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Nancey Murphy

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Nancey Murphy
Nacimientu 12 de xunu de 1951[1] (73 años)
Nacionalidá Bandera de Estaos Xuníos d'América Estaos Xuníos
Estudios Universidá de California en Berkeley
Universidá Creighton
Graduate Theological Union (en) Traducir
Llingües falaes inglés[2]
Oficiu filósofateóloga
Miembru de International Society for Science and Religion (es) Traducir[3]
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Nancey Murphy ye una filósofa, teóloga d'Estaos Xuníos y profesora de Filosofía Cristiana nel Seminariu Teolóxicu Fuller en Pasadena, California, Estaos Xuníos. En 1973 llogró'l so BA na Universidá Creighton (en filosofía y psicoloxía), y en 1980 la so Ph.D. de la Universidá de California, Berkeley (en filosofía de la ciencia), y en 1987 el Th.D. de la Unión de Graduaos en Teoloxía (en teoloxía).

Los trabayos de Murphy enfocáronse nel rol de la filosofía moderna y postmoderna en modelar la teoloxía cristiana; nes rellaciones ente la teoloxía y la ciencia; y más apocayá trabayó en temes amestaes a la filosofía de la mente y neurociencia. El so primer llibru, Teoloxía na Era del Razonamientu Científicu (Cornell, 1990) ganó'l premiu a la excelencia dau pola Academia Norteamericana de Relixón. Ye autora de nueve llibros, incluyíos Postmodernidad Anglu-Norteamericana: Perspectives Filosófiques sobre Ciencia, Relixón, y Ética (Westview, 1997); y Sobre la Naturaleza Moral del Universu: Teoloxía, Cosmoloxía, y Ética (con G.F.R Ellis, Fortress, 1996),[4] por esti postreru recibió'l Premiu Templeton pal Progresu de la Relixón. Los sos llibros más recién son Cuerpos y Almes, o Cuerpos Espirituales? (Cambridge, 2006); y (escritu con Warren Brown) Ye que les mios Neurones fixéronme obrar asina? Perspectives Filosófiques y Neurobiolóxiques sobre la Responsabilidá Moral y el Llibre Albedríu (Oxford, 2007).[5]

Murphy hai co escritu once llibros, incluyíos (con L. Schultz y R.J. Russell, Brill 2009) Filosofía, Ciencia y Aición Divina; (con G.F.R. Ellis y T. O'Connor, Springer, 2009) Causalidá y la Neurobioloxía del Llibre Albedríu, Springer; y (con William R. Stoeger, Oxford, 2007) Evolución y Emerxencia: Sistemes, Organismos y Persones.[6][7]

Murphy ye miembru del Direutoriu del Centru de Teoloxía y Ciencies Naturales[8] (y ex-presidente del Direutoriu); de l'Asociación Filosófica Norteamericana; y de la Sociedá de Filósofos Cristianos. Foi asesora del programa sobre diálogu ente la ciencia, ética, y relixón de l'Asociación Norteamericana pa la Meyora de la Ciencia, y desempéñase nos comités de planificación d'una serie de conferencies sobre ciencia y aición divina y sobre el problema del mal natural sol auspicio del Observatoriu Vaticanu.

En 1998 Murphy foi designada l'alumna del añu de la Universidá Creighton, y nel 2006, alumna GTU del añu. Nel añu 1999 foi J.K Russell Fellow nel Centru de Teoloxía y Ciencies Naturales. Foi escoyida miembru de la Sociedá Internacional pa la Ciencia y la Relixón y desempéñase nel so comité d'executivu. Nel 2007 foi incluyida na llista de les 100 persones más influyentes del Los Angeles Magacín. Ye ministra ordenada de la Ilesia de los Hermanos.

  • 2007. (with W. S. Brown) Did My Neurons Make Me Do It?: Philosophical and Neurobiological Perspectives on Moral Responsibility and Free Will, Oxford University Press. { ISBN 0-19-956823-5 }
  • 2006. Bodies and Souls, or Spirited Bodies? Cambridge University Press. { ISBN 0-521-67676-2 }[9]
  • 2002. Religion and Science: God, Evolution, and the Soul (ed. Carl S. Helrich), Pandora Press.
  • 1997. Reconciling Theology and Science: A Radical Reformation Perspective, Pandora Press. {ISBN 0-9698762-4-6 }
  • 1997. Anglo-American Postmodernity: Philosophical Perspectives on Science, Religion, and Ethics, Westview Press. { ISBN 0-8133-2869-1 }[10]
  • 1996. (with George F.R. Ellis) On the Moral Nature of the Universe: Theology, Cosmology, and Ethics, Fortress Press. {ISBN 0-8006-2983-3 }[11]
  • 1996. Beyond Liberalism and Fundamentalism: How Modern and Postmodern Philosophy Set the Theological Axenda, Trinity Press International. { ISBN 1-56338-176-1 }
  • 1994. Reasoning and Rhetoric in Religion, Trinity Press International. { ISBN 1-57910-772-9 }
  • 1990. Theology in the Age of Scientific Reasoning, Cornell University Press. { ISBN 0-8014-8114-7 }[12]

