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Build Web Application with Golang Purpose Because I'm interested in web application development, I used my free time to write this book as an open source version. It doesn't mean that I have a very good ability to build web applications; I would like to share what I've done with Go in building web applications. For those of you who are working with PHP/Python/Ruby, you will learn how to build a we
This is a basic layout for Go application projects. Note that it's basic in terms of content because it's focusing only on the general layout and not what you have inside. It's also basic because it's very high level and it doesn't go into great details in terms of how you can structure your project even further. For example, it doesn't try to cover the project structure you'd have with something
Introduction Go is a new language. Although it borrows ideas from existing languages, it has unusual properties that make effective Go programs different in character from programs written in its relatives. A straightforward translation of a C++ or Java program into Go is unlikely to produce a satisfactory result—Java programs are written in Java, not Go. On the other hand, thinking about the prob
Handling 1 Million Requests per Minute with Go Jul 6, 2015 Here at Malwarebytes we are experiencing phenomenal growth, and since I have joined the company over 1 year ago in the Silicon Valley, one my main responsibilities has been to architect and develop several systems to power a fast-growing security company and all the needed infrastructure to support a product that is used by millions of peo
Instantly convert curl commands to Go code This tool turns a curl command into Go code. (To do the reverse, check out moul/http2curl.) Currently, it knows the following options: -d/--data, -H/--header, -I/--head, -u/--user, --url, and -X/--request. It also understands JSON content types (see JSON-to-Go). If the content type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded then it will convert the data to Valu
Hot Code Reload Edit, save, and refresh. Revel compiles your code and templates for you, so you don't miss a beat. Code doesn't compile? It gives you a helpful description. Run-time code panic? Revel has you covered. Flow Control Revel is built around composable middleware called filters, which implement nearly all request-processing functionality. Developers have the freedom to replace the defaul
Why Everyone Hates Go Oct 14, 2014 Obviously, not everyone hates Go. But there was a quora question recently about why everyone criticizes Go so much. (sorry, I don’t normally post links to Quora, but it was the motivator for this post) Even before I saw the answers to the question, I knew what they’d consist of: Go is a language stuck in the 70’s. Go ignores 40 years of programming language resea
Libraries for implementing authentication schemes. authboss - Modular authentication system for the web. It tries to remove as much boilerplate and "hard things" as possible so that each time you start a new web project in Go, you can plug it in, configure it, and start building your app without having to build an authentication system each time. branca - branca token specification implementation
.app 1 .dev 1 #11WeeksOfAndroid 13 #11WeeksOfAndroid Android TV 1 #Android11 3 #DevFest16 1 #DevFest17 1 #DevFest18 1 #DevFest19 1 #DevFest20 1 #DevFest21 1 #DevFest22 1 #DevFest23 1 #hack4jp 3 11 weeks of Android 2 A MESSAGE FROM OUR CEO 1 A/B Testing 1 A4A 4 Accelerator 6 Accessibility 1 accuracy 1 Actions on Google 16 Activation Atlas 1 address validation API 1 Addy Osmani 1 ADK 2 AdMob 32 Ads
2009/11/11 グーグルは2009年11月10日、Cのようにシステム記述に適したプログラミング言語「Go」をBSDライセンスの下に公開した。C++のようなC言語の拡張ではないが、Cに似た構文が特徴で、ガベージコレクタ(GC)や並列プリミティブ、イテレータ、実行時リフレクションなどを備えた新しい設計が目を引く。Goはグーグルの社員7人が「20%の自由時間」を利用して開発した。設計・実装を行っているのが分散OS「Plan 9」の創案者であるロブ・パイク氏や、Unix、Cの生みの親、ケン・トンプソン氏、Google ChromeのV8エンジンを開発したロバート・グリースナー氏など錚々(そうそう)たるメンバーで、こうした点でも注目を集めそうだ。 グーグル社内では、まだGoを使っていないが、今後はWebサーバなどのシステム関連のソフトウェアで実用を検討しているという(Goのオフィシャルサイトは
はじめに Google から新プログラミング言語 The Go Programming Language が発表されましたね! というわけで、さっそく試してみたいと思います。 環境は Mac OS X 10.6 インストール さっそくインストール Getting Started - The Go Programming Language を見ながら 環境の準備 ディレクトリを作る amacbook% cd ~ amacbook% mkdir go amacbook% mkdir bin環境変数の設定をする。~/.zshrc に以下を追加 # Go 用 export GOROOT=$HOME/go export GOOS=darwin export GOARCH=amd64 export GOBIN=$HOME/bin export PATH=$GOBIN:$PATH Mercurial を
Googleが Goという新しいプログラミング言語 を出したようで。早速、インストールして軽くドキュメントを流し読みしてみました。 英語なんて読みたくないよ、という人もいるかもしれないし、誰かの役に立つかもしれないので自分用メモおいときます。完全に自分用なんである程度他の言語の知識がある人向けな上、ざっくり流し読みなんで間違ってるかも。 どんな言語? ネイティブコードを吐く、コンパイル型。 速度はCレベル。 GC搭載。ポインタはあるけど、ポインタ演算はできません。 各種アーキに最適化された、それぞれのコンパイラセットを持ちます。例: 6g, 6l : amd64 8g, 8l : i386 linux, mac, naclに対応。 動的型言語と静的型言語のおいしいとこどり。 concurrent処理が組み込まれてます。 個人的雑感 こんな言語設計思想かなあと感じたり とにかく、シンプルな言