releases the seal.


Figure 8 describes the sealing mechanism. Before sending the RPC, the sender calls the seal() system call 1 with the region of the memory to seal. Next, the sender’s kernel writes the seal descriptor 2, followed by locking the corresponding range of pages by marking them as read-only in the sender’s address space 3.

Once sealed, the RPC is sent to the receiver. If the receiver is expecting a sealed RPC, it uses rpc_call::isSealed() to read and verify the seal descriptor 4, and processes the RPC if the seal is valid. After processing the request 5, the receiver marks the RPC as complete in the descriptor 6 and returns the call. Next, when the sender receives the response, it asks its kernel to release the seal 7. The kernel verifies that the RPC is complete 8 and releases the region by changing the permissions to read-write for the range of pages associated with the RPC 9.

Optimizing Sealing

Repeatedly invoking seal() and release() incurs significant performance overhead as they manipulate the page table permission bits and evict TLB entries (amit2020don, ). To mitigate this, RPCool supports scope pools that batch release() calls for multiple scopes. Batching releases amortize the overhead across an entire batch, resulting in fewer TLB shootdowns.

To use batched release, applications pop a scope from the pool, allocate RPC arguments within this scope, and send a sealed RPC. Upon the RPC’s returns, if the application does not immediately need to modify the RPC arguments, it can opt to release the seal in a batch. Batched releases work best when the application does not need to modify the sealed arguments until the batch is processed. However, if needed, the application can invoke release() and release the seal on the scope. In RPCool, each application independently configures the batch release threshold, with a threshold of 1024 achieving a good balance between performance and resource consumption.

5.4. Leases and Quotas

Applications that allocate shared memory and use it to communicate must coordinate among themselves to prevent orphaned heaps and should be notified of server failures. There are three scenarios that require careful memory management and failure coordination among processes participating in shared memory communication.

The first is process failure notifications. When any of the communicating processes fail, other processes should be notified of the failure. This notification ensures that clients can perform appropriate housekeeping measures to clean up any partial states associated with a failed server.

Second, in the case of a total failure where multiple processes crash, but the memory node is alive, the system must reclaim memory to prevent memory leaks. Third, RPCool needs to handle scenarios where if one or more servers that a client is communicating with crash, the client could continue using the associated heaps, resulting in the client potentially using up a large portion or all of the shared memory.


RPCool notifies applications if the server they are communicating with fails and garbage collects orphaned heaps. RPCool achieves this by requiring a lease every time an application maps a connection’s heap. Orchestrator uses these leases to track which processes have failed and can notify other applications sharing the memory regions. RPCool creates a lease for each heap, and librpcool periodically and automatically renews the lease while the application is running and using the memory.

If the server for a channel fails, the lease expires and the orchestrator notifies all clients connected to the channel of the failure. The clients can continue to access the heap memory but can no longer use it for communication. They can also close the channel. When the last process accessing the heap closes the connection, the orchestrator reclaims the heap.


RPCool supports shared memory quotas to limit applications from mapping a large amount of shared memory into its address space. RPCool’s orchestrator enforces this configurable quota at the process level. A heap mapped into multiple processes counts against all of their quotas. If mapping a new heap to a process’s address space would exceed its quota, the process would need to close enough existing channels to map the new heap.

5.5. The Daemon and The Kernel

In RPCool, each operating system runs a trusted daemon on start that is responsible for handling all connection and channel-related requests, as well as controlling access to them in coordination with the orchestrator.

The daemon is the only entity in RPCool that makes system calls to map or unmap a connection’s heap into a process’s address space. Consequently, every application must communicate with the daemon to open and close connections or channels. Although applications are permitted to make seal() and release() calls, they are not allowed to call mprotect() on the connection’s heap pages. This restriction prevents the application from bypassing kernel checks for releasing sealed pages.

5.6. RDMA Fallback

RPCool includes support for automatic RDMA fallback for communication links that span CXL-connected machine domains. While applications could use traditional RPC frameworks like ThriftRPC or gRPC to bridge the gap, this leads to additional programming overhead as the programmer needs to pick the API depending on where the target service is running. Moreover, RPCool cannot transparently fall back to an existing RPC system because none of them support sending pointer-based data structures.

RPCool addresses these limitations by implementing a simple RDMA-based shared memory mechanism that is optimized for RPCool’s pattern of memory sharing. Where either a server or a client has exclusive access to a shared memory page. When a server attempts to access the data on a page using load/store instructions, the instruction succeeds if the server has exclusive ownership of the page. If not, the server triggers a page fault, fetches the page from the client, and re-executes the instructions once mapped. Once fetched, the page is marked as unavailable on the client, and it would need to request the page back from the server in order to access the page.

