Odontocetes produce a range of different echolocation clicks but four groups in different familie... more Odontocetes produce a range of different echolocation clicks but four groups in different families have converged on producing the same stereotyped narrow band high frequency (NBHF) click. In microchiropteran bats, sympatric species have evolved the use of different acoustic niches and subtly different echolocation signals to avoid competition among species. In this study, we examined whether similar adaptations are at play among sympatric porpoise species that use NBHF echolocation clicks. We used a six-element hydrophone array to record harbour and Dall's porpoises in British Columbia (BC), Canada, and harbour porpoises in Denmark. The click source properties of all porpoise groups were remarkably similar and had an average directivity index of 25 dB. Yet there was a small, but consistent and significant 4 kHz difference in centroid frequency between sympatric Dall's (13763 kHz) and Canadian harbour porpoises (14162 kHz). Danish harbour porpoise clicks (13663 kHz) were more similar to Dall's porpoise than to their conspecifics in Canada. We suggest that the spectral differences in echolocation clicks between the sympatric porpoises are consistent with evolution of a prezygotic isolating barrier (i.e., character displacement) to avoid hybridization of sympatric species. In practical terms, these spectral differences have immediate application to passive acoustic monitoring. Citation: Kyhn LA, Tougaard J, Beedholm K, Jensen FH, Ashe E, et al. (2013) Clicking in a Killer Whale Habitat: Narrow-Band, High-Frequency Biosonar Clicks of Harbour Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) and Dall's Porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli). PLoS ONE 8(5): e63763.
The impact of underwater noise on marine life calls for identification of exposure criteria to in... more The impact of underwater noise on marine life calls for identification of exposure criteria to inform mitigation. Here we review recent experimental evidence with focus on the high-frequency cetaceans and discuss scientifically-based initial exposure criteria. A range of new TTS experiments suggest that harbour and finless porpoises are more sensitive to sound than expected from extrapolations based on results from bottlenose dolphins. Furthermore, the results from TTS experiments and field studies of behavioural reactions to noise, suggest that response thresholds and TTS critically depend on stimulus frequency. Sound exposure levels for pure tones that induce TTS are reasonably consistent at about 100 dB above the hearing threshold for pure tones and sound pressure thresholds for avoidance reactions are in the range of 40–50 dB above the hearing threshold. We propose that frequency weighting with a filter function approximating the inversed audiogram might be appropriate when assessing impact.
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 2016
Management of the impact of underwater sound is an emerging concern worldwide. Several countries ... more Management of the impact of underwater sound is an emerging concern worldwide. Several countries are in the process of implementing regulatory legislations. In Europe, the Marine Strategy Framework Directive was launched in 2008. This framework addresses noise impacts and the recommendation is to deal with it on a regional level. The Baltic Sea is a semienclosed area with nine states bordering the sea. The number of ships is one of the highest in Europe. Furthermore, the number of ships is estimated to double by 2030. Undoubtedly, due to the unbound character of noise, an efficient management of sound in the Baltic Sea must be done on a regional scale. In line with the European Union directive, the Baltic Sea Information on the Acoustic Soundscape (BIAS) project was established to implement Descriptor 11 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive in the Baltic Sea region. BIAS will develop tools, standards, and methodologies that will allow for cross-border handling of data and results, measure sound in 40 locations for 1 year, establish a seasonal soundscape map by combining measured sound with advanced three-dimensional modeling, and, finally, establish standards for measuring continuous sound. Results from the first phase of BIAS are presented here, with an emphasis on standards and soundscape mapping as well as the challenges related to regional handling.
Some animals emit sounds usable for acoustic monitoring of their population size. Such signais sh... more Some animals emit sounds usable for acoustic monitoring of their population size. Such signais should be loud, omni-directional and easy to recog:nise and localise. Eurasian Bittern Botaurus stellaris mating calls (booms) are knorvn to be loud and probably omni-directional but there is no dala on acoustic localisation ol this species. lVe made recordings of bittern booms rvith a 4-elemenl GPS-linked microphone array, calibrated for absoiute sound pressure level measurements. Receiver spacing lvas 65 to 294 m. The source level was 101 r 3 dB re 20 pPa @ 1 m. The source l'evel did not vary more than 7 dB for the same boom recorded at two different locations, rviih angular separations of 3-27" as seen from the source. The geometric transmission loss rvas close to spherical, and the excess attenuation rvas much smaller than whal lvas expecied from the prevailing temperature and humidity conditions. The prevailing wind conditions caused sound velocity variations ofup to SVo.The source location error was 104 t 113 m (mean * 1s.d.). The prevalence ollarge location errors was probably caused by problems ofdiscerning the direct path from multipath arrivals ofthe signal at the receivers and by sound velocity variations.
