Conference Presentations by Cem Korkut
Tarih Boyunca Rumeli Coğrafyasında İlim, İrfan ve Hikmet, 2022
Osmanlı Devleti kendisinden evvelki İslâm devletlerinin ve hüküm sürmüş olduğu coğrafyalarda bulu... more Osmanlı Devleti kendisinden evvelki İslâm devletlerinin ve hüküm sürmüş olduğu coğrafyalarda bulunan medeniyetlerin izini sürerek kendisine has bir şehir anlayışı vaz etmiştir. Tevârüs ettiği en yakın medeniyet unsurları ise Selçuklu ile Bizans devletleri olmuştur. Anadolu’nun Bizans hudûduna en yakın bölgesinde beliren ve zaman içinde üç kıtaya yayılan Osmanlı Devleti bu coğrafyalarda şehirleri ihyâ ve yeni şehirleri tesis etmiştir.
Although the waqfs have existed with the history of humanity and are useful in all societies, the... more Although the waqfs have existed with the history of humanity and are useful in all societies, they had different role and place in Islamic societies. The waqfs have made institutionalized cooperation and solidarity among people. Especially in Islamic societies, great importance has been attached to waqfs. The waqfs that helped institutionalize the concept of infaq met many needs of the community. One of the Islamic states where the foundations are very active was the Ottoman Empire. The size of the waqf services in the Ottoman Empire expanded so much that, besides the human services, waqfs for injured birds and sick animals were established. The fact that the waqfs are so widespread in the state has made it possible to refer to the Ottoman Empire as a waqf civilization. One of the waqf types operating in the Ottoman Empire was the cash waqfs (CWs) which were made up of cash in the capital. The CWs operated the cash that made up its capital with various Islamic finance methods. Revenues from the operating money were used in the direction of waqf purpose. The CWs provided the vital necessities of the society such as education and religion in the period they were active in the Ottoman Empire. Another function of these waqfs was to operate as a micro-credit mechanism. Through these waqfs, the surplus and the accumulated savings in the hands of the asset owners were made available to merchants, farmers, craftsmen, and artisans. Hence, these waqfs have served as resource transfer channels as well as functioning as a charity in the society. The ultimate goal of CWs, which is the pioneer of modern interest-free financial institutions today, is different from these institutions. The CWs did not transfer the profits they got to the waqf founder or owner. The income obtained has been spent to fulfill the charitable services in the direction of the waqf purposes. Therefore, these institutions created Altruistic Finance Model operating within the borders of Islamic prohibitions and orders. In our study, the financial mentality of the Ottoman society in the context of the CWs and how this mentality shaped the CWs will be discussed.
Main questions of this study are " How much autonomy? " and " Has autonomy take to feudalism? " A... more Main questions of this study are " How much autonomy? " and " Has autonomy take to feudalism? " Although the resolution of issue according to effective, efficient, rational and fair principles about the income distribution between the central administration and the municipalities is a precondition of permanent and efficient services of local governments.This study aims to identify regional goverments tasks and improve services of central governments with taxes (VAT) distirbution method. We also aim to increase taxes that are collected from regional governments with the method of glocalization. In addition, if sharing criteria was different, it would how a change between the years 2003-2011 will be investigated. During the comprehensive analysis of these years with public revenues on the basis of VAT, local government's expenditure, criteria/data to be applied in the share of public revenues to municipalities whether changing the method financing of municipalities can make local governments more efficient and productive will be explored. In a political structure that municipalities are financed from the center, it is very difficult to find an appropriate combination between equality and justice in the distribution of income. Local governments must have privileges which is proportionate with responsibilities on own mandates and source of income for producing to serve as an effective and efficient local services. The results show that if the central governments give budget to regional government according to taxes that are collected in this region, productivity of taxation increase and regional government can collect taxes easier.
Cash Waqfs (CWs) is referred for the waqfs that have cash as capital. These waqfs were also estab... more Cash Waqfs (CWs) is referred for the waqfs that have cash as capital. These waqfs were also established like other waqfs for specific purposes. The cash that is capital of waqf is operated by Islamic methods. The revenue derived from these methods are spent for the establishment purposes of waqf. The most important feature of CWs is that they are standing up with operations of the cash as capital not with rental income as real estate waqfs. Madrasas that were one of the main institutions of the Ottoman educational system were obtaining their needs from waqfs. Apart from this, the madrasas that were accepting aid from the state and the philanthropists –even the Sultan-if there was need had become institutions that contribute the development of human capital of the Ottoman State. Moreover, schools, libraries and other education institutions were also supported by waqfs. In this study, the financial support of CWs to education system, especially founded in Rumelia, that contributed the growth of scholars and state officials will be investigated.
Papers by Cem Korkut
International Journal of Economics, Management and Accounting, 2022
In Muslim societies, the views of religious law scholars are critical for the community’s religio... more In Muslim societies, the views of religious law scholars are critical for the community’s religiosity and the Islamicity of the state, and general socio-economic and cultural life. This study explores several financial aspects of Ottoman life governed by the Hanafi code of law and institutionalized fatwas, and the effects of the scholarly class. The Ottoman financial institutions manifested as cash wqaf played a key role as credit mechanisms in the Ottoman economy. This study focuses on finance-related wqaf and fatwas in the Ottoman period. This research relies on primary fatwa sources and archival wqaf documents (wqafiyahs). The institutions of fatwa and cash wqaf, respectively, as legal and credit institutions, had a significant effect on Ottoman socio-economic society. The fatwa institution played the role of monitoring and regulatory agency while cash wqaf operated as charitable institutions and interest-free ‘banks’. Despite the religious debate around cash wqaf, the latter was able to fund community development projects with no interest but also influenced the market borrowing ratio and arrangement of the borrowing methods. The study's findings show that Islam strongly influenced the economic decision-making processes in Ottoman communities. Sample of fatwas and cash wqaf represent some of the most important indicators of these findings. The study will further guide recent progress made in Islamic economy and finance. The flexibility of the fatwa institution and its ability to influence decisions are also critical new instruments in Islamic finance.