Programming Interface.

RPCool over RDMA supports communication only between one server and one client. Consequently, RPCool also does not support simultaneous access to a heap over both CXL and RDMA. While RPCool over RDMA only supports two-node communication, all other programmer-facing interfaces are identical to RPCool’s CXL implementation, e.g., allocating and accessing shared objects.

This limitation exists because when a process wants exclusive access to a page shared over RDMA, RPCool must unmap the corresponding page from all other processes across the datacenter that have access to it, which adds significant performance overheads and system complexity.

To address this limitation, RPCool includes support for deep-copying pointer-rich data structures between connection heaps using the conn.copy_from(ptr) API. copy_from() automatically traverses a linked data structure using Boost.PFR (boost.pfr, ) and deep copies to the connection’s heap, allowing applications to interoperate between connections of different types without significant programming overhead.

Sealing and Sandboxing with RDMA Fallback

Sealing and sandboxing for RDMA-based shared memory pages works similarly to RPCool’s CXL implementation.

When a sender sends a sealed RPC, the corresponding pages are marked as read-only in its address space, preventing any modifications by the sender while the RPC is in-flight. Further, to process an incoming RPC over RDMA fallback, the application can create a sandbox over the RPC’s arguments in the same manner as it would for processing an RPC over CXL-based shared memory.

5.7. Object and Heap Ownership

RPCool provides ownership guarantees that are similar to multiprocess shared memory. Any application with access to a channel can allocate or free its objects. When the last process with access to a channel heap closes it, the heap is automatically freed. RPCool does not restrict applications’ ability to manage object or heap ownerships. For instance, an application can utilize programming language level constructs to manage object ownership and lifetime.

5.8. Busy Waiting for RPCs

RPCool uses busy waiting to monitor new RPCs and their completion notifications. However, busy waiting can lead to excessive CPU utilization. To mitigate this issue, RPCool introduces a brief sleep period between busy wait iterations. Specifically, RPCool skips sleeping between iterations if the CPU load is less than 25%, sleeps for 5 µs if the CPU load is between 25% and 50%, and sleeps for 150 µs if the CPU load exceeds 50%. We observe that this achieves a good balance between CPU load and performance.


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6. Results

We evaluate RPCool to understand and contrast its raw latency and throughput with other RPC frameworks and how different RPCool features affect its performance.

To understand how RPCool performs in real-world workloads, we integrate RPCool with several applications like Memcached (memcached, ), MongoDB (mongodb, ), DeathStarBench (deathstarbench, ), and a new document store, CoolDB. For these experiments, we use several RPC mechanisms ranging from TCP/IP-based RPC frameworks like Google’s gRPC (grpc, ) and Apache’s ThriftRPC (thriftrpc, ), RDMA-based state-of-the-art eRPC (erpc, ), and a failure-resiliency focused CXL-based RPC framework by Zhang et al. (zhang2023partial, ). Across the experiments, RPCool refers to the CXL-only version, while RPCool (RDMA) is RPCool running over RDMA, and RPCool (Secure) is RPCool over CXL with sealing and sandboxing turned on.

6.1. Evaluation Configuration

As CXL 3.0 devices are not commercially available, we use a dual-socket machine to emulate CXL’s access latency. RPCool maps all connection heaps to the far node, which has all its CPUs marked offline in the kernel. For RDMA, we use two servers with direct-attached Mellanox CX-5 NICs. For the TCP experiments, we use the NIC in ethernet mode, enabling TCP traffic over the RDMA NICs (IPoIB (ipoib, )). All CXL experiments use two Intel Xeon Gold 6230 with 192 GiB of DRAM while RDMA experiments use a single Intel Xeon Gold 6230 with 96 GiB of DRAM. Unless stated otherwise, all experiments are run on the v6.1.37 of the Linux kernel with adaptive sleep between busy-wait iterations (Section 5.8).

6.2. Microbenchmarks

This section compares the performance of RPCool’s basic operations and the overheads of its key mechanisms.