Advances in experimental medicine and biology, 2016
We estimated the long-range effects of air gun array noise on marine mammal communication ranges ... more We estimated the long-range effects of air gun array noise on marine mammal communication ranges in the Southern Ocean. Air gun impulses are subject to significant distortion during propagation, potentially resulting in a quasi-continuous sound. Propagation modeling to estimate the received waveform was conducted. A leaky integrator was used as a hearing model to assess communication masking in three species due to intermittent/continuous air gun sounds. Air gun noise is most probably changing from impulse to continuous noise between 1,000 and 2,000 km from the source, leading to a reduced communication range for, e.g., blue and fin whales up to 2,000 km from the source.
Advances in experimental medicine and biology, 2016
The project conducts application-oriented research on impacts of underwater noise on marine verte... more The project conducts application-oriented research on impacts of underwater noise on marine vertebrates in the North and Baltic Seas. In distinct subprojects, the hearing sensitivity of harbor porpoises and gray seals as well as the acoustic tolerance limit of harbor porpoises to impulsive noise from pile driving and stress reactions caused by anthropogenic noise is investigated. Animals are equipped with DTAGs capable of recording the actual surrounding noise field of free-swimming harbor porpoises and seals. Acoustic noise mapping including porpoise detectors in the Natura 2000 sites of the North and Baltic Seas will help to fully understand current noise impacts.
Gennemsnitsvaerdier for ventetid (waiting time), marsvine-positive minutter (PPM), klik per marsv... more Gennemsnitsvaerdier for ventetid (waiting time), marsvine-positive minutter (PPM), klik per marsvinepositive minutter (click PPM) og varighed af klik-grupper (Encounter duration), delt op på referenceområde og havvindmøllepark (impact area). Lodrette streger indikerer 95 % konfidensintervaller på middelvaerdierne.
Wideband sound recordings were made of underwater noise emitted by an active drillship, Stena For... more Wideband sound recordings were made of underwater noise emitted by an active drillship, Stena Forth, working in 484 m of water in Baffin Bay, western Greenland. The recordings were obtained at thirty and one-hundred meters depth. Noise was recorded during both drilling and maintenance work at ranges from 500 m to 38 km. The emitted noise levels were highest during maintenance work with estimated source levels up to 190 dB re 1 μPa (rms), while the source level during drilling was 184 dB re 1 μPa (rms). There were spectral peaks discernible from the background noise to ranges of at least 38 km from the drillship with the main energy below 3 kHz. M-weighted sound pressure levels were virtually identical to broadband levels for low-frequency cetaceans and about 5 dB lower for high-frequency cetaceans. Signals from the dynamic positioning system were clearly detectable at ranges up to two km from the drillship.
Several studies have shown that pingers mitigate porpoise bycatch and thus pinger use is now mand... more Several studies have shown that pingers mitigate porpoise bycatch and thus pinger use is now mandatory in some fisheries -although the long-term effects of pinger exposure on porpoises have not been well studied. The effects of 2 types of pingers (Airmar: 10 kHz tone; Save-Wave Black Saver: 30−160 kHz sweep) on the presence of wild harbour porpoises, Phocoena phocoena, were investigated in 2 areas. Pinger spacing within the areas was similar to that used in commercial fisheries. Two scenarios were tested: (1) pingers were periodically activated and deactivated during 6 periods resembling the deployment and recovery of nets in a gillnet fishery, and (2) pingers were active continuously for 28 d. Acoustic dataloggers (T-PODs) were deployed, 4 within the pinger areas and 3 in control areas, and detected porpoise echolocation activity throughout the entire study. During the periodic-exposure scenario, the porpoise detection rate was reduced by 56% when pingers were active. The reduction was larger for the SaveWave pingers (65%) than for the Airmar pingers (40%). There was a tendency for the encounter rate to increase after the first 2−4 periodic exposures, which could indicate gradual habituation. During the continuous-exposure scenario, the detection rate was reduced by 65% throughout the 28 d with no sign of habituation. In the control areas (2.5, 3 and 5 km distant), neither a decrease nor an increase in detection rate was observed, suggesting that porpoises were displaced either < 2.5 km or > 5 km away. If pingers are used as deterrent devices, the impact of habitat exclusion must therefore be considered concurrently with mitigation of bycatch, especially when regulating fisheries in Marine Protected Areas.