Muhafazakâr Düşünce, 2020
Tüm dünyada hızına yetişilemeyen teknolojik değişim, teknolojinin imkânları ile giderek dijitalle... more Tüm dünyada hızına yetişilemeyen teknolojik değişim, teknolojinin imkânları ile giderek dijitalleşen finans sisteminin dönüşümü, reel sektör ve finans sektörü arasındaki bağın kopması neticesinde yaşanan ekonomik krizler ve en nihayetinde insanlığın yaşadığı son salgın, küresel iktisat nizamına olan bakışı değiştiriyor. İnsanlık, adil gelir dağılımının sağlandığı ve insani ihtiyaçların öncelikle karşılandığı insani bir iktisat ve finans sistemine ihtiyaç duyuyor. Bu arayış tarihte farklı iktisadi mezheplerin doğmasını sağlamış olmasına rağmen şu ana dek insanlığın aradığı mutluluk ve refahı sağlayabilen bir sistem kurulmuş değil. Bunun neticesinde Kapitalist iktisat sistemi tüm dünyada alternatifsizliğini ilan etmiş durumdadır. Fakat insanlık tamamen çaresiz değil. İnsanı kaynak olarak değil kıymet olarak gören ve dünya üzerinde insanlığa lütfedilen imkânları âtıl bırakmadan işleyerek yine insanlığın hizmetine sunulmasını öngören İslâm iktisadı yerleşik kapitalist iktisat sistemine insanî alternatifi sunuyor. Ahlaki kodları, emirleri ve yasakları ile İslâm iktisadı, insanlığın sınırsız arzularına ve tükenmek bilmeyen kâr iştahına karşı itidalli bir tüketim ile adil bir gelir dağılımını vaat ediyor. Bu vaatlerin uygulanabilirliği ve gerçekçiliği sık sık sorgulansa da Müslümanların tarih boyunca kurmuş olduğu medeniyetler İslâm iktisadının başarısının en önemli göstergesidir. Bu çalışmada Kapitalist iktisat sisteminin yol açtığı ekonomik ve toplumsal sorunlara değinilirken İslâm iktisadının ilkeleri ve özelliklerinin bu sorunlar için sunduğu çözümler karşılaştırmalı olarak ele alınmaktadır.
Insight Turkey, 2019
The institutions of “waqfs,” that is foundations, stand before us as
an intermediate option betwe... more The institutions of “waqfs,” that is foundations, stand before us as
an intermediate option between collectivist and individualistic societies.
These foundations provide for societal and individual needs in many areas
including religion, education, finance, health, and infrastructure. One of
the most important forms is the cash waqf, which acts as both a charity
and financial intermediary and has evolved to become an option to today’s
conventional lending mechanism. Waqfs have historically solved the most
important financial needs of the period by considering the sensitivities of
the society. This study will discuss the potential solutions that the cash
waqfs can bring to the problems that modern-day societies are currently
experiencing in finance.
Waqfs Journal, 2019
In spite of the fact that the waqfs have existed with the history of humankind and are helpful in... more In spite of the fact that the waqfs have existed with the history of humankind and are helpful in all social communities, they have a different and important place in Islamic societies. The waqfs have institutionalized and organized assistance and solidarity between individuals. Especially in Islamic societies, a great importance has been attached to waqfs. The waqfs that helped institutionalize the concept of “infaq” (charitable giving), met many needs of the community. One of the Islamic states where the waqfs are very active was the Ottoman Empire. The range of waqf services in the Ottomans expanded so much that, besides serving individuals and community, waqfs for injured birds and sick animals were also established. The fact that the waqfs are so widespread in the state has made it possible to refer the Ottoman Empire as a waqf civilization. One of the waqf types operating in the Ottoman Empire was the cash waqfs (CWs) which hold cash money as capital. The CWs operated its capital with various Islamic finance methods. Revenues obtained from various investments were used for the purpose of waqf. The CWs met the vital necessities of the society pertaining to education and religion in the period they were active in the Ottoman Empire. Another function of these waqfs was to operate as a micro-credit mechanism. Through these waqfs, the surplus and the accumulated savings in the hands of the wealthy people were made available to merchants, farmers, craftsmen, and artisans. Hence, these waqfs have served as resource transfer channels as well as functioning as a charity in the society. The main goal of CWs, which is the pioneer of modern Islamic financial institutions, is different from that of Islamic interest-free financial institutions. The CWs did not transfer the profits they obtained to the waqf’s founder or owner. The income obtained was spent to fulfill the charitable services. Therefore, these institutions created an altruistic finance model operating within the borders of Islamic rules and orders. Therefore, this model has its own principles. In our study, the financial mentality of the Ottoman society in the context of CWs and how this mentality shaped them will be discussed. The basic principles of this mentality and CW model will be emphasized.
ADAM AKADEMİ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Dec 31, 2017
Günümüzde modern devletler tarafından vatandaşlara sağlanan çoğu hizmetler, Osmanlı döneminde ... more ÖZ
Günümüzde modern devletler tarafından vatandaşlara sağlanan çoğu hizmetler, Osmanlı döneminde vakıflar tarafından sağlanıyordu. İslâm dininin toplumsal hayat üzerindeki etkisinin yüksek olması insanları vakıf kurmaya iten önemli etkenlerin başında geliyordu. Hayırseverler tarafından kurulan vakıflar, dini hizmetler, eğitim, altyapı vb. toplumsal ihtiyaçları finanse etmekteydi. Para vakıfları, toplumun ihtiyaçlarını finanse eden vakıf türlerinden birisidir. Sermayesi nakit paradan oluşan bu vakıflar ihtiyacı olan girişimcilere İslâmî usullere göre finansman sağlamıştır. Para vakıfları Osmanlıların son dönemlerine kadar işleyişini devam ettiren kurumlar olmuştur. Osmanlıların, aynı dönemde Avrupa'daki modern finansal kurumların gelişmesine karşı para vakıfları ile bu kurumların işlevlerini yerine getirmesi, Osmanlı iktisadi ve finansal zihniyetini anlamak açısından önemlidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı birincil kaynaklarından incelenen para vakıfları ile Osmanlı iktisadi zihniyetini analiz etmektir. Ayrıca aynı dönemde faaliyet gösteren ve para vakıfları ile çağdaş olarak Avrupa'da faaliyet gösteren finansal kurumlar da incelenecek ve iktisadi zihniyetler arasında karşılaştırma yapılmaya çalışılacaktır.
Most of the services provided by modern states to their citizens today were provided by the waqfs during the Ottoman period. The fact that the influence of Islamic religion on the social life was high was one of the most important factors driving people to establish the waqfs. The waqfs founded by philanthropists financed such social needs as religious services, education and infrastructure. The cash waqfs (CWs) were one of the waqf types that financed the needs of the society. The CWs whose capital was cash money provided financial sources to entrepreneurs who were in need of cash according to Islamic methods. The CWs continued to function until the last period of the Ottomans. That the Ottomans used CWs to carry out the functions of the modern financial institutions of Europe is important to understand the Ottoman economic and financial mentality. By using the primary sources, this study aims to analyze the Ottoman economic mentality through studying CWs. In addition, the financial institutions operating in Europe in the same period will be examined and a comparison will be made between the two economic mentalities.
Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development, 2017
Today, the sensitive side of national economies is financial sector. The main reason for this sen... more Today, the sensitive side of national economies is financial sector. The main reason for this sensitivity is financial crises. This situation has increased the demand and orientation for Islamic finance as a substitute for the modern financial system. The Islamic finance is discussed as a real solution to financial crises because the Islamic finance methods and applications depend on real economic activities. Both this case and the distance that is taken by Muslim countries in recent years has increased the share of Islamic banking/finance in the world. Thus, it has been a long debate in Islamic finance literature to investigate the presence of dependency between profit share rate settled by participation banks and deposit interest rate offered in conventional banking. In this study, variables that affect profit share rate of participation banks and deposit interest rate of conventional banks are examined over the period between January 2006 and May 2015 in Turkey. Multiple regression analysis is made by OLS method and Granger Causality is applied. Empirical results are pointed out that interest rate on government security and foreign exchange rate are significantly effective on participation banks' profit share rate. In addition, the profitability of conventional banks, government security, and foreign exchange rate are significantly effective on deposit interest rate settled by conventional banks. Besides, Granger causality analysis stressed that there is bidirectional causal relationship between profit share rate and interest rate. The main reason for this link between conventional interest rate and profit share rate arises with the domiance of murabahah, simple buy and sell with term sale transactions, at Islamic financial institutions. The interest rate is a benchmark for participation banks to determine the profit share rate. To get rid of this dependency, Islamic financial institutions may tend towards mudarabah transactions.
Inquiry, Nov 26, 2016
Advancement of internet innovation brings both pros and cons by changing the rules and dynamics o... more Advancement of internet innovation brings both pros and cons by changing the rules and dynamics of fields as trade, public service, education, entertainment, intelligence, and defense. The developments in web technology provided a lot of conveniences. On the other hand, this situation brought many problems because of lack of laws and rules in this field. One example of these challenges is those websites do not have branches in every country are not subject to taxation. This situation is directly related to the sovereign rights of the countries. Major international internet companies are only subject to tax in the countries where their headquarters are located and do not pay taxes in other nations where they earn money. Particularly in the developing countries, the tax loss reaches serious dimensions. This study will focus on the problem of social media taxation. Also, solution proposals will be presented especially for developing countries.
Vakıflar Dergisi, Dec 25, 2016
The Ottoman State is accepted as the civilization of waqfs so that the borrowing by people who ne... more The Ottoman State is accepted as the civilization of waqfs so that the borrowing by people who needed cash was provided by waqfs that had cash as capital. These waqfs operated their capitals within the limits that were drawn by Ottoman ulemas under the effects of interest ban in Islamic states. These waqfs can be thought of as the pioneers of modern Islamic financial institutions. The cash waqfs (CWs) became the factor of stability in the Ottoman financial system with controlling high usury rates and determining the market interest rate.
Today, the participation banks as fulfill the function of interest-free financial institutions. The participation banks that bring together the people who want to borrow money without interest and the people who want to operate his capital in accordance with Islamic rules (with halal ways) differ from cash waqfs in some respects. Even though they follow similar financial methods, the difference in their purposes and other characteristics as interest-free financial institutions and the pioneering role of CWs will be examined in this study.
İslam Ekonomisi ve Finansı Dergisi, 2016
ÖZ Vakıflar, İslam toplumlarında yardımlaşmanın ve toplumsal dayanışmanın yanında sosyal ve ekono... more ÖZ Vakıflar, İslam toplumlarında yardımlaşmanın ve toplumsal dayanışmanın yanında sosyal ve ekonomik hayatın önemli unsurları olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Vakıfların en önemli özelliği bu yardımlaşma ve dayanışmayı kurumsal hale getirmeleridir. Osmanlı Devleti'nde toplumsal hayatta çok önemli bir yer tutan vakıflar, Osmanlı Devleti'nin bir vakıf medeniyeti olarak anılmasına vesile olmuştur. Yapılan akademik çalışmalar ve analizler de vakıfların ekonomik sistemde merkez hazinesi ve tımar sisteminin hemen arkasında üçüncü bir ekonomik kurum olarak ortaya çıktığını göstermektedir. Bu sebeple, Osmanlı ekonomik yapısı üzerine yapılacak çalışmalarda vakıfların rolünü incelemek de oldukça önemlidir. Bu vakıfların bir türü " para (nukud) vakıfları " bu çalışmanın konusunu oluşturacaktır. Birincil kaynaklardan incelenen vakfiyeler üzerinden para vakıfların kuruluşları ve dayandıkları İslami arka plan incelenecektir. Ayrıca bu vakıfların uyguladıkları kâr oranlarının uzun dönemli analizi üzerinde durulacaktır. Aynı dönemlerde Avrupa'da uygulanan faiz oranları ile Osmanlı para vakıflarının kâr oranlarının karşılaştırması yapılacaktır. Bölge olarak Rumeli'nin seçilmesi de bu bölge hakkında para vakıfları hakkında yeterli derecede çalışma olmamasından ötürüdür.
ABSTRACT We meet waqf not only institutions provided the assistance and social solidarity between people but also an important elements of social and economic life in Islamic societies. The most important feature of waqf is to make this cooperation and solidarity institutional. The waqfs that had a very important place in social life in the Ottoman State have been instrumental that Ottoman State is a civilization of waqfs. Academic studies and analysis also shows that waqf system was third place in economic institutions after central treasury and timar system in economic system (Özcan, 2008, p. 143). Therefore, it is important to examine the role of waqf in studies on Ottoman economic structure. One type of this waqfs, " cash waqfs " will be subject of this study. The establishment procedure of cash waqfs and Islamic background of cash waqfs will be examined from primary sources (waqfiyahs). Moreover, we will emphasized long-term analysis on the profit rates that were determined by cash waqfs. The comparison between the European interest rates and profit rates of Ottoman cash waqfs at same era will be made. The region of Rumelia is selected as subject because there are not enough works about cash waqfs in this region.