Llibros editaos

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  • 2010. (con C. Knight, ed.) Human Identity at the Intersection of Science, Technology, and Religion, Ashgate (forthcoming).
  • 2009. (con L. Schultz and R.J. Russell, eds.) Philosophy, Science, and Divine Action, Brill.
  • 2009. (con G.F.R. Ellis and T. O'Connor, eds.) Downward Causation and the Neurobiology of Free Will, Springer.
  • 2008. (con R.J. Russell and W.R. Stoeger, eds.) Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action: Twenty Years of Problems and Progress, Vatican Observatory Press.
  • 2007. (con W. R. Stoeger, ed.) Evolution and Emergence: Systems, Organism, Persons, Oxford University Press.
  • 2007. (con R.J. Russell and W.R. Stoeger, eds.) Physics and Cosmology: Scientific Perspectives on Suffering in Nature, Vatican Observatory Press.
  • 1999. (con R.J. Russell, T.C. Meyering, and M. Arbib, eds.) Neuroscience and the Person: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action, Vatican Observatory Press.[13]
  • 1998. (con W. Brown and H.N. Malony, eds.) Whatever Happened to the Soul?: Scientific and Theological Portraits of Human Nature, Fortress Press.
  • 1997. (con B. Kallenberg and M. Nation, eds.) Virtues and Practices in the Christian Tradition:Christian Ethics after MacIntyre, Trinity Press International.
  • 1995. (con R.J. Russell and A.R. Peacocke, eds.) Chaos and Complexity: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action, Vatican Observatory Press.[14][15]
  • 1994. (con Stanley Hauerwas and Mark Nation, eds.) Theology without Foundations: Religious Practice and the Future of Theological Truth, Abingdon Press.
  • 1993. (con R.J. Russell and C.J. Isham, eds.) Quantum Cosmology and the Laws of Nature: Divine Action in Scientific Perspective, Vatican Observatory Press.