Framework RPCool RPCool (Seal+Sandbox) RPCool (RDMA) eRPC (erpc, ) ZhangRPC (zhang2023partial, ) gRPC (grpc, )
No-op Latency 1.5 µs 2.6 µs 17.25 µs 2.9 µs 10.9 µs 5.5 ms
Throughput (K req/s) 642.75 377.79 57.99 334.03 99.69 0.18
(a) Latency and throughput comparison among RPCool, RDMA-based eRPC, failure-resilient CXL-based Zhang-RPC, and gRPC.
Operation Mean Latency Description
RPCool Ops No-op RPCool RPC (CXL) 1.5 µs RTT for RPCool no-op RPC over CXL.
No-op RPCool RPC (RDMA) 17.25 µs RTT for RPCool no-op RPC over RDMA.
No-op Sealed+Sandboxed RPC (CXL, 1 page) 2.6 µs RTT latency for RPCool with seal and a cached sandbox over CXL.
Create Channel 26.5 ms Channel creation latency
Destroy Channel 38.4 ms Channel destruction latency
Connect Channel 0.4 s Latency to connect to an existing channel
Sandbox Ops Cached Sandbox Enter+Exit (1 page) 0.35 µs Enter and exit a single sandbox with a single shared memory page.
Cached Sandbox Enter+Exit (1024 page) 0.35 µs Enter and exit a single sandbox with 1024 shared memory pages.
Cached Multiple Sandbox Enter+Exit (1 page) 0.47 µs Enter and exit 8 sandboxes, no protection key reassignment.
Uncached Sandbox Enter+Exit (1 page) 25.57 µs Enter and exit 32 sandboxes, requires reassigning protection keys.
Seal/Release, & memcpy() Seal + standard release, no RPC (1 page) 1.1 µs Seal and release a single shm page without sending an RPC.
Seal + standard release, no RPC (1024 page) 3.46 µs Seal and release 1024 shm pages without sending an RPC.
Seal + batch release, no RPC (1 page) 0.65 µs Seal and release in batch a single shm page without sending an RPC
Seal + batch release, no RPC (1024 page) 2.95 µs Seal and release in batch 1024 shm page without sending an RPC
Remote-remote memcpy() (1 page) 1.26 µs memcpy() latency for remote node to remote node copy (1 page).
Remote-remote memcpy() (1024 page) 2308.23 µs memcpy() latency for remote node to remote node copy (1024 pages).
(b) Comparison of various RPCool operations, repeated 2 million times.
Table 1. Microbenchmark performance and RPCool operation.

No-op Round Trip Latency and Throughput

Table 1(a) compares RPCool’s CXL, secured, and RDMA variants against several RPC frameworks and shows that RPCool significantly outperforms all other RPC frameworks by a wide margin. Unlike RPCool, Zhang RPC attaches an 8-byte header to every CXL object and uses fat pointers (CXLRef) for references. Thus, simple operations like constructing a tree data structure require creating a CXL object and a CXLRef per tree node. Further, assigning a node as a child requires the programmer to call a special link_reference() API, adding overhead on the critical path.

RPCool Operation Latencies

Next, we look at the latency of RPCool’s features in Table 1(b). RPCool in CXL mode takes only 1.5 µs, while it takes 17.25 µs over RDMA. For CXL, this latency increases to 2.6 µs when sealing and sandboxing a single page.

RPCool’s cached sandboxes (i.e., sandboxes with pre-assigned protection key) have very low enter+exit latency at 0.35 µs. This latency grows to 25.57 µs when the sandbox is not cached and RPCool needs to reassign protection keys and set up the sandbox’s heap.

Finally, using Table 1(b), we look at the latency of memcpy() to compare it against the cost of sealing+sandboxing, which includes sealing a page, starting a sandbox over it, and finally releasing it. This is because applications can copy RPC arguments to prevent concurrent accesses from the sender without using sealing+sandboxing. We observe that for more than two pages, sealing+sandboxing is faster than memcpy() (1.45 µs vs 1.5 µs). This suggests that for data smaller than two pages, applications should use memcpy(), while for data larger than two pages, applications should use sealing+sandboxing.

6.3. Applications

To understand how RPCool performs integrated with real-world workloads, we compare several applications’ performance using RPCool and other RPC mechanisms. Overall, we observe that RPCool’s low-latency RPCs result in significant performance improvement over traditional RDMA- and TCP-based networks.


Refer to caption
Figure 9. Memcached running the YCSB benchmark.
Refer to caption
Figure 10. MongoDB running the YCSB benchmark.

Figure 9 shows the execution time of memcached running the YCSB benchmark (ycsb, ). RPCool’s CXL implementation significantly and consistently outperforms UNIX domain sockets with a speedup of at least 6.0×\times×, while the DSM implementation outperforms TCP over Infiniband by at least 2.1×\times×. As memcached transfers small amounts of non-pointer-rich data, it uses memcpy() instead of sandboxing and sealing for isolation.