Book Chapters by Cem Korkut
Sustainability Practices: Cases from Businesses and Charities, 2023
Prior to the 15th century, when there was a shortage of money on the market, entrepreneurs, artis... more Prior to the 15th century, when there was a shortage of money on the market, entrepreneurs, artisans, and other individuals faced a significant obstacle when it came to procuring resources for their investments or work. This lack of financial resources prompted people to develop new methods and institutions to address this issue. Over time, a variety of financial institutions sought to collect depositors’ excess assets and lend them to those in need at predetermined interest rates. These institutions were influenced by the religious convictions, customs, and traditions of the societies in which they existed. One of these institutions was Cash Waqf (CW). The CWs played a significant role in addressing the financial challenges encountered by entrepreneurs, artisans, and other individuals who struggled to obtain the necessary resources to pursue economic endeavors. The profits earned from financing activities by CWs were allocated to achieve the objectives of the waqf, demonstrating their commitment to social benefit over profit-making. The primary aim of CWs was to address the societal needs and not to earn profits. In addition, the assets provided by CWs were an essential source of capital for entrepreneurs. Thus, the CWs had a substantial effect on both the material and immaterial development of Ottoman society. This study seeks to investigate the extensive effects of the CWs on the business world of the Ottoman Empire.
Islamic Philanthropy Exploring Zakat, Waqf, and Sadaqah in Islamic Finance and Economics, 2022
The waqf played a significant role in fulfilling educational, religious, and infrastructure servi... more The waqf played a significant role in fulfilling educational, religious, and infrastructure services in Ottoman society. The Ottomans integrated the waqf system, a component of Islamic tradition, to successfully integrate social, economic, cultural, and religious life. The display of this success is the waqf that extends to the most remote villages. The waqf had become widespread because they could meet the needs of society. The Ottomans institutionalized the waqf. The economic and social aspects of institution- alized and widespread waqf became more evident in the community. The fact that the waqfs were so broad has made it possible to define the Ottoman Empire as a waqf civilization.
Döngüsel Ekonomi ve Sürdürülebilir Hayat, 2022
Doğal, çevresel veya ekonomik, neredeyse yaşanan her küresel krizde dünyada yeni sistem arayışlar... more Doğal, çevresel veya ekonomik, neredeyse yaşanan her küresel krizde dünyada yeni sistem arayışları gündeme gelmektedir. Bu sistem arayışları ekonomik zihniyetten kurumsal yapıya kadar geniş bir alanı kapsamaktadır. Doğal ve çevresel felaketlerin asıl sebebi modern zamanlarda, özellikle de son iki yüzyıllık dönemde izlenen ekonomik büyüme ve kalkınma patikalarının sonucu gibi görünmektedir. Özellikle merkantilizm ile başlayan ve kapitalizm ile devam eden ekonomik zihniyet dönüşümü dünya üzerinde sadece gelir dağılımı adaletsizliğine yol açmamış yeryüzünde var olan kaynakların bilinçsizce kullanımına da sebep olmuştur. Hızlı büyüme isteği ve aşırı kâr hırsı ile birleşen üretim anlayışının yol açtığı çevresel ve insani sorunlar son dönemde daha fark edilebilir hale gelmiştir. Bu sorunların çözümü için sürdürülebilir kalkınma kavramı başta olmak üzere sorumlu üretim ve tüketim mekanizmalarına yönelik çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. Döngüsel ekonomi, üretim ve tüketim anlamında sürdürülebilir bir kalkınma mekanizması kurmayı hedefleyen ve kaynak israfını azaltan bir ekonomik sistemdir. İnsani finans ise finans sisteminin varlık ve reel sektöre dayalı gelişmesini, insan ve etik merkezli bir finans sistemini tanımlamaktadır. Dolayısı ile insani finans döngüsel ekonomiyi ve sürdürülebilir bir sistemi destekleyen bir mekanizmadır. Bu çalışmada küresel ekonomik ve finansal problemlere döngüsel ekonomi ve insani finans temelli atılacak adımların sunduğu potansiyel çözümler tartışılacaktır.
The search for a new system comes to the fore in almost every global crisis, whether natural, environmental, or economic. This search covers a wide area from economic mentality to institutional structure. The main cause of natural and environmental disasters seems to be the result of the economic growth and development paths followed in modern times, especially in the last two centuries. In particular, the transformation of economic mentality that started with mercantilism and continued with capitalism has not only led to income distribution injustice in the world, but also caused the unconscious use of resources on earth. The environmental and humanitarian problems caused by the production approach combined with the desire for rapid growth and excessive profit ambition have become more noticeable in the recent period. Studies are carried out for responsible production and consumption mechanisms, especially the concept of sustainable development for the solutions of these problems. The circular economy is an economic system that aims to establish a sustainable development mechanism in terms of production and consumption and reduces the waste of resources. Humanitarian finance defines the development of the financial system based on assets and the real sector, and a human and ethics- centered financial system. Therefore, humanitarian finance is a mechanism that supports a circular economy and a sustainable system. The potential solutions to global economic and financial problems, based on circular economy and human finance, will be discussed in this study.
Sabri Ormanı Anlamak - Bir Mütefekkirin Düşünce Dünyasının İzinde, 2022
İnsanoğlunun iktisâdî olarak anlam arayışı asırlardır devam etmektedir. İktisâdî faaliyetlerin am... more İnsanoğlunun iktisâdî olarak anlam arayışı asırlardır devam etmektedir. İktisâdî faaliyetlerin amacı çoğunlukla ekonomik büyümenin tesisini, toplumların kalkınmasını ve hayat standartlarının iyileştirilmesini sağlamaktır. Dolayısıyla amaçların maddi çerçevede bir ilerlemenin sağlanması çerçevesinde oluştuğunu söylemek mümkündür. Özellikle ekonomik büyümeyi merkeze alan bir iktisâdî anlayışı tüm dünyaya zarar veren bir zihin yapısı ve ekosistem oluşturmuştur. Dünya üzerindeki kaynaklar insanların büyüme iştahına ve arzu- suna yetmeyecek bir hızda azalmaktadır. Bu hızlı büyüme isteği ve süreci devam ettiği müddetçe gelecek nesillere miras bırakılacak yeterli ve kaliteli kaynak kalmayacaktır. Yani kalkınmanın olmazsa olmaz şartının ekonomik büyüme olmadığı giderek daha iyi anlaşılmaktadır. Dünya tarihini kökten değiştiren ve toplamda 85 milyona yakın insanın hayatını kaybettiği iki tane dünya savaşının temel motivasyonu ekonomik rekabet olmuştur. Yine günümüzde birçok çatışma, yerinden edilme, terör olayları siyasî faktörlere dayandığı kadar ekonomik sebeplere de sahiptir. Bu durum tüm dünyanın insanî bir iktisat anlayışına ihtiyaç duyduğunun en önemli göstergesidir. Çatışma değil da- yanışma temelli, rekabet değil yardımlaşma yöntemi ile inşâ edilecek bir iktisâdî sistemin tüm insanlığa her açıdan katkı sunacağı açıktır.