Contribuciones a testos eruditos

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  • 2010. "Nonreductive Physicalism," in A. Runehov, ed., Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions, Springer (forthcoming).
  • 2010. "Divine Action, Emergence, and Scientific Explanation," in Peter Harrison, ed., Cambridge Companion to Science and Religion (forthcoming).
  • 2010. "Reduction and Emergence: A Critical Perspective," in N. Murphy and C. Knight, eds., Human Identity at the Intersection of Science, Technology, and Religion, Ashgate (forthcoming).
  • 2010. "Theology and Science in a Postmodern Context"; "Science and Divine Action"; and "Theology, Science and Human Nature," in M. Stewart, ed., Science and Religion in Dialogue, vol. 2, Wiley-Blackwell (also published in Chinese).
  • 2009. "Adolf Grünbaum on Religion, Cosmology, and Morals," in A Jokic, ed., Philosophy, Religion, Physics, and Psychology: Essays in Honor of Adolf Grünbaum, Promethius Books.
  • 2009. "Non-reductive Physicalism and Free Will, in Y. Weislogal, ed., Transdisciplinarity in Science and Religion, Curtea Veche Publishing House.
  • 2009. "The Cognitive Science of Religion: A Theological Appropriation," in J. Schloss, and M.J. Murray, eds., The Spiritual Primate: Scientific, Philosophical and Theological Perspectives on the Origin of Religion, Oxford University Press.
  • 2009. "Reduction and Emergence: A Critical Perspective," in W. Van Huyysteen et al., eds. Understanding Humans in a Scientific Age, Ashgate (forthcoming).
  • 2009. "Agape and Nonviolence," in Craig Boyd, ed., Visions of Agape, Ashgate (forthcoming).
  • 2009. "The Role of Philosophy in the Science/Religion Dialogue," and "Supervenience" in H. A. Campbell and H. Looy, eds., A Science and Religion Primer, Baker.
  • 2008. (with J. Schloss) "Biology and Religion," in M. Ruse, ed., Oxford Handbook of Biology, Oxford University Press.
  • 2008. (with V. Ignatkof) "Atheism," and "Epistemology," in W. Dyrness and V-M. Karkkainen, eds., Global Dictionary of Theology, IVP.
  • 2008. "Neuroscience, Determinism, and Downward Causation: Defusing the Free-Will Problem," in F. Watts, ed., Creation: Law and Probability, Ashgate.
  • 2008. "MacIntyre, Tradition-Dependent Rationality and the End of Philosophy of Religion," in D. Cheetham and R. King, eds., Contemporary Method and Practice in the Philosophy of Religion: New Essays, Continuum Press.
  • 2007. "Science, Divine Action, and the Intelligent Design Movement: A Defense of Theistic Evolution," in R. B. Stewart, ed., Intelligent Design: William A. Dembski and Michael Ruse in Dialogue, Fortress Press.
  • 2007. "Anglo-American Postmodernity and the End of Theology-Science Dialogue? in P. Clayton, ed., Oxford Handbook of Religion and Science, Oxford University Press.
  • 2007. "Natural Science," in J. Webster et al., eds., Oxford Handbook of Systematic Theology, Oxford University Press.
  • 2006. "Emergence and Mental Causation," in P. Davies and P. Clayton, eds., The Re-Emergence of Emergence, Oxford University Press.
  • 2006. "Nonreductive Physicalism: Philosophical Challenges," in R. Lints et al. eds., Personal Identity in Theological Perspective, Eerdmans.
  • 2006. "Theological Reflections on the Moral Nature of Nature," in O. Gorman, ed., Creative Creatures: Values and Ethical Issues in Theology, Science, and Technology, T & T Clark.
  • 2005. "Is Theology Possible at the End of Modernity?" in M. Parker and T. Schmidt, eds., Scientific Explanation and Religious Belief, Mohr-Siebeck.
  • 2005. "Nonreductive Physicalism," in J. Green and S. Palmer, eds., In Search of the Soul? Four Views, IVP.
  • 2005. "Philosophical Resources for Integration," "Theological Resources for Integration," and "Constructing a Radical-Reformation Research Program in Psychology," in A. Dueck et al., ed., Theology and Psychology: A Radical Reformation Perspective, Eerdmans
  • 2005. "Reduktionismus" and "Imre Lakatos" in Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwort, 4th ed.
  • 2004. "Epistemology," in K. Vanhoozer et al., Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of Scripture, Baker.
  • 2003. "Anglo-American Postmodern Theology: A Theology of Communal Praxis," (with Brad Kallenberg) in K. J. Vanhoozer, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Postmodern Theology.
  • 2002. "The Resurrection of the Body and Personal Identity: Possibilities and Limitations of Eschatological Knowledge," in M. Welker, ed., Theology, Natural Science, and Cultural Studies on Resurrection, Eerdmans.
  • 2002. "At the Intersection of Several Possible Worlds" in G. Yancy, ed., The Philosophical I: Personal Reflections on Life in Philosophy, Rowman and Littlefield.
  • 2002. "Neuroscience and Human Nature: A Christian Perspective," in Ted Peters and Muzaffar Iqbal, eds., God, Life, and the Cosmos: Theistic Perspectives, Ashgate.
  • 2000. "What Has Theology to Learn from Scientific Methodology?" in M. Peterson et al., eds., Philosophy of Religion: Selected Readings, 2nd. ed., Oxford University Press.
  • 2000. "Inquiring after God by Means of Scientific Study," in Ellen Charry, ed., Inquiring after God, Blackwell.
  • 2000. "Science and Society," in J.W. McClendon, Witness: Systematic Theology, Volume III, Abingdon.
  • 1999. "John Howard Yoder's Systematic Defense of Pacifism," in S. Hauerwas et al., eds., The Wisdom of the Cross: Essays in Honor of John Howard Yoder, Eerdmans.
  • 1999. "Overcoming Hume on His Own Terms," in D.Z. Phillips and T. Tessin, eds., Religion and Hume's Legacy, Macmillan.
  • 1998. "Religion and Science," in Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  • 1992. "Philosophical Theology," in Donald Musser and Joseph Price, eds., A New Handbook of Christian Theology, Abingdon.