For each YCSB workload, we load Memcached with 100 thousand keys and run 1 million operations. Since Memcached is a key-value store, it does not support SCAN operation and thus, it cannot run YCSB’s E workload (ycsb-scan, ).


Figure 10 shows the execution time comparison of MongoDB using RPCool vs its built-in UNIX domain socket-based communication. Across the workloads, RPCool’s CXL implementation outperforms UNIX domain sockets in all workloads except the workloads E. Moreover, RPCool’s DSM implementation outperforms TCP over Inifiniband across all workloads by at least 1.34×\times×.

Like Memcached, we evaluate MongoDB with 100k keys and 1 million operations for each workload and do not implement sealing+sandboxing as MongoDB internally copies the non-pointer-rich data it receives from the client.

Refer to caption
Figure 11. CoolDB execution time comparison for building the database (build) and for searching keys (search).


CoolDB is a custom-built JSON document store. Clients store objects in CoolDB by allocating them in the shared memory and passing their references to the database along with a key. CoolDB then takes ownership of the object and associates the object with the key. The clients can read or write to this object by sending CoolDB a read request with the corresponding key. In return, it receives pointer to the in-memory data structure that holds the data.

To evaluate CoolDB, we first populate it with 100k JSON documents using the NoBench load generator (nobench, ) (labeled “build” in the figures) and then issue 1000 JSON search queries to the database (labeled “search” in the figures).

Figure 11 shows the total runtime of the two operations for the three versions of RPCool (CXL, RDMA, and Secure), ZhangRPC, and eRPC. Overall, RPCool outperforms all other RPC frameworks when running over CXL, including Zhang RPC. However, it slows down considerably when running over RDMA during the build phase, as the shared memory needs to copy multiple pages back and forth. Moreover, as RPCool does not need to serialize the dataset or the queries, it considerably outperforms eRPC for the search operation.

Refer to caption
Figure 12. DeathStarBench SocialNetwork Benchmark media and P99 latencies using ThriftRPC and RPCool.
Refer to caption
Figure 13. Throughput-latency tradeoff with varying busy wait sleep times in RPCool.

DeathStarBench’s Social Network

We evaluate RPCool using the Social Network benchmark from DeathStarBench (deathstarbench, ), which models a social networking website. In our evaluation, we replace all ThriftRPC calls among microservices with RPCool on our emulated CXL platform. However, as DeathStarBench spawns multiple new threads for each request, it contends for the kernel page table lock with RPCool’s seal() and release() calls. To address the issue, we modify the benchmark to use a thread pool instead of creating new threads for each request in both the ThriftRPC and RPCool versions. Additionally, we replaced MongoDB with its RPCool version.

We run DeathStarBench’s benchmark that creates user posts under a range of offered loads and measure the median and P99 latency, as shown in Figure 12. The experiment is run for 30 seconds for each data point. The results demonstrate that RPCool (both secure and insecure versions) and ThriftRPC show similar performance, with RPCool’s peak throughput surpassing that of ThriftRPC.

To understand why RPCool performs comparably to Thrift RPC, we looked at where a request spends its time using DeathStarBench’s built-in tracing. We found that, on average, about 66% of a request’s critical path latency is spent in databases and Nginx, suggesting that DeathStarBench’s performance is largely bound by database updates and Nginx.

Further, Figure 13 presents benchmark results with 0 µs, 5 µs, and 150 µs sleep between busy-wait iterations (Section 5.8). Not sleeping between iterations results in the best latencies but limited throughput as busy waiting consumes a significant amount of CPU. Conversely, 150 µs sleep duration results in higher tail latencies but achieves higher peak throughput. Thus, RPCool offers the flexibility to balance latency and throughput according to specific needs.


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7. Related Work

Some prior works have proposed using RPCs over distributed shared memory. Similar to RPCool, Wang et al. (wang2021in, ) describe RPCs with references to objects over distributed shared memory. However, since they focus on data-intensive applications, they propose immutable RPC arguments and return values and require trust among the applications. Some works also optimize the RPC boundary; Nu (ruan2023nu, ) optimizes microservices by reimagining how they are composed. Nu breaks down web applications into proclets that share the same address space among multiple hosts and uses optimized RPCs for communication among them. When proclets are placed on the same machine, they make local function calls, and traditional RPCs otherwise. However, in both cases, proclets need to copy the arguments to the receiver and require mutual trust. Lu et al. (lu2024serialization, ) improve the performance of serverless functions by implementing rmap(), allowing serverless functions to map remote memory, thus avoiding serialization. However, rmap() requires mutual trust between the sender and the receiver.

