Greek Abstract: Η 5η eτήσια έκθeση του Ινστιτούτου Reuters για τη μeλέτη της Δημοσιογραφίας του Π... more Greek Abstract: Η 5η eτήσια έκθeση του Ινστιτούτου Reuters για τη μeλέτη της Δημοσιογραφίας του Πανeπιστημίου της Οξφόρδης eρeυνά το μeταβαλλόμeνο πeριβάλλον των μέσων eνημέρωσης και eπικοινωνίας σe 26 χώρeς. Η έρeυνα eίναι η μeγαλύτeρη συγκριτική μeλέτη της χρήσης διαδικτυακών eιδήσeων στον κόσμο στην οποία συμμeτeίχαν πeρισσότeρα από 50.000 άτομα. Η άνοδος της χρήσης κοινωνικών δικτύων για eνημeρωτικούς σκοπούς, η μeίωση της απήχησης των τηλeοπτικών eιδήσeων, η κυριαρχία των κινητών τηλeφώνων ως συσκeυών πρόσβασης στους eιδησeογραφικούς ιστότοπους, καθώς και η αυξανόμeνη δυσαρέσκeια των χρηστών μe τη διαδικτυακή διαφήμιση, συνιστούν κάποια από τα σημαντικότeρα eυρήματα. Αυτές οι eξeλίξeις, σe συνδυασμό μe το γeγονός πως μόνο ένα μικρό ποσοστό χρηστών φέρeται πρόθυμο να πληρώσeι για να διαβάζeι eιδήσeις στο διαδίκτυο, θα έχουν eνδeχομένως πολύ σοβαρές eπιπτώσeις στα μέσα eνημέρωσης στο μέλλον. Οι δυναμικές αυτές eίναι ακόμα πιο έντονeς στην Eλλάδα, όπου η eμπιστοσύνη στα μέσα eνημέρωσης και στη δημοσιογραφία κυμαίνονται σe πολύ χαμηλά eπίπeδα, eνώ η χρήση κοινωνικών δικτύων για eνημέρωση και η χρήση προγραμμάτων αποκλeισμού διαφημιστικού πeριeχομένου (ad-blocking) βρίσκονται σe υψηλότeρα eπίπeδα από ό,τι σe άλλeς χώρeς. English Abstract: The 5th annual Digital News Report of the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism of the University of Oxford examines the changing news consumption landscape in 26 countries. The study is the largest comparative report of online news in the world, with more than 50.000 participants. The increasing use of social media for news, the decrease of use of TV for news of users with online advertising are some of the key findings. These developments, coupled with the fact that only a small percentage of users are willing to pay for online news, will potentially have large consequences for media outlets in the future. These trends are stronger in Greece, where there are very low levels of trust in news and journalism, while the use social media for news and ad-blocking services are in higher levels compared to other countries.
In an era of change, is it the best or the worst of times for practising and studying journalism ... more In an era of change, is it the best or the worst of times for practising and studying journalism and media? There are no easy answers to this question, but what is certain is that it is a time of creativity and reconsideration of the practices and norms – a challenging moment for journalism to reinvent itself in the context of the evolving digital media environment. It is equally an exciting time for journalism scholars to review concepts and methods, and question the durability of findings that were taken for granted.
In the digital knowledge economy, especially in times of crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic, media... more In the digital knowledge economy, especially in times of crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic, media literacy, apart from being known as a key element for a critical analysis of the news and information ecosystem, is hastily upgraded as a viable solution for e-learning, distance education, homeschooling, and home entertainment for children and youth, as well as a tool for work from home, e-business, and e-coaching for adults. From a definitional point of view, media literacy is an umbrella concept that expands cross-thematically to various areas of knowledge, communication, and information. Thus, a preferred policy framework would be a combination of an intersectoral developmental agenda that, like concentric circles –—spinning in different directions simultaneously—–engages social, educational, media, and civic duties. Such duties may be the right to freedom of expression, the right to seek valuable information and content, and the right to access and evaluate it toward UNESCO-led Media and Information Literacy (MIL) societies. This paper focuses on the Greek reaction to the pandemic with regard to media and digital literacy toward setting a sustainable policy infrastructure, inspired by the vast challenges and policies driven on an EU level that favor media literacy.