Selección d'artículos en revistes

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  • 2010. "Cosmopolis: How Astronomy Affects Philosophies of Human Nature and Religion," in Analecta Husserliana (forthcoming).
  • 2010. "Christianity and Modern Science in the West: An Overview, Omega: Indian Journal of Science and Religion (forthcoming).
  • 2009. "How to Keep the 'Non' in Nonreductive Physicalism," Journal of European Baptist Studies, 9, 2.
  • 2008. "Miks Teadus Vajab Teologiat?" (Estonian translation of "Why Science Needs Theology") Usuteaduslik Ajakiri 57, 1.
  • 2008. "On the Role of Philosophy in Theology-Science Dialogue," in J. J. Vila-Cha, ed., Filosofia y Ciencia: Science in Philosophy, Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia.
  • 2006. "Scientific Perspectives on Christian Anthropology," Reflections: Center of Theological Inquiry, spring.
  • 2003. "Whatever Happened to the Soul?: Theological Perspectives on Neuroscience and the Self," in J. LeDoux et al., eds., The Self: From Soul to Brain, vol. 1001 of Annals of the New York Academy of Science.
  • 2003. "On the Role of Philosophy in Theology-Science Dialogue," Theology and Science, 1,1.
  • 2002. "Divine Creation and Cosmology," Acta Philosophia: Rivista Internazionale de Filosofia.
  • 2002. "The Problem of Mental Causation: How Does Reason Get Its Grip on the Brain?" Science and Christian Belief, October.
  • 1999. "Darwin, Social Theory, and the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge"; "Physicalism without Reductionism: Toward a Scientifically, Philosophically, and Theologically Sound Portrait of Human Nature"; and "Theology and Science within a Lakatosian Program," Zygon, December.
  • 1996. "Philosophical Resources for Postmodern Evangelical Theology," Christian Scholar's Review, winter.
  • 1995. "Postmodern Non-Relativism: Imre Lakatos, Theo Meyering, and Alasdair MacIntyre,"Philosophical Forum, non. 1.
  • 1993. "Philosophical Fractals; Or History as Metaphilosophy," Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, non. 3.
  • 1993. "Phillip Johnson on Trial: A Critique of his Critique of Darwin," Perspectives on Science and the Christian Faith, March.
  • 1990. "Scientific Realism and Postmodern Philosophy," The British Journal for The Philosophy of Science, vol. 41.
  • 1989. (with James McClendon) "Distinguishing Modern and Postmodern Theologies," Modern Theology, April.
  • 1989. "Another Look at Novel Facts," Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, non. 3.
  • 1984. "Proliferation of Models and the Quest for Progress in Psychiatry," Explorations in Knowledge, non. 1.


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  1. Afirmao en: Library of Congress Authorities. Data de consulta: 12 payares 2019. Identificador d'autoridá de la Biblioteca del Congresu d'EEXX: n89613892. Editorial: Biblioteca del Congresu d'Estaos Xuníos. Llingua de la obra o nome: inglés.
  2. «idRef» (francés). Agencia Bibliográfica de Enseñanza Superior. Consultáu'l 6 mayu 2020.
  3. URL de la referencia: https://www.issr.org.uk/fellows/user/113/.
  4. Pailin, David A. (1998). «Review of On the Moral Nature of the Universe. Theology, Cosmology, and Ethics. (Theology and the Sciences.)». The Journal of Theological Studies 49 (2):  páxs. 917–922. http://www.jstor.org/stable/23968847. 
  5. Murphy, Nancey, ed (2008). «Booknotes». Philosophy 83 (324):  páxs. 267–269. http://www.jstor.org/stable/20185307. 
  6. Holder, Rodney (2008). «Review of Evolution and Emergence: Systems, Organisms, Persons». The Journal of Theological Studies 59 (1):  páxs. 433–436. http://www.jstor.org/stable/23972580. 
  7. Schoen, Edward L. (2007). «Review of Evolution and Emergence: Systems, Organisms, Persons». International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 62 (3):  páxs. 175–178. http://www.jstor.org/stable/27646245. 
  8. The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences
  9. Hershenov, David B. (2007). «Review of Bodies and Souls, or Spirited Bodies?». Religious Studies 43 (2):  páxs. 237–242. http://www.jstor.org/stable/20006367. 
  10. Wildman, Wesley J. (1999). «Review of Anglo-American Postmodernity: Philosophical Perspectives on Science, Religion, and Ethics, ; Essays in Postfoundationalist Theology». Journal of the American Academy of Religion 67 (3):  páxs. 692–697. http://www.jstor.org/stable/1466224. 
  11. Ferré, Frederick (1999). «Cosmic Context, Earthling Ethics». Journal of the American Academy of Religion 67 (2):  páxs. 435–446. http://www.jstor.org/stable/1465744. 
  12. Banner, Michael (1991). «Review of Theology in the Age of Scientific Reasoning». Religious Studies 27 (2):  páxs. 270–272. http://www.jstor.org/stable/20019474. 
  13. Polkinghorne, John (2000). «Review of Neuroscience and the Person. Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action». The Journal of Theological Studies 51 (2):  páxs. 797–799. http://www.jstor.org/stable/23968470. 
  14. Bartholomew, David (1 d'avientu de 1996). «Review». Religious Studies 32 (4):  páxs. 519-521. http://www.jstor.org/stable/20008058. Consultáu'l 21 d'ochobre de 2015. 
  15. Brundell, Barry (1997). «Review of Chaos and Complexity. Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action. (A Series on "Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action", 2)». Gregorianum 78 (1):  páxs. 194–197. http://www.jstor.org/stable/23579625. 

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