Cengiz Han ve Mirası, 2021
Tarih kaynaklarında Moğol adının ilk kullanıldığı tarih VII. yüzyıla denk gelmektedir. Bu dönemde... more Tarih kaynaklarında Moğol adının ilk kullanıldığı tarih VII. yüzyıla denk gelmektedir. Bu dönemde Moğollar önemsiz küçük bir kabile olarak kabul edilmektedir. Moğol isminin bir devlet ve hanedan ismi olarak kullanılması Cengiz Han dönemine rast gelmektedir. Moğolların bir siyasi güç olarak tarih sahnesine çıktığı dönemlerde Türklerle çok yakın münasebetleri olmuş ve Büyük Hun, Göktürk ve Uygurlar döneminde bu iki millet birbirlerinden birçok açıdan etkilenmiştir. Moğolların dünya tarih sahnesinde asıl rollerini oynadıkları dönem Timuçin tarafından kurulan Moğol İmparatorluğu dönemidir. Timuçin, Moğol kabilelerini tek bir devlet idaresi altında toplayarak Cengiz Han unvanını almıştır.
Cengiz Han döneminde yakalanmış olan yayılma ivmesi Moğolların, tarihin en büyük imparatorluklarından birini kurmasını sağlamıştır. Öyle ki bu imparatorluk, dünyanın yaklaşık çeyreğini hakimiyeti altına almıştır. Araştırmacıların ekseriyeti, Cengiz Han’ın bu yayılmacı faaliyetlerini ve haleflerine bırakmış olduğu mirası barbarlık ve kaba kuvvet ile açıklama eğilimindedirler. Ancak bu açıklama birçok açıdan olduğu gibi Cengiz Han’ın iktisadi faaliyetlerini ve kurduğu idari sistemi anlamak açısından da yetersizdir. Bunun en önemli sebebi, Cengiz Han dönemine dair kaynakların büyük ölçüde nakıs olmasıdır. Bu çalışmada, var olan kaynaklara iktisat tarihi perspektifinden yaklaşılacaktır. Ayrıca Cengiz Han Yasaları olarak anılan Cengiz Han’ın koyduğu kanunlar da iktisadi açıdan analize tabi tutulacaktır. Çalışmada, Cengiz Han’ın iktisadi faaliyetleri ve o dönemki Moğol İmparatorluğu’nun iktisadi yapısı analiz edecektir.
The first date the Mongolian name was used in historical sources is the VII. century. Mongols were considered an insignificant tribe in this period. The use of the Mongolian name as a state and dynasty coincides with the period of Genghis Khan. Mongols had very close relations with the Turks during the periods when they emerged as a political power, and these two nations were influenced by each other in many ways during the Great Hun, Göktürks and Uyghurs periods. The period when the Mongols played their main role in the world history scene was during the Mongol Empire established by Temüjin. Temüjin gathered the Mongol tribes under a single state administration and received the title of Genghis Khan.
The spreading momentum at the time of Genghis Khan enabled the Mongols to establish one of the largest empires in history. So much so that this empire dominated about a quarter of the world. Most researchers tend to explain these expansionist activities of Genghis Khan and his legacy for the successors with barbarism and brute force. However, this explanation is inadequate not only in many respects but also in terms of understanding Genghis Khan’s economic activities and the administrative system he established. The most important reason for this is that the sources related to Genghis Khan period are mostly insufficient. In this study, existing sources will be examined from the perspective of economic history. In addition, the Laws of Genghis Khan (Yassa) will be analyzed in terms of economy. This study analyzes the economic activities of Genghis Khan and the economic structure of the Mongol Empire at that time.
Ekonomi Politikaları Seçilmiş Konular, 2020
Küresel iktisadi düzenin şekillenmesi ve gelişmesinde ülkelerin uyguladıkları iktisadi politikala... more Küresel iktisadi düzenin şekillenmesi ve gelişmesinde ülkelerin uyguladıkları iktisadi politikaların rolü büyüktür. Bu iktisadi politikalar, ülkelerin global ekonomik ve finansal sisteme entegrasyonu konusunda belirleyici olmaktadır. Bu sebeple ülkeler iktisadi politikalarını belirlerken sadece ülke içi dengeleri ve ekonomik durumu değil, uluslararası iktisadi sistemi ve konjonktürü de değerlendirmek zorundadır. Konvansiyonel (geleneksel) iktisadi politikaların inşa ettiği bir iktisadi ekosistem içerisinde bu sistemin içerisinde yer almayan alternatif enstrümanlar ve politikaları uygulamak oldukça zordur. Bu tür bağımsız politika izleme girişimleri genellikle yoğun eleştiriye maruz kalmakta ve ülkeleri finans güvenliği anlamında yalnızlaştıran sonuçlar doğurmaktadır. Konvansiyonel iktisadi politikalara en önemli alternatiflerden birisini de İslami iktisat politikaları sunmaktadır. İslami düşünce ve iktisat pratiklerinin şekillendirdiği iktisat politikaları, konvansiyonel sisteme benzerlikler taşıdığı gibi zihin ve uygulama pratikleri açısından farklılıklara sahiptir. Bu çalışmada İslam iktisat politikaları genel çerçevesi ile ele alınacaktır.
Reflections on the Pandemic in the Future of the World, 2020
The definition of money is one of the most fundamental discussions of economics. Regardless of ba... more The definition of money is one of the most fundamental discussions of economics. Regardless of banknote or coin, many studies have been done on what money means. In the second half of the 20th century, with the spread of the banking system, a global monetary system based on the dematerialized money system was established. Especially in times of financial crisis, the reliability of this system is questioned. However, the global financial system, in which the whole world is integrated, makes a total change very difficult. The widespread use of cryptocurrencies has brought new discussions with recent technological developments. It is thought that the COVID-19 pandemic will increase because of the transmission of the virus due to the exchange of money. It is seen that these developments are defined as a period in which shopping has shifted to the internet environment and cryptocurrencies are valued. On the other hand, the crisis environment in the world has produced a completely different result. People moved away from uncertainty and turned to investments such as gold and silver. The post-pandemic period is pregnant with new developments in this respect. In this paper, the integration process of cryptocurrencies for the post-pandemic period will be questioned.
