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Showing 1–15 of 15 results for author: Desmaison, A

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  1. arXiv:2307.10244  [pdf, other

    cs.IR cs.LG

    Evaluating and Enhancing Robustness of Deep Recommendation Systems Against Hardware Errors

    Authors: Dongning Ma, Xun Jiao, Fred Lin, Mengshi Zhang, Alban Desmaison, Thomas Sellinger, Daniel Moore, Sriram Sankar

    Abstract: Deep recommendation systems (DRS) heavily depend on specialized HPC hardware and accelerators to optimize energy, efficiency, and recommendation quality. Despite the growing number of hardware errors observed in large-scale fleet systems where DRS are deployed, the robustness of DRS has been largely overlooked. This paper presents the first systematic study of DRS robustness against hardware error… ▽ More

    Submitted 17 July, 2023; originally announced July 2023.

  2. arXiv:2304.11277  [pdf, other

    cs.DC cs.AI cs.LG cs.PF

    PyTorch FSDP: Experiences on Scaling Fully Sharded Data Parallel

    Authors: Yanli Zhao, Andrew Gu, Rohan Varma, Liang Luo, Chien-Chin Huang, Min Xu, Less Wright, Hamid Shojanazeri, Myle Ott, Sam Shleifer, Alban Desmaison, Can Balioglu, Pritam Damania, Bernard Nguyen, Geeta Chauhan, Yuchen Hao, Ajit Mathews, Shen Li

    Abstract: It is widely acknowledged that large models have the potential to deliver superior performance across a broad range of domains. Despite the remarkable progress made in the field of machine learning systems research, which has enabled the development and exploration of large models, such abilities remain confined to a small group of advanced users and industry leaders, resulting in an implicit tech… ▽ More

    Submitted 12 September, 2023; v1 submitted 21 April, 2023; originally announced April 2023.

  3. arXiv:2110.01414  [pdf, other

    cs.DC cs.MS cs.PF math.NA

    Power Consumption Analysis of Parallel Algorithms on GPUs

    Authors: Frédéric Magoulès, Abal-Kassim Cheik Ahamed, Alban Desmaison, Jean-Christophe Léchenet, François Mayer, Haifa Ben Salem, Thomas Zhu

    Abstract: Due to their highly parallel multi-cores architecture, GPUs are being increasingly used in a wide range of computationally intensive applications. Compared to CPUs, GPUs can achieve higher performances at accelerating the programs' execution in an energy-efficient way. Therefore GPGPU computing is useful for high performance computing applications and in many scientific research fields. In order t… ▽ More

    Submitted 28 September, 2021; originally announced October 2021.

    MSC Class: 14Q65; 15A60; 65E10; 65F10; 68W10; 65Y05; 68M20 ACM Class: G.1.3; G.1.6; I.3.1; D.3.4

  4. arXiv:2104.06718  [pdf, other

    cs.LG cs.LO stat.ML

    Improved Branch and Bound for Neural Network Verification via Lagrangian Decomposition

    Authors: Alessandro De Palma, Rudy Bunel, Alban Desmaison, Krishnamurthy Dvijotham, Pushmeet Kohli, Philip H. S. Torr, M. Pawan Kumar

    Abstract: We improve the scalability of Branch and Bound (BaB) algorithms for formally proving input-output properties of neural networks. First, we propose novel bounding algorithms based on Lagrangian Decomposition. Previous works have used off-the-shelf solvers to solve relaxations at each node of the BaB tree, or constructed weaker relaxations that can be solved efficiently, but lead to unnecessarily we… ▽ More

    Submitted 14 April, 2021; originally announced April 2021.

    Comments: Submitted for review to JMLR. This is an extended version of our paper in the UAI-20 conference (arXiv:2002.10410)

  5. arXiv:2002.10410  [pdf, other

    cs.LG stat.ML

    Lagrangian Decomposition for Neural Network Verification

    Authors: Rudy Bunel, Alessandro De Palma, Alban Desmaison, Krishnamurthy Dvijotham, Pushmeet Kohli, Philip H. S. Torr, M. Pawan Kumar

    Abstract: A fundamental component of neural network verification is the computation of bounds on the values their outputs can take. Previous methods have either used off-the-shelf solvers, discarding the problem structure, or relaxed the problem even further, making the bounds unnecessarily loose. We propose a novel approach based on Lagrangian Decomposition. Our formulation admits an efficient supergradien… ▽ More

    Submitted 17 June, 2020; v1 submitted 24 February, 2020; originally announced February 2020.