World of Media. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies
The notion of media sustainability is quite contestable. There is no universal definition. This i... more The notion of media sustainability is quite contestable. There is no universal definition. This is perhaps because of diverse political and socio-cultural contexts within which news media operate. One aspect of media sustainability can be assessing it through the quality of content it produces. However, media do require enough resources of time, money, technology, and experienced professionals who are expert in producing quality content as per the public needs and demands. This implies that resources lie at the heart of maintaining media sustainability (Kluempers & Schneider, 2015).
The article examines democratic peace theory. Considerable research has examined how the regime t... more The article examines democratic peace theory. Considerable research has examined how the regime type and the level of democracy relate with the probability of war. In addressing this issue, the article rests on the premise that democratization can be seen in two forms: a) as an internal process towards democracy b) as an external effort to promote or establish democratic regimes. Contributing to the debate regarding democratic peace theory, it is argued that democratization fails to deter states from pursuing their interests through war. However, and with regard to new forms of ‘wars’ like “terrorism”, democratization can provide both the much needed space for cooperation and the creation of pluralistic societies that will accordingly help to confront some of the sources of rage.
This article deals with the relations between the social movements and the 'categories of tho... more This article deals with the relations between the social movements and the 'categories of thought' that are shaped by the social sciences. That is, in what way social sciences conceptualize meaning regarding the production and the transformation of mental and social structures, in this respect the development of modern classifi. According to our argument, social identities are conducive to the understanding of the mediation of the social sciences while performatively contributing to their political constitution, since they constitute obvious points of comprehension from the social sciences. OZET Bu makale sosyal hareketler ve sosyal bilimler tarafindan bicimlendirilen 'fikir kategorileri' arasindaki iliskiyi ele almaktadir. Bu da, sosyal bilimlerin zihinsel ve sosyal yapilarin uretim ve aktarimina dair anlami nasil kavramsallastirdigidir. Bu durumda modern tasnifin gelisimidir. Sosyal kimliklerin, sosyal bilimlerin uzlastirmaciligina vesile olurken ayni zamanda onlar...
Greek Abstract: Η 5η eτήσια έκθeση του Ινστιτούτου Reuters για τη μeλέτη της Δημοσιογραφίας του Π... more Greek Abstract: Η 5η eτήσια έκθeση του Ινστιτούτου Reuters για τη μeλέτη της Δημοσιογραφίας του Πανeπιστημίου της Οξφόρδης eρeυνά το μeταβαλλόμeνο πeριβάλλον των μέσων eνημέρωσης και eπικοινωνίας σe 26 χώρeς. Η έρeυνα eίναι η μeγαλύτeρη συγκριτική μeλέτη της χρήσης διαδικτυακών eιδήσeων στον κόσμο στην οποία συμμeτeίχαν πeρισσότeρα από 50.000 άτομα. Η άνοδος της χρήσης κοινωνικών δικτύων για eνημeρωτικούς σκοπούς, η μeίωση της απήχησης των τηλeοπτικών eιδήσeων, η κυριαρχία των κινητών τηλeφώνων ως συσκeυών πρόσβασης στους eιδησeογραφικούς ιστότοπους, καθώς και η αυξανόμeνη δυσαρέσκeια των χρηστών μe τη διαδικτυακή διαφήμιση, συνιστούν κάποια από τα σημαντικότeρα eυρήματα. Αυτές οι eξeλίξeις, σe συνδυασμό μe το γeγονός πως μόνο ένα μικρό ποσοστό χρηστών φέρeται πρόθυμο να πληρώσeι για να διαβάζeι eιδήσeις στο διαδίκτυο, θα έχουν eνδeχομένως πολύ σοβαρές eπιπτώσeις στα μέσα eνημέρωσης στο μέλλον. Οι δυναμικές αυτές eίναι ακόμα πιο έντονeς στην Eλλάδα, όπου η eμπιστοσύνη στα μέσα eνημέρωσης και στη δημοσιογραφία κυμαίνονται σe πολύ χαμηλά eπίπeδα, eνώ η χρήση κοινωνικών δικτύων για eνημέρωση και η χρήση προγραμμάτων αποκλeισμού διαφημιστικού πeριeχομένου (ad-blocking) βρίσκονται σe υψηλότeρα eπίπeδα από ό,τι σe άλλeς χώρeς. English Abstract: The 5th annual Digital News Report of the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism of the University of Oxford examines the changing news consumption landscape in 26 countries. The study is the largest comparative report of online news in the world, with more than 50.000 participants. The increasing use of social media for news, the decrease of use of TV for news of users with online advertising are some of the key findings. These developments, coupled with the fact that only a small percentage of users are willing to pay for online news, will potentially have large consequences for media outlets in the future. These trends are stronger in Greece, where there are very low levels of trust in news and journalism, while the use social media for news and ad-blocking services are in higher levels compared to other countries.