Numerous prior studies have explored optimizing the performance of RPC frameworks using RDMA, but they all require serialization and compression, adding performance overheads. HatRPC (hatrpc, ) uses code hints to optimize Thrift RPC and enables RDMA verbs-based communication, while DaRPC (darpc, ) implements an optimized RDMA-based custom RPC framework. Kalia et al. (erpc, ) propose a highly efficient RDMA-based RPC framework called eRPC that outperforms traditional TCP-based RPCs in latency and throughput. Chen et al. (chen2023remote, ) avoid the overhead of sidecars used in RPC deployment by implementing serialization and sidecar policies as a system service. Sidecars are proxy processes that run alongside the main application for policy enforcement, logging, etc., without modifying the application.

Zhang et al. (zhang2023partial, ) present a memory management system for CXL-based shared memory. Their implementation provides failure resilience against memory leaks without significant performance overheads. In addition to failure resiliency, Zhang et al. also propose CXL-based shared memory RPCs, which we refer to as Zhang RPC. However, Zhang RPC performs significantly slower compared to RPCool (Table 1(a)), does not scale beyond a rack, and requires mutual trust among applications. Another CXL-based RPC framework, DmRPC (zhang2024dmrpc, ) supports RPCs over CXL, however, it requires serialization and mutual trust among processes.

Some works have combined CXL-based shared memory with other communication protocols. CXL over Ethernet (cxl-over-ethernet, ) uses a host-attached CXL FPGA to transmit CXL.mem requests over Ethernet, enabling host-transparent Ethernet-based remote memory. Rcmp (rcmp, ) overcomes the limited scalability of CXL-based shared memory by extending it using RDMA. However, similar to rmap(), it requires applications to mutually trust each other.

Simpson et al. (simpson2020securing, ) explore the security challenges of deploying RDMA in the datacenter. The challenges listed in their work, e.g., unauditable writes and concurrency problems, are shared by RPCool and other RDMA-based systems alike. Chang et al. (chang1998security, ) discuss the performance overhead of untrusted senders, as the receiver would need to validate the received pointers and data types. Similar to RPCool, for single-machine communication, Chang et al. propose zero-copy RPCs by directly reading the sender’s buffer in trusted environments. Schmidt et al. (schmidt1996using, ) propose a shared memory read-mostly RPC design where the clients have unrestricted read access to a server’s data over shared memory but make protected and expensive RPCs to update it. Further, since the clients cannot hold locks in the shared memory, they implement a multi-version concurrency control to allow updates to the data while clients are reading them. Schmidt et al.’s solution is orthogonal to RPCool and can be combined with it by ensuring read-only permissions for channels in clients and exporting separate secure channels for updates. Finally, ERIM (vahldiek2019erim, ) uses MPK to isolate sensitive data and to restrict arbitrary code from accessing protected regions. However, unlike RPCool which confines accesses to a shared memory region while processing an RPC, ERIM uses MPK for protecting sensitive data from malicious components.

Several prior works, including FaRM (dragojevic2014farm, ), RAMCloud (ramcloud, ), Carbink (zhou2022carbink, ), Hydra (lee2022hydra, ), and AIFM (ruan2020aifm, ) enable distributed shared memory and support varying levels of failure resiliency. However, they require application support for reads and writes and often use non-standard pointers, breaking compatibility with legacy code and adding programming overhead. In contrast, RPCool supports the same load/store semantics for CXL- and RDMA-based shared memory. Further, while RPCool’s RDMA fallback does not implement erasure coding, its design does not preclude such features.

8. Conclusion

This work presents RPCool, a fast, scalable, and secure shared memory RPC framework for the CXL-enabled world of rack-scale coherent shared memory. While shared memory RPCs are fast, they are vulnerable to invalid/wild pointers and the sender concurrently modifying data with the receiver. Furthermore, CXL is limited to a rack (e.g., up to 32 nodes).

RPCool addresses these challenges by preventing the sender from modifying in-flight data using seals, processing shared data in a low-overhead sandbox to avoid invalid or wild pointers, and automatically falling back to RDMA for scaling beyond a rack. Overall, RPCool either performs comparably or outperforms traditional RPC techniques.


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