Conference Presentations by Cem Korkut
Papers by Cem Korkut
an intermediate option between collectivist and individualistic societies.
These foundations provide for societal and individual needs in many areas
including religion, education, finance, health, and infrastructure. One of
the most important forms is the cash waqf, which acts as both a charity
and financial intermediary and has evolved to become an option to today’s
conventional lending mechanism. Waqfs have historically solved the most
important financial needs of the period by considering the sensitivities of
the society. This study will discuss the potential solutions that the cash
waqfs can bring to the problems that modern-day societies are currently
experiencing in finance.
Günümüzde modern devletler tarafından vatandaşlara sağlanan çoğu hizmetler, Osmanlı döneminde vakıflar tarafından sağlanıyordu. İslâm dininin toplumsal hayat üzerindeki etkisinin yüksek olması insanları vakıf kurmaya iten önemli etkenlerin başında geliyordu. Hayırseverler tarafından kurulan vakıflar, dini hizmetler, eğitim, altyapı vb. toplumsal ihtiyaçları finanse etmekteydi. Para vakıfları, toplumun ihtiyaçlarını finanse eden vakıf türlerinden birisidir. Sermayesi nakit paradan oluşan bu vakıflar ihtiyacı olan girişimcilere İslâmî usullere göre finansman sağlamıştır. Para vakıfları Osmanlıların son dönemlerine kadar işleyişini devam ettiren kurumlar olmuştur. Osmanlıların, aynı dönemde Avrupa'daki modern finansal kurumların gelişmesine karşı para vakıfları ile bu kurumların işlevlerini yerine getirmesi, Osmanlı iktisadi ve finansal zihniyetini anlamak açısından önemlidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı birincil kaynaklarından incelenen para vakıfları ile Osmanlı iktisadi zihniyetini analiz etmektir. Ayrıca aynı dönemde faaliyet gösteren ve para vakıfları ile çağdaş olarak Avrupa'da faaliyet gösteren finansal kurumlar da incelenecek ve iktisadi zihniyetler arasında karşılaştırma yapılmaya çalışılacaktır.
Most of the services provided by modern states to their citizens today were provided by the waqfs during the Ottoman period. The fact that the influence of Islamic religion on the social life was high was one of the most important factors driving people to establish the waqfs. The waqfs founded by philanthropists financed such social needs as religious services, education and infrastructure. The cash waqfs (CWs) were one of the waqf types that financed the needs of the society. The CWs whose capital was cash money provided financial sources to entrepreneurs who were in need of cash according to Islamic methods. The CWs continued to function until the last period of the Ottomans. That the Ottomans used CWs to carry out the functions of the modern financial institutions of Europe is important to understand the Ottoman economic and financial mentality. By using the primary sources, this study aims to analyze the Ottoman economic mentality through studying CWs. In addition, the financial institutions operating in Europe in the same period will be examined and a comparison will be made between the two economic mentalities.
Today, the participation banks as fulfill the function of interest-free financial institutions. The participation banks that bring together the people who want to borrow money without interest and the people who want to operate his capital in accordance with Islamic rules (with halal ways) differ from cash waqfs in some respects. Even though they follow similar financial methods, the difference in their purposes and other characteristics as interest-free financial institutions and the pioneering role of CWs will be examined in this study.
ABSTRACT We meet waqf not only institutions provided the assistance and social solidarity between people but also an important elements of social and economic life in Islamic societies. The most important feature of waqf is to make this cooperation and solidarity institutional. The waqfs that had a very important place in social life in the Ottoman State have been instrumental that Ottoman State is a civilization of waqfs. Academic studies and analysis also shows that waqf system was third place in economic institutions after central treasury and timar system in economic system (Özcan, 2008, p. 143). Therefore, it is important to examine the role of waqf in studies on Ottoman economic structure. One type of this waqfs, " cash waqfs " will be subject of this study. The establishment procedure of cash waqfs and Islamic background of cash waqfs will be examined from primary sources (waqfiyahs). Moreover, we will emphasized long-term analysis on the profit rates that were determined by cash waqfs. The comparison between the European interest rates and profit rates of Ottoman cash waqfs at same era will be made. The region of Rumelia is selected as subject because there are not enough works about cash waqfs in this region.
Book Chapters by Cem Korkut
The search for a new system comes to the fore in almost every global crisis, whether natural, environmental, or economic. This search covers a wide area from economic mentality to institutional structure. The main cause of natural and environmental disasters seems to be the result of the economic growth and development paths followed in modern times, especially in the last two centuries. In particular, the transformation of economic mentality that started with mercantilism and continued with capitalism has not only led to income distribution injustice in the world, but also caused the unconscious use of resources on earth. The environmental and humanitarian problems caused by the production approach combined with the desire for rapid growth and excessive profit ambition have become more noticeable in the recent period. Studies are carried out for responsible production and consumption mechanisms, especially the concept of sustainable development for the solutions of these problems. The circular economy is an economic system that aims to establish a sustainable development mechanism in terms of production and consumption and reduces the waste of resources. Humanitarian finance defines the development of the financial system based on assets and the real sector, and a human and ethics- centered financial system. Therefore, humanitarian finance is a mechanism that supports a circular economy and a sustainable system. The potential solutions to global economic and financial problems, based on circular economy and human finance, will be discussed in this study.
Cengiz Han döneminde yakalanmış olan yayılma ivmesi Moğolların, tarihin en büyük imparatorluklarından birini kurmasını sağlamıştır. Öyle ki bu imparatorluk, dünyanın yaklaşık çeyreğini hakimiyeti altına almıştır. Araştırmacıların ekseriyeti, Cengiz Han’ın bu yayılmacı faaliyetlerini ve haleflerine bırakmış olduğu mirası barbarlık ve kaba kuvvet ile açıklama eğilimindedirler. Ancak bu açıklama birçok açıdan olduğu gibi Cengiz Han’ın iktisadi faaliyetlerini ve kurduğu idari sistemi anlamak açısından da yetersizdir. Bunun en önemli sebebi, Cengiz Han dönemine dair kaynakların büyük ölçüde nakıs olmasıdır. Bu çalışmada, var olan kaynaklara iktisat tarihi perspektifinden yaklaşılacaktır. Ayrıca Cengiz Han Yasaları olarak anılan Cengiz Han’ın koyduğu kanunlar da iktisadi açıdan analize tabi tutulacaktır. Çalışmada, Cengiz Han’ın iktisadi faaliyetleri ve o dönemki Moğol İmparatorluğu’nun iktisadi yapısı analiz edecektir.