The low-and-middle-income country (LMIC) context is volatile, uncertain and resource-constrained.... more The low-and-middle-income country (LMIC) context is volatile, uncertain and resource-constrained. India, an LMIC, has put up a complex response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Using an analytic approach, we have described India’s response to combat the pandemic during the initial months (from 17 January to 20 April 2020). India issued travel advisories and implemented graded international border controls between January and March 2020. By early March, cases started to surge. States scaled up movement restrictions. On 25 March, India went into a nationwide lockdown to ramp up preparedness. The lockdown uncovered contextual vulnerabilities and stimulated countermeasures. India leveraged existing legal frameworks, institutional mechanisms and administrative provisions to respond to the pandemic. Nevertheless, the cross-sectoral impact of the initial combat was intense and is potentially long-lasting. The country could have further benefited from evidence-based policy and planning attuned to ...
Greek Abstract: Η 5η eτήσια έκθeση του Ινστιτούτου Reuters για τη μeλέτη της Δημοσιογραφίας του Π... more Greek Abstract: Η 5η eτήσια έκθeση του Ινστιτούτου Reuters για τη μeλέτη της Δημοσιογραφίας του Πανeπιστημίου της Οξφόρδης eρeυνά το μeταβαλλόμeνο πeριβάλλον των μέσων eνημέρωσης και eπικοινωνίας σe 26 χώρeς. Η έρeυνα eίναι η μeγαλύτeρη συγκριτική μeλέτη της χρήσης διαδικτυακών eιδήσeων στον κόσμο στην οποία συμμeτeίχαν πeρισσότeρα από 50.000 άτομα. Η άνοδος της χρήσης κοινωνικών δικτύων για eνημeρωτικούς σκοπούς, η μeίωση της απήχησης των τηλeοπτικών eιδήσeων, η κυριαρχία των κινητών τηλeφώνων ως συσκeυών πρόσβασης στους eιδησeογραφικούς ιστότοπους, καθώς και η αυξανόμeνη δυσαρέσκeια των χρηστών μe τη διαδικτυακή διαφήμιση, συνιστούν κάποια από τα σημαντικότeρα eυρήματα. Αυτές οι eξeλίξeις, σe συνδυασμό μe το γeγονός πως μόνο ένα μικρό ποσοστό χρηστών φέρeται πρόθυμο να πληρώσeι για να διαβάζeι eιδήσeις στο διαδίκτυο, θα έχουν eνδeχομένως πολύ σοβαρές eπιπτώσeις στα μέσα eνημέρωσης στο μέλλον. Οι δυναμικές αυτές eίναι ακόμα πιο έντονeς στην Eλλάδα, όπου η eμπιστοσύνη στα μέσα eνημέρωσης και στη δημοσιογραφία κυμαίνονται σe πολύ χαμηλά eπίπeδα, eνώ η χρήση κοινωνικών δικτύων για eνημέρωση και η χρήση προγραμμάτων αποκλeισμού διαφημιστικού πeριeχομένου (ad-blocking) βρίσκονται σe υψηλότeρα eπίπeδα από ό,τι σe άλλeς χώρeς. English Abstract: The 5th annual Digital News Report of the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism of the University of Oxford examines the changing news consumption landscape in 26 countries. The study is the largest comparative report of online news in the world, with more than 50.000 participants. The increasing use of social media for news, the decrease of use of TV for news of users with online advertising are some of the key findings. These developments, coupled with the fact that only a small percentage of users are willing to pay for online news, will potentially have large consequences for media outlets in the future. These trends are stronger in Greece, where there are very low levels of trust in news and journalism, while the use social media for news and ad-blocking services are in higher levels compared to other countries.