    Comments: UAI 2020 conference paper

  6. arXiv:1912.01703  [pdf, other

    cs.LG cs.MS stat.ML

    PyTorch: An Imperative Style, High-Performance Deep Learning Library

    Authors: Adam Paszke, Sam Gross, Francisco Massa, Adam Lerer, James Bradbury, Gregory Chanan, Trevor Killeen, Zeming Lin, Natalia Gimelshein, Luca Antiga, Alban Desmaison, Andreas Köpf, Edward Yang, Zach DeVito, Martin Raison, Alykhan Tejani, Sasank Chilamkurthy, Benoit Steiner, Lu Fang, Junjie Bai, Soumith Chintala

    Abstract: Deep learning frameworks have often focused on either usability or speed, but not both. PyTorch is a machine learning library that shows that these two goals are in fact compatible: it provides an imperative and Pythonic programming style that supports code as a model, makes debugging easy and is consistent with other popular scientific computing libraries, while remaining efficient and supporting… ▽ More

    Submitted 3 December, 2019; originally announced December 2019.

    Comments: 12 pages, 3 figures, NeurIPS 2019

  7. arXiv:1805.09028  [pdf, other


    Efficient Relaxations for Dense CRFs with Sparse Higher Order Potentials

    Authors: Thomas Joy, Alban Desmaison, Thalaiyasingam Ajanthan, Rudy Bunel, Mathieu Salzmann, Pushmeet Kohli, Philip H. S. Torr, M. Pawan Kumar

    Abstract: Dense conditional random fields (CRFs) have become a popular framework for modelling several problems in computer vision such as stereo correspondence and multi-class semantic segmentation. By modelling long-range interactions, dense CRFs provide a labelling that captures finer detail than their sparse counterparts. Currently, the state-of-the-art algorithm performs mean-field inference using a fi… ▽ More

    Submitted 26 October, 2018; v1 submitted 23 May, 2018; originally announced May 2018.

  8. arXiv:1706.00400  [pdf, other

    stat.ML cs.AI cs.LG

    Learning Disentangled Representations with Semi-Supervised Deep Generative Models

    Authors: N. Siddharth, Brooks Paige, Jan-Willem van de Meent, Alban Desmaison, Noah D. Goodman, Pushmeet Kohli, Frank Wood, Philip H. S. Torr

    Abstract: Variational autoencoders (VAEs) learn representations of data by jointly training a probabilistic encoder and decoder network. Typically these models encode all features of the data into a single variable. Here we are interested in learning disentangled representations that encode distinct aspects of the data into separate variables. We propose to learn such representations using model architectur… ▽ More

    Submitted 13 November, 2017; v1 submitted 1 June, 2017; originally announced June 2017.

    Comments: Accepted for publication at NIPS 2017

  9. arXiv:1612.01094  [pdf, other


    Learning to superoptimize programs - Workshop Version

    Authors: Rudy Bunel, Alban Desmaison, M. Pawan Kumar, Philip H. S. Torr, Pushmeet Kohli

    Abstract: Superoptimization requires the estimation of the best program for a given computational task. In order to deal with large programs, superoptimization techniques perform a stochastic search. This involves proposing a modification of the current program, which is accepted or rejected based on the improvement achieved. The state of the art method uses uniform proposal distributions, which fails to ex… ▽ More

    Submitted 4 December, 2016; originally announced December 2016.

    Comments: Workshop version for the NIPS NAMPI Workshop. Extended version at arXiv:1611.01787

  10. arXiv:1612.00380  [pdf, other

    cs.AI cs.CV stat.ML

    Playing Doom with SLAM-Augmented Deep Reinforcement Learning

    Authors: Shehroze Bhatti, Alban Desmaison, Ondrej Miksik, Nantas Nardelli, N. Siddharth, Philip H. S. Torr

    Abstract: A number of recent approaches to policy learning in 2D game domains have been successful going directly from raw input images to actions. However when employed in complex 3D environments, they typically suffer from challenges related to partial observability, combinatorial exploration spaces, path planning, and a scarcity of rewarding scenarios. Inspired from prior work in human cognition that ind… ▽ More

    Submitted 1 December, 2016; originally announced December 2016.