The first date the Mongolian name was used in historical sources is the VII. century. Mongols were considered an insignificant tribe in this period. The use of the Mongolian name as a state and dynasty coincides with the period of Genghis Khan. Mongols had very close relations with the Turks during the periods when they emerged as a political power, and these two nations were influenced by each other in many ways during the Great Hun, Göktürks and Uyghurs periods. The period when the Mongols played their main role in the world history scene was during the Mongol Empire established by Temüjin. Temüjin gathered the Mongol tribes under a single state administration and received the title of Genghis Khan.
The spreading momentum at the time of Genghis Khan enabled the Mongols to establish one of the largest empires in history. So much so that this empire dominated about a quarter of the world. Most researchers tend to explain these expansionist activities of Genghis Khan and his legacy for the successors with barbarism and brute force. However, this explanation is inadequate not only in many respects but also in terms of understanding Genghis Khan’s economic activities and the administrative system he established. The most important reason for this is that the sources related to Genghis Khan period are mostly insufficient. In this study, existing sources will be examined from the perspective of economic history. In addition, the Laws of Genghis Khan (Yassa) will be analyzed in terms of economy. This study analyzes the economic activities of Genghis Khan and the economic structure of the Mongol Empire at that time.
an intermediate option between collectivist and individualistic societies.
These foundations provide for societal and individual needs in many areas
including religion, education, finance, health, and infrastructure. One of
the most important forms is the cash waqf, which acts as both a charity
and financial intermediary and has evolved to become an option to today’s
conventional lending mechanism. Waqfs have historically solved the most
important financial needs of the period by considering the sensitivities of
the society. This study will discuss the potential solutions that the cash
waqfs can bring to the problems that modern-day societies are currently
experiencing in finance.
Günümüzde modern devletler tarafından vatandaşlara sağlanan çoğu hizmetler, Osmanlı döneminde vakıflar tarafından sağlanıyordu. İslâm dininin toplumsal hayat üzerindeki etkisinin yüksek olması insanları vakıf kurmaya iten önemli etkenlerin başında geliyordu. Hayırseverler tarafından kurulan vakıflar, dini hizmetler, eğitim, altyapı vb. toplumsal ihtiyaçları finanse etmekteydi. Para vakıfları, toplumun ihtiyaçlarını finanse eden vakıf türlerinden birisidir. Sermayesi nakit paradan oluşan bu vakıflar ihtiyacı olan girişimcilere İslâmî usullere göre finansman sağlamıştır. Para vakıfları Osmanlıların son dönemlerine kadar işleyişini devam ettiren kurumlar olmuştur. Osmanlıların, aynı dönemde Avrupa'daki modern finansal kurumların gelişmesine karşı para vakıfları ile bu kurumların işlevlerini yerine getirmesi, Osmanlı iktisadi ve finansal zihniyetini anlamak açısından önemlidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı birincil kaynaklarından incelenen para vakıfları ile Osmanlı iktisadi zihniyetini analiz etmektir. Ayrıca aynı dönemde faaliyet gösteren ve para vakıfları ile çağdaş olarak Avrupa'da faaliyet gösteren finansal kurumlar da incelenecek ve iktisadi zihniyetler arasında karşılaştırma yapılmaya çalışılacaktır.
Most of the services provided by modern states to their citizens today were provided by the waqfs during the Ottoman period. The fact that the influence of Islamic religion on the social life was high was one of the most important factors driving people to establish the waqfs. The waqfs founded by philanthropists financed such social needs as religious services, education and infrastructure. The cash waqfs (CWs) were one of the waqf types that financed the needs of the society. The CWs whose capital was cash money provided financial sources to entrepreneurs who were in need of cash according to Islamic methods. The CWs continued to function until the last period of the Ottomans. That the Ottomans used CWs to carry out the functions of the modern financial institutions of Europe is important to understand the Ottoman economic and financial mentality. By using the primary sources, this study aims to analyze the Ottoman economic mentality through studying CWs. In addition, the financial institutions operating in Europe in the same period will be examined and a comparison will be made between the two economic mentalities.
Today, the participation banks as fulfill the function of interest-free financial institutions. The participation banks that bring together the people who want to borrow money without interest and the people who want to operate his capital in accordance with Islamic rules (with halal ways) differ from cash waqfs in some respects. Even though they follow similar financial methods, the difference in their purposes and other characteristics as interest-free financial institutions and the pioneering role of CWs will be examined in this study.
ABSTRACT We meet waqf not only institutions provided the assistance and social solidarity between people but also an important elements of social and economic life in Islamic societies. The most important feature of waqf is to make this cooperation and solidarity institutional. The waqfs that had a very important place in social life in the Ottoman State have been instrumental that Ottoman State is a civilization of waqfs. Academic studies and analysis also shows that waqf system was third place in economic institutions after central treasury and timar system in economic system (Özcan, 2008, p. 143). Therefore, it is important to examine the role of waqf in studies on Ottoman economic structure. One type of this waqfs, " cash waqfs " will be subject of this study. The establishment procedure of cash waqfs and Islamic background of cash waqfs will be examined from primary sources (waqfiyahs). Moreover, we will emphasized long-term analysis on the profit rates that were determined by cash waqfs. The comparison between the European interest rates and profit rates of Ottoman cash waqfs at same era will be made. The region of Rumelia is selected as subject because there are not enough works about cash waqfs in this region.
The search for a new system comes to the fore in almost every global crisis, whether natural, environmental, or economic. This search covers a wide area from economic mentality to institutional structure. The main cause of natural and environmental disasters seems to be the result of the economic growth and development paths followed in modern times, especially in the last two centuries. In particular, the transformation of economic mentality that started with mercantilism and continued with capitalism has not only led to income distribution injustice in the world, but also caused the unconscious use of resources on earth. The environmental and humanitarian problems caused by the production approach combined with the desire for rapid growth and excessive profit ambition have become more noticeable in the recent period. Studies are carried out for responsible production and consumption mechanisms, especially the concept of sustainable development for the solutions of these problems. The circular economy is an economic system that aims to establish a sustainable development mechanism in terms of production and consumption and reduces the waste of resources. Humanitarian finance defines the development of the financial system based on assets and the real sector, and a human and ethics- centered financial system. Therefore, humanitarian finance is a mechanism that supports a circular economy and a sustainable system. The potential solutions to global economic and financial problems, based on circular economy and human finance, will be discussed in this study.