In an era of change, is it the best or the worst of times for practising and studying journalism ... more In an era of change, is it the best or the worst of times for practising and studying journalism and media? There are no easy answers to this question, but what is certain is that it is a time of creativity and reconsideration of the practices and norms – a challenging moment for journalism to reinvent itself in the context of the evolving digital media environment. It is equally an exciting time for journalism scholars to review concepts and methods, and question the durability of findings that were taken for granted.
In the digital knowledge economy, especially in times of crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic, media... more In the digital knowledge economy, especially in times of crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic, media literacy, apart from being known as a key element for a critical analysis of the news and information ecosystem, is hastily upgraded as a viable solution for e-learning, distance education, homeschooling, and home entertainment for children and youth, as well as a tool for work from home, e-business, and e-coaching for adults. From a definitional point of view, media literacy is an umbrella concept that expands cross-thematically to various areas of knowledge, communication, and information. Thus, a preferred policy framework would be a combination of an intersectoral developmental agenda that, like concentric circles –—spinning in different directions simultaneously—–engages social, educational, media, and civic duties. Such duties may be the right to freedom of expression, the right to seek valuable information and content, and the right to access and evaluate it toward UNESCO-led Media and Information Literacy (MIL) societies. This paper focuses on the Greek reaction to the pandemic with regard to media and digital literacy toward setting a sustainable policy infrastructure, inspired by the vast challenges and policies driven on an EU level that favor media literacy.
World of Media. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies
The notion of media sustainability is quite contestable. There is no universal definition. This i... more The notion of media sustainability is quite contestable. There is no universal definition. This is perhaps because of diverse political and socio-cultural contexts within which news media operate. One aspect of media sustainability can be assessing it through the quality of content it produces. However, media do require enough resources of time, money, technology, and experienced professionals who are expert in producing quality content as per the public needs and demands. This implies that resources lie at the heart of maintaining media sustainability (Kluempers & Schneider, 2015).
The article examines democratic peace theory. Considerable research has examined how the regime t... more The article examines democratic peace theory. Considerable research has examined how the regime type and the level of democracy relate with the probability of war. In addressing this issue, the article rests on the premise that democratization can be seen in two forms: a) as an internal process towards democracy b) as an external effort to promote or establish democratic regimes. Contributing to the debate regarding democratic peace theory, it is argued that democratization fails to deter states from pursuing their interests through war. However, and with regard to new forms of ‘wars’ like “terrorism”, democratization can provide both the much needed space for cooperation and the creation of pluralistic societies that will accordingly help to confront some of the sources of rage.
This article deals with the relations between the social movements and the 'categories of tho... more This article deals with the relations between the social movements and the 'categories of thought' that are shaped by the social sciences. That is, in what way social sciences conceptualize meaning regarding the production and the transformation of mental and social structures, in this respect the development of modern classifi. According to our argument, social identities are conducive to the understanding of the mediation of the social sciences while performatively contributing to their political constitution, since they constitute obvious points of comprehension from the social sciences. OZET Bu makale sosyal hareketler ve sosyal bilimler tarafindan bicimlendirilen 'fikir kategorileri' arasindaki iliskiyi ele almaktadir. Bu da, sosyal bilimlerin zihinsel ve sosyal yapilarin uretim ve aktarimina dair anlami nasil kavramsallastirdigidir. Bu durumda modern tasnifin gelisimidir. Sosyal kimliklerin, sosyal bilimlerin uzlastirmaciligina vesile olurken ayni zamanda onlar...
