
TabularPredictor.fit_extra(hyperparameters: str | Dict[str, Any], time_limit: float | None = None, base_model_names: List[str] | None = None, fit_weighted_ensemble: bool = True, fit_full_last_level_weighted_ensemble: bool = True, full_weighted_ensemble_additionally: bool = False, num_cpus: str | int = 'auto', num_gpus: str | int = 'auto', **kwargs) TabularPredictor[source]

Fits additional models after the original call. The original train_data and tuning_data will be used to train the models.

  • hyperparameters (str or dict) – Refer to argument documentation in If base_model_names is specified and hyperparameters is using the level-based key notation, the key of the level which directly uses the base models should be 1. The level in the hyperparameters dictionary is relative, not absolute.

  • time_limit (int, default = None) – Refer to argument documentation in

  • base_model_names (List[str], default = None) – The names of the models to use as base models for this fit call. Base models will provide their out-of-fold predictions as additional features to the models in hyperparameters. If specified, all models trained will be stack ensembles. If None, models will be trained as if they were specified in, without depending on existing models. Only valid if bagging is enabled.

  • fit_weighted_ensemble (bool, default = True) – If True, a WeightedEnsembleModel will be fit in each stack layer. A weighted ensemble will often be stronger than an individual model while being very fast to train. It is recommended to keep this value set to True to maximize predictive quality.

  • fit_full_last_level_weighted_ensemble (bool, default = True) – If True, the WeightedEnsembleModel of the last stacking level will be fit with all (successful) models from all previous layers as base models. If stacking is disabled, settings this to True or False makes no difference because the WeightedEnsembleModel L2 always uses all models from L1. It is recommended to keep this value set to True to maximize predictive quality.

  • full_weighted_ensemble_additionally (bool, default = False) – If True, AutoGluon will fit two WeightedEnsembleModels after training all stacking levels. Setting this to True, simulates calling fit_weighted_ensemble() after calling fit(). Has no affect if fit_full_last_level_weighted_ensemble is False and does not fit an additional WeightedEnsembleModel if stacking is disabled.

  • num_cpus (int, default = "auto") – The total amount of cpus you want AutoGluon predictor to use. Auto means AutoGluon will make the decision based on the total number of cpus available and the model requirement for best performance. Users generally don’t need to set this value

  • num_gpus (int, default = "auto") – The total amount of gpus you want AutoGluon predictor to use. Auto means AutoGluon will make the decision based on the total number of gpus available and the model requirement for best performance. Users generally don’t need to set this value

  • **kwargs

    Refer to kwargs documentation in Note that the following kwargs are not available in fit_extra as they cannot be changed from their values set in fit():

    [holdout_frac, num_bag_folds, auto_stack, feature_generator, unlabeled_data]

    Moreover, dynamic_stacking is also not available in fit_extra as the detection of stacked overfitting is only supported at the first fit time. pseudo_data : pd.DataFrame, default = None

    Data that has been self labeled by Autogluon model and will be incorporated into training during ‘fit_extra’