Odontocetes produce a range of different echolocation clicks but four groups in different familie... more Odontocetes produce a range of different echolocation clicks but four groups in different families have converged on producing the same stereotyped narrow band high frequency (NBHF) click. In microchiropteran bats, sympatric species have evolved the use of different acoustic niches and subtly different echolocation signals to avoid competition among species. In this study, we examined whether similar adaptations are at play among sympatric porpoise species that use NBHF echolocation clicks. We used a six-element hydrophone array to record harbour and Dall's porpoises in British Columbia (BC), Canada, and harbour porpoises in Denmark. The click source properties of all porpoise groups were remarkably similar and had an average directivity index of 25 dB. Yet there was a small, but consistent and significant 4 kHz difference in centroid frequency between sympatric Dall's (13763 kHz) and Canadian harbour porpoises (14162 kHz). Danish harbour porpoise clicks (13663 kHz) were more similar to Dall's porpoise than to their conspecifics in Canada. We suggest that the spectral differences in echolocation clicks between the sympatric porpoises are consistent with evolution of a prezygotic isolating barrier (i.e., character displacement) to avoid hybridization of sympatric species. In practical terms, these spectral differences have immediate application to passive acoustic monitoring. Citation: Kyhn LA, Tougaard J, Beedholm K, Jensen FH, Ashe E, et al. (2013) Clicking in a Killer Whale Habitat: Narrow-Band, High-Frequency Biosonar Clicks of Harbour Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) and Dall's Porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli). PLoS ONE 8(5): e63763.
The impact of underwater noise on marine life calls for identification of exposure criteria to in... more The impact of underwater noise on marine life calls for identification of exposure criteria to inform mitigation. Here we review recent experimental evidence with focus on the high-frequency cetaceans and discuss scientifically-based initial exposure criteria. A range of new TTS experiments suggest that harbour and finless porpoises are more sensitive to sound than expected from extrapolations based on results from bottlenose dolphins. Furthermore, the results from TTS experiments and field studies of behavioural reactions to noise, suggest that response thresholds and TTS critically depend on stimulus frequency. Sound exposure levels for pure tones that induce TTS are reasonably consistent at about 100 dB above the hearing threshold for pure tones and sound pressure thresholds for avoidance reactions are in the range of 40–50 dB above the hearing threshold. We propose that frequency weighting with a filter function approximating the inversed audiogram might be appropriate when assessing impact.
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 2016
Management of the impact of underwater sound is an emerging concern worldwide. Several countries ... more Management of the impact of underwater sound is an emerging concern worldwide. Several countries are in the process of implementing regulatory legislations. In Europe, the Marine Strategy Framework Directive was launched in 2008. This framework addresses noise impacts and the recommendation is to deal with it on a regional level. The Baltic Sea is a semienclosed area with nine states bordering the sea. The number of ships is one of the highest in Europe. Furthermore, the number of ships is estimated to double by 2030. Undoubtedly, due to the unbound character of noise, an efficient management of sound in the Baltic Sea must be done on a regional scale. In line with the European Union directive, the Baltic Sea Information on the Acoustic Soundscape (BIAS) project was established to implement Descriptor 11 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive in the Baltic Sea region. BIAS will develop tools, standards, and methodologies that will allow for cross-border handling of data and results, measure sound in 40 locations for 1 year, establish a seasonal soundscape map by combining measured sound with advanced three-dimensional modeling, and, finally, establish standards for measuring continuous sound. Results from the first phase of BIAS are presented here, with an emphasis on standards and soundscape mapping as well as the challenges related to regional handling.
Some animals emit sounds usable for acoustic monitoring of their population size. Such signais sh... more Some animals emit sounds usable for acoustic monitoring of their population size. Such signais should be loud, omni-directional and easy to recog:nise and localise. Eurasian Bittern Botaurus stellaris mating calls (booms) are knorvn to be loud and probably omni-directional but there is no dala on acoustic localisation ol this species. lVe made recordings of bittern booms rvith a 4-elemenl GPS-linked microphone array, calibrated for absoiute sound pressure level measurements. Receiver spacing lvas 65 to 294 m. The source level was 101 r 3 dB re 20 pPa @ 1 m. The source l'evel did not vary more than 7 dB for the same boom recorded at two different locations, rviih angular separations of 3-27" as seen from the source. The geometric transmission loss rvas close to spherical, and the excess attenuation rvas much smaller than whal lvas expecied from the prevailing temperature and humidity conditions. The prevailing wind conditions caused sound velocity variations ofup to SVo.The source location error was 104 t 113 m (mean * 1s.d.). The prevalence ollarge location errors was probably caused by problems ofdiscerning the direct path from multipath arrivals ofthe signal at the receivers and by sound velocity variations.