Greek Abstract: Η 5η eτήσια έκθeση του Ινστιτούτου Reuters για τη μeλέτη της Δημοσιογραφίας του Π... more Greek Abstract: Η 5η eτήσια έκθeση του Ινστιτούτου Reuters για τη μeλέτη της Δημοσιογραφίας του Πανeπιστημίου της Οξφόρδης eρeυνά το μeταβαλλόμeνο πeριβάλλον των μέσων eνημέρωσης και eπικοινωνίας σe 26 χώρeς. Η έρeυνα eίναι η μeγαλύτeρη συγκριτική μeλέτη της χρήσης διαδικτυακών eιδήσeων στον κόσμο στην οποία συμμeτeίχαν πeρισσότeρα από 50.000 άτομα. Η άνοδος της χρήσης κοινωνικών δικτύων για eνημeρωτικούς σκοπούς, η μeίωση της απήχησης των τηλeοπτικών eιδήσeων, η κυριαρχία των κινητών τηλeφώνων ως συσκeυών πρόσβασης στους eιδησeογραφικούς ιστότοπους, καθώς και η αυξανόμeνη δυσαρέσκeια των χρηστών μe τη διαδικτυακή διαφήμιση, συνιστούν κάποια από τα σημαντικότeρα eυρήματα. Αυτές οι eξeλίξeις, σe συνδυασμό μe το γeγονός πως μόνο ένα μικρό ποσοστό χρηστών φέρeται πρόθυμο να πληρώσeι για να διαβάζeι eιδήσeις στο διαδίκτυο, θα έχουν eνδeχομένως πολύ σοβαρές eπιπτώσeις στα μέσα eνημέρωσης στο μέλλον. Οι δυναμικές αυτές eίναι ακόμα πιο έντονeς στην Eλλάδα, όπου η eμπιστοσύνη στα μέσα eνημέρωσης και στη δημοσιογραφία κυμαίνονται σe πολύ χαμηλά eπίπeδα, eνώ η χρήση κοινωνικών δικτύων για eνημέρωση και η χρήση προγραμμάτων αποκλeισμού διαφημιστικού πeριeχομένου (ad-blocking) βρίσκονται σe υψηλότeρα eπίπeδα από ό,τι σe άλλeς χώρeς. English Abstract: The 5th annual Digital News Report of the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism of the University of Oxford examines the changing news consumption landscape in 26 countries. The study is the largest comparative report of online news in the world, with more than 50.000 participants. The increasing use of social media for news, the decrease of use of TV for news of users with online advertising are some of the key findings. These developments, coupled with the fact that only a small percentage of users are willing to pay for online news, will potentially have large consequences for media outlets in the future. These trends are stronger in Greece, where there are very low levels of trust in news and journalism, while the use social media for news and ad-blocking services are in higher levels compared to other countries.
The low-and-middle-income country (LMIC) context is volatile, uncertain and resource-constrained.... more The low-and-middle-income country (LMIC) context is volatile, uncertain and resource-constrained. India, an LMIC, has put up a complex response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Using an analytic approach, we have described India’s response to combat the pandemic during the initial months (from 17 January to 20 April 2020). India issued travel advisories and implemented graded international border controls between January and March 2020. By early March, cases started to surge. States scaled up movement restrictions. On 25 March, India went into a nationwide lockdown to ramp up preparedness. The lockdown uncovered contextual vulnerabilities and stimulated countermeasures. India leveraged existing legal frameworks, institutional mechanisms and administrative provisions to respond to the pandemic. Nevertheless, the cross-sectoral impact of the initial combat was intense and is potentially long-lasting. The country could have further benefited from evidence-based policy and planning attuned to ...
This publication aims to disentangle the implications that the
coronavirus has had on media aroun... more This publication aims to disentangle the implications that the coronavirus has had on media around the world. The overarching question is whether the pandemic presents a turning point for the media landscape, or rather, if it reinforces pre-existing trends. Recent developments are assessed along four parameters: quality of media coverage, the economic situation of media outlets, digitization, and freedom of the media. These are presented in eleven different case studies.
Beyond Journalistic Norms. Role Performance and News in Comparative Perspective, 2020
Beyond Journalistic Norms contests and challenges pre-established assumptions about a dominant ty... more Beyond Journalistic Norms contests and challenges pre-established assumptions about a dominant type of journalism prevailing in different political, economic, and geographical contexts to posit the fluid, and dynamic nature of journalistic roles.
The book brings together scholars from Western and Eastern Europe, North America, Latin America, and Asia, reporting findings based on data collected from democratic, transitional, and non-democratic contexts to produce thematic chapters that address how journalistic cultures vary around the globe, specifically in relation to challenges that journalists face in performing their journalistic roles. The study measures, compares, and analyzes the materialization of the interventionist, the watchdog, the loyal-facilitator, the service, the infotainment, and the civic roles in more than 30,000 print news stories from 18 countries. It also draws from hundreds of surveys with journalists to explain the link between ideals and practices, and the conditions that shape this divide.
This book will be of great relevance to scholars and researchers working in the fields of journalism, journalism practices, philosophy of journalism, sociology of media, and comparative journalism research.
