Firefox Lite をダウンロードする もし中国、インドネシア、インド、フィリピン、タイにいるならば、Firefox Lite が利用可能です! Play ストアで Firefox Lite を検索し、説明に従ってご使用の Android 携帯もしくはタブレットにインストールしてください。 Firefox Lite を既定のブラウザに設定する リンクやウェブページを Firefox Lite で自動的に開きます。Firefox Lite をデフォルトブラウザーに設定する をチェックしてください。 ページのショートカットをホーム画面に追加する お気に入りのウェブサイトは、ショートカットをホーム画面に追加してすばやく開きましょう。追加する方法は、Add shortcuts to websites on your home screen をご覧ください。 ページをブックマークする あとで開
Back by popular demand*, here’s a follow-up to my blog post on Firefox Desktop UA string changes. (*actual demand for this blog post asymptotically approaches zero the further you read) Early versions of Firefox for Android used a Linux desktop UA string with a Fennec/<fennecversion> product token appended to the end. Since version 41, Firefox for Android has (generally) followed the following UA
The Machine Learning team at Mozilla Research continues to work on an automatic speech recognition engine as part of Project DeepSpeech, which aims to make speech technologies and trained models openly available to developers. We’re hard at work improving performance and ease-of-use for our open source speech-to-text engine. The upcoming 0.2 release will include a much-requested feature: the abili
Firefox Focus is private browsing as an app: It automatically blocks ads and trackers, so you can surf the web in peace. When you’re done, a single tap completely erases your history, cookies, and other local data. Protecting you from invasive tracking is part of Mozilla’s non-profit mission, and Focus’s built-in tracking protection helps keep you safe. It also makes websites load faster! With Foc
New Features in Firefox Focus for iOS, Android – now also on the BlackBerry Key2 Since the launch of Firefox Focus as a content blocker for iOS in December 2015, we’ve continuously improved the now standalone browser for Apple and Android while always being mindful of users’ requests and suggestions. We analyze app store reviews and evaluate regularly which new features make our privacy browser ev