Advances in experimental medicine and biology, 2016
We estimated the long-range effects of air gun array noise on marine mammal communication ranges ... more We estimated the long-range effects of air gun array noise on marine mammal communication ranges in the Southern Ocean. Air gun impulses are subject to significant distortion during propagation, potentially resulting in a quasi-continuous sound. Propagation modeling to estimate the received waveform was conducted. A leaky integrator was used as a hearing model to assess communication masking in three species due to intermittent/continuous air gun sounds. Air gun noise is most probably changing from impulse to continuous noise between 1,000 and 2,000 km from the source, leading to a reduced communication range for, e.g., blue and fin whales up to 2,000 km from the source.
Advances in experimental medicine and biology, 2016
The project conducts application-oriented research on impacts of underwater noise on marine verte... more The project conducts application-oriented research on impacts of underwater noise on marine vertebrates in the North and Baltic Seas. In distinct subprojects, the hearing sensitivity of harbor porpoises and gray seals as well as the acoustic tolerance limit of harbor porpoises to impulsive noise from pile driving and stress reactions caused by anthropogenic noise is investigated. Animals are equipped with DTAGs capable of recording the actual surrounding noise field of free-swimming harbor porpoises and seals. Acoustic noise mapping including porpoise detectors in the Natura 2000 sites of the North and Baltic Seas will help to fully understand current noise impacts.
Gennemsnitsvaerdier for ventetid (waiting time), marsvine-positive minutter (PPM), klik per marsv... more Gennemsnitsvaerdier for ventetid (waiting time), marsvine-positive minutter (PPM), klik per marsvinepositive minutter (click PPM) og varighed af klik-grupper (Encounter duration), delt op på referenceområde og havvindmøllepark (impact area). Lodrette streger indikerer 95 % konfidensintervaller på middelvaerdierne.
Wideband sound recordings were made of underwater noise emitted by an active drillship, Stena For... more Wideband sound recordings were made of underwater noise emitted by an active drillship, Stena Forth, working in 484 m of water in Baffin Bay, western Greenland. The recordings were obtained at thirty and one-hundred meters depth. Noise was recorded during both drilling and maintenance work at ranges from 500 m to 38 km. The emitted noise levels were highest during maintenance work with estimated source levels up to 190 dB re 1 μPa (rms), while the source level during drilling was 184 dB re 1 μPa (rms). There were spectral peaks discernible from the background noise to ranges of at least 38 km from the drillship with the main energy below 3 kHz. M-weighted sound pressure levels were virtually identical to broadband levels for low-frequency cetaceans and about 5 dB lower for high-frequency cetaceans. Signals from the dynamic positioning system were clearly detectable at ranges up to two km from the drillship.
Several studies have shown that pingers mitigate porpoise bycatch and thus pinger use is now mand... more Several studies have shown that pingers mitigate porpoise bycatch and thus pinger use is now mandatory in some fisheries -although the long-term effects of pinger exposure on porpoises have not been well studied. The effects of 2 types of pingers (Airmar: 10 kHz tone; Save-Wave Black Saver: 30−160 kHz sweep) on the presence of wild harbour porpoises, Phocoena phocoena, were investigated in 2 areas. Pinger spacing within the areas was similar to that used in commercial fisheries. Two scenarios were tested: (1) pingers were periodically activated and deactivated during 6 periods resembling the deployment and recovery of nets in a gillnet fishery, and (2) pingers were active continuously for 28 d. Acoustic dataloggers (T-PODs) were deployed, 4 within the pinger areas and 3 in control areas, and detected porpoise echolocation activity throughout the entire study. During the periodic-exposure scenario, the porpoise detection rate was reduced by 56% when pingers were active. The reduction was larger for the SaveWave pingers (65%) than for the Airmar pingers (40%). There was a tendency for the encounter rate to increase after the first 2−4 periodic exposures, which could indicate gradual habituation. During the continuous-exposure scenario, the detection rate was reduced by 65% throughout the 28 d with no sign of habituation. In the control areas (2.5, 3 and 5 km distant), neither a decrease nor an increase in detection rate was observed, suggesting that porpoises were displaced either < 2.5 km or > 5 km away. If pingers are used as deterrent devices, the impact of habitat exclusion must therefore be considered concurrently with mitigation of bycatch, especially when regulating fisheries in Marine Protected Areas.
Papers by Jakob Tougaard