  11. arXiv:1611.09718  [pdf, other


    Efficient Linear Programming for Dense CRFs

    Authors: Thalaiyasingam Ajanthan, Alban Desmaison, Rudy Bunel, Mathieu Salzmann, Philip H. S. Torr, M. Pawan Kumar

    Abstract: The fully connected conditional random field (CRF) with Gaussian pairwise potentials has proven popular and effective for multi-class semantic segmentation. While the energy of a dense CRF can be minimized accurately using a linear programming (LP) relaxation, the state-of-the-art algorithm is too slow to be useful in practice. To alleviate this deficiency, we introduce an efficient LP minimizatio… ▽ More

    Submitted 14 February, 2017; v1 submitted 29 November, 2016; originally announced November 2016.

    Comments: 24 pages, 10 figures and 4 tables

    ACM Class: G.1.6; I.4.6

  12. arXiv:1611.07492  [pdf, other

    stat.ML cs.CV cs.LG

    Inducing Interpretable Representations with Variational Autoencoders

    Authors: N. Siddharth, Brooks Paige, Alban Desmaison, Jan-Willem Van de Meent, Frank Wood, Noah D. Goodman, Pushmeet Kohli, Philip H. S. Torr

    Abstract: We develop a framework for incorporating structured graphical models in the \emph{encoders} of variational autoencoders (VAEs) that allows us to induce interpretable representations through approximate variational inference. This allows us to both perform reasoning (e.g. classification) under the structural constraints of a given graphical model, and use deep generative models to deal with messy,… ▽ More

    Submitted 22 November, 2016; originally announced November 2016.

    Comments: Presented at NIPS 2016 Workshop on Interpretable Machine Learning in Complex Systems

  13. arXiv:1611.01787  [pdf, other


    Learning to superoptimize programs

    Authors: Rudy Bunel, Alban Desmaison, M. Pawan Kumar, Philip H. S. Torr, Pushmeet Kohli

    Abstract: Code super-optimization is the task of transforming any given program to a more efficient version while preserving its input-output behaviour. In some sense, it is similar to the paraphrase problem from natural language processing where the intention is to change the syntax of an utterance without changing its semantics. Code-optimization has been the subject of years of research that has resulted… ▽ More

    Submitted 28 June, 2017; v1 submitted 6 November, 2016; originally announced November 2016.

    Comments: Accepted to ICLR 2017

  14. arXiv:1608.06192  [pdf, other


    Efficient Continuous Relaxations for Dense CRF

    Authors: Alban Desmaison, Rudy Bunel, Pushmeet Kohli, Philip H. S. Torr, M. Pawan Kumar

    Abstract: Dense conditional random fields (CRF) with Gaussian pairwise potentials have emerged as a popular framework for several computer vision applications such as stereo correspondence and semantic segmentation. By modeling long-range interactions, dense CRFs provide a more detailed labelling compared to their sparse counterparts. Variational inference in these dense models is performed using a filterin… ▽ More

    Submitted 22 August, 2016; originally announced August 2016.

  15. arXiv:1605.07969  [pdf, other

    cs.AI cs.LG

    Adaptive Neural Compilation

    Authors: Rudy Bunel, Alban Desmaison, Pushmeet Kohli, Philip H. S. Torr, M. Pawan Kumar

    Abstract: This paper proposes an adaptive neural-compilation framework to address the problem of efficient program learning. Traditional code optimisation strategies used in compilers are based on applying pre-specified set of transformations that make the code faster to execute without changing its semantics. In contrast, our work involves adapting programs to make them more efficient while considering cor… ▽ More

    Submitted 26 May, 2016; v1 submitted 25 May, 2016; originally announced May 2016.

    Comments: Submitted to NIPS 2016, code and supplementary materials will be available on author's page