Uncertain times require prompt reflexes to survive and this study is a collaborative reflex to be... more Uncertain times require prompt reflexes to survive and this study is a collaborative reflex to better understand uncertainty and navigate through it. The Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic hit hard and interrupted many dimensions of our lives, particularly education. As a response to interruption of education due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this study is a collaborative reaction that narrates the overall view, reflections from the K12 and higher educational landscape, lessons learned and suggestions from a total of 31 countries across the world with a representation of 62.7% of the whole world population. In addition to the value of each case by country, the synthesis of this research suggests that the current practices can be defined as emergency remote education and this practice is different from planned practices such as distance education, online learning or other derivations. Above all, this study points out how social injustice, inequity and the digital divide have been exacerbated during the pandemic and need unique and targeted measures if they are to be addressed. While there are support communities and mechanisms, parents are overburdened between regular daily/professional duties and emerging educational roles, and all parties are experiencing trauma, psychological pressure and anxiety to various degrees, which necessitates a pedagogy of care, affection and empathy. In terms of educational processes, the interruption of education signifies the importance of openness in education and highlights issues that should be taken into consideration such as using alternative assessment and evaluation methods as well as concerns about surveillance, ethics, and data privacy resulting from nearly exclusive dependency on online solutions.
«Διαμορφώνοντας την είδηση: Στρατηγικές και Ιεραρχήσεις στα κεντρικά δελτία ειδήσεων των ιδιωτικώ... more «Διαμορφώνοντας την είδηση: Στρατηγικές και Ιεραρχήσεις στα κεντρικά δελτία ειδήσεων των ιδιωτικών τηλεοπτικών σταθμών εθνικής εμβέλειας.» Ανδρέας Μ. Παναγόπουλος Νικόλαος Παναγιώτου Η παρούσα έρευνα εξετάζει το ρόλο και τη σημασία των δημοσιογραφικών πρακτικών που ακολουθούν οι πυλωροί-διευθυντές κατά την διαμόρφωση των κεντρικών τηλεοπτικών δελτίων ειδήσεων των ιδιωτικών σταθμών εθνικής εμβέλειας. Μέσω της συγκριτικής ανάλυσης και τη χρήση ημιδομημένων συνεντεύξεων επιχειρούμε να ερευνήσουμε τα κριτήρια επιλογής και ιεράρχησης των ειδήσεων, τον ρόλο που παίζουν οι μετρήσεις στην επιλογή της θεματολογίας και τις επιδράσεις των αποφάσεων του ανταγωνισμού την ώρα μετάδοσης των δελτίων ειδήσεων στην τελική κατάταξη του ειδησεογραφικού προϊόντος από τους «πυλωρούς». Η ανάλυση εστιάζει στο δυναμικό πλαίσιο λειτουργίας των τηλεοπτικών δελτίων και εντοπίζει ως νέο στοιχείο στην θεωρία της αλληλεπίδρασης στην ημερήσια θεματολογία των Μέσων, μεταβολές στις ιεραρχήσεις και τις επιλογές που οι ίδιοι έχουν κάνει ακόμα και κατά τη διάρκεια μετάδοσης των ανταγωνιστικών δελτίων Ειδήσεων από τους πυλωρούς.
coronavirus has had on media around the world. The overarching
question is whether the pandemic presents a turning point
for the media landscape, or rather, if it reinforces pre-existing
trends. Recent developments are assessed along four parameters:
quality of media coverage, the economic situation of media
outlets, digitization, and freedom of the media. These are presented
in eleven different case studies.
The book brings together scholars from Western and Eastern Europe, North America, Latin America, and Asia, reporting findings based on data collected from democratic, transitional, and non-democratic contexts to produce thematic chapters that address how journalistic cultures vary around the globe, specifically in relation to challenges that journalists face in performing their journalistic roles. The study measures, compares, and analyzes the materialization of the interventionist, the watchdog, the loyal-facilitator, the service, the infotainment, and the civic roles in more than 30,000 print news stories from 18 countries. It also draws from hundreds of surveys with journalists to explain the link between ideals and practices, and the conditions that shape this divide.
This book will be of great relevance to scholars and researchers working in the fields of journalism, journalism practices, philosophy of journalism, sociology of media, and comparative journalism research.