MozillaのエンジニアリングマネージャーBenjamin Smedberg氏が、64ビット版「Windows」で実行できるように最適化された「Firefox」のナイトリービルドを中止するよう開発者に求めた。 Smedberg氏は米国時間11月17日、「Google Groups」の掲示板「」に「Turning off win64 builds(win64ビルド停止)」という開発者スレッドを立てて、開発停止を提案した。 Smedberg氏は64ビット版Firefoxについて、「常に誤解とフラストレーションのもと」になっていると述べ、このビルドはたびたびクラッシュし、多くのプラグインは64ビット版で利用できない、コードがないためにプラグインが正常に動作せず、ハングアップが発生しやすい、と記した。さらにSmedberg氏によれば、このためユーザ
This document attempts to give an overview of the different parts of Gecko, what they do, and why they do it, say where the code for them is within the repository, and link to more specific documentation (when available) covering the details of that code. It is not yet complete. Maintainers of these areas of code should correct errors, add information, and add links to more detailed documentation
Implementing Australis, the new theme for Firefox, is one of the top goals for the desktop team this quarter. As a result, I've recently taken over work on the tab strip visual redesign portion of the project. At this point the tab shape and styling has been implemented on Windows and is undergoing review so it's a good time for testing from a wider audience so the feature can get some polish befo
In my earlier post I suggested enabling HTTP Pipelining to boost page load time performance in Firefox 16.0.2 and I figured it was important to also do some “real world testing” so I did exactly that by loading five times with the cache cleared each time using a benchmark tool while having HTTP Pipelining on and off. These are the results and as you can see except for the first run HTTP
Last week, Firefox User Experience Team came together in Mozilla Toronto and San Francisco Office for a four-day design sprint/concept week. The goal of this concept week was to generate new ideas for Firefox based on several researches we did earlier this year. Larrisa shared her insights and the process in Toronto in this blog post. I also wanted to share with you our process in San Francisco an
Speed & memory: Fixed: 754671 - Thumbnails directory (in profiles directory) keeps growing infinitely. Fixed: 774811 - Thumbnail_capture causes 125ms of jank during load of webgl aquarium. Fixed: 753448 - Preload new-tab pages in the background and swap them in when opening a new tab. Fixed: 683290 - We won't discard any images on the current tab even if they are not in the DOM. Fixed: 685516 - Mi
Firefox OS (and the Boot2Gecko (B2G) project on which it is based) has been written about extensively on Hacks already, but the brief summary is that Mozilla is building a mobile phone operating system where the whole user interface is built on web technology (HTML, CSS and JavaScript). Part of the magic in making that happen is that we’re giving the web platform new superpowers that enable it to
「さわってみよう Firefox OS」と題する勉強会が11月3日都内で開催された。主催したのは、デザイナーズハック、Tizen JapanコンソーシアムにMozilla Japanが加わった3団体である。まずは、デザイナーズハックとTizen Japanコンソーシアムについて、説明をしよう。 HTML5をみんなで学ぶ勉強会 まずは、デザイナーズハックである。デザイナーズハックは、デザイナーの立場でありながら、最新のマルチデバイスや技術に対応することを目標としている。Webデザインといっても、インターネット上のWebページだけではない。マルチデバイスで、最適なデザインをどう作っていくか?さらにエンジニアとの連携などを標榜する。そのための勉強会などのイベントを開催している。詳細は、公式ブログを参照してほしい。活動内容やどのような目標かを知るだけでも、興味深い。 Tizen Japanコンソー
This blog post is written by Luca Greco, a Mozilla community member who loves to hack, especially on JavaScript and other web-related technologies. A lot of developers are already creating mobile applications using Web technologies (powered by containers like Phonegap/Cordova as an example), usually to develop cross platform applications or leverage their current code and/or expertise. As a conseq