Cengiz Han döneminde yakalanmış olan yayılma ivmesi Moğolların, tarihin en büyük imparatorluklarından birini kurmasını sağlamıştır. Öyle ki bu imparatorluk, dünyanın yaklaşık çeyreğini hakimiyeti altına almıştır. Araştırmacıların ekseriyeti, Cengiz Han’ın bu yayılmacı faaliyetlerini ve haleflerine bırakmış olduğu mirası barbarlık ve kaba kuvvet ile açıklama eğilimindedirler. Ancak bu açıklama birçok açıdan olduğu gibi Cengiz Han’ın iktisadi faaliyetlerini ve kurduğu idari sistemi anlamak açısından da yetersizdir. Bunun en önemli sebebi, Cengiz Han dönemine dair kaynakların büyük ölçüde nakıs olmasıdır. Bu çalışmada, var olan kaynaklara iktisat tarihi perspektifinden yaklaşılacaktır. Ayrıca Cengiz Han Yasaları olarak anılan Cengiz Han’ın koyduğu kanunlar da iktisadi açıdan analize tabi tutulacaktır. Çalışmada, Cengiz Han’ın iktisadi faaliyetleri ve o dönemki Moğol İmparatorluğu’nun iktisadi yapısı analiz edecektir.
The first date the Mongolian name was used in historical sources is the VII. century. Mongols were considered an insignificant tribe in this period. The use of the Mongolian name as a state and dynasty coincides with the period of Genghis Khan. Mongols had very close relations with the Turks during the periods when they emerged as a political power, and these two nations were influenced by each other in many ways during the Great Hun, Göktürks and Uyghurs periods. The period when the Mongols played their main role in the world history scene was during the Mongol Empire established by Temüjin. Temüjin gathered the Mongol tribes under a single state administration and received the title of Genghis Khan.
The spreading momentum at the time of Genghis Khan enabled the Mongols to establish one of the largest empires in history. So much so that this empire dominated about a quarter of the world. Most researchers tend to explain these expansionist activities of Genghis Khan and his legacy for the successors with barbarism and brute force. However, this explanation is inadequate not only in many respects but also in terms of understanding Genghis Khan’s economic activities and the administrative system he established. The most important reason for this is that the sources related to Genghis Khan period are mostly insufficient. In this study, existing sources will be examined from the perspective of economic history. In addition, the Laws of Genghis Khan (Yassa) will be analyzed in terms of economy. This study analyzes the economic activities of Genghis Khan and the economic structure of the Mongol Empire at that time.
İslâm, Müslümanlar arasında dayanışmayı tavsiye etmekte ve ümmet kavramıyla Müslüman olmak haricinde herhangi bir ayrım kabul etmemektedir. Hucurat Suresi’nde, Müslümanların ancak kardeş olduğunu vurgulanmıştır . Ayrıca aynı surede insanlar arasında en değerli olanın Allâh’tan en çok korkanlar olduğu belirtilmiştir . Dolayısı ile Allâh’tan korkmak yani günahlardan layıkıyla kaçınmak haricinde Müslümanlar arasında başka hiçbir ayrım üstünlük manasına gelmemektedir. O halde Müslüman ülkelerin birlik olması sadece iktisadi, finansal, politik veya ticari bir gaye taşımayacaktır. Müslüman ülkelerin birlik olması aynı zamanda Allâh’ın da Müslümanlara bir buyruğudur. Müslümanlar sahip oldukları iman ve dünya üzerinde adaleti temin etme ilkesiyle hareket ederek askeri, ekonomik, politik, teknolojik her alanda birlik olmalıdır. Çünkü, İslâm’ın tavsiye ettiği kardeşliğe dayalı toplum anlayışı sadece bir ülke içindeki Müslümanları kastetmemektedir. Bu anlayış o ülke sınırlarını aşarak daha kapsamlı bir kardeşlik kavramı ile ümmeti işaret etmektedir. Bu yüzden ülke menfaatlerini korurken İslâm ülkelerinin birbirlerinin menfaatlerini de gözetmesi gerekmektedir. Ortak menfaatlere sahip olmak bu hususu temin etmenin en kolay yoludur. Ortak menfaatlere sahip olmanın yolu ise işlevsel bir birlik yapısına sahip olmaktan geçmektedir.
Ankara şehri ile ilgili politikalar geliştiren yerel ve merkezi otoritelere öğrencilerin gözünden Ankara’nın olumlu ve olumsuz yönlerini gösterecek olan bu çalışma, ilgili kurumların tespit edilen sorunlara nokta çözümler geliştirmesi konusunda fikir verecektir. Bu sayede sorunlara ayrılmış kaynakların öncelik sıralaması belirlenebilecek ve kaynak israfının önüne geçilecektir. Çalışma, Ankara’da söz sahibi olan idarecilere sorunların tespiti ve çözümünde yol gösterecek ve çeşitli çözüm önerileri sunacaktır.
Located on major trade routes, its location at Blacksea,climate, inherited heritage provided having a live economic and commercial life in Crimea. The main sources of infome was animals but Crimea was also well developed at wine trade, the slave trade, sources of salt and dried fishery. From the participated in Ottoman Empire in the last quarter of 15th century to the last quarter of 18th century, Ottoman Empire protected its control on Crimea which was one of the provinces of the Ottoman Empire recognized the various concessions. The trade and economic relations of the Crimea which established a strong and as well as unique link between Ottoman Empire with the various concessions and variety of economic activities will form the basis of this study. Keywords: the Ottoman Empire, the Crimean Khanate, the mercantilist period, trade
Genghis Khan, the founder of the Mongol Empire, is a historical figure who influenced the whole world and societies. The military, economic and political changes he brought to the Asia peoples spread to other regions over time. He set out with a holistic world vision and struggled to establish a strong central system. Genghis Khan influenced not only history, culture and architecture of Mongol society but also other societies and the Turkic world, from certain aspects. He has an active place in the political history of other Asian societies, especially the Chinese and Russians that were neighbors of Mongols during his period. The imperial system established by Genghis Khan, with its unique economic and social institutions, became the secret of the growth and expansion of Mongol Empire. This book deals with Genghis Khan and his legacy in a multidimensional and comprehensive manner in 17 multidisciplinary chapters.